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act two: little dark age
chapter thirty-eight

December twenty-fourth, Christmas Eve. A beautiful day in Hogwarts, a calm and quiet day. Many students had left to go fight in a battle in the snow and spend their days together while Daphne had opted for a much calmer day, staying in the Gryffindor Common Room while awaiting the time to get ready for the ball.

She was beyond excited for the Yule Ball, but she couldn't help but find herself a little let down with it all. She felt as if she had ruined everything for herself after pushing Harry away if everyone else was telling the truth, but according to Fred and George she'd probably find out more tonight from the chosen one himself.

And she couldn't help but hope that she did. She wanted nothing more than for him to admit his feelings, making her feel a little less alone than she had before, but things wouldn't go that way. One, Harry Potter did not like Daphne Black in the way she liked him. Two? Harry Potter would have to be barking mad to try and get with Daphne Black.

Daphne and Hermione were the last to get ready as they had decided they wanted to be the last ones to enter the ball, thanks to Fred and George giving them an idea to go for the dramatics. Daphne wouldn't let her friend enter alone and what better way for Daphne Black to enter than in the true house of Black fashion?

Daphne was worried over many things, though. Draco Malfoy had caused quite a few problems including enlarging Hermione's already large teeth resulting in the girl having to go to Madame Pompfrey who fixed her teeth and not to mention Moody and Caius who had been snooping around near the Gryffindor Common room in late hours of the night.

That is what worried Daphne the most. Knowing that her cousin and the rogue Professor had been sneaking around the castle, undetected. The only reason Daphne knew about them sneaking around was because she had a vision, one where she saw them stumbling by with a look of dark determination which reminded her of an animal with rabies.

The girl sat on her bed, still undressed even as Hermione had began to get dressed. Her insides churned uncomfortably as she stared at the wall until her eyes began to water then she blinked as she pulled herself out of her mind while taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself down as she needed to begin getting ready as well.

Part of Daphne began to wonder who Caius and her brother had brought to the ball. Or, if they'd be going at all. Daphne knew that Mad Eye Moody was going to be there and without a doubt was watching the girl and Harry. Daphne resisted the urge to sigh as she winced at the mere thought of Harry's name. This was going to be a long night...

Daphne wandered over to the dress hanging at the end of her bed before she slipped out of her comfortable clothes before taking a deep breath as she stepped into the dress before fighting to zip it up on her own. Feeling as the fabric compressed in on her body until it hit her thighs, then the fabric let out into a small train.

The bodice was strapless. Fitting like a corset as it had beaded diamonds and pearls embellished in a pattern under her chest which had a thin layer of tulle draped from side to side. The embellishments of pearls and diamonds went down to her thighs as it hugged her body before letting out. Lines of pearls dripped down the fabric from there on.

The dress was more of an off white, with a light champagne essence as the pearls and diamonds glittered and lightened the tone. Daphne brought back the Gryffindor red in with her chunky heels that were a shiny dark red. Three necklaces hung down her neck, her crest, a shimmering ruby on a thin gold chain, and a heart shaped pearl on a golden chain.

Different rings littered her fingers that matched her jewelry as did her earrings. Once she had everything settled on her body, she began to work on her hair. Taking two braids from the top of her head and one from each side before creating a bun, two connected braids that led down from under it with half of her hair still being down in loose curls.

She pulled out two pieces of hair to frame her face before looking at herself in the mirror. Working on some soft makeup, not doing much as she did not have time for it and no matter what she wanted the scars would never truly be covered. Which left her in her current look as she rose to her feet and looked back at Hermione.

"You look lovely, Mione," Daphne gave her friend a soft smile as she tried not to let the self-consciousness fuel her actions, "You're practically glowing."

Hermione laughed lightly as she looked at her friend while spinning around before taking Daphne's hand and spinning her, "As do you. My Godric! Everyone's going to faint when they see you."

Daphne blushed lightly while laughing, "Says the wonder herself!"

