𝟬𝟯. motel or meth lab? ✔︎

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𝗟𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 JohnB and JJ walk into the coast guards office which was crowded and leaving the rest of the group outside on the pier.

"Well, that went well" Pope sighs as they watch JohnB and JJ return from the building with a look of defeat smothered along each of their features.

"So, what's the plan?" JJ asks leaning his arm against Layla's shoulder while watching JohnB intensely.

JohnB lifts up the motel key and shakes it lightly in his hand, "I think i know how we're going to find the guy who owns that boat".

"We don't know whose room that is, it could be anyones" Pope says.

"I know whose it is" Aven said, slurping a blue slushy from behind the group whose head snaps in her direction after her voice rippled through the air.

"Where'd you go?" Kiara asks the girl who smirks with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Whose boat is it?" JJ asks.

"Absolutely no idea" Aven shrugs,
"Just wanted to be part of the conversation" she smiles slurping her drink even more before placing it in the right recycle bins.

Fun fact about Aven, she's mad on environmental friendly things, she's like Kiara in that matter.

JJ snatched the motel key from JohnB and throws it towards Kiara who catches it in her palm, "I'm in" he says before walking behind Aven who is already walking towards the boat before nudging JJs shoulder lightly.

"Come on, I'll be look out" she says shaking the keys towards the other three pogues before following the brunette twin and blonde boy.

"Finders fee, just saying" calls JohnB as he taps Pope on the shoulder and following the rest of the group leaving the dark-skinned boy and the small blonde haired girl.

Pope looks down to Layla who is watching someone in the distance with a saddened look on her face.

As his head goes to look in the direction, her head snaps towards him - her face changing from a hurt look to a soft smile, "Come on, bubba" she says holding his hand lightly and pulling him towards the boat with the others.

┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° ┆

Pulling up towards the motel, the group looked at the mess Agatha had caused the building in front of them.

JJ whistles as his blue eyes search the building up and down, "I thought the château looked bad" he comments making JohnB throw him an offended look.

"This place is a shitshow" JohnB mentioned looking at the pain which was crumbling and falling from the walls.

"Motel or meth lab?" Kiara spoke up as Aven snaps a photo from next to her before her camera falls from the view in front of her, allowing her eyes to take in the atmosphere.

"You be the judge" Aven added.

"Doesn't look like the type of place someone with a grady-white would stay" JohnB said watching the mattresses limp against the railings.

"No, looks like a place someone with a gradywhite would get killed" Pope replies making Aven's head snap towards him with a frown.

"Again with the dead bodies?" she mutters, "Stop being a negative nancy"

"Maybe they spent all their cash on the boat?" Layla adds making the group turn to the blonde with a dumbed expression.

"I mean it's not that bad, Agatha did most of the damage" she shrugs her shoulders making JJ use his finger to tilt her chin up to face him, watching as her green eyes connected straight with his blue eyes.

Feeling as if the sea and the land had finally met.

"You're cute, Rosie" he smiles gently as Layla scrunched her nose together before Aven cuts them off.

"Are we looking at the same thing?" Aven asks looking at the building,
"This is probably where all the junkies live, rent free in the back by the dumpsters"
she says with no filter making Layla and JJ turn to the brunette girl who just shrugs her shoulders.

"Aven" Kiara mutters making the brunette turn her head, "Remember what we spoke about?" she says making Aven roll her eyes.

"Sometimes honesty isn't the best policy, yeah yeah" Aven says waving Kie off and placing her bag down and putting her camera inside
"Let's explore this shithole"

┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° ┆

"This is your captain speaking, HMS pogue coming in for landing" JJ calls out while cupping his hands around his mouth before jumping off the boat and tying the rope to a nearby post.

"We good?" JohnB asks.

"Yeah, we're good" JJ declares before JohnB nods hoping onto the boats deck.

"Alright, here goes nothing" JohnB says waiting for the twins to follow behind him in which they did, holding each other's hands and following the boy in front of them.

"Hey" Pope stops them making them turn to face him.

"Don't let him do anything stupid" he says signalling to JJ who is lent against the boat with a natural expression.

"Oh we will" JJ says not even fazed.

"I'm not making promises" JohnB says hoping out the boat and giving Aven and Layla a hand when climbing out of the boat.

