11.2 The Orchard

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(11.2) ─ The Orchard

𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫:
‧⁺˚*‧☾ 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬☽‧*˚⁺‧


The orchard was luckily near the outskirts of the small town. So, getting spotted wasn't exactly going to be an issue at the moment. Driving down the empty dirt road they came across the couple's car, broken. "We need to find them." Dean stated, pulling in front of their car and turning the Impala off.

He opened the trunk and grabbed a shotgun, while Carmen grabbed a switchblade and hunting knife. Tucking the small blade into her bra, and attaching the holster to one of her belt loops. The two made their way through the different trees. Trying to keep to the man path. "Dean!" She whispered, spotting two figures running away with the scarecrow right behind them.

He nodded, before gesturing for her to follow right behind him. Moving their way so they were now in front of the two couples, "Get back to your car!" He ordered. The man glanced behind them seeing the creature getting closer. "Go! Now!" Carmen shouted, causing them to run past them and towards the road.

Dean shot the scarecrow, watching as it stumbled but kept walking. Carmen pulled her blade out, staying behind her brother. He shot the thing once more but it once again just kept walking.

She tapped his shoulder, "It's not going down!" She tugged on his shoulder. The two started running, catching up with the couple. Dean turned, cocking the gun before shooting it again. And, again, the scarecrow kept going. So they kept running.

"Go! Go!"

Reaching a clearing, confused on how far out they had actually gone. They each stopped, trying to catch their breaths. Dean cocked his gun once more, Carmen flipped blade so it was now probably facing downward holding it up in her right fist. The orchard was clear. No shadows. No fast darting movements. No scary human hungry hay man. Nothing.

"Wha–what the hell was that?" The man asked, with the two couples arms entwined. "Don't ask." The two siblings said in unison.


"The scarecrow climbed off its cross?"

"Yeah, I'm tellin' ya. Burtitsville, Indiana. Fun town." Carmen remarked making Dean smirk. "It didn't kill the couple, did it?" Sam asked over the speaker. The two had safely gotten the couple back to their car. And far away from this town. And were now back in the Impala talking to Sam, who had finally returned his sister's call. "No. We can cope without you, you know." The oldest remarked.

"So, something must be animating it. A spirit."

"This thing is more god-like then spirit." She replied. "A Pagan god, anyway." Dean added. "What makes you say that?" He asked through the speaker. "The annual cycle of its killings? And the fact that the victims are always a man and a woman. Like some kind of fertility right. And you should see the locals." Dean explained. "The way they treated this couple. Fattening them up like a turkey for Thanksgiving." She added as her brother nodded in agreement.

"The last meal. Given to sacrificial victims."

"Yeah, I'm thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some Pagan god."

"So, a god possesses the scarecrow..."

"And the scarecrow takes its sacrifice." She added. "And for another year, the cops won't will, and disease won't spread." Dean explained.

"Do you know which god you're dealing with?"

"No..not yet." She admitted.

"Well, you figure out what it is, you'll figure out a way to kill it." Sam encouraged the two. "We know. We actually are on our way to a local community college. We've got an appointment with a professor. You know, since Daria and I don't have our trusty sidekick geek boy to do all the research with her." Dean said causing her to look down. Knowing this was his lame attempt on trying to get Sam to come back.

Sam gave a small laugh, "You know, if you're hinting you need my help, just ask."

"I'm not hinting anything. Actually, uh–I want you to know...I mean, don't think..." He quickly said, trying to back pedal.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, too."

She turned her head towards her brother, watching as he sighed before looking back towards the road. "Sam, you were right. You gotta do your own thing. You gotta live your own life."

"Are you serious?"

"You've always known what you want. And you go after it. You stand up to Dad, and you always have. Hell, I wish I–anyway...I admire that about you. I'm proud of you, Sammy." He admitted and Carmen knew if Sam were here, they're surprised facial expression would match. It wasn't that Dean was heartless, quite the opposite actually. But when your only really parental figure is John Winchester, you would also not be big on knowing how to express your own emotions.

"I don't even know what to say..."

"Say you'll take care of yourself, Bigfoot."

"I will, Carm,"

"Call us when you find Dad."

"Ok. Bye, guys."


"It's not every day I get a research question on Pagan ideology," The Professor informed as he walked down a staircase, followed by the two Winchester's. "Yeah, well, call it a hobby." Dean remarked, which was slightly true. "But you said you were interested in local lore?" Dean nodded, replying to the man's question. "I'm afraid Indiana isn't really known for its Pagan worship."

