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The moment Pan's name left Addi's mouth, she felt something in the air shift.
Lucas glared at her, "You bitch. Couldn't keep your mouth shut could you?" he sneered and pushed her away as soon as he saw his leader.

Her back hit the floor and she let out a sharp groan. Trying to sit up, she hugged her legs to her chest in an attempt to cover her nearly exposed body.

Pan and Lucas stood apart glaring at each other before an invisible force erupted causing the both of them to fly in opposite directions. Lucas crumpled up on the forest floor with his leg underneath him in a direction it shouldn't have been pointing and Pan steadied himself with hands outstretched looking right at her.

She wanted to get up, to run, but she couldn't move. Her limbs were shaking and her vision blurred.

Addi felt arms lifting her off the ground and her arms wrapped around his neck, keeping her from slipping.
The world began to dim and she could only guess was being carried through the forest. She tried to keep her eyes open but exhaustion overcame her body,
"Thank you," she heard myself murmur as everything spun into nothingness.

✧ ✧ ✧

Peter cradled the small figure in his arms as she blacked out completely. With her eyes closed and the peaceful expression stretched across her face, Addi looked so innocent, not like a girl who had just nearly been raped.

He knew it was bound to happen, he knew Lucas, he knew all his lost boys, and though the blonde-haired boy tried to hide it, Peter always knew Lucas wanted to be him. He wanted the power and what better way to the power than straight from the source. He had always been unpredictable but Peter, as much as he predicted this would happen never believed it would come true.

Deep down he knew that it was wrong but he had wanted to see what would happen if it did, what she would do. He knew the only way to unleash her full power was to test her and he knew he was a terrible person for sitting back and watching.

He wasn't sure what Lucas would do and he didn't think Addi would fall for it but when he didn't interfere, he knew that somehow he had caused this. Lucas had finally lost it and taken it too far.

The result of his own actions or there lack of was asleep in his arms, she didn't deserve it, any of it, she deserved to be back with her family living her life.
Peter pushed the unwelcome thoughts aside, she may not have deserved this life but it didn't matter, she was here now and he was going to use it to his advantage, he would save Neverland. And himself, mainly himself, but she didn't need to know that, he couldn't lose her.

Peter took Addi to his cabin, at that point he didn't trust she would be safe anywhere but with him. He pulled his sheets back and placed the resting girl under the covers, she made a slight groaning noise and rolled onto her side, clutching the blanket in her hands.

A smile pulled at his lips, "Goodnight Addi," he breathed before finally taking his eyes off the angelic figure who had somehow wormed her way to a spot in Peter's heart that he never thought he would be able to fill and it tore him to pieces.

He stood in the doorway a second to collect himself before going towards the forest to find the boy who desperately needed to add murder to the list of things he had experienced before a painful death.

He was about to locate Lucas with his mind and go kill him when he saw Aster walking towards him in the dark. Worry lined his bright brown eyes.

"Where's Addi?" He said in almost a whisper, "I, I let her go off with Lucas, I heard screams and ran to find her but she was gone,"

"She's fine," Aster didn't seem to believe him,

"Did, did Lucas do anything to her?"

Peter would have been irritated by the sudden interruption but he had always liked Aster, he never seemed to cause any trouble and saved him the constant drainage of his magic, healing all the insignificant cuts and scratches.

"I got to her before he could," he said in his most comforting voice which even to him somehow sounded like a threat.

Aster nodded numbly, his hair curling around his ears, "You should get some sleep, Aster. I'm dealing with Addi and Lucas. What you need to do is deal with all the hangovers tomorrow,"

The brunette cracked a grin, "Ah yes, my favourite job," he nodded a curt goodnight to Pan and left to get some well-needed sleep.

Peter thought about going after Lucas next but decided it could wait till the morning, as much as he was an all-powerful magical being, even he needed sleep. What would be even the cherry on top of it all would be Addi killing Lucas rather than him. Of course, he could take the initiative to do the pre entertainment of brutal torture but if Lucas died knowing that it was the lost girl doing the deed herself, that would be a whole new level of satisfaction.

He headed back to his cabin and magicked up a bed for him next in the other corner of the room and stared at the ceiling waiting for sleep to come.

✧ ✧ ✧

Addi's eyes flitted open, her head throbbed and her throat was completely parched. She let out a groan and tried to sit up.

"Careful, you've probably got one hell of a hangover," it was Pan. Her eyes widened as she heard his voice, she looked around her cabin in confusion to realise it wasn't her cabin. It was bigger and with a start, she could only guess she was in Pan's cabin, and she was sitting in Pan's bed?

She pulled her legs under each other sitting crossed-legged on the bed and squinted at Pan in horror. His hair was a mess and hung limply in front of his green eyes, he actually looked human.

