π—–π—›π—”π—£π—§π—˜π—₯ π—™π—œπ—©π—˜ (π˜Šπ˜“π˜–π˜šπ˜Œπ˜‹)

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the winning choose was π—–π—›π—’π—œπ—–π—˜ 𝗧𝗛π—₯π—˜π—˜: remain silent, he followed his sister out of camp: they're both as bad as each other.

rookwhirl's eyes blazed. his lips curled back with yet another snarl, his breath coming out in a short and harsh huff. ❝ so? who was it? ❞

stonechatpaw's heart pounded in his chest, his paws tingling. he stole a glance at his trembling sister, her wide eyes filled with the same fear that had gripped her when the badger had appeared. seeing her like thisβ€” so small and scared β€” filled him with a protective instinct. he just knew he couldn't let her take all the blame alone, not when he had been just as willing to sneak out and explore.

but he couldn't bring himself to speak either. the guilt and anxiety twisted together in his stomach, forming a lump in his throat. if he took the blame, he would have to bear the consequences alone. if he let robinpaw take the blame, he would never forgive himself.

so he chose silence.

his mouth clamped shut, even as his fathers gaze shot between the two of them, growing darker with each passing moment. stonechatpaw's stomach churned as the silence stretched on. he could feel the anger from his father radiating off of him, like a storm barely held back by the thin veneer of control he had managed to maintain.

robinpaw's eyes flicked to his, silently pleading for an escape from this situation, but stonechatpaw only stared back. he knew what he was doing, and so did she. they would both face the consequences together.

rookwhirl's ears flattened against his head, and his tail lashed left and right violently. ❝ so, that's it? neither of you are going to fess up? ❞ his voice a low grumble. the silence from his kits only seemed to stoke the flames of his anger further.

when neither of them responded, the deputy's brows narrowed, and he let out a huff, his jaw clenched. the disappointment in his eyes cut deeper than any claw ever could. ❝ fine. if you won't tell me, you'll both face the consequences of your actions, ❞

with a sharp nod, rookwhirl turned on his heels, and he jerked his tail, signaling for them to follow. the way he walked and the way he positioned himself left no doubt about his feelings β€” he was furious, and the silence that fell over them as they began the walk back to camp was thicker than any fog could be.

stonechatpaw and robinpaw trudged after their father, the usual comfort of being close to him lost in the icy distance he now held. stonechatpaw kept his head low, each step heavy with the dread of what awaited them.

robinpaw stayed close to his side, her body brushing against his every few steps as if seeking reassurance, but neither of them dared to speak.

stonechatpaw could feel his heartbeat in his ears, each pulse echoing the dread that settled deeper into his bones with every stride closer to home. his father's silence was suffocating, more terrifying than the badger's breath on his neck. he knew that when they finally reached camp, the punishment would be severe, but even worse was the knowledge that he had let his father down.

they crossed into the threshold of camp and the smell of their clanmates greeted them. rookwhirl hung back and allowed for his kits to pad into camp before him.

stonechatpaw's paws felt like lead as he trudged into the clearing.

before they could take another step, a blur of brown streaked toward them. their mother, muddyfur, ran across camp, her eyes wide with worry. stonechatpaw could see the panic in her eyes, her whiskers twitching and her tail fluffed out in distress. she skidded to a halt just in front of them, her gaze frantically sweeping over her son and daughter, checking them for any sign of injury.

❝ my babies! ❞ the sheβ€”cat choked out as she leaned in and nuzzled them. ❝ what happened? are you both hurt? why are youβ€” ❞

but her questions died on her lips as she caught sight of her mate, who stood a few paces behind them, his usually warm eyes were cold and distant.

the hardened expression on his face made muddyfur take a step back, her sense of worry now mingled with a growing hint of dread. she could sense something was terribly wrong.

rookwhirl's voice was as sharp as claws on stone when he spoke, his tone clipped of the tenderness he usually reserved for his family. ❝ they snuck out of camp in the dead of night, ❞ he announced, his stare fixed on muddyfur, though his words were meant for anyone in earshot. ❝ and the stench on their pelt signals a badger was also in the mix of it all, ❞

stonechatpaw felt his stomach twist as cats turned their heads towards them, and the disapproval in their eyes only deepened the shame gnawing at him.

muddyfur's eyes widened in horror. she stepped closer to her kits, her protective instincts flaring. ❝ a badger? what were you thinking! ❞ she yowled.

before either of the apprentices could respond, a figure emerged from the leader's den. whisperstar padded forward with the slow, deliberate gait of one who had seen many seasons. the old moggy's fur was graying around her muzzle, and her posture was stiffened, but there was no mistaking the sharpness of her glare as she assessed the scene before her.

whisperstar's eyes narrowed as they settled on the two apprentices cowering behind their father. her tail flicked once, a sign of her displeasure, and she shook her head slowly. ❝ stonechatpaw, robinpaw, ❞ lowly spoke the leader, ❝ i expected better of you. sneaking out of camp, putting yourselves in danger... this is not the behaviour of warriors in training, ❞

stonechatpaw shrank under her stern gaze. robinpaw trembled beside him, her usual fiery spirit completely extinguished in the face of their leader's disapproval. they had never felt so small, so unworthy.

