𝟯𝟴. heads or tails?

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tw: slight mention of drugs.


Again she fell down that spiral of hatred.
But not hatred towards other people, or the world that grasped at her two feet.

The hatred towards the person that glances back in the mirror.

Again, she felt that the world didn't want her anymore, and that no one truly loves her.

She felt as if the world took advantage of her, using her body to launch pain towards her in too many directions for her own mind to focus on.
Yet her head feeling as if she was buried in the deep depths of hell.

When her mood is great, she watches it fall - up and down like a roller coaster.

The constant aching within her soul, sinking deeper and deeper into a black hole.

She begs herself to create an escape, to escape one way where she can just be happy without forcing it upon herself.

Yet looking for that escape only surrounds her body with an invisible blanket of darkness that cramps her body in millions of places.

The butterfly effect.

And all she had to do was close her eyes and think of his blonde hair blowing in the breeze, while his blue eyes shone like diamonds to match the perfect smile that pulled on his plumped lips.

She allowed her mind to trace over his tired shoulders, and her thoughts to linger against his chiselled jawline.

Taking a deep breath and feeling it flutter through her lungs, while trying to keep the dark thoughts at bay and let go of the reigns that she had wrapped so tightly around her heart.

Even though she was scared of loving someone.
Love was the hurricane wrapped inside a chrysalis and she was the fragile girl walking straight into the storm.



"They're fancy people" Kiara spoke, feeling the wind crash through her curls as they bounced hitting each hole in the road.

"They've had three governors in the family. They've run Charleston for like 300 years" she further explained.

Watching the houses fade past their eyes, as the buildings stood so tall and fresh with their neat coats of paint and windows that doubled in size as the drive went on.

"These kooks make our kooks look like pogues" JJ scoffed as Pope slowly pulled up to the side of the house that belonged to the women that called for Pope's presence.

The tall building that had the fences caging it off from the public and the freshly painted walls that glistened in the sunlight beams.

The four heads that poke out to take in the building with an uncertain expression on all of their faces.

"You sure this is the place, Pope?" Layla asked as her dark eyes took in the green grass and blue skies that crafted around the white building.

Her hands making their way to her hair as she yanked gently at the stands brushing through them, hearing each tug and pull when the knots came into contact with her knuckles.

"Pretty sure" he responded to the blonde girl who sighed letting her hands fall into her lap as the feeling of her palms fell flat against her shirt which caressed her skin.

"All right" Kiara exclaimed, her shoulder nudging into Pope's arm lightly causing the boy to open the door as the two climbed out.

The blonde girl following their actions as her fingers threaded through the door handle allow the slight pressure and the soft click ringing through her ears.

While the hot sensation that burned into her hand as her head turned around.

And her eyes followed through towards the ocean's sapphires that glanced back at her, watching them scan every detail of her face.

"Can we, maybe-talk?" JJ asked, his tongue swiping over his lips allowing the wet pattern to soften them making Layla furrow her brows turning away to watch the two pogues carry a conversation.

"Right now?" she asked the boy watching as the other two turned back in her direction watching them mutter words to each other almost arguing gently with one another's words throwing them back and forth.

And maybe it was the over-thinking or fear of their unknown discussion, the girl knew the world didn't revolve around her, yet she always felt nervous under peoples stares when they mutter silent words to their friends.

Her teeth that dug straight into her bottom lip and her foot the rapidly tapped against the floor of the van.

Listening to each pound of her heart while the two pogues spoke quietly yet stealing small glances in the girls direction made her mind race a mile a minute.

"N-no, we can talk later" JJ agreed with the light nod of his head to justify noticing the sharp tugs she clawed into her bottom lip.

Her head nodding with the small taps of her foot as she turned back to the door pushing it open and swinging her legs around to climb out of the cramped truck that they had been sat in near enough all morning.

"King city for sure" JJ called as he slammed the door shut behind him, the four pogues gathering together at the spiked fences that blocked them from the beautiful building that grew in front of their eyes.

