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"Addison. Addi. Addison," a quiet voice pierced through the silence of her dreamless sleep,

"Ugh, go away," Addi refused to wake up and rolled over. She was normally a very morning person but she just didn't feel like life, life was too complicated and annoying, sleep was good. Sleep was nice and peaceful.

"Addison, get up," Oliver's voice insisted.

"No," her own voice insisted.

"Alright, you leave me no choice. Bonny get in here," Before Addi could comprehend what was happening, she felt a rush of coldness, wet coldness.

"Hey!" She jumped up, clothes soaked and icy cold running all throughout her body, "What was that-"

"We had to wake ye up somehow," Anne's Irish accent filled the room, underneath her floppy hat that Addi was surprised to see she was wearing was a sort of half smirk, half grimace. She decided it was meant to be a smile.

Addi sat up in bed, she was still in the 'guest room' that she apparently shared with Oliver because privacy wasn't a thing that existed.
The night before they had stayed up talking. After he had dropped the bomb about her part in some elaborate scheme to 'defeat' Pan, she had had a slight panic attack in which Oliver had calmed her down and then dropped the subject completely, to her relief.
She had been completely and entirely conflicted and the best way to deal with a problem like that is pushing it as far into the back of your mind as possible and forgetting about it till it comes up again and then panic and make a dumb split-second decision.

They had ended up talking about the small things in life, getting to know each other. For instance, Oliver's favourite food was liquorice, he grew up in a small town in a place called the enchanted forest and hadn't seen his family for so long that he had nearly forgotten what they looked like, and the most surprising one? He was once a lost boy.

The latter, he didn't seem to like talking about, he obviously didn't want to remember, let alone share his deepest darkest secrets with a girl he had only just met.

"You still there?" A moving hand appeared in front of her unfocused gaze, she looked up to see Oli and Bonny staring at her,

"Yeah sorry, I'm just tired. Um, so what do you want?" she yawned and stood up, leaning an elbow on Oli's tall shoulder.

"There's something ye need to see," Anne grabbed her wrist and began dragging her out of the room and up the stairs.

"Ah, the sun," Addi groaned, sheiodihg her eyes from the blinding sun as they reached the top and stumbled after the older redhead,

"What do you need to show me exactly?"

"Here," they stopped at the edge of the ship, looking out into the glistening waves but there was something in the distance, a ship, a pirate ship by the looks of it.

"That my friend, is the Jolly Roger," Oliver presented, "Jolt any memories?"

She shook her head but it did look ever so vaguely familiar somehow.

Addi tried to put the pieces together, "Why would I know the ship?" She paused, "Pan said my father was a Pirate, is that his ship?"

Oliver nodded and pointed a finger, "Bingo. Now, who's up for some breakfast?"

Addi put her hand up high, "You didn't even need to ask," and with that, Oli hooked her elbow in his and joined with Bonny on the other side.

The trio waltzed arm in arm to the food place, the banquet? Sitting around a table were a handful of men aged roughly from twenty to thirty, all men except her and Bonny. They plopped themselves down on a table and grabbed a handful of meats and cheeses to share between the three.
It seemed so casual yet Addi just couldn't seem to shake the feeling that it was wrong, she wasn't a guest there, she was a prisoner. A tool to 'defeat' Pan and nothing else.

The only person she vaguely trusted was Oliver, he had told her and seemed to be in a similar position to her, though she wasn't sure what they needed him for.

"So," Addi said and flicked a strand of hair behind her ear after a few minutes of eating in painfully awkward silence, which seemed strange considering from what she knew of Oliver, he rarely shut up, "How did you guys uh become Pirates?"

"I enjoy the blood," Bonny flashed a wry grin,
"We all had someone who made us who we are. I for one had an abusive husband and a deranged childhood," her dark Irish accent made the statement so much worse sounding, how could she just say that without any feelings? Was she that cold and unaffected by it or was she simply too broken to care anymore?

"I'm so sor-" Addi began and was cut off by a cruel green-eyed death stare and decided it was best to leave Anne and her miseries alone.

She looked to the boy sitting on the other side of the brooding redhead, "I was taken in by a Pirate when I left this very Island, they took care of me and I guess when Morgan needed me, I wasn't in a position to complain,"
Oh yeah, Oliver was essentially kidnapped, just like her.

"What about the others?" She nodded to the room full of pirates,

"You can hear it from them yourself,"
an indication that she would probably be on the ship for a while yet, "Francis, get your ass over here and bring the boys,"
A younger blonde boy stood up at the sound of his name, he was beautiful but the kind that didn't seem to know it. He wasn't like Pan who pranced around relishing in his good looks, but an inner beauty, something that was deeper than the surface. The deeper you looked, the more you saw and Addi saw a great deal of things. It was beyond his perfect bone structure, adorable dash of freckled, sandy blond hair that was just the right amount of messy and gorgeous hazy blue eyes, it was the way she could see the unmatched brilliance behind his wise eyes, he was wise beyond his years and he had seen things, horrors she could never have experienced.
What scared her more than that she could see his entire life just by looking at his unmatched beauty, it was the way her mind rejected it, telling her that he was nothing compared to Pan.

