10.3 137

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(10.3) ─ 137

𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫:
‧⁺˚*‧☾ 𝐣𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭, 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬☽‧*˚⁺‧




"Where is he?" Sam asked as Carmen shrugged, "I don't know, but as soon as we find him, I'll kick his ass and her's." She remarked, raising her brows. He chuckled, shaking his head, "God, you've been hanging out with Dean too much." She lightly nudged him, causing her light to shine father ahead of them landing on a weird figure on the floor all the way down the hall. Carmen ran ahead of him, there laid Gavin unconscious, on the ground. Sam crouched down, slightly shaking him. "Gavin. Hey, Gavin." He darted upwards, starting to panic and freak out. "Hey, everything's okay. We here to help." Carmen added.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Sam and this is Carmen." He introduced, holding his hand out for him, "Uh, we found your girlfriend."


He took his hand, bringing them both to their feet as Carmen stood up as well, "Is she alright?" She nodded. "She's worried about you. Are you okay?" Her brother asked him. "I was running. I think I fell," He said as his mind was still foggy. "Running from what?" She asked, making sure not to shine the light in any of their eyes. "There was...There was this girl. Her face, it was all messed up."

"Okay listen, listen, did this girl–Did she try to hurt you?" Sam asked him.

"What? No, she, uh," Gavin, stuttered. She frowned, "She what?" He hesitated before speaking, "She..kissed me." The two exchanged very confused 'what the hell' glances before looking back at him. "Uh, um, but she didn't hurt you, physically?" Sam asked, pushing past the confusion. "Dude, she kissed me. I'm scared for my life." He said causing her to roll her eyes. "Well, trust me, it could have been worse." Sam told him. "Do you remember anything else?" She asked. "She, uh, actually, she tried to whisper something in my ear."


"I don't know. I ran like hell."

"Great," She remarked.

Before either one could say anything else a loud high pitched scream came from where Dean and Kat were supposed to be. Carmen was a head of the two, running down the hall, rounding the corner and running back down another hall before finally reaching Dean. "What's going on?" Sam asked, seeing him trying to pry a metal door open. "She's inside with one of them."

"Help me!" She screamed.

"Kat!" Gavin called.

"Get me outta here!"

"Kat, it's not going to hurt you. You've got to calm down. You have to..you gotta face it!" Carmen shouted through the thick metal door. "She's gotta what?!" Dean asked facing her as Kat said the same thing. "These spirits aren't trying to hurt us they're trying to communicate. You have to face it, listen to it." She explained. "You face it!" She shouted with a tone with a mixture of fear and anger. "I would, but there's my brothers and a door that won't budge!"

"It's the only way to get out of there." Sam added.


"Look at it, come on." She insisted before it all went quiet once more. "Kat?" Gavin asked. "Man, I hope you're both right about this." Dean whispered to the two of them. Who exchanged nervous looks before saying in unison, "Yeah, me too."

Suddenly the lock clicked, and the door slowly creaked open, Kat stood in the doorway. Gavin let out a sigh in relief, "Oh, Kat." Dean reached out and lightly grabbed her arm gently, leading her out. Sam walked in, looking around with Carmen's light, but came back shaking his head. "137." She muttered and they all turned towards her. "Sorry?" He asked. "It whispered in my ear, 137." She defined causing the three siblings to look at each other, "Room number." they agreed in unison. Showing they were each on the same page.

Dean dropped his bag, after they each leaned against the wall. "Alright. So if these spirits aren't trying to hurt anyone–"  "Then what are they trying to do?" Dean asked, cutting Sam off. "Maybe that's what they've been trying to tell us." She suggested fumbling with her necklace. "I guess we'll find out." Dean stated.

"Alright," Sam stated as the three turned to the couple, "So, now, are you guys ready to leave this place?" Dean asked. "That's an understatement." She remarked. "Okay," Dean agreed, looking at Sam and Carmen, "You and Carm get them outta here. I'm going to go find room 137." Before either could protest, he was already walking off with the shotgun, the duffel bag on his shoulder, and a flashlight he had pulled out of it. "I hate it when he does that." She muttered to Sam, who nodded his head in agreement.

The two lead the teenagers down the hall, "So, how do you guys know about all this ghost stuff?" Kat asked from behind them.

"It's kinda our job," She replied, glancing over her shoulder.

"Why would anyone want a job like that?"

Sam chuckled, "Had a crappy guidance counselor."