Pope's hand raising the piece of paper that was handed to him as his eyes scanned the address of the building matching it to the tanned paper.

"Twenty-seven King Street" he exclaimed as he walked beside the two girls at the fence which immediately caught JJ's attention.

"Talk about home land security" he spoke looking at the fence up and down before turning to glance at the blonde girl beside him.

Her eyes stalking up the metallic fence once landing on the top of the spikes watching the points reflect the light, allowing it to bounce off.

"Are those spikes to keep people out?" JJ asked, as he watched the blonde girl run her fingertips along the cold metal that felt cool under her touch.

The coldness sending small shivers of ice along her skin.

"No" she responded shaking her head.

"The slave quarters are over there; these spikes were to keep people in" Pope explained with a distant sigh following his breath.

With the small push of the gate, Pope allowed his feet to stride one by one towards the enclosed door which felt huge in front of his small figure.

While the Carrera girl followed closely behind the Maybank boy watched the blonde girl run her hand against the metal once more.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asked her as her head turned to look at him.

"Just confused, confused on how people thought it was okay-how some people still think it's okay to control and use other people that are considered weaker than them" she spoke as the boy watched her teeth dig straight back into her bottom lip.

His warm palms find their way to her face as they rest along her cheeks comforting the girl whose eyes widened in confusion at his actions.

His thumb finding its way to her bottom lip as he pulled it from underneath her front teeth watching the satisfying pop that followed through as her lip was released from the pressure, she applied to it.

And their eyes that just connected showing the history that flooded through them like a million memories rebuilding themselves under such simply touches.

She didn't know how to describe it without it coming across so cliché.

But when she looked at him everything that was so negative in her life flew away and were replaced by the millions of butterflies that tickled her stomach.

Every action and every word turned her heart into gold, and as she smiled, she felt herself morph into a jewel beautiful enough to match the jewels that were his eyes.

Their moments together resembling their reflections in some heavenly lake.

And the best thing about the Maybank boy was that she never meant to fall in love with him, and she never intended to.

But the way she knew her heart beats for him was like her favourite song on repeat, she knew every word, every line, for every second.

Her palm raising gently as it was flat looking down towards the wrinkled lifelines, causing the boy to look towards it confused as to why she placed it in front of him.

"Penny for my thoughts?" she muttered lightly, her eyelashes twinkling against her lid as she watched his lips tilt up in an amused smile.

His dimples popping out while shaking his head.

His fingers slipping into shorts pocket to place the copper-plated penny in the palm of her hand making her eyes look down at the small coin resting against her flesh as it reflected the tails symbol under her lashes.

The girl smiling at the copper, lying it gently in her shorts pocket before walking past the blonde boy to follow the other two pogues who began knocking on the wooden door.

"Do you think that was too much?" Pope asked as he turned to look at the two blondes that followed the duo towards the door, noticing the light shrug of JJs shoulders that he responded to the small question.

"It echoed the entire house that's for sure" JJ spoke making Pope scratch the back of his neck and taking a deep breath that rattled through his ribcage as he moved forward once more to knock another three times.

The third knock making him rock forward as the door swung open revealing a tall male figure who crossed his arms and his eyes that scanned across the small group of teenagers.

His deep and darkened eyes which looked either high or full of exhaustion was the only thing that ran through Layla's eyes.

Maybe because his eyes lingered on her a little longer, or maybe because the expression that he carried she had worn on her own face in the mirror.

The exhaustion that fell from his lips before his eyes turn to the dark-skinned boy of the group where a smirk washed over his lips and his finger pointed at him.

"You must be Pope" he called, making the pogues all turn to look at each other as JJ and Pope exchanged a look between the pair.

"Uhh, are you Mr Limbrey?" asked Pope as he watched the males face turn sour in response to the question that was thrown around the circle.

"Ms Limbrey was expecting you yesterday" he told Pope ignoring the other teenagers that surrounded the boy making Pope swallow the fear that had built its way into his throat jamming it with stress.

