𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„

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act one: the girl in the bubble
chapter one

The room was dark. The sounds of the screaming from the floor below had been drowned out by the sounds of the rain and the laughter of lightning which shook the windows. One second, the yelling would be too much to bear. Then the sound of something crashing would startle someone. Then, it was all quiet. Over and over again.

That was how the summer had been spent. Almost every night was a replay of the one before. And the one before then. It was a never ending cycle that no one could break. No one knew how to escape the grasp of wrath and break free. Not until it took what it had come for. Not until it took what it so desperately wanted but never seemed to get.

Daphne sat on her bed with her head laid firmly against one of the pillows as she faced the ceiling. Wired headphones resting in her ears as a muggle device called a walk-man rested beside her as it played different songs from a Metallica tape she had, trying to drown out all of the noises from within her home.

Her dark golden blonde hair was braided messily over the side as she adorned a pair of black silk shorts and an oversized quidditch t-shirt. Her room wasn't a mess, but it wasn't exactly clean either. Clothes adorning Gryffindor's emblem rested on the floors as well as old quidditch supplies.

It wasn't until she heard the crash of glass and another boom of the weather that the girl let out a loud sigh as she stopped her music and pulled out her headphones before hearing a quiet knock at her door. She believed that it was a wonder that she had even heard it due to how loud everything else around her had been.

The floor creaked under her feet as she made it to the door, her hand clasping around the coldness of the doorknob before turning it and allowing her door to open as she backed up and moved out of the way. Standing tall as she found herself face to face with her cousin who was practically her brother.

"Atticus?" Daphne found herself curious as to why he was knocking on her door, usually he stayed within his room until the fighting ended and that's when he'd come to her or she'd go to him.

The shadows rested against the side of his face, making the sharpness of his features all the more menacing, slowly he walked through the door before closing it behind him, "There's something important that we need to talk about."

Important. Daphne found herself curious as to what he meant by this, often the two rarely discussed things happening around unless it happened to be at Hogwarts. But now it seemed the troubles of their school life happened to follow them home and neither truly had an escape anymore, that was unless they ran away to Remus Lupin's, which had happened a few times.

"What is it?" Daphne asked softly as she motioned for Atticus to take a seat on her bed, he did so and she followed suit, placing her hands in her lap.

Another crack of lightning shook not only the windows but the walls this time as Atticus' eyes scanned his cousin's expression before he spoke, "Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban."

Daphne sucked in a breath, as if not believing what he had just said to her, "Escaped Azkaban? Is this some sort of joke? Atticus, it's impossible to escape from there. The dementors aren't something you can get through."

Escaping Azkaban was most literally an impossible task. No wizard or witch, for that matter, had ever escaped the wizarding prison. It had never been done and everyone was sure that it would never be done. Sirius Black could in no way be an exception.

"Daphne, we have to believe that there is a possibility," Atticus looked at his cousin before pulling out of his coat, a copy of the most recent daily prophet, "It's in the papers."

"Since when do you read the papers?" Daphne questioned before she peered over her cousin's arm and began to read, "How do we know this isn't some charade that the Ministry sent out to scare everyone?"

Atticus shook his head before flinching at the sound of glass shattering, "Because, Daph, it's what they're fighting over."

The weight of the air between the two was heavy. Daphne felt stupid for trying to ignore all of this. She had noticed how distant her father had become and how angry her mother had become in return. Tensions were high within the house, almost twenty-four seven.

Daphne chewed on her bottom lip before she pulled back and sighed as she looked at her cousin, "If that is what they are arguing over, then we know it won't end anytime soon."

Atticus nodded before he stopped, hearing as the house went dead silent, "That can't be any good."

Daphne nodded in agreement before closing her eyes. She prayed to Merlin that this would just end. Something would let her family get back to how it used to be. Though, Atticus knew that Daphne's prayers were false hope. They'd never actually come true because as sad as it was, this was their lives and they had to put up with it.

"Let's go check on them," Daphne looked at her cousin as she rose to her feet, "Make sure no one's hurt."

"Is that such a good idea?" Atticus found himself asking as he rose to his feet as well, "Who knows what we will find, Daph."

The fourteen-year-old and twelve-year-old looked at each other. Atticus, the older of the two, was trying to make it where Daphne wouldn't want to go down. Knowing that their childhood had been long gone after the downfall of the past two years.

"We need to check on them," Daphne's words became softer as she looked at Atticus, a tinge of sadness within her eyes as she sighed, "Come on."