"Yeah, i know" pope sighs defeated.

"Uh, be careful" Kiara says handing JohnB the keys to the motel, "I mean it" she says looking from JohnB to the two twin girls who are in a discussion in the distance.

"Yeah" JohnB chuckles lightly, before looking at the other three.

As the four pogues begin walking towards the stairs, watching their step as the sound of splintering wood caved beneath each point on their feet.

"Layla" Pope calls from the boat making the blonde haired girl freeze and face seeing him with a pleading look on his face.
"Do something" he signals to the group trying to hint at keeping them under control.

Layla uses her fingers to signal a salute to the boy before turning around and joining the others making Pope feel a little more at ease.

┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° ┆

"Why are all these mattresses out here?" JohnB questions eyeing the dirty mattresses that cover the stairs.

"After a hurricane, they ditch them because they're moldy" JJ explains looking at the mattresses in front of them.

"The look of them didn't give it away, JohnB?" Aven asks looking at the boy who turns around to glare at her.

"Just be so careful, JohnB" JJ says pulling Routledge boy close to him stroking his cheek and mocking Kiara's earlier actions.

Causing JohnB to push JJ away making his back hit Aven, "God you are so weird" he mutters.

"What was that about?" JJ asks JohnB, making Aven let go of Layla's hand and lean forward to hear the conversation trying to gather up all the gossip that would fill her small ears.

"I would also like to know this" Aven says making the two boys turn to her watching a smirk crawl onto her features.

Layla sighs and walks past the trio taking the keys from JohnB and walking ahead looking for the right door.

"Maybe she wants up to be careful?" JohnB replies to the other two who look at each other before laughing.

"Since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's just been like, oh, be so careful JohnB, oh, just give me that John D already" JJ mocks rubbing his shoulders and making JohnB throw his shoulders back following the blonde girl in front.

"When are you going to swoop in on that man?" JJ asks.

"Bro, you know the rule, no pogue-on-pogue macking"JohnB rolls his eyes before watching the blonde boy next to him sigh.

"Besides you're the one trying to break the rule, not me" JohnB calls out noticing JJ snap his head back towards the boy.

"Of course, I'm hitting on her! She's a super hot, rich hippie chick slumming with us. Why? I can't figure it out either but who cares, bro?" JJ explains seeing layla stop at a door in the distance watching the three pogues slowly make their way up to her.

"I wasn't talking about Kiara" JohnB explained making JJ look at the boy confused, seeing Aven stood next to him with a smirk.

Looking up and seeing the blonde girl at the end of the railing watching the other three while biting the inside of her cheek, clueless to the conversation they were holding.

"Stop" was the only response the two had received from JJ before he walked towards the blonde girl leaving the two to their fit of giggles.

"Besides, little miss sunshine is in love!" Aven mocked placing a hand on her heart as she fluttered her eyelashes.

Who knew a short sentence could send streaks of heartbreak into another's heart.
How painful hearing it was.

And the blonde boys knew that, he knew that just by the feeling of his heart fractures at that small sentence which should bring him joy, makes him feel small.

"How could we forget?" he says sarcastically, "The mighty Jacob Highcler" he mutters.

"More like the fruity Jacob Highcler" Aven corrects with a wink ignoring the glare her sister was sending her.

And if looks could kill, Aven would be no more.

"Jackson" Layla corrects but the duo wave it off, ignoring the look that was left on the blondes face.

"Do you even like him?" JohnB questions the blonde who's head snaps up to look at the boy wearing the bandana.

"Ofcourse I do" she nods her head leaning more into the wood behind her before turning her attention to her sister who just shrugs her shoulders.

"We're just going through a rough patch, right now" the blonde girl shrugged not before throwing a small glare at her sister.

"Don't look at me like that" Aven speaks up,
"I don't like the dude and I've been pretty vocal about it. Besides he told you he loved you, and you didn't say it back" Aven explained making JohnB and JJ snap to face Layla who turned a deep crimson and fiddled with her hands picking the skin by her fingernails.

"Well...how do you know you're in love, if you've never been in love before?" Layla asks Aven before looking towards the boys,
"I don't think the words 'I love you' should be just thrown around, they mess with peoples emotions"

"Do you love him?" JJ questions the blonde, his adams apple bopping gently from the nauseous feeling that spread in his mouth.