His body lightly shivering under the glare that the male was throwing his way before the soft touch of a palm that fell against his back reliving the touch of Kiara as he felt her fingers melt into his skin.

"Oh, I..um, I'm sorry my car broke down on the way up here and-"Pope began as the words gently fell from his lips along with his eyes that kept blinking rapidly through the nerves.

"Carburettor blew up in the middle of nowheresville, sorry about that" JJ cut off the boy that tumbled against his words making the man turn to look at the blonde boy who held a stoned expression.

His lips didn't move, and his eyes didn't twitch.

And he didn't know whether he was good at acting tough or he was used to acting tough.

"Yeah, she was real upset when you didn't show up" he spoke.

"Well, we're here now" Layla shrugged her eyes searching the males features to see whether he was under the influence or just a bastard.

"So the quicker you shut your mouth and invite us in, the quicker we can get to talking" she spat sarcastically with the words full of venom yet her face holding a smile.

And the pressure that applied to her hand when talking grew tighter and tighter as she turned to see Kiara staring at her with her eyes wide indicating the girl to stop talking.

"Well, she also expected you to come alone" he spoke turning back to look at Pope who looked at the group beside him.

The two blondes stood side by side, while the curly brunette stood softly behind them.

Yet his eyes picked up the way her hand gripped the blonde girls as her fingernails dug into the skin of her palm.

"I mean, these are my friends. They helped find the Royal Merchant too. I- "Pope began to mumble but the male cut him off once again.

"-The instructions were explicit, your friends can stay outside" he spoke making the blonde girl scoff at his statement.

"Two versus one doesn't seem very fair now, does it?" she mocked as she could feel the heat of the glare, he sent her.

She could also tell that he was high from the way his pupils were moving.

How she could remember the way her own face looked in the glass that reflected her figure, and how she didn't recognise the simple things that moved in the room behind her.

"It's okay Layla" Pope told the girl making her eyes fall onto his face as she stared straight into his brown eyes that shone warm embers into her heart.

Watching the boy nod his head lightly and his feet follow the male figure into the tall building.

The blonde girls eyes gawking at the way he glared at her figure shutting the door, causing her to shove her middle finger up in response.

The brunette girl slapping it down while grasping her wrist and pulling her back in the direction of the van.

The light pitter of footprints behind her signalling the blonde boy following her closely.


Using the back of her hand to wipe the light trail of sweat from her forehead before using the same hand to push the light hairs behind her ear.

Her hands making their way into her pocket where she pulled out the small foil package full of baby blue pills.

Her fingertips popping the pill and placing it gently on the bottom of her tongue feeling it fizz into her mouth before releasing the stress-free atmosphere that bubbled her mind.

"What are you doing?" Kiara asked making the girl turn to look at her with a small shrug.

"I have a headache?" she responded tucking the foil back into her back pocket.

Yet the hands of the Carrera girl snatched the foil packaging before she could slip it back into her pocket causing the blonde to turn and look at the curly brunette whose eyes scanned the packet.

"This isn't Advil, Layla" Kiara groaned as she held the wrapper up to the blonde girl.

"Did I say it was?" Layla commented shaking her head.

Her palm reaching forward to grasp at the foil before its yanked back from her reach making her groan in annoyance.

"Are you seriously getting high right now?" Kiara asked turning her head to scoff at the girl while looking towards JJ for help.

"Are you seriously going to let her do this-"

"-Kie" JJ whispered shaking his head lightly before the blonde girl intervened their conversation.

"Hold on, since when does JJ control what I can and can't do?" Layla spoke back causing the curly haired girl to let out a sarcastic laugh as she threw the pills onto the floor of the truck.

The blonde girl that sat beside her rolled her eyes while using her arm to reach downwards grasping at the foil.

Feeling the sharp edge prick the tip of her finger while sliding it back into her shorts pocket and looking down at her fingertip.