"And Dean? He's your boss?" She asked. Carmen chuckled and Sam shook his head, "No." He stated. Carmen turned around, walking backwards and still keeping up with her brother, "Try older brother." Kat's mouthed opened in a 'oh' shape and she nodded her head. She turned back around and was faced with a door at the end of the hall. Sam tried the right side as she tried the left but it didn't budge. They were both locked. Meaning they were currently stuck inside the haunted asylum. What a great way to start a horror movie. "Alright. I think we have a small problem." Sam said as the two stepped back from the door and turned to the two.

"Let's break it down." Gavin insisted.

"Go right, ahead with your imaginary crowbar," Carmen remarked, moving a step aside, gesturing from him to the doors.

"Then a window," He suggested again.

"They're barred." Kat spoke up, clearly done with her boyfriend.

"Well, how are we supposed to get out?" He asked, letting his arms hit his sides looking between the two. "The answer to that million dollar question is we don't." Carmen answered crossing an arm across her chest, while the other fidget with her necklace. None of this made any sense to her. First the ghost that wasn't trying to hurt either her or her brother. Then Kat gets told a room number. It was all too weird. This was different then any case they had been on. Normally just salt and burn the bones and job done, but this was more then just getting rid of some ghosts. They wanted, no, they needed something. And all she could think about what her mom would have done. Wishing she had left her some of her witchy powers to help her out in these times of supernatural confusion.

"There's something in here. It doesn't want us to leave." Sam added.

"Those patients..." Kat trailed off.

"No, something else." Sam and Carmen looked down a nearby corridor but no luck. Going back to the two stating that there was no other way out. "So what the hell are we gunna do?" Gavin asked, clearly just wanting nothing then to get out of here. "Well first things first, none of us are gunna panic." She said, only causing him to do the opposite, "Why the hell not?!"

Sam's phone broke through conversation, pulled it out, checking it before answering it. "Hey. Where are you...I'm on my way." He hung up, turning towards his sister, "Alright. Carmen, keep them safe. Dean called, said he's in the basement." She nodded, handing her his shotgun before leaving.


Gavin was pacing back and forth, Kat was crouched down against a wall, and Carmen was leaning against the opposite one with an arm across her waist while the one that held the shotgun had the barrel to the ground. "Can you stop pacing you're making me sick." She huffed out, rolling her eyes just wanting him to stop.

"Hey, Gavin?" Kat asked after letting out a short sigh. He looked at her, quickly crouching down beside her. "If we make it out of here alive..." She trailed off looking up at him, "We are so breaking up." He looked at her dumb-founded. Carmen pressed her lips together in an effort to try and hold in a laugh.

He opened his mouth to say something but a loud noise echoed it's way from around the corner. The two got up and quickly got behind Carmen. Who was currently holding the gun up towards where the noise was coming towards. Taking a deep breath in and out, steeding the gun the way Dean had taught her.

Sam and John had argued the entire day after John announced that Carmen was going to learn how to shoot. He was insisting that she was too young, while John was saying the opposite. In the middle of the night Dean had woken Carmen up, and he drove her down towards a wooded area. He had brought plenty of beer cans, glass bottles, and whatever shootable item he could find. Explaining to a small twelve year old why it's important she needed to know how to at least use it. How to respect it, how to safely handle it. And how it was pretty fun to watch each of the items fall or explode.

"Did you hear that?" Kat whispered, holding onto the Winchester's shoulder.

"Something's coming," He said as she quickly shushed both of them. Cocking the gun and aiming it up towards the corner. Placing her finger on the trigger as the figure rounded the corner. But quickly removing it when she fully saw it was Dean. "A little warning next time, I almost shot you." She panted, uncocking the gun and pointing it towards the ground.

"What are you still doing here? Where's Sam?"

"What do you mean? You called him, told him to come to the basement?" She replied in a confused tone. Her stomach starting to flip as she was getting nervous.

"I didn't call anybody."

Her posture straightened, "If it wasn't you, then where the hell is he?"

"Basement, huh?" He huffed making her frown as she watched him pull from the bag some extra weapon. "Alright," He stood up looking up at her, "Keep them safe." He repeated before walking away, once again.

And here the three we were, again. Kat crouched down against the wall, and Gavin and Carm leaned against the other one. Her stomach flipping and turning, swearing she was either going to throw up or melt into the floor from her nervousness. Her free hand was fumbling with her necklace, for some reason it was the only thing her mind could force herself to do.