"Right, but maybe if it was imported?" She suggested. "Yeah, you know, like the Pilgrims brought their religion over. Wasn't a lot of this area settled by immigrants?" Dean added to his sister's suggestion. "Well, yeah," The professor agreed as the three walked down the hallway. "Like that town near here, Burkittsville. Where are their ancestors from?" Dean asked. "Uh, Northern Europe, I believe, Scandinavia," The Professor replied.

"What could you tell us about those Pagan gods?" She asked. "Well, there are hundreds of Norse gods and goddesses." The older man chuckled. "We're actually looking for one." Dean said.

"It might live in an orchard." Carmen suggested, making sure her tone was very naive and unsure.

Following the older Professor into a classroom. Watching as he pulled out a large book and placed it down on the large table at the center of the room. Placing his glasses from his shirt pocket and onto his face. "Woods god, hm? Well, let's see," He trailed off, opening the book and starting to flip through the pages. Carmen watched each page passed, scanning each photo she could. Everyone in or near this town has given her a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Each person that even looked their way was one event away from spilling their guts. And the older man wasn't any exception. Watching as a page with thick and thin black lines forming a picture of a scarecrow on a post surrounded by farmers in a large open field. "Wait, wait. What's that one?"

"Oh, that's not a woods god, per se,"

"The V-Va-Vanir?" Dean read aloud." The older man nodded making Dean continue reading, "The Vanir were Norse gods of protection and prosperity, keeping the local settlements safe from harm. Some villages-built effigies of the Vanir in their field. Other villages practiced human sacrifice. One male, and one female." He pointed to one of the photos, "Kinda looks like a scarecrow, huh?"

"Yup, sure does," She agreed.

"I suppose," The older man gave in.

"This particular Vanir that's energy sprung from the sacred tree?" It was now Carmen's turn to read aloud. "Well, Pagans believed all sorts of things were infused with magic." The Professor explained. "So, what would happen if the sacred tree was torched? You think it'd kill the god?" Dean asked, causing the man to laugh, "Son, these are just legends we're discussing."

"Oh, of course. Yeah, you're right." Dean laughed off and Carmen nodded, smiling lightly. "Listen, thank you very much."  "Yeah, thank you." She added as they each shook hands with the Professor. "Glad I could help." Dean let his sister walk in front of him. She opened the door looking back making sure she had pushed the door enough, so her brother was able to follow her. And right as she was about to turn back to walk through the doorway, something collided with her head. It was heavy, and maybe metal, but it definitely hurts. Connection with the cold wooden floor, her vision fuzzed before completely blacking out,


Carmen groaned; her hand reached up to her head. It had caused her migraine, that she had finally gotten rid of last week to come right back. Using her other hand, she helped sit upright. Her hand was met with cold concert flooring, her blurry vision matched where she assumed she was. A basement.

Even with the bare lighting that barely gave light to anything, Carmen knew what a basement looked like. Confused on everything. Where was she? Where is her brother? But most importantly where was the fucker who knocked her out.

A moan came from the other corner of the room. "Dean?" She asked trying to get her eyes to hurry and adjust to the darkness. "Carmen?" His voice asked as she could finally see him.

He quickly got up and rushed over to her. "Are you okay?" She nodded, still holding the side of her pounding head. He let out a sigh of relief, helping her up to her feet. Looking over her head for any blood, or bruising.

"Are we in a cellar?"

"Looks like it,"

The cellar doors that were letting in the small bits of light were suddenly flung open. Emily was there along with Stacy, Harley, and the Sheriff. The younger blonde was crying, her uncle holding her elbow keeping her in place. "Aunt Stacy, Uncle Harley, please," She begged looking between the older people. But it didn't matter, he dragged her down the stairs, glancing over at the two. Which made Dean only shove his arm, he had putted out in front of his sister, father into her causing her to stay back. He settled Emily besides the two, looking at them before going back up the steps. His look wasn't mean, or vicious. But instead, sad and remorseful, as if he wasn't wanting to do any of this.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked.

"For the common good," Stacy answered her niece before shutting both cellar doors, leaving them back in the dark.

Dean waited a few moments before trying to open the doors. Pulling as hard as he could. Even putting his foot on one using it has leverage. "I don't understand. They're gonna kill us?" She asked, standing beside Carmen, who was fumbling with her necklace. "Sacrifice us," The youngest said, looking over the junk, seeing if she could use something to pry the doors open.

"Which is, I don't know, classier, I guess?" Dean suggested walking over to them. "You really didn't know anything about this, did you?" He asked the blonde woman. "About what? The scarecrow god? I can't believe this." She explained in complete disbelief.

"Well, you better start believing, cause we're gonna need your help." He told her, causing her to nod in agreement. "We can destroy the scarecrow, but we gotta find the tree." Carmen explained to her.