"I, I-enough of this conversation" Layla snapped as her hands twisted towards JohnBs handing him the keys to the motel.

"My love life has nothing to do with dead bodies and grady-whites" she finished taking a step back and trying to let the cold breeze calm the burning feeling spreading through her skin.

JJ sighs before stepping forward and knocking a small rhythm on the door, "Housekeeping!" he called out in a high pitched voice making the girls and JohnB look at him questionably.

"Should we try it?" JohnB asks.

"Yeah, no power, no security cameras, no one is going to know" JJ responds before looking down at the blonde who is still picking at her fingers nails.

taking her small shaking hands into his own before strolling his thumb against the back of her hand to calm her anxiety that flooded her brain.

JohnB placed in the key, and twisted it hearing a light clicking noise before turning to look at the rest of group.

Before anyone could make a move Aven becoming her impatient self decided in kicking the door open, causing JohnB to slightly fall before catching himself.

The group first notice a black bag on one of the beds in the room which made JohnB furrow his brows at the odd item.

Each of their footsteps cracking along the floorboards as their torches shined across the room, opening the shadows up to their naked eyes.

The brunette girl walks into the room and jumps onto the spare bed before resting her eyes and getting comfortable on the blanket.

"Aven" Layla groans looking at her sister lying on the bed.

"Don't lay on it, you don't know whose been on it last, they could have lice!" she grasps her sisters foot trying to tug her off but being Aven she wouldn't budge.

"Check the bag, see if there's a name on there somewhere" JohnB instructs before closing the door and using his flashlight to look into the bag while JJ got the wardrobe behind him.

The blonde girl stood up shining her torch on the walls of the room, admiring the artwork that exposed the walls.
The two boys were looking through bags and clothes, while the brunette girl led watching them struggle, laughing at certain moments which causes them to glare at the girl.

Layla's torch shined against the wall reflecting one of the paintings which was a cliff and a waterfall beneath it, the trees that surrounded the frame and the detail of each droplet of water mesmerised the girl.

"Hey Rosie, come here" JJ calls making the girl turn her head to see JohnB and JJ looking over at a map.

"Maybe this is where they were fishing" JJ asks pointing towards the map making Aven lean up on the bed to get a view of the paper they were looking at.

"No that's off the continental shelf" JohnB explains, "That's big swell" he adds.

"No one fishes there" Aven explains looking at a white piece of crumpled paper with numbers on it before handing it to her sister, who places it gently in her back pocket of her distressed denim shorts.

"Coffee" JohnB says after pointing his torch at a coffee machine in the corner of the room with a british accent.

"Is that what you think we sound like?" Layla asks with her eyebrows raised at the boy who just gives her a smile in return.

"Tissues for when you get lonely" JJ adds before turning into the bathroom and look in a small bag, "Ooh!" he says sounding satisfied with his findings.

"You find anything!" JohnB asks before grasping Layla's hand making her face him.

He nods his head towards the bathroom hinting at JJ causing Layla to respond with a single sigh before turning around and walking into the bathroom to stand behind JJ who was looking through the cabinets.

"A really awesome dopp kit you won't let me steal" JJ speaks out before grasping at some deodorant and popping it into his back pocket.

"Yeah, cause we're not stealing shit" JohnB explains after pulling Aven up from the bed and forcing her to help him look for something.

JJ turns around before jumping back seeing the small blonde girl lean against the door frame of the bathroom.

"Jesus, Layla" JJ grunts holding his chest, "Give me a heart attack why not"

"Hand it over, JJ" Layla says holding out her hand in which causes the Maybank boy to turn his head to look at the floor before making eye contact with the girl again, but this time it was cold.

"Not all of us can afford luxury baths with essential oils, Layla-Rose" he says watching her features drop.

"Don't call me that" she whispers, her full name that tumbled out of his mouth sent shivers of hatred down her spine.
"I can get you some things if you need them, you know it's never a problem"

"I'm not your charity case, Layla!" JJ cuts her off making her throat dry and eyes repeatedly blink, forcing her tears not to fall.

As the anger that once relapsed his face washed into traces of guilt and pain.

