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chapter seven . auditions

Jonna stood nervously outside of her auditions. She gripped her folder close to her chest while she paced, repeating her lines in her hand.

"Jonna Miranda?"

"That's me." Jonna walked up the steps and into the building. She couldn't help but nervously glance around her at the quiet atmosphere she was in.

"So you're next up, just wait out here until they call next." The lady, with the looks of a secretary, told her. Her voice was dull and it was obvious she didn't care that much about the audition.

"Thank you." Jonna responded quietly. The lady nodded her head and walked away, leaving the girl alone in the hall.

She waited a few minutes until she saw a girl race out of the auditions, tears streaming down her face. It only made Jonna more terrified of what possibly could have made the girl cry.

Jonna felt her face go pale when she heard them call next. She slowly stepped into the room where the group of directors sat.

"I'm Jonna Miranda and I'll be performing the song and monologue for..."

β€” β€” β€”

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Maisie walked into the living room. It was shockingly empty, the only other person occupying the room was Adonis.

"Can you sit down?" His voice came out soft and nervous, something that was extremely out of character for him.

"Yeah, sure." She sat down next to him onto the couch, watching as he squeezed his eyes shut. It was like he was mustering up the confidence to talk to her.

Adonis sat quietly, trying to word his next words correctly. Nothing sounded right. "I like you." He finally blurted out. "If you don't feel the same way then we can just pretend this never happened..." he began to ramble.

Maisie smiled at him, setting her hand on his arm to interrupt him. "I like you too."

"Really?" He exclaimed, a grin appearing on his face.

"Yeah, really." She told him, watching as he fumbled to say his next words.

"Can I take you out? On a date? Like a real date?" Adonis asked. His voice rising with more excitement each time he spoke , nobody ever sees him like that."

"Yeah. I'm free whenever." Maisie laughed.

"How about tonight? I can take you to the movies?"

"That sounds great." She nodded her head, unable to contain the happiness in her voice.

β€” β€” β€”

"Hey Addi!" Elizabeth waved down Adonis, who was gleefully walking down the hallway. A smile was still stuck on his face from his previous encounter with Maisie.

"Hi Lizzie." Adonis made a move to walk past her but she blocked the way. "Can I help you?"

"Actually yeah. Do you wanna go get dinner with me tonight?" She looked up at him expectantly, a confident look in her face.

"Oh." Was all Adonis said, watching as her confident facade faltered for a split second. She recovered quickly and raised her eyebrows expectantly at him. "Are you trying to ask me out?"

"Obviously." Elizabeth leaned against the wall and crossed her arms, "So is that a yes?"

Adonis's smile faded down into his usual resting face, masking his emotions from her. "I asked Maisie out, like five minutes ago."

"Oh!" She pretended as if it was nothing, forcing her to keep smiling. "She said yes?"

"Yeah. I really like her, Liz." He told her gently, "I'm sorry if I sent you mixed signals."

"Mixed signals? No!" Elizabeth laughed him off, "I don't feel anything for you. I just thought it would be cool to try something new." She reluctantly added. "Have fun on your date with Maisie!"

Adonis watched in confusion as Elizabeth skipped away from him and into Hunter's room. He shrugged and kept walking to his room to plan out the date.

β€” β€” β€”

Wade and Hunter were sprawled out onto the floor of their room, blasting music while the two tried yelling over the music to talk.

Hunter didn't notice Elizabeth standing in the room until Wade sat up, visibly annoyed. "Get out, princess."

"Can you shut up?" She snapped back, her arms crossed over her chest.

Hunter sat up and turned the music down, beckoning for Wade to stop. "Lizzie, you okay?"

She pursed her lips, trying to hold back her tears while she shook her head. Hunter scrambled to his feet and set his hands on Elizabeth's shoulders.

"Liz? What's up?" He asked, trying to get her to look up at him. Elizabeth's head was hung low and she wouldn't meet his eyes, not wanting to cry in front of Wade.