"What tree?"

"Maybe you can help us with that." Dean started, while standing in front of the two. "It would be really old. The locals would treat it with a lot of respect, you know, like it was sacred." She thought for a moment, pressing her lips together before speaking, "There was this one apple tree. The immigrants brought it over with them. They call it the First Tree."

"Is it in the orchard?" Dean questioned as she nodded lightly, "Yeah, but I don't know where." She replied. "Well, with a name like First Tree I don't think it'll be too hard." Carmen remarked.

Suddenly, light flooded the room once again. Four elders were standing by the opening doors. Scotty and the Sheriff being two of them. Each pointing a gun at the three, "It's time."


The Orchard was now even more scary than it was in the day. With the new information that the scarecrow was actually wanting to kill and murder people. But now it was evident that the people getting killed were human sacrifices, and the Winchesters were about to be its new victims.

The Sheriff was tying Dean to a tree. While Stacy and Harley were tying their niece to a nearby tree. Carmen was being held by two people, each holding each of her forearms. "How many Sheriff? Uh? How many people have you killed? How much fucking blood is on your hands?!" He looked over at her with a sadden expression, "We don't kill them." He protested.

"No," Dean agreed making the man turn his attention back to the oldest, "But you sure cover up after. I mean, how many cars have you hidden, clothes you've buried?" The man didn't say anything, instead just grabbing his rifle and taking a step back.

"Uncle Harley, please." Emily begged, looking up at him hoping and bagging he'll let her go.

"I am so sorry, Em. I wish it wasn't you."

"Try to understand," Stacy started to explain, "It's our responsibility, and there's just no other choice. There's nobody else but you."

"She's your fucking niece! Your own family and you're just gunna let her die!" Carmen shouted with complete and utter disgust.

"That's what sacrifice means," She stated. "Giving up something you love for the greater good." Carmen quickly lunged at her, her nails digging into her palms. Either man struggled holding her back but eventually got a hold on her. "Fuck you! You psycho bitch!" If anyone knew about sacrifice it was her. Her mother sacrificed her own life so she could live and grow up without anyone coming after her. Even if she didn't know everything about her mother, she knew that much. Bobby made sure she knew why it was so important that she left her. Her mother was part of a coven, her grandmother (who she earned her middle name from) was the leader and protector of it. Something happened and the coven believed that neither her mother or grandmother deserved to be in it, let alone live. Her grandmother sacrificed herself to buy her and Carmen some more time to get as far away as they could. But eventually demons that the witches had sent after them started finding them more often. So, her mother did the only thing she could, fake Carmen's death and make sure she was placed in good hands.

Harley shook his head in disgust, standing up and grabbing his rifle as his wife continued her rant. "The town needs to be safe. The good of the many outweighs the good of the one."

"Let's go," The Sheriff declared, causing the two men that were holding onto Carmen to start to drag her away with them. "Hey! Hey! Where are you taking her?!" Dean shouted struggling against the chains holding him against the tree.

"Let me go! Dean!"



"Where are you taking her?!"

"Away from this. To give her a better him, a better life." The Sheriff revealed over his shoulder, not bothering to look at the oldest. "Dean! Let me go! Dean!" She shouted over and over again for her brother, struggling and trying to yank herself out from the mens grip. "Carmen!" Dean yelled once more before she couldn't see either him or Emily anymore.

She started thrashing harder, understanding that they were going to let her plant herself into the ground. Kicking harder, screaming louder, yanking her arms harder. Causing the two mean to strangle even more since she was now trying to throw herself forward. "Stop it kid,"

"Bite me, you psychotic asshole!"

The Sheriff stopped making the two men stop in result. He turned and walked up to the young teenager. "You need to stop; we are just trying to help you." He told her as Scotty was now standing by his side.

She tilted her head, scoffing at him, "You can shove your help your ass."

Scotty sighed, "You will be glad for our help. We can get you a real family."

"You're out of your goddamn mind if you think I want to be a part of your "family"!" She spat in disbelief. Were they actually that delusional to think she would want to stay with them? She had a family. It wasn't perfect, far from it. Even if they weren't her blood family, they were still hers. "Let me go! Dean! Dean!" She shouted, turning her head back towards where her brother had been. "Calm down, Carmen." The older man tried to sooth her but placed his hand over her mouth.

She opened her mouth and bit down as hard as she possibly could on the man's hand. Causing him to jump back in shock. She then brought her leg up kicking one of the men in balls, he quickly fell to the ground letting her go. Turning to guy on her right, kicking his feet out from under him. Before anyone could do anything, or even think about doing something she was already turning and running back to where her brother and Emily where last.