Watching the light crimson that slowly formed into a small puddle against her flesh, while the group spoke on.

And everything felt peaceful, everything felt calm.

"Look as I was saying, if Limbrey is legit then Ward gets arrested and maybe Sarah gets the gold" Kiara spoke before the sound of a door slamming in the background causes the three heads to turn in the direction of the sound.

Watching a blonde woman on crutches, the male in the leather jacket who had his hand pressed into the back of Pope.

"Does that look voluntary?" Kiara asked as the group leaned over one another getting a sharper glimpse of the scene in front of them.

Watching as the male shoved the boy forward, instructing his every move while the woman hobbled beside them. Her blonde hair bouncing at every stride.

"That would be a negative" JJ spoke as he shook his head releasing a deep sigh from his lips watching the three draw closer away from the building and closer towards the blocked off alleyway.

With Kiara's hand going towards the door handle to release the soft click of the truck door before the Maybank boy is calling her to pause her actions making her head spin around to look at his face.

"They're going into the alley" he told the two girls making Kiara turn back to the scene of the male shoving Pope further down the pathway.

"Go around back?" she responded making him nod in return as she shuts the door following the blonde girls actions as she leant back against the seat.

The blonde Maybank starting the engine and pulling at the gear stick, allowing the truck to tug at the bodies when gripping to the tarmacked roads.

Follow the figures that were surrounded by trees and bushes that almost covered their movements as they grew closer and closer to the closing.

"Where did they go?" Kiara asked out loud as she leans into the window her eyes scanning the buildings and alleyway for the Heyward boy in his violet shirt.

The shades of green that swipe past their vision along with the soft beige of bricks that coloured the buildings.

The blonde boy turns his head to the side having a quick look through his own eyes.

"What if they went underground?" JJ questioned making the blonde girl turn to look at him concerned with the thoughts that travel through his mind, even when sober.

"Because in C.H.U.D, when they took people down into the sewers it would turn the humans into humanoids because of the radiation, and then all of a sudden- "JJ began to explain, while Layla watched the boy dig into clear detail while waving his hand around to further explain his story.

"-JJ, we're not in an episode of Ben10." Layla cut him off as the sudden waving of his palm made her head feel dizzy and her throat ache.

"Keep your eyes out for a Pope" Kiara cut the couple off watching the smirk grow on JJs face.

"Our Pope or the Pope?" Layla wondered out loud making the girl beside her sigh out of frustration while glaring heavily at the blonde girl.

Yet the blonde boy couldn't help but snicker lightly at the high girls comment.


"Out of everything you bring a taser?" Layla commented after JJ had run towards the figure of Pope who was trying to hold down the male from earlier that day.

"You pansy" she laughed picking it up feeling the cool metal as the curly brunette stood behind her.

"Pope come on!" JJ yelled tugging the boy up as the group watch Pope strike the man one more time in the jaw, making both girls raise their eyebrows at his aggressive action.

"Let's go! Leave him!" Kiara yelled, her palm wrapping around the blonde girls wrist as she gently tugged her towards the exit of the alleyway where the three pogues had originally ran in from.

The thumping of her heart and the tugging at her brain made her feel claustrophobic from the running. She felt like her body was folding upon itself slowly inking together as if the girl had no bones.

The way she shoved through each bush, feeling the twigs scape across her skin slicing at the flesh that left marks of scratches.

Hearing the shouts of JJ and Pope follow through as the curly brunette dragged the blonde closer and closer to the van while hearing the pitter of footsteps follow closely behind.

The two girls scrambling into the truck and with her hands fumbling with the keys while the other watched the two boys scramble over, sliding into the truck while the brunette started it.

"That was crazy as shit. Let's get out of here now." Pope yelled as Kiara's hands twisted at the wheel, her other hand reaching at the gear stick to start the trucks journey.

The truck that made a complete 360 as they heard the tires squeal along the dusty roads as the breeze blew through the cracked open windows.

The single strands of hair blowing along with the content winds that swept through.