"What happened last night?" Addi asked, trying to remember. She recalled dancing with Aster, Chester and Devin and then she went off with Lucas.
Oh gosh, Lucas.

Her mouth opened slightly in dread, she dearly hoped that it had all been a dream. Pan looked at her emotionless as if inspecting her for a reaction,
"Did Lucas?" She whispered, hoping the answer was no, "Oh my Gosh. How did? I can't believe he. What did? I.."
She was rambling and as she stared intensely at the floor trying to calm herself down, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's ok," She looked up and met the green eyes of Pan.

Tears threatened to spill but she couldn't cry, not in front of him, "W, Why?" She stuttered, "Luc isn't like that,"

"He's unpredictable Addi, especially when he's drunk," he said,

"Well, then why didn't anyone warn me?" She demanded,

"He's a trickster, like me. He's able to fool people into getting what he wants,"
She was mad, mad at Lucas, mad at everyone for not telling her but now it seemed the only one she should be angry at was Pan.

He knew who Lucas really was and he just stood by and let it happen.

"And why didn't you tell me, Pan. He tried to rape me," Heat was flowing through my body, ready to explode.
The boy's expression hadn't changed, Addi could barely read his emotionless face.

"I wanted to see what would happen," he said as if that was a reasonable explanation, "I needed to see what you were truly capable of, it's a shame you were almost as drunk as him,"

Addi was speechless, he did this deliberately? She would slap him if I wasn't feeling too dizzy to stand and she was about to yell at him but he kept talking,

"I will say, he didn't leave looking so pretty, you did a hell of a job on him. Nasty black eye is going to teach him a lesson or two and his leg, well, it probably won't ever look the same. He won't be able to walk for a good while,"

"I'm going to kill you," She seethed but the boy just smirked down at her,

"I would like to see you try Addi," he brought his face close to hers and she could see every speck of green in his devilish eyes, "You've got fire, I'll give you that,"
He got up to dim a candle in the corner of the room as the room had suddenly got a lot brighter with sunlight during our argument.

While he was distracted, Addi got up to leave, she didn't want to be there any longer. Clutching her throbbing head, she started walking towards the door,
"Where do you think you're going," Pan's voice sounded,

She turned my head to meet his eyes, "Wherever I damn please,"

"Not in that state, you're not going anywhere," he reached her side and grabbed her wrist pulling her back to the bed, she was too weak to resist.

Slumped against the sheets, she scowled, "So you're just going to keep me here and pretend you're a caring person when you could have prevented the whole situation from even happening,"

His eyes darkened, "No, you're going to stay here till you feel better while I help Aster deal with the rest of the camp hangovers,"

She huffed as he went out the door, no matter how bad she was feeling, there was no way she was staying in Pan's cabin.
Addi waited patiently staring at the wooden walls till she was sure Pan wasn't coming back and got up, steadying herself with a hand against the wall.

She walked outside and squinted against the sun, Pan's cabin was sort of on the outskirts of camp so it took a second to locate her own cabin and as soon as she did, she made her way over.

Right as she got to her door, she heard yelling. It was Lucas, and as much as her brain told her that she was dumb, her curiosity got the better of her.
Behind a row of trees, she spotted movement, and then a scream.

Her legs took off towards the sound and she saw Pan standing with a red object in his hand. It looked oddly like a heart except it was glowing.
Lucas was kneeling on the floor screaming in pain as Pan seemed to squeeze the object in his palm.

Addi finally found her voice as she looked in horror at the scene unfolding in front of her, "What are you doing?"

Heads turned to her and something crossed Pan's face but she couldn't tell what he was thinking, "You were meant to stay in bed," he said cooly,

"Why are you hurting him?" She asked, avoiding the blue eyes she could feel looking at her intensely,

"What's it to you, did he not take advantage of you last night? Does he not deserve to be punished?" Punished? it looked like he was killing him,

"You can't kill him," She cried,

"Why not," he looked her dead in the eye and she knew he would do it. He was a killer. It was as simple as that.

"You, you just can't, it's inhumane," she dared him to move, to do anything to the boy in front of him.

"Leave then, Addi if you can't watch,"

"No," She stood my ground, "I won't let you,"

"What do you suppose we do then?" He stared at her patronisingly as if she were a child he simply had to put up with, maybe she was.

"Lock him up but don't hurt him. No one deserves that, Pan,"

He raised his eyebrows amused, "Fine, whatever you say, darling,"
She scowled at him and watched as he shoved the glowing red heart back into Lucas' body, placed a hand on his shoulder and teleported to what she hoped was the cages but probably wasn't.