"No! Don't shoot, she's a child!" She heard Harley yelling behind her.

She fought ever inch in her body not to freak out. Instead she just forced herself to run faster. 'Just find Dean.' She repeated to herself every time her foot hit the ground.

She then heard a few steps running towards her, afraid it was someone else from the town she started preparing herself to fight whoever it is. Three figures is what she saw, coming closer and closer as she was doing the same. Until, finally the moon light from above shined through and revealed it was Emily, Dean, and Sam. She let out a breath of relief, "Sam! Dean!" She jumped up wrapping her arms around both of their necks, pushing on the tips of her toes and hugging them close. Her body relaxed, and the nervous anxious knot in her stomach finally untied at the sight of her brothers.

"Are you okay? Did they do anything to you? Are you hurt?" Dean rambled off, after the three pulled apart but keeping their arms interlocked. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She nodded feeling the adrenaline rush start to fade as her knees felt like they were about to give out from under her. Both brothers and Emily let out a small sigh of relief.

"Okay, we need to go, right now." Sam said, as the three turned around to run away. Him having Carmen by his side, and Dean kept Emily by his. "Alright, now, this sacred tree you're talking about–"

"It's the source of its power," Dean finished his brother's sentence.

"So, let's find it and burn it."

"We can't. We will do it in the morning. Let's just shag ass before Leatherface catches up." Dean insisted after having had enough of this dark forest for one night.

Finally, reaching the clearing. All they needed to do was find the clearing then get back onto the path that led to the road. Each of them quickly stopped in their tracks. The townspeople were now in front of them blocking their path, pointing their rifles at the four of them. Turning out to try to run revealed more people. They were trapped.

Emily looked at both her aunt and uncle, "Please, let us go." She begged on the verge of crying once again.

"It'll be over quickly, I promise." Harley insisted.


"Emily, you have to let him take you. You have to–" A giant stick was thrusted through Harley's stomach. The Scarecrow was now standing behind him with its arm still through the man's stomach. Carmen's eyes widened, not daring to take her sights of the bloodthirsty creature. Feeling Sam pushing her behind him, settling her between the two brothers. Stacy screamed as the Scarecrow wrapped its arm around the old woman's neck. Pulling its other hand from Harley's stomach and grabbing a hold of his leg. Dragging the two away, going deeper into the orchard.


The four had spent the rest of the night driving. Circling the town, without actually going towards the more populated areas. Waiting until it was fully morning before they thought about setting another foot into that orchard.

Emily led them towards the First Tree, It was marked on its trunk with Vince's tattoo design. Sam used the red gas canister and poured the gas all over it. After Dean picked up a large branch. Carmen reached into her boot where her lighter was, lighting the large branch.

"Let me," Emily spoke up.

"You know, the town's gonna die," Dean reminded. She took the branch from him, "Good," Without another word she toasted the lit branch onto the tree. The four watched it go up in flames, and waiting till all of it was burned with no way to save any of it.

Now, the three were at the bus stop. Waving bye to Emily as she smiled at them, got on the bus, and left. "Think she's gonna be alright?" Sam asked, breaking the soft silences. "I hope so," Dean replied. "I think so," Carmen added.

"And the rest of the townspeople, they'll just get away with it?" Sam questioned, as if they hadn't done enough.

"Well, what'll happen to that town will have to be enough of a punishment. They should just be lucky I'm not the one burning the place to the ground." She remarked as the three started walking back towards the Impala.

"So, can I drop you off somewhere?" Dean asked the one question neither wanted to ask.

"No, I think you're stuck with me."

She smiled widely at the response, "What changed your mind?"

"Curiosity killed the cat Carm, and I didn't. I still wanna find Dad. And you both are still a pain in the ass." Dean nodded, "But, Jess and Mom–they're both gone. Dad is god knows where." He looked over at Dean, "You, me, and Carm. We're all that's left. So, if we're gonna see this thing through, we're gonna do it together."

"Well then, I guess it's a good thing I don't have Mr. Whiskers." She remarked, still upset over not being able to find her missing black cat stuffed animal.

"You should be kissing my ass." Sam remarked as they each went to their own doors. Grinning widely at his brother, "You were dead meat, dude!"

"Correction, Dean was dead meat. I beat some old people's ass." She corrected proudly.

"Yeah, right. I had a plan, I'd have gotten out." Dean insisted.

"Right," Sam said sarcastically, "If it wasn't me then Daria would have saved your ass. And it wouldn't have been the first time." Dean scoffed while Carmen and Sam laughed lightly. Each of them smiling at one another, happy that they were back together and safe.

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