Atticus didn't say much after his first objection. He didn't want to upset Daphne anymore than she already was, but either way he knew that emotionally she wouldn't be okay. Daphne took a few strides over to her door before twisting it open and holding it so that Atticus could get through before she followed after him.

Atticus made sure that he was the first to go down the stairs which wasn't opposed to by Daphne as she followed suit. Their feet caused gentle creaks of the wood before the two heard the yelling start up once again. Daphne's heart dropped as she couldn't help but flinch at the sound. Her eyes began to burn which hadn't gone unnoticed by Atticus.

"Daph," Atticus' voice was quiet as he came to a halt.

The pictures that littered the walls only made matters worse for the two. Pictures of the so-called 'happy family'. Atticus and Daphne as they were younger chasing their Uncle. Family portraits. And then the portraits of the ones who had passed before the two had a chance to know them.

Daphne didn't say a word as she managed to go around him, only stopping when she felt Atticus grab her arm, "What?"

"Don't," Atticus' voice was soft as he looked at the younger of the two, "Let's just go to Uncle Remus', okay?"

Despite the fact there was no blood relation between Remus and Atticus, the two seemed to be due to how close they were. Blood did not matter. Blood did not create families, love did.

Daphne paused for a moment as if trying to decide if that was a good idea or not, still finding herself worried over her parents before she let her head hang low as she began to walk up the stairs, "Come on."

Her voice was soft. Almost inaudible. Atticus had a look of sadness clouding his features as he followed after Daphne.

"Go pack your things and I'll pack mine," Daphne whispered as she walked back over to her door, not sparing a second glance at her cousin.

Daphne didn't really give him much time to give a second thought as she walked into her room and began packing a small to go bag of things she knew she'd need. She was pretty quick packing due to how many times she had packed her bag before she stopped.

The girl hated upon seeing a letter that sat on her desk, a frown tugged at her lips as she knew who it was from, but she had yet to open it. She walked over to it before placing the letter in her bag and walking out of her room to find Atticus.

It seemed that he had also finished pretty early, giving her a small smile before nodding his head as if saying he was ready. Leading her into a different room where a fireplace rested with floo powder. Atticus motioned for Daphne to go first, so she did.

Daphne grabbed a handful of the glittery powder as she stepped into the fireplace, looking at her cousin before saying, "Lupin Cottage," and dropping the powder down before she was engulfed in green flames.

Daphne coughed as she hit harshly against the floors of Lupin cottage. Thankfully, it wasn't a full moon and they had a week or two before one would come. So, they're Uncle was alright for the most part. Well, as far as they knew.

Daphne moved out of the fireplace before placing her bag on the couch as she waited for Atticus to come through the same place that she had. She wiped off the soot that covered part of her face as a few tears slipped from her eyes.

"Uncle Remus?" Daphne called out softly through the darkness, hoping that if he was asleep she hadn't woken him.

Remus was the older brother of Rosalie Lupin, the girl's mother. He was tall and lanky. His face was riddled with scars from his past and his sandy hair almost matched her own. He wore old suits or sweaters, often matching with one of the kids if they so wished. And usually they did.

But through the slight darkness of Lupin cottage, a figure emerged as the lights began to flicker on, "What are you... oh Firefly," Remus noticed the sad expression on her face as he walked over and crouched down in front of her.

A small noise was heard causing both heads to turn and look as Atticus now stood in the house as well. A somber feeling fell over the air which alerted Remus of what was happening within the Lupin-Black home. Something he wished the kids were young enough not to know about but knowing that they were being haunted by the screams and crashes.

"They were doing it again," Atticus explained as he looked at his Uncle, "Worse than usual."

Remus looked sadly at the two as he placed a gentle kiss on Daphne's head before hugging Atticus as the boy walked over into his arms, "I'm sorry you two, you two shouldn't have to deal with this."

"We know what's happened, Uncle Rem," Daphne spoke as she dropped the bomb of their knowledge, "We know about Uncle Sirius."

Remus' expression had a slight change, but not enough so that either of the kids could pin-point what it was. They had never known about what their other Uncle had done, they just had known he ended up in prison and that he had betrayed everyone. Just as Atticus had believed in his own father.

"Let's not talk about that tonight, loves," Remus rose up to his feet once more as he looked at the two, "Why don't I fix you two some hot chocolate? I'll owl your parents in the morning and tell them you're with me."

Part of Daphne felt a jab within her knowing that they probably wouldn't notice that Atticus and herself had been gone until they received that owl. They never had, but whenever they'd return to the home Lucerys and Rosalie would act as if nothing had ever happened and express their worry about the kids disappearing at such late hours as they had.