As soon as the adrenaline coursing through her veins vanished, she stumbled against a tree, all her strength gone and her legs collapsing underneath her.
She knew no one was there to see her so she finally let all her feelings and emotions out in a heavy sob and before she could think about anything else, tears were streaming down her face as she buried her head in her legs.

Addi couldn't believe all that had happened, she just needed someone, anyone to cry to, to hold her while I felt like dying.
Everything hurt inside and out and she just sat there bawling into her arms, barely holding together everything that kept her going, that kept her alive.

Addi heard footsteps approaching me and then she heard Pan's voice,
"Addi, get your ass over here," he called, the sound of crunching leaves came closer, "Oh,"
The footprints stopped as he probably realised that he had just walked in on a bawling teenage girl.

She was torn between laughing at his expense at his reaction and just crying, wanting to sink into the floor and die so he couldn't see her while she was vulnerable,

"Go away," She croaked,

"No," he almost sounded caring but she couldn't see his face, that was probably a good thing, "You can't be left alone when you're like this, you can't control yourself,"

What the heck was he talking about? She couldn't control herself? She could bloody well control herself.
She lifted her head and stared at him,
"Go away," she said, louder this time, daring him to come any closer.
She probably looked crazy, no doubt her eyes were bloodshot and her hair a birds nest but she couldn't care less, she just didn't want Pan anywhere around her.

All her bottled up emotions and anger was threatening another wave of tears to surface.

"Addi, you need to come with me. I need to get you back to my cabin, you need to rest," he said,

"What part of go away did you not understand?" She hissed and she could feel anger bubbling up.

All of a sudden she watched Pan fall backwards, no one or nothing had touched him, it was the same invisible force that had erupted the night before. Was that her?

Pan got up and she expected him to be furious but the only emotion she saw on his face was a mixture of fear and worry.

"I won't say it again, you need to come with me,"
Addi was stunned and meekly nodded her head. She took his hand and he helped her up.

As soon as she was on her feet, the scenery shifted and she found herself back in Pan's cabin. Her legs finally gave way again and she stumbled back to his bed,

"You can't leave again, I need to be able to keep an eye on you," his voice was back to its harsh cold self and any trace of care that he had displayed earlier was wiped right of his smug mug.

Addi wiped her eyes with her wrist and sat up straight in the bed, she didn't feel like crying anymore.
What she felt like now was getting some answers because nothing Pan was saying was making any sort of sense,

"Why?" She asked,

"You need to learn to control yourself,"

"What? I can cry if I bloody want to, I do not need to control myself," She said, what was his issue? "You're the one that needs to control themselves,"

"No," he stated simply, "You need to learn to control your magic, you're going to end up killing someone. You're an emotional teenage girl who can't control her emotions nor her powers, so I can't bloody leave you alone till I know you're not going to kill one of my lost boys,"

"Magic? You're nuts Pan, what makes you think I'm some sort of magical being?"

"I saw it in you the moment you stepped foot on my Island and you proved it to me the first time you tried to kill me in target practice,"

"I did not," She protested crossing her arms over my chest, he just smirked at her knowingly and she frowned in annoyance, "So I can't leave here till you think I'm emotionally stable. Wow, thanks for that vote of confidence,"

"I would teach you but I have bigger things to worry about than that so I'm going to go deal with a couple of pirates that are bothering me while you sit here and entertain yourself. Try not to do anything dumb,"
A smile played on her lips, "And I've put a spell on the hut so you don't try to leave,"

Addi sat in silence as he left, wondering what the hell she was supposed to do to till he came back. She decided to be nosy and have a little snoop around the room, he left her alone in there, what else did he expect her to do?

There was a shelf of books next to the bed, she leafed through the titles but there was nothing interesting, mainly spell books and the sort with ancient symbols. On the left of the bookshelf was a larger book with the title 'Once Upon a Time', it was the only book that actually looked like a proper book.
She pulled it out and sat it on her lap and noticed it was pretty heavy for a book, she flipped through the pages, it didn't look too boring so she decided this was how she was going to spend her time.

The book was one big fairy tale, with princesses, bandits and Evil queens in a place called the enchanted forest. It was a little dramatic for her taste but it served the purpose of occupying her for the time being.

She heard a sound at the door and sat up expecting Pan to waltz in the door and maybe, hopefully, let her leave.
The wooden frame crept open and in came the last person she expected to see, his icy blue eyes met hers and a smirk hung on his lips but not the playful kind Pan mastered but a sinister smile that froze the blood in her veins.

Soooo, thoughts??? Has this all surprised you or did you see it coming? What do you thinks going to happen next??
I love to see all your comments and thanks jazza197 for your fabulous comments and being such a bae, love ya buddy :) and Edentopia for reading and being such a legend who writes fabulous books :))
Don't forget to vote and comment coz you love me xx

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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