whisperstar turned her attention to rookwhirl, giving a small nod of acknowledgment before speaking again.
❝ we need to discuss the consequences of their actions. meet me in my den, ❞

without waiting for a response, whisperstar turned and stalked back to her den, her tail swishing in a manner that brooked no argument. rookwhirl gave his kits one final, piercing look β€” one that told them there would be no leniency. then, with a curt nod to muddyfur, he followed his leader into the shadows of the den.

as rookwhirl disappeared from view, muddyfur was left standing in the clearing. she looked back at her kits, her heart aching for them, but also knowing that they had made a grave mistake. ❝ come, ❞ she uttered softly as she beckoned them closer. ❝ we'll wait here, ❞

stonechatpaw and robinpaw obeyed silently, moving to sit beside their mother.

the wait felt like a lifetime.

stonechatpaw and robinpaw huddled close to their mother, the cold air of early dawn seeping into their fur. stonechatpaw's mind raced with a thousand thoughts, each one more dreadful than the last. what would their punishment be? how would they ever regain their father's trust after this?

when rookwhirl finally emerged from the leaders den, his expression was unreadable. he paused and briefly stared at muddyfur, before he turned to his kits and beckoned them forward with a flick of his tail.

❝ come, ❞ he said gruffly. it was clear that whatever he and whisperstar had decided, it would not be lenient.

stonechatpaw exchanged a nervous glance with his sisters, who's fur was still ruffled, but she gave a small nod. taking a deep breath, stonechatpaw followed his father, robinpaw at his side.

the air inside the den was thick with the scents of old herbs and moss, a comforting smell that did little to ease the tension stonechatpaw felt. whisperstar sat at the back of the den, her m eyes glowing faintly in the dim light.

as they entered, whisperstar's gaze fixed on them. she let the silence hang in the air for a moment, allowing the weight of their actions to settle over them like a heavy fog.

❝ stonechatpaw, robinpaw, ❞ whisperstar began, her voice firm, ❝ you both have done something incredibly foolish and dangerous. not only did you disobey the rules, but you also endangered your lives β€” and the lives of your clan mates β€” by coming into contact with a badger ❞

stonechatpaw felt a shiver run down his spine.

❝ i am angry, ❞ whisperstar continued steadily, but her tone was laced with a disappointment that cut deep. it made stonechatpaw shudder, and he lowered his head between his shoulders.

❝ but more than that, i am relieved that you are both alive. things could have ended differently today, and we might have been mourning your loss instead of discussing your punishment. ❞ she continued.

The thought of what might have been β€” of the pain they could have caused their family and clan β€” sent a wave of guilt crashing over stonechatpaw.

❝ because of your actions, a patrol will be sent out to ensure that the badger and its den are properly dealt with, ❞ said whisperstar. ❝ but as for you two, there must be consequences for what you've done, ❞

stonechatpaw drew in a breath, bracing for what was to come.

❝ as punishment, ❞ whisperstar continued, ❝ you will be confined to camp. you will be assigned to the elders' den, where you'll clean their bedding, fetch their prey, and attend to their needs. you'll also be on dirtplace duty. in addition, your training will be overseen by your father for the time being, and he will determine when you are ready to resume normal duties, ❞

stonechatpaw's heart sank at what was said. confines to camp until his father said otherwise? tending to the elders? the thought of spending days on end without being allowed to leave camp, let alone participate in any hunts or patrols, was almost unbearable. he could only imagine how disappointed their mentors would be, how their training would fall behind.

robinpaw simply nodded, her head bowed low.

rookwhirl stepped forward and he looked at his kits. he sighed, drawing in a breath. ❝ this is a hard lesson but it's needed,you put yourselves β€” and potentially others β€” in harm's way, ❞

stonechatpaw felt a lump form in his throat. he knew that rookwhirl was right, that they had been reckless.

whisperstar gave them a small nod, signaling that the meeting was over. ❝ you may leave now, ❞

stonechatpaw and robinpaw quietly muttered their agreement and turned to leave. stonechatpaw risked one last glance at whisperstar. the leader's eyes held a hint of something softer beneath the sternness, but it was clear that she expected them to take this seriously.

robinpaw stalked out in silence before veering towards their mother. stonechatpaw gave robinpaw a gentle nudge, but the sheβ€”cat recoiled and hissed under her breath at her littermate.

muddyfur rose to her paws and slowly walked over to her sulking offspring. ❝ you should both go and visit nightmask, to get checked over, ❞ she purred.

stonechatpaw glanced across camp, watching as his sister strolled away and he caught sight of redtail and tallskunk sitting outside the warriors' den, their faces masked with a disappointed, distant stare.

𝘸𝘩𝘒𝘡 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘢𝘭π˜₯ 𝘴𝘡𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘀𝘩𝘒𝘡𝘱𝘒𝘸 π˜₯𝘰:

━━ π—–π—›π—’π—œπ—–π—˜ π—’π—‘π—˜ ... do as his mother suggested, and head to the medicine den to be checked over.

━━ π—–π—›π—’π—œπ—–π—˜ 𝗧π—ͺ𝗒 ... go to the apprentices den and sleep. the quicker he gets this punishment over the better.

━━ π—–π—›π—’π—œπ—–π—˜ 𝗧𝗛π—₯π—˜π—˜ ... go and apologise to tallskunk. his actions have affected his mentor too.

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