Chapter 2

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     Eclipse felt a gentle touch on her shoulder and tiny bodies bouncing around her. She blinked awake, and didn't know where she was.

     Oh yeah. The dull truth hit her like a boulder. I died. But today, I'm going on my quest! I'm going to prove myself worthy of a second chance at life, and I'm going to see Sapphire again.

     She stretched, and glanced down at her paws. She was shocked to find that they were transparent, and glowing slightly. It reached up to the middle of her forelegs, and faded at the edge, where it turned back into her normal legs.

     She turned her glowing paws over in amazement and fear.

     "You're fading quickly..." StarFlower said in dismay. "It looks like you only have a short while to fulfill your quest and get back to your dimension before you fade completely into a spirit."

     Eclipse felt frozen with terror.

     "You mean there's a time limit in the past, not just the Spirit Realm? I'm not good at doing things quickly when I'm being rushed!"

     StarFlower just nudged Eclipse, DaisyFrost, SparrowHeart, and Chestnut outside. The five of them padded quickly over to what StarFlower called the Crystal Hollow, and met some of the other spirits there.

     "You have to go now," Galaxy announced in a brisk tone as Eclipse, her mother, and the Drolgonets got to the Hollow.

It was the same hollow Eclipse had been in in her dream the night before the battle started.

     "Say goodbye as quick as you can," Opal told Eclipse, resting her wing over Eclipse's back. "I believe in you, Bright One." She giggled. "I'm a Bright One too- that's what reformed Dark Ones are called."

     Eclipse smiled, and nuzzled Opal's shoulder affectionately as she hugged her with her wings. She was so glad to have a Drolgon in her life who had gone through the same torture as her. Someone who had been tricked into helping the wretched Darkbeasts. She didn't know if Opal had been tricked into murder, though.

     "Remember, you have the strength of the spirits at your paws," CloudyWing added. "Your destiny is to avenge my daughter, and everyone else who was tricked or killed by the Darkbeasts."

     "Like me," Crow grunted.

     "Yes, you can avenge them after you finish your quest," Galaxy reminded her. "Find out who your ancestors were, before you run out of time."

     Eclipse nodded dutifully, and turned to her mother and the Drolgonets.

     "You're leaving?" DaisyFrost asked disappointedly.

     "You just got here!" Protested Chestnut.

     SparrowHeart scuffed the ground with his paw. "I was hoping to play catch with you before you left. We don't get visitors often... or at all..."

     Eclipse ruffled the tuft of fur on his head. "Aw, don't worry, little one. Maybe I'll be able to visit you some other time."

     "Us too?" DaisyFrost and Chestnut asked in unison.

     "Yes," Eclipse replied with a laugh. "You too."

     "You'd better get going," StarFlower murmured.

     Eclipse nuzzled her mother's cheek, and twined tails with her.

     "I'll make it," Eclipse promised. "I have to, and I will. I'm going to get another chance."

     "We'll see about that," Reed muttered darkly.

     "O' royal majesty of pessimism, I beg to differ," Eclipse growled.

     Galaxy grunted impatiently. "Eclipse, get going please, before either of you claw each others' ears off."

Eclipse just turned away, wrapped her wings around her mother in a hug, and touched each of the Drolgonets' heads with her nose.

     "Stand here," Galaxy instructed Eclipse, gesturing with her tail toward the centre of the Hollow.

     Eclipse stepped onto a big chunk of crystal at the centre of the hollow, and some of the Drolgons around her hopped up onto the ledges. StarFlower, Galaxy, CloudyWing, Opal, Snowfall, and the two he-Drolgons who Eclipse hadn't recognized stayed on the ground, and formed a circle around the crystal Eclipse was standing on. The Drolgons that were around her all put their forepaws on the crystal, and Galaxy said something in another language. Then light began to shine out of the crystal, and Galaxy locked eyes with Eclipse.

     "Your trial has begun."

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