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The girl awoke with a start, squinting against the bright sun, she raised a hand to shade her face and looked around to see where on earth she was.
Underneath her body was soft sand glittering in the sun like shredded crystals, sifting it through her fingers she could tell this was the sort of place where the sun shone constantly.

In front of her was an ocean and none like she could ever imagine, all the way to the glistening horizon and as far as she could see. The waves rippled gently against the sandy beach and shone magnificently in the sun.
It took a moment for her to take it all in, it was all so surreal.

On the other side of her stood a tall forest, almost the opposite of the welcoming beach, looming mysteriously over her and beckoning her to its core.
She brushed the warm sand of her bare legs and arms and stood up, the dizziness she had felt falling through, well whatever it was she fell, had worn off.

She saw a thin silver ring fitted on her right ring finger with a small silver swan attached. It was quite pretty and if worst came to worst, she decided, she could probably sell it and get a fair sum for it. Wherever she was, a bit of money would probably help her sort things out.

She suddenly remembered with a start what had just happened and froze, what struck her the most was the fact that she could remember nothing before that moment, the dizziness, the flashing lights and yelling and then the falling. Someone had called out a name, Addison, that was probably her she figured.

Well, wherever it was she had fallen, she had ended up here, at this nice beach and creepy forest.
Addison decided the best course of action going forth was to find a local town or village and get some food, maybe ask a few questions and see if anyone knew her.
It wasn't a great plan but it was all she had.

She started walking along the beach. It soon came to her attention that after about an hour's she still hadn't found anything or anyone and her stomach was giving her grief telling her every few minutes that it was very much in need of food.
She brushed her blonde hair out of her face in frustration, it was starting to stick to her now sweaty face. She found a hair tie around her wrist and wrapped her short hair into a messy ponytail.
The only option now was to see if there was anything edible in the forest. That was a less than pleasant idea, but her stomach was now in charge of her body rather than her mind, so into the forest Addison went.

The further she ventured, the less likely it looked that she was going to find food and the more she had the unmistakable feeling that she was being watched.
As she walked, she heard a small snap of twigs to her left and she knew that it wasn't just a feeling, there was someone there. So either she had found civilisation which seemed very unlikely or she was in for a nasty treat.

Addison stopped and the sounds stopped too, she curled her hand into a small fist out of nerves and adrenaline.

"Who's there?" She waited for a response and when none came, she tried again, "Who are you and why are you following me?"

Another snap sounded directly behind her and she spun around.

Standing in front of her stood a boy, he was about her age maybe a little older. He had wavy brown hair but there was something almost unnatural and sinister about the boy, his eyes, she realised.
They were an unnaturally bright shade of green, like the forest surrounding them his whole get-up, reminded her of the forest, from his dirt coloured hair to the clothes on his back. She almost expected him to be covered in dirt as well but his lightly tanned skin was nothing if not flawless.

Addison hated herself for thinking it but he wasn't at all bad looking.
He stood nearly a whole head taller than her and he held her stare like it was a challenge.

"I said, who are you?" She stood her ground against the odd boy even though she felt like running.

The boy's curious expression morphed into a smirk, "I'm Peter. Peter Pan,"

She heard a rustle in the trees to her left and she could tell it was more than just Peter Pan.

"Why are you following me?" She challenged, stepping closer to the boy.

She noticed something hanging from his belt, it was a sword. What kind of idiot ran around with a sword in their belt dressed like some homeless man?

"I think the real question here, is what are you doing on my Island," he said, raising an eyebrow.
His Island? Who did he think he was? Peter Pan was nothing more than an arrogant teenager whose father probably owned a few houses along the beach.

"You're Island? And where might that be?" She asked hoping that maybe hearing where she was would trigger some sort of memory or even help her find the closest town once she got away from the arrogant boy.

"Darling, you're in Neverland,"

And with that, Addison felt a cold hand grab her wrist. She remembered the rustle in the forest earlier and her suspicions were confirmed, he probably had a little gang or something ready to pounce if someone insulted his daddy.