JohnB and Aven enter the bathroom to see JJ rubbing his forehead and Layla leaning against the wall of the bathroom biting her lip.

"Uh" JohnB mumbles cutting the tension,
"We found something and we need your help" he says nodding to the other room before walking off and Aven trotting gently behind.

JJ sighs before leaving the bathroom yet being stopped by a soft tug at his arm making him turn to see the blonde girl grasping at his wrist.

Her little hands that held on tightly to his flesh making him look down at her watching her eyelashes flutter lightly.

"I'm sorry, if I make you feel like that, I just worry about you" Layla whispers making JJ's chest hurt.

He pulls the girl into his arms holding her and placing a soft kiss to the top of her head making her hold him tighter.

"I'm fine, Rosie" JJ responds gently making her look up at the boy, through the wetted eyelashes that shone her green orbs from underneath.

"I know" the blonde girl whispers in return,
"I just care about you" she smiles sadly before leaving the boys arms and following her sister and JohnB into the other room.

JJ takes a deep breath missing the warmth that filled his arms when wrapping them around her small body.

Letting his fingertips reach into his back pocket and feeling the shape of the deodorant he pulled it out letting it rest in his palm, examining the packet before dropping it lightly back into the dopp kit and following the blondes figure that led him towards the safe.

┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° ┆

JohnB sat on the floor, trying to guess the code to the vault which causes him to type a row of numbers.

"Punching shit at random, yeah that'll definitely work" JJ mocks before turning to face the map again.

Letting his fingers run across each marking that sunk into the paper causing it to leave twists and turns of ink.

An idea pops into Layla's head making her crouch next to JohnB and pull out the crumpled piece of paper from earlier that Aven had handed her.

"Try this" she says looking at JohnB who takes the paper from her and smiles.

Trying the code and watching as the green light shine from the safe making the Routledge boy turn to Layla.
His hands grasp her face, pulling her forward and pressing his lips to her forehead making her let out a laugh.

"You're a genius, Layla" JohnB says before opening the safe.

The three pogues peer into to the darkened safe which JohnB opens to find a bunch of cash, an envelope and a gun.

"Holy shit" Aven whispers picking up one of the stacks of money and stuffing it straight into her back pocket.

Layla and JohnB turn to look at each other confusion and amazement on both of their features.

"Uh, JJ" JohnB calls the final pogue turning around to watch his figure and hearing the blonde boy hum in response.

"You're going to want to see this" JohnB says making Aven face the blonde boy.

"Yeah! Bring your sweet ass, over here" Aven calls making JJ chuckle as he walks over to the group and looks into the safe his eyes marking the outline of the gun as a smile creeps onto his face.

Reaching in to grab it and repeating the word 'Dude' at his excitement.

"You grabbed the gun?!" JohnB asks in distress looking at him, "Put the gun back JJ" he says making sure the girls were clear to the side.

He knew JJ wouldn't hurt them intentionally but who knew what could happen.
If his fingers slipped and pulled the trigger hitting one of the twins.

JJ would hate himself.

With the situation occurring in the background Layla turns her head to see Aven filling her pockets with the money from the vault, nudging her sisters arm making the brunette turn to face the blonde.

"Are you serious?" Layla asks her.

"Okay, the money was just staring at me, begging to be picked up and spent" Aven defends herself making Layla furrow her brows at the girls excuse.

"You don't pay for anything anyways, you steal everything you come across!" Layla accused the brunette whose face drops in realisation.

"Oh yeah" Aven laughs making Layla roll her eyes turning to face JJ and JohnB.

Her teeth digging into her lower lip as she turns to face the vault, feeling her sisters eyes burn into her side profile.

Before picking up a small stack of cash and letting her fingertips run through the cold patterns that rest on the dollar bill.

"Take it" Aven whispers with a smirk making the blonde girl roll her eyes with a chuckle before placing the stack back in the safe.

"This is a fucking spendy gatt, man" JJ says holding up the gun, "just bam! bam!" he acts out shooting the gun while walking around the room making JohnB duck everytime the blonde pointed it in his direction.

"Hey!" JohnB calls trying to get JJs attentions but failing, Layla sighs, reaching her hand to grip the back of JJs shirt and pulling him into her, which makes him fall to face her.

