𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 π“π‡πˆπ‘π“π˜-𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄

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act two: little dark age
chapter thirty-three

After the conversation with McGonagall, time seemed to speed up for everyone. Or maybe it was the anxiety or the adrenaline that came fourth through the tournament. Excitement roared through the halls as the day had finally come. It was the day of the first tournament. Everyone was getting ready to go meet the champions down near where the Quidditch field was.

There was now a stadium resting on the hills of Hogwarts. Behind that stadium was a small tent that connected the four champions to their point of entry. It had been made up by quite a few wizards overnight to ensure that there was something there. The champions had left early in the morning, leaving all of those who worried about them behind before they even opened their eyes.

Daphne hardly slept that night and wasn't tired by sunrise. Sitting on her bed, worried for the fate of her friend. Even Hermione seemed worried but she got some sleep. The two girl's were the first out of bed before they were quick to change, barely sparing each other glances as they went their separate ways.

Hermione was still clearly bitter with Daphne over their small discourse not too long before the tournament. The girl barely spared Daphne a glance and when she did, she simply glared in the girl's direction. Daphne left her to her own devices but spared a smile whenever the girl looked in her direction.

The whispers were barely evident in her ears as she stood in front of the portrait hole. Having paused to wait for the twins so that they could walk down to the tournament with her, as they had promised. Daphne knew that they were going to try and sell their own products or make bets for money, and Daphne thought that they were taking a great opportunity.

They had told Daphne about their want to open a joke shop, and even offered her a job or even a part as owner when they managed to get the shop. Daphne was beyond ecstatic for this but told them she'd only take it as long as she was at least a little older than fifteen and they'd have to understand her weird schedule, and they agreed.

The girl had to dress warmly due to the extent of the cold outside. Her hair was down in loose curls as she wore a long-sleeve shirt, a hoodie, and her quidditch jumper on top. Her jeans covered up a pair of boots and thick socks that went a little higher than her ankle. She loved winter, but she hated the layers they were forced to put on.

Daphne turned to look back in the direction of the stairs to the dormitories as she heard voices.

Voices she had easily recognized as the twins and their best friend, Lee Jordan. Daphne had talked to the male on multiple occasions as he was one of the Quidditch announcers. She found him beyond hilarious and knew one day she was going to miss the way he led the commentary for the match.

"Don't you look dashing," Daphne joked as she crossed her arms, "My favorite twins - and commentator, of course," She gave Lee a warm smile as she faked a bow.

A chorus of laughter left the group's lips as everyone looked at one another. Everyone sharing looks as they now stood around in a circle in the Gryffindor common room while preparing themselves for the tournament.

"Always a charmer," George grinned over at Daphne as he held a box in his hands, "You're going to stay with Fred and I, right?"

Daphne nodded as she chewed on her bottom lip, "Yes, I am, but I'm going to see Harry first and you can go take your bets while I do."

"Sounds like a plan," The twins spoke in unison before high-fiving one another.

"You don't get to hear my wonderful commentary this year, sadly," Lee looked at Daphne as he faked, wiping away tears from the corner of his eyes, "It's truly a shame."

"It truly is! I hate not being in the air and I hate not having the chance to hear it," Daphne shook her head in shame, "Instead we've got this nonsense of a tournament that has nothing fun!"

"I'm sure they'll have something for everyone," Lee furrowed his eyebrows at the girl before wondering aloud, "We've just got to figure out what.

Daphne shrugged her shoulders before making her way down towards the new stadium. Nearly tripping over her own feet a few times, to which the twins caught her, as they cracked jokes and froze themselves. No one had expected it to be this cold, but thankfully the dragons would keep them all warm. Or make them fried food.

"Have fun," Fred wriggled his eyebrows as Daphne split from the group in search of the tent.

"Oh shove off," Daphne gave Fred a firm look before noticing how the twins disappeared in the large crowd before she continued on.

Daphne managed to slip through without anyone noticing her. She had yet to tell Harry about his dragon and she wasn't sure if she was going to as she looked around before pressing against one side of the tents fabric before whispering, trying to catch Harry's attention for him to come closer so she doesn't awkwardly go in.

"Psst," Daphne muttered through the tent before rolling her eyes and quickly going through, "Harry James Potter-" Daphne nearly fell into the boy who had been pressed against the fabric of the tent.

There was a bit of shock as Daphne was quick to back off of Harry, the close proximity making her heart soar. Or maybe that was the heart attack because she didn't expect to have Harry's face all up in her own and it had caught her off guard. You could never really tell which one it was, or so Daphne had told herself.

"Blimey, Daphne," Harry ignored his own shock as he looked at her, "You scared me. I think that was scarier than the dragon."

