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act two: little dark age
chapter thirty-six

A lot had been going through Daphne's mind since breakfast. About a lot of things in general, ranging from the fate of her relationship with her brother to the fate of her relationship with Harry. Her brother she could deal with, they were family after all. Things could be easily figured out and situated behind safe doors.

But the things with Harry? That was an entirely different situation as entirely different emotions were placed into it. Their relationship was very different from the one she had shared with her brother for many years. Harry had been her best friend since her first year at Hogwarts. The two were always inseparable.

Until now, when Daphne pulled away from Harry out of fear of what she had done. Even if the kiss was an accident, she felt as if she had ruined everything between them. He was her best friend, nothing more. Nothing less. But now, she wasn't so sure of what she should do or how to approach the situation... so she did what she thought best, avoided it.

She never once spared Harry a glance at the table during Breakfast. Not saying anything to him as she continued to talk on to Ron and Hermione who both noticed that something was very wrong. Neither made a remark or comment about it, deciding that it wasn't the time nor the place to do it. They'd simply find out later.

Daphne ran her hands through her hair, as she often did when she wasn't sure what to do. Of course, she had her jewelry to fiddle with but she wasn't sure that it would calm her down at the moment. Her mind wandered as she tried to ignore Harry as best as she could but it was starting to bother her and it wasn't even halfway through the day.

The girl hadn't spoken to anyone about what had happened between herself and her brother the night before. Or what had happened with Mad Eye Moody who found the two in the dark corridor. Her suspicions were confirmed in her mind, but she had yet to warn anyone else about them. After all, would anyone truly believe her?

McGonagall had said it herself to the girl. Dumbledore trusted the ex-auror, and everyone trusted Dumbledore's words. Therefore if Daphne tried to say something everyone would listen to Dumbledore's opinion on the matter and not the fourteen-year-old niece of Sirius Black and the daughter of Lucerys Black.

Unlucky for her, when it came down to blood and power, she was often frowned down upon. Not simply because he was a woman, she was related to a death eater, or so many believed, and she was related to a werewolf. That alone caused not only the good wizards but the bad ones to look down upon her, no matter what she did.

Daphne shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she waited for McGonagall to begin her speech. Wondering what they were being taught today because it clearly did not look like Transfiguration. They sat in a very spacious and empty room with a vinyl player in the center along with Mr. Filch.

Boys and girls were separated on either side of the classroom filling rows upon rows of chairs while some stood. The room was filled with Gryffindor's alone, ranging from fourth years to seventh years which was an unusual thing. They were mainly separated with their own years from any house, but it seemed like things had changed.

"The Yule ball... has been a tradition of the Triwizard tournament since its inception," McGonagall began to explain as she walked forward while Filch began to fiddle with the vinyl, "On Christmas Eve night we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well mannered frivolity."

Daphne raised her head from where she was seated beside Hermione and saluted the Professor, "Yes Ma'am, Professor Minnie, we can do that!"

McGonagall rolled her eyes while resisting the urge to comment as she continued, "As representatives of the host school I expect each and everyone of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally, because... the Yule Ball is first, and foremost.... A dance."

Daphne rolled her eyes as everyone began to chatter and talk over the news of Hogwarts having a dance. This was the new thing apparently, and Daphne was thankful her father had taught her the old ways or else she'd have no clue how to dance or what to do at something like this as they were unusually rare.

"Silence!" McGonagall raised her hands in the air as she silenced everyone of the Gryffindor's before continuing, "The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the Wizarding World for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching the name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."

"Ouch, she's roasting them," Daphne whispered to Hermione who let out a soft snort at the action.

"Try saying that five times fast, huh?" George whispered not so quietly to his brother who was leaned against the wall with his arms crossed tightly across his chest before he sent a wink in Daphne's direction.

"Now to dance, is to let the body breathe..." McGonagall rose her hands as she smiled widely while the twins copied the woman's actions, "Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers."

"Is this a reference to my middle namesake? Odette?" Daphne questioned as she couldn't help but laugh, "Turning into a swan except at night."

"Maybe," McGonagall flashed her a tiny pointed look while resisting the urge to grin, "Longing to burst forth and take flight!"

Ron nudged the boy beside him before muttering, "Somethings about to burst from Eloise Midgen, but I don't think it's a swan."

"Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance," McGonagall looked around as she let her hands fall back down towards her sides.

Daphne made a face while faking a gage, "Nope, no bugger is prancing on me. Disgusting, Hermione, do you fancy being pranced on? No? I didn't think so."

McGonagall looked at the girl as she pinched the bridge of her nose while sighing as laughter ensued, "Mr. Weasley?" McGonagall put back on a smile as she walked over to Ron.

"Yes?" Ron acted as if he was all bashful and shy as he looked down at the ground while looking rather sad as the Professor stood in front of him.

"Will you join me, please?" McGonagall asked as she offered the boy her hand with a slight grin, looking down at him through her spectacles.

McGonagall walked back to the center of the room while holding her arms up as Harry and Seamus pushed Ron to his feet. He slowly made his way over to the head of Gryffindor house as he tried to put his hands in his pockets.