The blonde Maybank boy flipped his head around to notice the car behind that followed them ever so closely.

"He's definitely following us" he mentioned making both Pope and Layla turn to face the driver in the brown car that slowly crept up on the teenagers.

Her brown eyes drifting over to the passenger seat where she found JJ looking directly at her.

"It's a one-way street!" Pope called, his hands pressing into the dashboard as he leant forwards to get a better look at the road in front.

"Go left here! Go that way!" he began to yell directions at Kiara who was panicking under the wheel.

With the yelling at the back of her mind, the blondes head switched around to face in front of her rather than having her eyes based upon the blonde boys ocean blue eyes.

Her eyes widening when they come into view of a car driving towards the van.

"Turn right! Kie, turn right!" Pope yelled as she began panicking at the wheel staring at the truck that came right towards the group of teenagers.

Causing the blonde boy to lean over placing his hands on the steering wheel and yanking it to the right causing the truck to spin sideways.

With Popes arm that placed on Layla's waist to stop her from jolting as the blonde girl only laughed at the speed of the vehicle as it threw their bodies in different directions.

As the wheel turned, they were faced to face with two people stood in the middle of the road, watching at they jumped out of the way of the truck making JJ use his grip to swirl the steering wheel around once more as he leant over Pope and Layla.

Her head spinning around to watch the car follow after them, before looking back at JJ.

"Swap with me" she called to the blonde boy whose eyes looked up from the window to her ambered coloured eyes than shone sunlight through to his own as her pupils nearly swallowed the honey shade with the blacked-out tunnels.

"I can't!" JJ yelled back his eyes falling back towards the road.

Her trainers shuffled across the flooring as she yanked her trainers upwards pushing them into the comfort of the chair as she threw her body upwards and moving sideways.

The feeling of Kiara trying to yank her down with her grip tightening on her wrist.

"Sit down!" Kiara shouted, watching the blonde move towards JJ as she hovered over the Heyward boy whose hands immediately flew up to her hips holding her in place.

Her crouched figure that hovered as she raised an arm that allowed her palm to land on the blonde boys shoulder making his eyes flicker to her face giving her an eye roll.

"Less sassing, move moving" she called pushing his shoulder causing him to try and scootch his leg over the seat.

His body throwing himself beside Kiara as he held the wheel with one hand.

"Kie, take over" he spoke to her taking his hand off the wheel watching the brunette replace them with her own.

His hands moving to Layla as he gently brushed past her yet lightly helping her move across the seat. Allowing their bodies to pass each other and the small feeling of heat the rose on each other's faces.

JJ pulled his body into the seat allowing his hands to grip the steering wheel once more while Kiara slowly rolled her feet off the pedals causing JJ to quickly snap onto them to keep the continuous flow of the truck.

While Layla slipped her leg across the middle of the van which allowed her to get halfway into the seat with the guidance of Pope's hands that never left her waist.

"JJ, we have to lose him!" Kiara cried, as JJ's head snapped towards the blonde girl who was about to sit into the seat before turning back to the window.

"Pope, hold onto her" he blurted as he gripped the wheel spinning it around causing the blonde girl to fall directly onto Pope's lap who still had a tight grip on her body.

Yet turning that sharp corner made the engine hiss and jump as the truck slowed down after pulling through the small alleyway.

"You said he fixed it!" JJ argued towards Pope out of frustration as the boy slowly steered the truck feeling the wheels drag behind.

Causing each person to let a small groan fall from their lips apart from the blonde girl who let out a small chuckle with the effects of the pills slowly clogging her mind allowing her to find every small thing funny.

"What now, Mario?" Kiara asked pushing open the door to allow herself and JJ to climb out while Pope opened the door watching the blonde girl hop off from his lap and jump onto the dusty pathway which crushed beneath her converse.

"Number one rule. Never trust mechanics!" JJ hissed as he slammed the door behind him yet the sound of a car approaching the group made them turn their heads to notice the brown car roll up behind them.