"Are you saying I'm a beast?" Daphne acted as if she was hurt as she faked a pout, "That's not the way to get the girl, Potter."

"Potter?" Harry asked while raising an eyebrow before he shook his head quickly, "No - no. That's not what I am saying at all, Odette. You just came out of nowhere, that's all. I wasn't expecting it," He tried to clear the air.

Daphne cracked a smile at the name before she shook her head and fixed his glasses on his face, "I know. Don't worry, I was just pulling at your leg."

"You had me worried for a minute there," Harry gave her a pointed look as she tried to mimic his actions, "Hey! I don't do that."

"Yes you do," Daphne hummed as she tried her best to mimic his maudlin expression, "I'm Harry Potter and I like insulting my favorite friend."

"I do not," Harry nudged the girl's arm with a shy yet nervous smile, "I'm about to go into this - the last thing I need plaguing my mind is that you're mad at me."

"Never," Daphne grinned before she let out a shaky laugh.

There was a moment of silence between the two, as they looked awkwardly at one another while unsure of what they should do. Daphne swallowed thickly and tore her gaze away from Harry, the boy doing the same as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before grabbing the girl and tugging her a little hard on accident.

This caused the girl to topple over while Harry tried to catch her. Both morbidly in shock and terror before they crashed against each other, as did their lips. Holy shit. Daphne's mind was freaking out at the fact they had kissed. She felt like she was going to pass out as she quickly regained herself and pulled back as red as ever.

"I - uhm..." Shit, my confidence really went away, Daphne stuttered over her words as she stared at the boy wide eyed, "Talk... later... Yeah... have fun!"

She went to run as Harry spluttered out a, "Daphne!" Before he grabbed her again, but this time he was pulling her into his arms.

As soon as Harry's arms wrapped around her, and for the split second she felt at ease, a large flash of light caused the two to pull apart as Daphne ran her hands over her eyes while trying to let them readjust. She blinked rapidly as everything came back into focus, Rita Skeeter. She was ready to throw hands.

"Young love," The woman exclaimed as Harry's arm reached out to make sure Daphne didn't topple over, "How... stirring," She walked over while having her pen write something down while Harry looked as annoyed as Daphne did, "If everything goes unfortunately today... you two may even make the front page!"

"You bitch," Daphne went to go forward but was stopped by Harry who kept a hand on her, looking as if he was going to surge forward.

"You have no business here," Krum came to the rescue as he gave a swift nod to Harry and Daphne as he made himself known, "This tent is for champions, and friends."

The woman simply turned while smirking as she waved her hand as her pen began to rapidly write something down, "No matter, we got what we wanted."

"I'll give you something else," Daphne glared at the woman before sighing heavily.

They flashed another picture before Daphne noticed as Dumbledore entered the tent. Daphne was standing quite a bit away from Harry as she looked morbidly embarrassed. Her face as red as their house colors while the girl rocked on her feet as they passed her. She looked at Harry before quickly looking away.

"Good day, champions," Dumbledore called out and Daphne caught sight of her father who raised an eyebrow at her, "Gather round. Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. A moment only four of you can fully appreciate. What are you doing here, Miss Black?"

"Had to wish the blind man luck," She stuttered out before waving awkwardly, "I'll go, goodbye!" She practically bolted from the tent with whatever bit of pride she had left.

When Daphne ran, she ran to the stands. Practically shoving everyone out of her way as she launched herself into the crowd. Still as red as ever but at least now she could pass it off as the cold getting to her, instead of the morbid embarrassment she truly felt deep down.

The girl quickly ran up a few sets of the stairs before trying to find the mops of familiar red hair. Placing her hands over her eyes as if she was blocking out the sun while trying to figure out where they were. It took a few more minutes before she discovered them a few feet away from her and she moved to them quickly.

The twins seemed to realize how in a rush she was in as she asked, "What happened to you?" Fred and George both inspected the girl as they allowed her to stand between them.

"Nothing," Daphne forced a smile as she shook her head before looking back down at the rocks and rubble, "Nothing."

"Something has happened," The twins looked intrigued as they looked down at her, "We'll find out soon."

Daphne rolled her eyes at their words before she became enamored with the tournament. Her eyes trained forward as she watched the scene in front of her. Watching as each champion walked out and battled their dragons. One by one grabbing the golden egg that they were supposed to acquire before celebrating their triumph.

By the time that it was Harry's turn, Daphne was practically chewing on her nails. Fred and George both were taking bets from students, collecting a wide array of wizarding money, while Lee Jordan did his best to keep the girl company as they watched the scene from above. But no matter what, the girl was mortified by what had happened in the tent and needed to find a way to act as if it had never happened.

"Did something happen?" Lee found himself asking after a moment as he watched Daphne's demeanor, "You're acting... distant."