Daphne couldn't believe how well Hermione looked, not that she thought the girl ever looked bad. Hermione was always beautiful and Daphne often envied her natural curly hair, but tonight... Daphne was sure that Viktor Krum wouldn't ever leave Hermione behind once he caught sight of her.

The two girls walked out of the Common Room with their arms linked, making their way through the portrait hole before descending down the moving staircases as they joked and gleamed with pride. Both girls were excited for the dance and the reactions that they were about to witness.

Daphne took careful steps as she tried not to step down on her dress or Hermione's for the sake of not breaking her ankle in the heels she was wearing. Luckily, they made it down towards the doors of the Great Hall safely. Both pausing at the entrance as Daphne halted, feeling the anxiety bubble within her.

"Breath," Hermione reminded her friend as she took her hands in her own, "There are so many people waiting for us and we have to prove the boys wrong. Besides, look at you. You truly have nothing to worry about, Daphne."

"What if someone says something?" Daphne asked as her voice became quiet as she let her anxiety flow from her lips, "What if he doesn't like it? Godric forbid that George even says something - my scars..."

"Are merely a reflection of what you have been through," Hermione stopped Daphne's worrying in its tracks as she gave her a firm look, "It shows how strong you are. George would never say anything to hurt you, not on purpose. George loves you as he does Ginny. Harry will be sure to look at you, whether he wants to or not."

Daphne swallowed down Hermione's words while momentarily burying down her anxiety as she adjusted her posture, remembering what her father had taught her, "Let's rock this bitch."

The entire room went silent as the sounds of footsteps echoed, echoed louder than any other. Everyone's gazes turned towards the entrance of the Great Hall as gasps of shock raked through the heavily decorated room. All eyes stuck on the two girls who had finally come out of the darkness of the Gryffindor Common Room and rocked Hogwarts.

Daphne's posture remained impeccable as she descended down the stairs with her head held high. A slight smirk tugging at her lips as Hermione smiled bashfully at her side. Well, we all truly go back to the old ways of Black, don't we? She found it truly funny how she was finally putting something her father taught her to use.

"They look beautiful," One of the patil twins breathed from Harry's side, looking up at the two girls in admiration.

Harry had yet to turn as he muttered out, "Yeah, she does," Before noticing that the girl's gaze was elsewhere before he finally turned around to see what she saw.

Daphne couldn't help but blink as she locked eyes with him. She wasn't sure how to react as she took in his appearance. He had been turned around in the beginning but now, here he stood, staring directly at her. His black robes fit him pretty well and weren't as horrible as Ron's and for once, he looked as if he had cleaned his glasses.

He stood staring at her in wonder, almost as if he was mesmerized by her as she made her descent. Daphne looked down momentarily as she blushed before tearing her gaze away as she spotted George rather easily while Hermione's grasp on the girl's arm tightened as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

Viktor Krum came over to the two as he nodded at Daphne who simply smiled as she unlocked her arm from Hermione's as Viktor took Hermione's hand and placed a kiss on her knuckle before swiftly taking her away while George made his way over to Daphne as he mimicked a curtsey while smiling at her.

"Don't you clean up well," Daphne bowed her head in return as she held her hand out for George to take, "I didn't think you'd ever come out of your robes."

George let out a small laugh as he took Daphne's hand before placing a gentle kiss to her knuckles, "So much for formalities. I had to learn these overnight!" George whispered to the girl before sighing as he smiled, "I think you have wowed this entire room with how you look tonight."

Daphne let out a small laugh causing her posture to deflect momentarily before in an instant, she fixed it, "Hermione wowed the entire room, I was simply her arm candy to escort her," She hummed as she smirked, "Just as you are for me tonight."

George rolled his eyes as he offered the girl his arm, "I think tonight we are each other's arm candy, except, you've caught the eyes of the boy you've wanted," He whispered before taking the girl into the Great Hall before the doors shut so that the Champions could enter.

"Daphne! I hardly recognized you since you grew a few inches," Fred teased upon noticing the girl was now standing near him, "You look nice, darling."

"You really do," Angelina agreed as she looked over at Daphne, "On and off the field, you never cease to win a game."