She snapped out of her daze, confused and frazzled, then realised she had been staring.
Francis gave her a small, shy smile and came over. Behind him emerged 'the boys' consisting of four older boys, or men if you will, three of whom she already knew, Corey, Fulké and Dick. The fourth was another olive-skinned man with short curly hair and an orange beanie even though it wasn't cold, he had a nose ring and had a seemingly permanent inspection face like he was always looking and watching.

"Hello again, love," The dark-skinned man approached the table, he gave her a seductive grin, flashing his golden tooth, except it wasn't very seductive.
He sat next to her and Addi gritted her teeth, great.

"Going to drug me again?" She seethed but Dick couldn't take a hint,

"Nah, that was Fulke. I won't let him near you, don't worry," he went to place a hand on her thigh and she snapped, so this is what Corey had meant by the boys just having their fun, they were pirates after all.

Bolting upright from her chair, Addi glared at the man, "Get your bloody hands off me!"

All eyes fell on her but she didn't move, grazing her eye over every man who dared look at her like that. After she was satisfied that she had scared anyone who thought about her as an object for their pleasure, well at least for the time being.
She walked around the table and found a seat left at the end, next to Corey.

"Sorry about that," Corey gave her that contagious smile and she felt her spirits suddenly lifted, "Have ya met Francis yet? He's a real good lad,"

The blonde was sitting on the other side of him and smiled warmly at her, "Hey,"

"And don't you worry about Dick, he just gets a little excited around women. He's essentially got a restraining order from Bonny," Corey cracked a grin and patted her on the back, "You'll get used to it after a bit,"
She hoped not.

"I hear you're from the land without mag-" The guy with the orange beanie began to say, his voice had a British lilt to it but he suddenly closed his mouth when the table simultaneous silenced and began making exaggerate hand gestures to shut him up

"Walter, we've talked about this," Francis said in a soft whisper that Addi could only just overhear. What was that all about, it had also happened every time someone tried to call her 'Hope' and she was very much confused. Did they think she was someone else? Did they accidentally get the wrong person and forgot to tell everyone?
Addi had absolutely no clue because no one except Oliver actually told her anything relatively useful.

"Do you all know something I don't?" She directed the question at the blonde, he seemed sensible enough to answer her question without umming and ahhing.

"There are things you're not ready to know yet," he said, his murky eyes pooling with some sort of wisdom, "So yes we do know something and until we can put our unconditional trust in you, it will remain that you don't know," he sounded just like a certain green-eyed boy back at camp.

She decided she would try and ween it out of Oliver later. She went back to her meal, cutting up a piece of marinated chicken.
Suddenly the boat lurched, it had been rocky before but Addi hadn't noticed it getting bad till just then. Everything started rocking back and forth, tables began to slide inches across the floor and she began to lose her balance. All the pirates seemed perfectly fine except for the slightly worried look varying across each face, that wasn't a good sign at all.

Corey held her elbow and Oliver yelled out, "Everyone to the deck!"
So cue the chaos as everyone fled to the deck.

Addi followed suit and began to run up the stairs, tailing Fulké and Walter who were right in front of her. They reached the top and she rushed to Fulké's side, although he had drugged her he was the only familiar face that she could see immediately.
"It's mermaids," he explained, somewhat too calm for the situation.

"Mermaids? Aren't mermaids like nice creatures that swim around and sing lullabies?" She asked, confused.

Fulké's face darkened, "You've obviously never encountered one before. They're the most dangerous creature in all the seas and they're after us,"

"Pan sent them," she realised, thinking out loud, "What does he want?"

"What, other than eternal youth?" He chuckled and Addi scowled, this was no time for jokes. He must want her, she couldn't think of any other possible explanations, maybe the Pirates had something he wanted or maybe not. But it couldn't be a coincidence that the one time the mermaids actually attacked was the day after she had been kidnapped.

She ran to the edge and caught sight of Oliver, "It's Pan, isn't it,"

He nodded, "Stay close to me," Grabbing hold of her arm, he dragged her towards the front of the boat, the floor lurched once again and she was thrown off balance, crashing towards the railing.
In her panic, she felt something slip from her finger but noticed too late.Her diamond swan ring had entered the abyss of ocean, it was lost, forever. She felt a pang in her chest, though she didn't know why.

"Get away from the edge," Oli called as she watched the water in shock. Too panicked to realise once again a sensation from her hand, the grip of another hand. A wet, slimy hand.The grip tightened and Addi snapped back into reality, letting out a shriek when she saw the creature connected to her hand.
It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time, the mermaid gave her a sly smile and winked its deadly eyes.

She was transfixed, her eyes glued to the glittering beauty, "Come with me," the mermaid said, honey dripping from her lips.

All Addi remembered was muttering an "Ok," and then it was a blur.
She could feel another hand grasp her other wrist. A boys voice, yelling, shouting. And the mermaid, oh the mermaid, she wanted to go with her, so desperately.

She felt a cold wind blow through her blonde hair, it was dreamlike, everything, so perfect and porcelain. Then she hit the felt and even colder blow, water. The water enveloped her, her limbs stopped working and she was breathing water.
Except she couldn't breathe the water, her lungs burned and her sight became spotted with black. The black dots growing until she could see no more.

Oh no, what ever shall she do now??
Thanks for all the love and support from all you fabulous readers, it really does mean the world to me and absolutely makes my day when I see people voting and commenting <333

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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