Daphne looked over at the boy and shrugged her shoulders as she ran a hand through a few strands of her hair, "I'm fine. Just... thinking."

Daphne looked forward once more as she furrowed her eyebrows. The wind whipping harshly against her face as her skin only went a deeper shade of red. What does Harry think... what am I going to do? Daphne felt as if she had ruined everything. Four years of friendship... had she just thrown it all down the drain?

"I'm worried that he's going to get hurt and I'd like my friend back in one piece," Daphne hummed as she crossed her arms tightly across her chest, "I'm worried."

Lee nodded as his lips twisted before he let out a small laugh, "You worry too much, Daphne. He's Harry Potter! If these other students can make it out of this, so can he."

"We're only at the beginning," Daphne looked over at Lee as she pursed her lips in a tight line before she heard the cheers begin.

The roars and cheers of his name as he walked out of the tent. He was merely a red speck from how high everyone was. Daphne's hands quickly grabbed the railing as her eyes became stuck on him. She was worried, she could feel that something was going to happen and she knew that he had a very very dangerous dragon.

"Blimey, you look more into this than you did the World Cup," Fred teased as he leaned up against Daphne's side while looking over at her, "Is it because you have someone to stare at? If we remember correctly..."

"...You stared at him for a majority of the game," George grinned as he took over explaining, looking quite proud, "Which we can..."

"Tell you're thinking a lot on," Fred took over yet again as he looked over at the girl with a sly smirk, "Took you long enough to realize."

"Shut up," Daphne muttered, barely tearing her eyes off of Harry from below as her eyes narrowed into a glare, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh, we think you do," The twins spoke in unison as they smirked at one another before they began to go through their money.

Daphne watched as the dragon fought against Harry as he tried to figure out how to get to the egg. Running and ducking behind rock as fire was shot in his direction which made Daphne's stomach turn in fear. She felt sick. She needed to know that Harry would make it out of this. Lee's right, if the others can make it out then so can Harry.

"Your wand, Harry! Your wand!" Quite a few students began to yell as the boy hid behind the rock continuously.

Students roared as they leaned against the railings while yelling at the boy.Trying to make him use common sense towards the task. A few looked shocked as Harry's broom dropped down towards him and he was quick to get on and begin flying, looking at the dragon who had broken its chain before flying.

Daphne and a few others ducked before being quickly moved back as the dragon's tail began to take out pieces of the wood that supported them. Screams and chaos erupted before everyone turned to watch as Harry Potter and the dragon flew towards the castle. Into more danger, nonetheless.

"Bloody hell," Daphne muttered as she held her hands close while kicking a few broken pieces of wood away from her, "Things never calm down, do they?"

"Never," The twins spoke in unison as they gazed at the castle before turning back and looking at Daphne, "Oi! You didn't trip for once."

Daphne's eyes narrowed as she shot the twins a firm glare, "Oh shove off! You bloody bothers. I'm going to hex the two of you if you talk about me tripping one more time."

"You know you love us," Fred winked at the girl as he placed an arm on top of her head, "Don

Take it too personal, we're only joking."

"Yeah! You know we love you, darling," George grinned as he crossed his arms proudly, "But seriously, Daph, it's a wonder you have yet to trip. You nearly did a thousand times on the way down here!"

"George!" Daphne nudged Fred's arm off of her head before she shoved George, very lightly, before Fred laughed as he grabbed ahold of her, "That's so mean."

George laughed while dodging the girl while Fred found himself rolling. Lee Jordan even cracked a grin. Everyone noticing how they had taken Daphne's worry away even if it had been for only a moment.

"You're all insane," Daphne muttered before placing her hands over her eyes and trying her best to look out for her best friend, "He's going to be okay."

"If you repeat that aloud enough, then he will be," The twins spoke in unison while making jazz hands at the girl while snickering.

"Honestly, Daphne, he's going to be fine. Especially because he knows he can't leave his friends behind," Lee Jordan snickered as he looked between the twins, "A very special friend."

"Enough!" Daphne exclaimed as she felt the burn within her veins, "Stop insinuating something more is happening. He's Harry, just Harry. My best friend, nothing more. Nothing less."

There was a few looks of uncertainty exchanged before the boys muttered something under their breaths. Something so low that Daphne could not understand even as she tried to listen close, the roar of a dragon caught her attention.

"What was that?" Daphne's tone was sharp as she looked between the three boys as if she were a stern mother.

"Nothing!" They all chirped before sharing nervous smiles.

Daphne let out a huff before crossing her arms. Noticing smoke in the distance before she sighed in relief as she cheered, watching Harry fly back with his arms in the air before he swooped down and got the golden egg.

"Yes!" Daphne cheered with pride as her eyes lit up like the stars.Β 

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