"Now, place your right hand on my waist," McGonagall instructed as she removed his hands from his pockets with a slight glare.

Ron's face went pure white as he looked at the Professor in horror, "Where?" he asked as he stood in the same spot looking as awkward as ever.

"My waist," McGonagall instructed as she gave him a pointed look while placing her hands in their spots, "And extend your arm," She went on as she got him situated, "Mr. Filch, if you please. One, two, three. One, two, three."

The twins were laughing as they watched their brother dance around with the head of House while Daphne kept her hand over her mouth while trying to keep her laughter quiet. Ignoring the occasional glances that Harry had spared her as she believed ignoring him was the best way to get her feelings to disappear, despite needing to keep each other safe.

Fred and George began to dance against the wall in their corner before Harry spoke up, "Oi! Never gonna let him forget this, are you?"

"Never!" The twins looked at one another while smirking before moving back, not leaning against Harry's seat anymore.

There was a moment of silence as the two continued to dance before McGonagall looked over at Daphne, "Miss Black, rise and pick a partner. Demonstrate for your peers before it is there turn, I trust your father taught you."

"Fuck," Daphne muttered as she was pushed out of her seat by Hermione as she smiled awkwardly before grinning, "Come on, Georgie. I see you dancing in the corner like a lordly lion," She teased, causing him to make a face.

"Couldn't use anything better, love? Shame," He slipped through the chairs as laughter erupted while the boy towered over the girl, "Now where do I...?"

"Here," Daphne took George's hands as she placed one on her lower waist before placing the other in its spot, "Don't let your hand go any lower, Mr. Weasley."

"As you wish, Miss Black," George smirked down at her before he began to follow Daphne's lead as they danced, "You're good at this."

"My father taught me in case I was in need of the old ways of House of Black," Daphne hummed as she counted her steps in her mind while making sure not to run into Ron and Professor McGonagall, "You're good for a beginner."

"Who says I am a beginner?" George questioned as he acted hurt, "Do you not remember how you used to make all of us play Princesses as children? It was horrible."

"I thought you'd forget me being about," Daphne let George spin her as she let out a loud laugh, barely catching the glares they received from Harry, "With you being so old and all."

"I'm not that old, you little bugger," George got a little feisty as he picked up the pace, "You're such a little..."

"Everyone, on your feet!" McGonagall was quick to order, cutting off their conversation from the crowd, "Everybody come together. Boys on your feet!"

While the girls were quick to their feet, everyone of the boys remained sitting. Ron practically ran from McGonagall when the chance was given while George and Daphne remained dancing, though it got a little competitive. Neville rose to his feet and continued with one of the girl's while Daphne called out the counts for him.

George dipped the girl as she continued the counts until Neville repeated them to himself, "So, are you and Harry going to this together?"

"No," Daphne was quick to utter out as George raised her up once again, the girl made sure the chosen one was out of earshot, "I messed things up, so, I'm going to find my own date."

"Messed things up? Not bloody likely," George shook his head as his red hair fell into his eyes, "You have a lot to catch Fred and I up on."

"I do," Daphne agreed as she let go of him momentarily to fix his hair before fixing her grips, "But I was hoping that maybe I could go with you to the dance, that is, if you don't have a girl in mind."

George quirked an eyebrow as he paused their movements, "You know I'd never let you go alone, I'll go with you, Daphne."

"Good," Daphne practically sighed in relief before grinning, "I hope you know I'm going to make a huge scene to ask you out."

George shook his head as he let out a laugh, "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Daphne," The two grinned at one another before parting ways, Daphne retreating back over to Hermione who stood with a look of confusion as George went to tell his brother of what was happening while Harry sulked in his seat.

"What was that all about?" Hermione asked, confusion lacing her tone as it was clearly evident on her face.

Daphne raised an eyebrow as she turned to look at Hermione, "What was what?" Sheasked as she fiddled with the rings on her fingers.

"You know what," Hermione responded as she inspected the girl closely, "That with George, there was something different."

"There was nothing different," Daphne shook her head as her face scrunched up, "I don't understand what you mean, Mione."

"Usually, you'd choose Harry," Hermione responded while giving Daphne a firm look, "And you didn't. You haven't even talked to Harry - let alone looked at him. Instead, you're focusing on the twins. Why?"

Daphne swallowed thickly as she turned away from Hermione while putting on a bland expression, "I don't know what you're talking about, Hermione."

The way the girl's entire demeanor changed was a clear giveaway. Despite Daphne trying her best to make it look like as if nothing had changed. Her jaw was clenched and despite the entirely paleness of her skin at the moment, the scarred skin was a light pink shade while she held no expression.

And Daphne stayed that way until the end of the school day, ignoring any sort of conversation as the day progressed. As the week progressed. Daphne was noted to be at any party that any of the houses threw or that even the other schools held, moving around from place to place while occasionally being spotted with the twins.

In a way, she felt as if she was being a hypocrite. She had been so mad at Hermione and Ron for abandoning Harry, yet, here she was abandoning them all. Well, she hadn't truly abandoned them. She still sat with them and went around castle grounds with them, but other than that she really didn't speak. And to them it was unnerving.