"We gotta go around!" JJ yelled as he grabbed a backpack from the back of the truck and slamming it onto his shoulder.

While Layla's hand wrapped around the brunette girls wrist dragging her from the vehicle and pulling her towards the end of the alley that was covered in different shades of green.

While the smoke from the truck filled the air making the atmosphere cloud around their bodies.

And their trainers that slapped across the pavement, with the sound echoing and mixing with the sound of a car door slamming.

And the blonde felt the brunette hesitate in her steps for a split second before her lips moved letting the warning slip from her lips.

"Guys, I think he's got a gun" she spoke making the group panic slightly as the feeling of nerves and the shrinking of their throats grew larger and larger making the fear set in.

"At least he upgraded from the shitty taser!" Layla yelled back to the girl she was practically dragging across the path as the group ran.

Their legs growing more and more tired with each launch of their feet that dashed across the floor. Their chests growing heavier and heavier with the sweat piling along their foreheads which allowed them to glisten when the sunbeams hit directly against them.

With JJ in the lead who directed them across the pavement taking them along the main pathway where people stood around.

Her blonde hair flipping around to where her eyes had direct contact with the male figure that chased them, noticing the pistol that rested in his grip.

Her head flipping back forwards to notice the blonde Maybank boy run into a postman in which caused each parcel in the man's hands to fly onto the ground.

"Sorry about that!" Pope yelled as he continued to follow the two girls in front of him, while they continued to dash down the sidewalk trying to move past every obstacle in their way.

The male figure behind them growing closer and closer as he began to run faster with every step.

"This way!" JJ yelled back to the group making them turn down the separate alley which had bricks surrounding the walls and the small patches of green that lightly shaded over with each bush and tree that allowed the leaves to lean over.

"He's gaining, let's go!" Pope yelled.

Their trainers scraping against every bump and every rock that flew into the cracks of their shoes as they looked forward not turning around to try and let the adrenaline take over their bodies to push past the fatigue in their systems.

"I am going Pope, you guys gotta keep up" JJ called back as he ran out of the alleyway coming towards the main pathway once again but stopping when something held him in his tracks causing each pogue to freeze and stare at the bicycle in front of them.

The bicycle which held JohnB and Sarah.

Their eyes connecting with each other as it sent millions of memories tumbling through Layla's head. Her own eyes meeting Sarah's as the guilt swallowed her up and suddenly it felt like each sense of euphoria from the pills has vanished from her brain.

Yet the burning glare that sizzled into her face made her eyes connect straight with JohnB's as his hopeful glance went cold staring directly into her body.

"You're everywhere, aren't you?" JohnB snarled at the blonde making her chuckle while lifting her middle finger in the direction of the boy.

"We don't have time for this, get in!" Sarah shouted making the group climb onto the back of the bike while Layla's eyes fell to the blonde girl at the back of the bicycle who frowned gently after pulling Kiara towards her.

The group piling into the cart, as one by one the fell in line yet the look that JohnB gave the girl made her question whether she should join them or just leave.

She'd seen the same expression on his face after coming back from a terrible meeting with child services, when she would comfort him then go home to beg her uncle to consider adopting knowing that he'd shut her down.

"We need to talk about this" JohnB grumbled under his breath making Layla roll her eyes gently.

"We can do that later, so shut up and pedal" she commented making the boy turn back around and place his trainers against the two pedals as he began to push as fast as he could, with the help of Pope and JJ pushing the back of the cart to build speed.

The vision of the man chasing after the cart, was in her view as she watched him tread faster and faster after the bicycle.

JJ slid the backpack off his arm and threw it towards Sarah before jumping onto the cart allowing Layla to grasp at his wrist and pull him towards her body to help stable the boy who crashed lightly into her.

His eyes looking down at her as she tilted her chin up lightly to connect their eyes that made his heart sped up a little more than it was already, and he silently prayed that she wouldn't be able to hear his heartbeat.

