Chapter 17

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     Sapphire sat down beside Eclipse as they watched HavenFlight, Nectar (the Alpha of Pacree Earth who was actually fairly easy to win over), and Empress Cinnabar attempt to convince Pacree Stream to move with them.

     NightSwimmer, the Alpha of Pacree Stream, tilted her muzzle up. "We Drolgons of Pacree Stream live half in water and half on land. We could never live in a palace."

     "One of the palaces actually has lots of pools of water in it, plus an underground river..." Empress Cinnabar replied.

     "That sounds perfect." Alpha NightSwimmer smiled. But then her face hardened into a distrustful scowl. "Too perfect. You said you had unused palaces just sitting around on Praïsa. So how come each one is accustomed to each Pacree's natural habitat? You said it yourself; Pacree Sky's is filled with ledges and open spaces, Earth's is filled with plants and rocks, and Stream's is filled with pools of water. It almost seems like you built the palaces for us... which contradicts the supposed reason you came here. You said the troublemaking dragons 'just happened' to drop a dragonflame cactus bomb on Pacree Sky's camp. Although I don't think that's the case. I think there's a reason you want us to go to Praïsa."

     Empress Cinnabar barked a startling almost-angry-sounding laugh again. "Well, well... you caught me. There is a reason I want you to come to Praïsa, but not the reason you'd think." She looked around at the crowd of Pacree Sky, Earth, and Stream Drolgons for suspense. At last, she continued. "I merely wish for the Drolgons to be safe. You see, those dragons that dropped the bomb... they weren't just any dragons that happened upon some random camp and dropped explosives on it. They were trying to wreck your home. Those dragons are part of a group back on Praïsa called the Red Beetle; a group of highly trained assassins and rogue soldiers who seek out groups of creatures they think will get in the way of their nefarious plans. Once they find the creatures, they try to... dispose of them. So I came here to rescue you all and take you somewhere safe where the Red Beetle can't get to you."

     Everyone began gasping and murmuring to each other.

     Eclipse looked to Sapphire and they both silently communicated their uncertainty. Eclipse felt a little uncomfortable around the Empress for some reason.

     Why would anyone try to get rid of the Pacrees? Eclipse wondered. They've barely ever interacted with any other group of creatures, let alone left their territories. How would they ever be a threat?

     She almost thought "we" in reference to the Pacrees, but had to remind herself she was now a rogue Drolgon.

     NightSwimmer whispered to a few of the Drolgons in her Pacree, and then she looked determinedly back to Empress Cinnabar.

     "If it's safer on Praïsa, then I will lead my Pacree there. I will not endanger them for the sake of my pride."

     Empress Cinnabar sat back on her hind legs and clapped her talons together joyfully. "Oh, good! Let's get going, then; we'll gather Pacree Hail and be on our way!"

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