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chapter eight . first date

Adonis picked up Maisie at seven, and by picked up he literally just walked to her room and knocked on the door. He wanted to grab dinner before they went into the movie theater, so he took her to his favorite Italian restaurant. They both decided to split a small pizza so that they could have popcorn at the theater.

"So, how long have you been modeling?" Maisie asked, taking a sip of her lemonade. She curiously raised one of her eyebrows.

"I think I was like fifteen." Adonis smiled. He wanted to be able to look at her more clearly, so he took off his sunglasses. He didn't care if people recognized him, all he cared about was the gorgeous girl who was smiling in front of him.

She followed suit, taking off her own sunglasses. "That's really cool." Maisie smiled back, looking straight into her eyes. "You're a very interesting person. I don't feel like many people know you."

"Yeah, not many people do." He shrugged, "it's weird because some people say I have a 'resting bitch face'" he used air quotations to mock it, "but I don't really think so."

"Oh you definitely do." She laughed. "But it's easy to bypass."

"What do you mean?" He asked, leaning back into his seat.

"I mean that you were kinda intimidating when I first met you, like you had built up your walls and you didn't wanna let anyone in." Maisie smiled at him, "but then you started getting more comfortable and we really got to see who you really are, and you're a fun person to be around."

"Thanks." Adonis smiled back at her, sitting up once the pizza was served. He politely helped Maisie get the first slice and he settled for the one next to hers.

"So, what are your future plans?" Adonis asked once they finished eating, fiddling with the sunglasses on the table.

"I've written a few songs and I think I wanna follow in my mother's footsteps." Maisie responded.

"You write songs?"

"Yeah! I'll have to show you some, I've kinda just had a bunch ready to produce." She told him eagerly, her smiling growing wider with each word. It was one of her favorite subjects.

"Why haven't you released them yet?" He asked, crossing his arms on the table so that he could lean closer to her.

"I'm just waiting for the right time. Maybe I'm a bit scared? I don't want to be in the shadow of my mother." Maisie shrugged.

"You shouldn't be scared. You're Maisie freaking Swift! You could never be in your mother's shadow." Adonis told the brunette. Her face lit up at his words while he smiled at her.

"You're too sweet." She laughed, running a hand through her hair.

After around a half hour, they finished and got their check. It was when Adonis told her the plan for the movies. Of course someone had overheard them while he told her that, so the paparazzi had found them at the movies. They waited in the car until a few security guards came and pushed the fans back.

Adonis managed to pull off his jacket while he was in the car and he jumped out of the car, sunglasses covering his face while he opened Maisie's door. She assured him that she was okay, despite the death grip she had on his arm. She eventually pulled off her sunglasses and waved to the fans, which urged Adonis to do the same.

They made it inside and Adonis gave one of the workers their tickets.

β€” β€” β€”

"Shit guys, we got some paps here." Wade called out, the group squeezed in the backseat of his car. He tilted his head down while they drove past. "There's gotta be a back way, right?"

"The movie hasn't started yet and they're leaving. Let's wait until they clear out."

Once it became evident that Maisie and Adonis wouldn't come out, the group of excited fans and photographers grudgingly left and the squad parked their car.

They checked through the door to make sure the couple was inside before they all snuck in, giggling like crazy.

Oliver purchased the tickets, despite the fact that the whole group had enough money to buy their own.

"Okay, here's the deal. We're gonna pretend to go in smaller groups. Vic, you can come with me. Hunt, Wade, Jonna, you three go together. Liz and Zinnia go together. Am I missing anyone?"

"You forgot Lucy and I." Darnell chimed in, crossing his arms.

"Oh! Okay. You join Zin and Lucy can join Wade. Knowing my sister, they'll probably be in the back but I'll text you guys the plan."

β€” β€” β€”

Adonis let Maisie into the theatre, his hand gripping onto her's. Maisie didn't think much about it, but Adonis was definitely freaking out on the inside. His face was pink, but it was hidden by the darkness of the theatre.

They didn't take the top seats but the chose the seats that were four rows down from the door.

He set down the popcorn on the seat next to them slid into his seat, sadly having to pull his hand away from hers.

"What movie are we seeing?" She finally asked, looking over at him with curiosity evident in her eyes.

"You'll see." Adonis smiled. He offered her some popcorn and she politely took some.

β€” β€” β€”

Oliver nearly leaped for joy when he saw that Maisie and Adonis weren't in the last row. He texted the groupchat to sit together in the backseat.

His hair was pulled back in a bun because his sister would definitely notice his curly hair, but she didn't seem to be paying attention. She was too busy talking to Adonis to see the two.

Victor sat down next to him and grinned while the rest of the group made their way in. The two didn't notice and they all made it in.

"Dude this is so cool." Hunter whispered.

"I know right. Ten bucks says that Maisie's gonna make the first move." Wade said as he sat down.