"We'd love that," Atticus spoke for the two as Daphne found herself frowning as she let her thoughts run deep.

Remus gave the two a smile before poking Daphne's cheek to draw her attention back to him, "Come on, my little firefly."

Firefly. A nickname that her Uncle had called her since her birth. Claiming that no matter where she went, she brightened the room. On the nights that she spent at her Uncle's house when she was younger, she'd chase after the insect.

Atticus' nickname was something that Daphne had picked up on, although she wasn't sure what had originally caused his nickname. He was often called beary, she believed it was because he could be cold but he was one of the most caring people you'd ever meet.

The two children followed after their Uncle to help fix the hot chocolate. Remus reached the areas that they couldn't as he pulled out cups while the two kids grabbed milk and chocolate powder.

"Careful," Remus grabbed the milk from his niece as her hand began to shake, which caused him to become more concerned.

"I'm sorry," Daphne sighed before she focused to get the shaking in her hands to stop.

Atticus looked over at his Uncle with a sad look before continuing to get everything put together while Remus knelt down and held her hands, "It's okay."

Part of Daphne still felt as if she were weighed down by her bag of belongings despite the fact it had been long discarded. No matter how many times they had come to their Uncles while her parents fought, it never got easier for her.

"Do you want to know something?" Remus asked softly as he began to brush back a few loose strands of hair that had fallen from Daphne's braid, "I'll be at school with you two this year."

Daphne's eyes filled with confusion, and slight excitement as she looked at her Uncle, "What?" Atticus asked, almost as stunned as the girl, "You're going to be a Professor?" His voice was laced with excitement.

"I am," Remus held a smile as he rose back to his feet, holding one of Daphne's hands gently as he looked at Atticus, "That means you two have to be on your best behavior."

Daphne squeezed her Uncle's hand, "Are you going to be my Professor? Are you replacing Lockhart? Please tell me you are - that git wanted to sacrifice me to a chamber!" Daphne would never let go that Lockhart was going to sacrifice her to be a coward yet again.

Remus let out a small laugh although looking rather annoyed by the fact someone was going to sacrifice his niece, "I will be replacing Lockhart as Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor and I will be your teacher."

Daphne seemed excited by this news, letting it drown out her sadness, "That will be fun."

Though, it made her pause. She was worried because of his small problem. How would that work out at school? Would he tell anyone? Not to mention her parents. She was glad he'd be getting a break from their fighting as well. He deserved it. Daphne knew it affected not only her and Atticus, but him as well.

But she was also worried about what was going to happen between her parents in the time that they were gone. It was now just going to be the two of them. They would be stuck together in the Lupin-Black home. No children. No family. Just the two of them. Would that save them? Or would it be their downfall? Divorce.

Daphne dreaded the time that she would have to go home from her Uncle's, though she was always excited to see her father. Her mother and her sometimes had a rockier relationship as most mother's and daughter's did. Atticus clings more towards Rosalie in that aspect.

"Are you excited for your birthday?" Remus asked as he looked at his niece, "August 1, only a few days away."

Atticus grinned slightly as he looked at Remus, "She's been bickering with one of her friends over it over an owl post for a few days."

"Hey! He deserves to be argued with, I'm only a day younger and he acts like it's an entire year!" Daphne couldn't help but complain as she let out a huff of air, "I hate being the youngest friend."

Remus couldn't help but grin as he shook his head, a knowing glint in his eye, "You may be the youngest, but that just means you're more determined to put up a fight."

"That's just the Gryffindor in her," Atticus couldn't help but snicker, rolling his eyes as he brought up the red and gold house.

"Oh shush," Daphne clicked her tongue before grabbing her cup of hot cocoa and taking a sip.

She found herself thinking back on their home. Wondering if their parents had finally stopped arguing and gone to bed. She wondered if they walked by her door, if they walked by Atticus' door. Had they realized they were gone? Or had they fooled themselves into believing that they had gone to bed without a fuss and had no knowledge of what had been happening.

Daphne knew that they had probably forgotten about the two's existence at that moment. Still riled up by their anger towards each other. If they weren't fighting anymore, they believed the two children were in bed asleep with no knowledge of their predicament. If they were fighting? Then they wouldn't even bat an eyelash at the thought of the children even being in the house.

Every time things got bad, Daphne knew she could count on her Uncle Remus to be there for her and Atticus. He had always been. Even when all of this began, when Atticus and Daphne ran into his house crying, he had saved them. Calming them down and holding them close as if they were his own. Fixing them hot chocolate and reading them stories or telling them tales of his youth.

Remus Lupin was the savior of Atticus Black and Daphne Black.

And he always would be.

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