Daphne was in the hallway before study in the Great Hall would begin. She had decided to do her big asking George to the ball thing at the moment. Of course, she had told her father about it who had his own questions but she pushed them off to a later date.

"George," Daphne called out to George as she caught him near the courtyard, "I've got a question for you," And here was her flare for dramatics.

"Oh, well, go on," George crossed his arms with a grin while looking at his twin brother who was trying his best not to laugh.

Daphne snapped her fingers which caused two of the Gryffindor's she had paid off to bring out signs before waving their wands and causing fireworks to shoot into the air as she dramatically dropped down on one knee while grabbing George's hand.

"George Fabian Weasley... a bonkers name..." She couldn't help but mutter as she continued to fake cry, "My best friend. The less annoying twin - Frederick this isn't about you right now - and my therapist until the end. My Pink Princess in crime, would you do me the honors and be my date to the Yule Ball?"

By the end of her little speech, even Fred and George couldn't keep it together as the three burst into laughter as everyone around them watched the scene. George pulled Daphne off of her knee and back to standing upright while she began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Why of course, Daphne," He answered through his laughs before holding her hand in the air, "Daphne Black everyone, come and see her anytime in the Gryffindor Common Room!"

"That was brilliant," Fred ruffled Daphne's hair as he shook his head, "I really enjoyed the children's henchmen... I mean helpers," Fred waved at the younger Gryffindors who got rid of the signs and went on with their money.

"Thought it'd be funny," Daphne hummed as she looked over at George, "I bet the other Daphne's Yule Ball proposal wasn't nearly as amazing as mine."

"Very unlikely," The twins agreed in unison as they shook their heads and laughed, "No one could ever beat Daphne Black."

"Except you two, of course," Daphne placed her hands behind her back as she smirked, "But no one could ever beat you two. Which is quite unfair and is the reason we work together as one large group, we're unstoppable."

"Damn right," The two agreed before looking at their invisible watches, "Well, look at the time. We've got study hall," Fred spoke while George took over, "And so do you, now come on, Daphne."

"How'd you know that's where I needed to go?" Daphne asked as she raised an eyebrow, "Hmm? I didn't say anything about where I needed to go next nor do I share my schedule with you two."

"We aren't daft, darling," Fred looked at the girl as he rolled his eyes, "What a shame you think we are as daft as you are. Truly, I'm hurt."

"You little-" Daphne looked as if she was about to jerk one of them by their ears before she caught sight of her friends walking in at the same time, "Good day, jolly oh!"

"Blimey, Daph," Ron looked startled by her speaking up, "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. What on Godric have you been doing?"

"Nothing," Daphne shrugged her shoulders before catching Harry's gaze, resisting the urge to frown before she tore her eyes away.

"This is mad. At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without a date," Ron muttered silently as they all took their seats and began studying, Snape was quick to shove his head as a sign to shut up causing him to groan, "Yeah, us and Neville."

"Yeah, but then again, he can take himself," Harry commented which made the two boys laugh while Daphne glared.

"That's rude," Daphne commented as she looked down at her book, not sparing Harry a glance, "I suppose you could do the same, chosen one."

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone," Hermione then shot in return once Daphne finished her sentence.

Ron let out a groan as he sighed, looking down at his books while commenting, "Now I'm really depressed." Fred threw a paper in his direction before Ron read out, "Get a move on or all the good ones will have gone. Who are you going with then?"

Fred then threw a paper at Angelina and made a dancing motion before pointing at himself, "Oi, Angelina?"

"What?" The girl turned around while looking beyond annoyed as her conversation had been interrupted.

"Do you want to go to the ball with me?" Fred then asked while Angelina seemed to debate her answers for a moment.

"To the ball, yeah, alright," Angelina agreed while Snape stood behind her with a notebook in his face, Fred then winked at his brother while Daphne grinned.

"Oi, Hermione, you're a girl," Ron looked over at the girl while Daphne held back laughter.

"Very well spotted," Hermione retorted while Harry looked horrified as he grabbed Ron's arm but Snape had already come over.

"Come with one of us?" Ron asked before being hit roughly by Snape as he went back to looking in his notebook, Harry was then hit which caused something inside Daphne to twist upon hearing his groan, "Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone, but for a girl? It's just sad."

"Oh," Daphne's eyes widened as she heard Ron's words, "That's not the way to ask a girl you dim witted idiot!"

"I won't be going alone, because believe it or not, someone's asked me," Hermione got angry and was quick to gather up her belongings, "And I said yes."

"Bloody hell, she's lying, right?" Ron asked as he looked at Harry worried.

"If you say so," Harry looked back at Daphne who looked away on the spot before looking at Snape hit the two again.

"Hey! Stop abusing kids," Daphne sneered as she rose to her feet in an instant, "Godric, have you no respect?"

"I could say the same to you, Miss Black. Fifty points for you blatant disrespect to elders," Snape glared at the girl before moving on as she lifted both middle fingers in the air rather aggressively.


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