Hunter shook her slightly, which caused her to look up at him. The sympathetic look in his eyes sent a tear falling down her cheek. She stammered on her words, unable to get a full sentence out.

Wade awkwardly stood up, giving Hunter a wave goodbye before he quickly left the room, leaving the two alone.

Elizabeth burst into sobs, leaning her forehead into Hunter's shoulder. Her friend wrapped his arms around her frame, pulling her into a hug.

She stayed in that embrace for a few minutes before she finally pulled away. Her mascara was smeared underneath her eyes, but she didn't care.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked her softly.

"Adonis asked Maisie out." Elizabeth answered, shaking her head. "I thought he was into me, but it's her. Why is it her?" She felt tears appear in the corner of her eyes.

"Hey- Hey. Don't cry." He gently shook her, trying to get her to laugh. It worked because a small smile appeared on her face. "You're gonna find someone better, I promise." Hunter assured her.

"You're the best." Elizabeth told him, giving him a final hug.

β€” β€” β€”

"So. Guess who got asked out on a date." Oliver laid down onto his bed, sprawling out so that he took up the entire space. Victor's head shot up at the disruption from the book he was reading.

"Um, I dunno." He responded, closing the book so that he could turn on his bed and look at the curly haired boy. "I'm intrigued though." He added, trying to make the conversation last as long as possible.

"Maisie!" Oli explained, throwing his hands in the air to emphasize his frustration. "My own little sister got asked out before me! It's humiliating."

Victor grinned while he watched the big grab his pillow and scream into it. "You'll find someone, you just gotta wait for them to come along."

"And what if they have?" Oliver sat up, feeling rather bold in the moment. His eyes stared straight into Victors, not breaking eye contact for a second.

"You shoot your shot. Anyone would by lucky to have Oliver Swift ask them out." Victor stared back, trying keep his eyes focused on Oliver's. He broke the eye contact and looked down at the floor for a second.

"That's funny." He laughed, "Nobody wants to date me. I'm just bad at hiding my feelings and I always make a fool out of myself."

"You? Make a fool out of yourself? Never." Victor was quick to respond. "You're perfect." He added, looking back up to watch Oliver's face twist from a frown and into a smile.

"You really think so?" He asked, smiling up at Victor.

"Hell yeah." Victor assured him. He slid off of his bed and onto his feet so that he could walk over to their closet. "We should crash their date."

"What?" Oliver choked on a laugh. "Sorry, sorry. That's just so random to say, especially from you."

"It sounds fun, and another option is to just spy on them." He shrugged, pulling out a black hoodie.

"Does that mean we get to wear sunglasses? And hey! That's mine!" Oliver exclaimed, pointing at the hoodie.

"Oh, sorry. I'll put it back." Victor turned towards the closet in embarrassment, quickly beginning to hang the hoodie back up.

"No, you can wear it! I don't mind." He laughed. "It'll look great on you."

"Nice." He grinned, putting the hanger back down so that he could slide the hoodie onto himself.

"So, do you really wanna go spy on my sisters date?" Oliver piped up once the room went silent, looking over at Victor.

"Hell yeah. It'll be hilarious. We can take the whole group." Victor grabbed his shoes and began to put them on. "And we can wear sunglasses." He shot Oliver a grin.

"Yes!" He laughed. "I'll text the group." Oliver pulled out his phone to text the group, but Victor dashed towards him, snatching the phone from his hands.

"Maisie and Adonis are in that chat! Let's just make a new one."

date spies


oli pookie boo

what's up

why's there a
new chat?

we're gonna spy
on maisie and adonis

oli pookie boo
who's down

hell yeah!

im down

idk this is
their personal

they won't see us!


im in if jonnas in

let's do this

aidbaidnsjdn another chapters out, im not proud about the writing but i was too excited about the next chapter to go through and redo this
love y'all
mwah mwah

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