"Thanks" he whispered, and she offered him a light smile as he watched her eyes reflect so many emotions behind the simple shade of brown.

Yet, the moment was cut off by the scraping and groaning of Pope as their heads snap in his direction to notice him trying to jump up from the ground with the male figure gaining so close to his body.

"Get up, Pope!" Kiara yelled as she held her hand out for the boy to take.

His hand reached out as she helped the boy climb into the cart while JohnB pedalled faster with his shoes vibrating against the pedals, the whizzing sound rattling through their ears.

Before an arm reaches over trying to stop the cart making Kiara and Sarah try to shove him off, Layla's hand moving towards her pocket as she feels the outline of the taser from earlier and Pope watches the mischievous grin light up her face.

Her hand pulling it out as she leans over the two girls and pressing it into his forearm while her thumb presses gently into the button.

The sound of the taser rattles through and under her skin causing the goosebumps to ride along her flesh.

Watching the male fall onto the road and roll over after having the shock pass through his body.

Her eyes looking down at the small taser as she smirks, "I take back everything I said about this taser" she smiles.

Before the arms of someone are wrapped around her pulling her as her eyes notice the grey shirt that rested against her.

"Rosie, you little-bean!" he laughs rocking her back and forth as she listens to the pogues cheer and yell after escaping the situation.

But all the blonde could focus on was the butterflies that made her cheeks turn red.


With the group loading up the small boat that sat at the shore line while everyone grabbed every item they needed and placed it in a position on the decking.

The sun that shone amber as the sky was calm.

And the small ocean breeze that rocked their hair back and forth with a gentle hum.

The use of Pope's hand as he helped the blonde girl climb onto the small boat before gently placing her jacket on the flooring so she could have a small rest from all the running.

The drugs had worn off, and so had the adrenaline making her body hurt and silently beg herself to sleep.

She felt her eyelashes flutter, and her pulse begin to whisper silently into her ears.

While the weight began to increase lightly beside her making her eyes turn to watch the Maybank boy place himself down.

"Tired?" he asked her, making her head nod slightly before a small laugh escapes her lips.

And his skin, his skin that reflected the sunlit sky highlighting his imperfections which made her fall so much more for the blonde boy.

"I have a shoulder" he whispered making her eyes light up in humour at the boys statement which made his cheeks darken with the red crimson.

"And I have a elbow" she replied her voice tickling the air around her as she watched the boy bite his lower lip in amusement while he shook his head.

His tongue swiping across his bottom lip as he turned to watch everyone interact with everyone, seeing everyone together again as if it was almost complete.

"Everyone ready?" JohnB asked.

While the blonde Wyatt girl stood up sharply, pushing herself off her knees and looking directly at the Routledge boy who still wore a sharp expression when making contact with her face.

"Can you give me two seconds?" she asked, her converse scraping along the deck as she ran towards the edge of the boat before using her arms to throw herself over.

Her head spinning around to look at JohnB once more.

"Don't leave without me" she told him making him roll his eyes at her comment before snapping back at her.

"Don't tempt me" he warned, watching her figure run back up the steps and onto the bridge they had just came from.

His eyes watching her figure reach into her pocket and place something on the ground.

As her fingers slip over the cold copper that rested between her fingertips, placing it on the cobbled ground while making sure the heads side of the coin would reflect to anyone passing by as she let a smile fade across her lips.

Find a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck.

That was the rhyme Aven would constantly repeat after the girls spent hours walking through figure eight for pennies on the ground.

They thought it they could pick a penny up every day then he would stop.

He didn't, not until he killed one of them at least.

Her head picking up towards the town centre, as she rotates her body to walk back towards the boat, yet the feeling of that burning stare tingles into her back making the girl freeze in her step.

Her head flipping around as she made eye contact with a tall male and a younger boy beside him, watching her.

The male staring with a emotionless expression while the boy held up his camera to take a quick snap as she felt the flash of the light smack her in the face.


6153 words.

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