"No way! It's totally gonna be Adonis. I'll bet twenty."


β€” β€” β€”

The movie began and everything went smoothly. Maisie and Adonis finished their popcorn quickly. Adonis had picked out one of Maisie's favorite movies, the notebook, despite the fact that she cries every time.

Adonis kept glancing over at her, and he finally mustered up the courage to wrap his arm around her shoulders, trying to contain his smile when she leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder.

"That's twenty bucks."Β  Hunter whispered to Wade. The boy huffed and pulled out his wallet, grumbling as he handed Hunter the cash.

Oliver was tense the entire movie, watching Adonis and Maisie carefully. Victor tried nudging him a few times but it was to no avail, he was just too focused on watching his sister.

"Oliver I swear- if you look at them one more time." Victor began, shaking Oli by the arm.

"Fine, fine. Sorry." Oliver sighed, looking up at the screen.

Maisie took it upon herself to narrate the story to Adonis. The helpless romantic kept telling him how adorable the movie was but how tragic it was at the end.

He didn't care, he actually found it adorable when she began to talk with her hands. Adonis rested his head on hers.

Zinnia clamped her hand over her mouth to conceal her excitement at one of her closer friends finally getting a man.

While the movie neared it's end, Maisie was struggling to hold back her tears. Adonis lifted up his dead and looked down at her, squinting to try and see if she was crying.

"Stop it." She whisper-laughed, playfully swatting him away.

"You're the one who told me this movie makes you cry!" He whispered back, running his hand through his hair.

A tear finally slid down her cheek and she tried to laugh it away, wiping it off with her hand. Adonis smiled and used his arm to pull her closer to him, "It's okay." He laughed.

Maisie sat quietly for a second before she recovered, "isn't this movie fun?" She joked.

"Actually, yeah. I really like it." Adonis told her with a genuine tone.

Maisie pulled away to look at him. "Really?"

"Yeah, really." At his words, Maisie beamed and laid back against his side, resting her head on his shoulder again.

β€” β€” β€”

The movie finished and the lights went up, it definitely shocked the group, but they were more shocked when Maisie stood up and noticed them while she was grabbing her sunglasses.

"What the fu-" She began, her jaw dropping.

Adonis interrupted her, standing up to see what she was looking at. "What's wrong- oh." He didn't show much emotion, but from what the group could tell, he looked a bit hurt and disappointed.

Maisie wasn't having it. "Are you guys serious? This isn't cool at all." None of them took her seriously, they only giggled and took pictures.

"It's fine." Adonis put his hand on Maisie's shoulder, "Let's just go." She reluctantly nodded and let him walk her out of the theater.

"Ooo busted!" Darnell laughed, he pointed at the group. Jonna playfully whacked him, but he recovered and ruffled her hair.

Lucielle was quiet the entire movie, but she stood with a graceful smile on her face. Hunter turned to face her. "Um, are you cold? You're like wearing a tank top and it's cold."

"I'm fine." She assured him.

"No- here." Hunter slid off his jacket, showing her that it was fine because he wore a long sleeved shirt underneath. He handed it to her, but then got embarrassed and turned to mess around with Wade.

Lucielle shrugged the jacket on and followed the group as they left the theater.

β€” β€” β€”

"It was a joke!" Oliver exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. Maisie had stormed into the room to yell at her brother for ruining her date.

"Oh! You thought my first date with Adonis was a joke?" She snapped back, crossing her arms.

"It wasn't my idea!"

"You didn't stop it!" Maisie pointed at him, "You embarrassed us! I thought you had my back."

"I did have your back!" Oliver groaned.

The two siblings began to argue in their room, which resulted in Victor beginning to rummage through his drawers to find his headphones. The arguing got louder and louder until Maisie's hand slapped the side of Oliver's cheek. The two froze in shock.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for!?" Oliver exclaimed, covering the side of his face with his hand.

"I don't know! I didn't really mean to!" Maisie gasped, "I'm so so so so sooo sorry." She rambled.

Oliver watched as his sister began to ramble until he finally burst into laughter. "You slapped me!" He laughed. "For the first time in forever!" He dropped to the floor, laughing hysterically.

"Shut up." Maisie playfully kicked him, trying to fight off the smile forming on her face.

Oliver grabbed Maisie's foot and pulled her down next to him, wrapping his sister into a hug. She grudgingly hugged him back. "Do you forgive me?" He teased.

"Only this time. But I swear, if you guys do it again-"

"We won't!"

"Good." Maisie stood up and said goodbye to the two boys before she left the room.

Victor looked down at Oliver, a playful grin on his features. "Your sister totally slapped the shit outta you." He joked, helping Oli up.

"Oh shut up." Oli laughed, shoving Victor.

another chapter is done! this was mainly about maisie and adonis so im sorry if your character was not mentioned enough. anyways mwah mwah ily all

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