"Woah" JJ says, "Feeling rough, sweetheart?" he winks at the girl who frowned at his comment but only JJ would notice her trying to fight a small smile.

"JJ!" JohnB whispers making the blonde face his bestfriend, "We are not stealing anything!"

"Just take a picture of me" JJ replies before turning to Aven, who lifts up her camera ready to take the picture but being shut down by JohnB who pushes the camera back down.

"You want to make our own incriminating evidence? is that what you're talking about?" JohnB asks the boy but Layla adds herself to the conversation.

"Just let him take it" she whispers making the group turn to her confused as to why she was agreeing with the reckless blonde boy.

JJ smiles and walks to stand behind the petite blonde letting his elbows rest on top of her shoulders and his chin rest on top of her head.

Her wavy blonde hair tickling at his chin, sending each one of his hairs on his tanned arms to prickle up with the goosebumps that rise along his flesh.

"Are you insane?" JohnB asks the blonde girl.

"Are you feeling okay?" Aven asks after placing her hand to the girls forehead who simply slaps it away.

"His fingerprints are already on it" Layla calls, "If someone finds the gun and hands it in to the police, they'll run a scan and it will link back to JJ, who will be trialed" she explains to the three pogues making them turn look at her.

A single tap on the window catches their attention making the brunette boy walk towards the blinds and lifting them up to look outside.

"Shit!" JohnB whispers running towards the door and hopping over the bed.

"What is it?" JJ asks lifting his head off of Layla and standing next to her, the gun and torch in his hands.

The leading boy rushes to the other blinds beside the door and shifting them up,
"Cops" he whispers before a loud knock at the door makes the group jump.

JohnB moves his body to the window and with the help of Aven they push it open and begin climbing over the frame and walking across the ledge.

Layla lifts a leg to hop out of the window before turning around to see JJ stuffing his pockets with money from the vault.

She sighs in frustration before hopping off the ledge and kicking the vault and listening for the successful clamp to signal its closure before grabbing the blonde boy's hand and pulling him towards the window.

┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° ┆

It was a skill all pogues needed especially pogues that stand on window ledges to avoid the cops.

Hinting at the moment that was playing in front of Pope and Kiara's eyes, as they watched their best friends wobble across the ledge of a windowsill and clam together.

JohnB was stood in front of Aven his arms at the side of body, while her back leant for support against the brick wall.

On the other side of the wall JJ was stood with his back against the wall alongside Layla who was trying to balance on edge.
JJs hands gripping her hips and her feet placed inside of his while they listen to commotion from the room.

"What the f-" JJ whispers after looking inside the room along with JohnB who's facial expression dropped.

"Do you believe-" JJ goes to talk but is cut off by his hand swiping his pocket and knocking the gun out.

That was only the beginning off the terrible events that took place on that day.

The gun fell, hitting the roof before dropping onto the ground making the blonde boy turn to look at the weapon he had previously dropped, causing his shoulder knock into the blonde girl making her wobble.

Her foot lifted from the sidelines and as she went to place it back, only her toes were touching the side of the ledge.

Causing her foot to slip off the ledge as she felt her weight shift backwards.
Feeling the wind push her direction towards the ground as gravity dragged her through a whirlpool of emotions.

JohnB covers the brunette girls mouth as goes to let out a shout for her sister.

Yet before her body decided to give up and the gravity pulled her like the waves pull the sand, a hand grips around her arm.

Pulling her back up, and feeling her head smack into the bricks of the wall causing pain to instantly flush through her skull.

Opening her eyes to meet the crystal blue orbs in which made her felt so many things.

His eyes showed fear.
A type of fear she'd hardly seen in the boy.

As his face was drained from colour and the sweat was more prominent along his features, she felt his hands and how clammy they felt along her flesh as his hand never let go of her wrist.

Gripping it like his life depended on it.

She knew it was forming a bruise.
But she didn't care.

Layla took a deep breath locking eyes with the frightened JJ who just brought the girl closer to his chest after pushing her against the wall and wrapping his arms around her.

Layla turns to face Aven who still has JohnB's hand over her mouth.

Giving a little smile and nod of the head to show she was okay, and ignoring the throbbing pain which flooded through her entire skull.

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