"As do you, Angie," Daphne let out a small laugh as she hugged the girl, "I adore your dress! It looks very elegant and very you."

"Alright, enough chatting you two," Fred acted as if he had begun to get jealous, "I don't need you stealing my date, Daphne. I'd rather not be left alone with my brother."

"Yeah, that'd be terrible," George shot back as he rested his arm around Daphne's shoulders, "Imagine leaving two gits like us alone together?"

"Thank god you two are twins and not gay men," Daphne retorted before realizing what she said, "Did I say that out loud?"

Angelina covered her mouth while resisting the urge to laugh before the doors to the Great Hall opened. Making way for the Champions and their dates to walk through the doors and make their way to the dance floor for the first dance. Daphne noticed how his eyes lingered over to her despite how far he had moved away from her.

The girl watched as the dancing commenced. Watching as everyone swayed elegantly on the floor before slowly, others began to join. In the beginning, McGonagall and Dumbledore were the first to join the champions before other teachers followed. Then at the same time as Neville and Ginny, Daphne dragged George out to dance with her.

George's hands thankfully remembered where they were supposed to go as Daphne placed hers where they were meant to be as they caught on quickly to the beat of the music. Moving in a rhythm as Daphne practically counted with her face which caused George to laugh at her focus. She hardly noticed how her expression changed.

"You're counting in your head," George looked at the girl as he lifted her into the air, "And you are doing it with your face as well, if you didn't know."

"Am I really?" Daphne asked as she furrowed her eyebrows before her feet were placed against the floor again as she was spun, "I hadn't noticed."

"I dunno how," George teased as he pulled her back to him as they continued to dance even as the others slowly crowded the dance floor.

As the many students of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang danced across the floors, Daphne felt a pair of eyes on her. A pair of eyes that she knew for a fact did not belong to Harry Potter or anyone she cared for in the matter. As she shifted with George as they danced, she caught sight of Moody taking a swig from his canister while his eyes were on her.

Daphne knew better than to say anything so for the remainder of the dance, she stayed quiet. She watched as Harry was quick to leave the dance floor as he stared from afar while Moody stared from the other direction. She didn't feel uneasy, so she knew that something bad wasn't going to happen tonight.

The two continued to dance and and on with the music even as a number of people had left the dance floor. Daphne threw smiles at those who looked in her direction as she carried on a conversation with George, she was pleasantly surprised that the boy had yet to step on her feet as they kept on dancing.

"Your father is watching, as is your brother," George commented as he spun her around yet again while she laughed, "Both look really happy."

"I didn't know Atticus came," Daphne answered as she nearly collapsed into George, "I'm surprised that he did."

George simply hummed as he continued going on with the girl in his arms, "Some say that he came to see that his baby sister was in good hands for the night."

Daphne scoffed before feeling someone tap on her arm which caused both her and George to pause, "Excuse me, but Ron and I need Daphne's presence for a moment," Harry looked as if he was fuming as he looked between the girl and George, "Thanks. You look lovely by the way, Odette."

There wasn't much said after that as he dragged her to the other side of the room. It wasn't long after Harry had dragged her by her arm across the room that a rock band had begun playing music, causing everyone to go wild as they held Professor Flitwick above the crowd.

"Ruddy pumpkin head, isn't he?" Ron asked as he looked at Harry who now stood beside Daphne while their two dates sat in a chair.

"I don't think it was the books that had him going to the library," Harry responded as he motioned to a seat for Daphne who simply took her seat.

It wasn't long before one of the Patil girl's was taken by a Bulgarian before Hermione came spinning off the dance floor with Viktor Krum as she radiated happiness. She took a seat beside Daphne who was on one end of Harry.

"Hot, isn't it?" Hermione asked as she looked at the girl, "Viktor's gone to go and get drinks. Care to join us?"

"Sure, if I can find George again," Daphne agreed, ignoring the anger that Harry radiated from her side.

"No we'd not care to join you and Viktor," Ron hissed out as he leaned over Harry before he went back into his seat to sulk yet again.