Suddenly hearing another noise around the corner. She knew her brothers and knew they would be yelling that it was them to help making sure she wouldn't shoot them. But before she could even aime it at the sound a ghost of a woman appeared. The two jumped behind her, she fully aimed the shotgun at the transparent creature. But the woman didn't do anything, just staring at the Winchester as she stood back at her. "Shoot! Carmen, shoot!" Gavin shouted but all she did was mumble 'hold on' lowering her gun while stepping closer to the woman. If her mother could face a ghost, like Missouri had told her about, then damn it she could. The woman leaned closer towards her, "They're in danger."

"Who?" She whispered only letting her eyes look towards her.

"Your brothers are in danger."

Her eyes grew wider, watching as the woman walked to the locked doors taking one last look towards her before going through them. She turned towards the two who were staring at her confused, scared, and just in pure shock. "Can either of you handle a shotgun?"

"What? No!"

"I can." Kat amended. She shrugged seeing Gavin look at her with the expression even more intense. "My Dad took me skeet shooting a coupla times."

The Winchester handed her the gun, "Listen, this is loaded with rock salt. It doesn't kill a spirit, but it'll repel them. If something moves, shoot it. Even if it didn't move." She explained to the blonde who nodded her head, cocking the gun. Carmen nodded, giving her a reassuring smile before running off.

Following each of the broken and faded signs to the basement. Running down the stairs and being met with a stone dark hallway. Shining her light down, she was unsure where to go. Her hand unconsciously went for her necklace. As if on command a voice in the back of her head led her to the room. Not her normal head voice, but one that sounded more like her mother's voice but as if it was father away.

Getting to the doorway to see Ellicott was on top of Dean, his hands on his face lighting up. "Don't be afraid. I'm going to make you all better."

She looked over to the cabinet that was behind them, seeing a dusty skeleton. She ripped the lighter from her shoe, flicking the flame. Elicott's head snapped towards her hearing the sound. Her eyes lead from the flame to him and quickly tossing the lighter at the body. The blue man let go of Dean watching as his body went up in flames. He turned from pale blue to black and he fall to the ground, crumbling on impact.

Dean crawled away from him as soon as he let him go. She rushed over to him, pulling him away from the flames. "I owe you, little sis."

Sam's coughing caught their attention, he had woken up as was across the room looking over at them. "You're not going to try and kill me, are ya?" Dean asked him, Carmen raised her brow in confusion. "No," He answered, after taking a large breath. "Good." Sam raised his hand up to his jaw, pushing it back into place. "Because that would be awkward." Dean added as she helped him up. Going over to Sam and helping him up, "I'm not gunna ask."


Finally the group was able to fully leave the asylum. "Thanks, guys." Kat thanked while her and Gavin stood in front of them. "Yeah. Thanks," He added.

"No more haunted asylums, okay?" Dean joked as they nodded, chuckling lightly. The three watched them walk towards the car. "Hey, Dean?" Sam started as the three of them were now turned to Impala. "I'm sorry, man. I said some awful things back there."

"You remember all that?"

"Yeah. It's like I couldn't control it. But I didn't mean it, any of it." He explained, but Dean was looking doubtful, "You didn't, huh?" He frowned at his brothers, "No, of course not," He insisted.

"Do we need to talk about this?"

"No." He stated, shaking his head. Tossing the duffel bag into the back seat, "I'm not really in the sharing kinda mood. I just wanna get some sleep." He climbed into the driver seat and started the car. "Me too." He agreed before getting into the back seat. "I swear you too will be the death of me." She remarked climbing into the passenger seat.

They eventually  found a motel for the night. It was a bit nicer than their normal ones, but it was late and each of them were tired so they didn't care. All agreeing that showering would be better after they sleep not wanting to fall asleep. Dean didn't even bother to change his clothes, just took his jacket and boots off before falling on the bed and knocking out.

Carmen was the one to wake up. She could barely see the blue light of the early morning sun coming through the curtains. She had been asleep for about two hours before the loud ringing of Dean's phone woke her.

Shooting her arm up to the bedside table. Feeling her way towards it, grabbing it and checked the number. She didn't know it, blaming it on her being half asleep. Her eyes will shut again, as she flipped it open and answered it. "Hello?"

There wasn't a sound, just a faint breathing on the other end, "Hello?"

"Hey, angel."

Her eyes shot open, sitting straight up in the bed. Now she was fully awake hearing the voice. Recognizing the voice the second it was heard. "Dad?"

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