"What's got your want in a knot?" Hermione asked as she looked annoyed at the boy.

"He's a durmstrang. You're fraternizing with the enemy," Ron practically snapped as he looked at Hermione in shame.

"The enemy? Who was it wanting his autograph? Besides, the whole point of the tournament is to international magical cooperation to make friends," Hermione retorted back rather quickly as she looked beyond annoyed and angry.

"I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind," Ron retorted before he let it rest until the end of the dance.

Daphne had found herself dancing with Harry and Ron for a bit, trying to sort out some of the differences while ignoring Harry's anger. The two hardly spoke as they danced in a shamed silence, which made it very awkward before Daphne decided to speak.

"You're an ass," She spoke plain as day as she swallowed thickly, "What the bloody hell has been your problem tonight?"

"Mine? I could ask you the same question. Or for the past month," Harry grumbled out as he continued his pace with her, "You're the one who shut me out, remember?"

"Don't turn this," Daphne huffed as she looked annoyed, "I'm simply asking you a question as to why you have a problem with me coming to this dance with my friend."

"Yeah? Well I'm your friend too!" Harry shot at the girl as he looked at her incredulously, "Even if I don't want to be your friend."

Daphne ripped herself completely away from Harry as she breathed out while shaking her head. Ignoring the hurt in her heart as she shoved through the crowd to get out of the Great Hall, but he followed her the entire way out.

"Don't run away! Stop running and look at me," Harry spoke firmly to her as he managed to grab her arm and turn her around, "What did what happened in the tent mean to you? Be honest."

"It was a mistake," Daphne lied as tears pricked her eyes, "It wasn't supposed to happen. It was a mere-"

"It was!" Harry exclaimed before realizing he was making a scene, "It was supposed to happen and it wasn't a bloody mistake. How daft do you have to be before you realize that?"

"Me? Daft? Do you know how much it hurts me to see you stare at anyone else?! To look like I'm not good enough because I'm not bloody Cho Chang or the fact I'm a bloody dang-"

Her words were cut off when the boy's lips were on her own. Her hands out of instinct going to his cheeks as his hands were placed firmly on her shoulder before he pulled back. Both were red in the face as they stared at one another in the empty corridor before Daphne sucked in a breath.

"Harry..." Daphne wasn't sure what to say or do, "We can't happen. We're in danger."

"That's exactly why we should," Harry looked at her as he relaxed, "I'm sorry for being angry and I understand how it feels. I just can't let you go."

Daphne thought of what her chances were and what she could do, what would happen if she allowed herself to take this risk as she looked at Harry unsure of what to do as his emerald eyes stung her skin.

"Then don't."

And so it was settled. Harry Potter and Daphne Black were dating, "We can keep it a secret, go on as we have been. No one will question it and I think it might be better for us, but whatever you want we'll do."

Daphne felt a tiny smile pricking at her lips as she took Harry's arm, "I think that will be okay."

It wasn't long before chaos erupted though, many people now filled the hall that they stood in as Hermione and Ron practically ran out the door while screaming at one another causing the two friends to look rather worried.

"Next time there's a ball, pack up the courage and ask me before somebody else does!" Hermione was crying as she snapped at Ron, "And not as a last resort!"

"Well... that's completely off the point," Ron stuttered out while Daphne let go of Harry to grab ahold of Hermione in an attempt to calm her, "Harry... Daphne..."

"Where have you two been?" Hermione snapped as she looked between the two before having a realization, "Nevermind, off to bed. Both of you," She looked firmly at the two boys before looking at Daphne, "Atticus is looking for you."

Harry gave Ron a firm look as he continued to stay behind Daphne while Hermione cried, "They get scary as they get older..."

"Ron you've spoiled everything!" Hermione yelled as she charged in his direction.

"Hermione," Daphne grabbed ahold of her friend as she cried and Ron ran off in fear.

"I've got her, go to your brother," Harry glared at Ron as if telling him to shut up as he went on before Harry took Hermione as the girl walked back into the Great Hall.

And as she looked, she found he wasn't there.Β 

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