She whiled around to face a rather pretty blonde boy with piercing blue eyes, if he wasn't at that moment trying to grab her and do who knows what to her, she might have said he was rather attractive but the appeal gets lost when someone tries to kill you.

Whatever pretty the boy had in his face vanished the moment she gained a free hand, swinging at his perfect mug of a face.
The shock was evident as soon as he lost his grip on her.
The blondes face morphed from shock to anger, why did that make her smile?

More teenage boys came to his aid to attack the girl, for what reason? You would have to ask that smug green-eyed dirtbag who set them on her in the first place.

She managed to evade a few of the boys with a bit of luck seeming to be on her side but she gathered at that point, they had no intention of letting her go and she was in no way shape or form a match for nearly twenty teenage boys.

She kneed a couple of boys in the lower region knowing she couldn't go wrong with that and somehow managing to manoeuvre her way out of numerous pinned positions. To say the least, she was proud of her efforts, that was, till her luck slipped away.

More specifically, her luck slipped away in the form of a cheating idiot who whipped out a knife on her.

"Got the weasel, Pan," the boy said. Weasel, how very disrespectful.
The boy stood close and she felt his cold breath draining her warmth as his words tickled her ear.
Not a moment later, she found herself with a knife to the throat unable to move, facing the one and only Peter Pan. The ring leader who she in the very short time of about ten minutes of knowing him had grown to dislike immensely.

The boy gave a sadistic grin that looked a whole lot like a smirk, "I'm surprised," he said, "Not many people have the guts nor the determination to put up such a fight,"
Well, many had been big wusses then, Addison figured.

His hand traced her jawline, leaving her feeling very uncomfortable and very unsafe. The situation was a bomb waiting to go off.

"Now," the boy held her death stare, neither of them dared back down, "How is it fair that you know my name but I don't know yours,"
His voice was soft and velvety with a touch of British, somehow she preferred his smugness to the slippery bitterness that turned her blood to ice.

"I would hardly call fair your own actions, Peter Pan," she said imitating his bitterness, "A surprise attack on a poor helpless girl who you found alone in the woods for no apparent reason is nothing but the act of a coward," she heard the words come out of her mouth before she could stop them.

Her words held in the air as Pan's face twisted into different versions of the one expression. In summary, he wasn't very happy.

"You dare disrespect me, girl," he spat out the last word, "I am the one in charge here and you will do as I say,"

She froze in fear as the knife pressed harder against the soft skin of her precious neck.

"Now, I'll ask one more time, what is your name?" Pan demanded, this time utterly calm.

She didn't see why it mattered all that much, it was honestly just a name. It was probably the principle of it, no disrespecting or defying master Pan, blah blah blah.

"Addison," she said through gritted teeth, unwilling to go through the whole ordeal again.

A sinister smile rose on Pan's face, "Very good, she's learning," he said, "Take dear Addi to the cages, I'll deal with her in the morning. Ive had quite enough nonsense for the day."

There were so many things wrong with what had just come out of that cruel boy's mouth.
First, he dared patronise her, then he called her 'Dear Addi'. She could just kill him right there and then if it wasn't for the knife to her throat, and did he just say cage? Like an animal cage? She had no intention of being locked up like a criminal. That wasn't legal, surely not.

Before she could utter a word, the boy with the knife to her throat shoved her into the arms of the blue-eyed boy. She finally caught a glimpse of the boy with the knife, he was a tall and scrawny boy who looked like he had caught sight of a ghost. Maybe he was the ghost, he was that pale. His greasy black bangs did nothing to help his overall appearance either, honestly, he made Pan look like an angel.

"Lucas, Roger, take her to the cages. Make sure she doesn't try anything," Pan smirked at her after ordering his two lackeys to do his dirty work for him, what a stuck up snob.

By the time Addison had reached the cages, she had learned that the blonde boy's name was Lucas and he was a pretty chatty, overall nice guy while on the other hand, Roger, well he was just a sadistic lump of meat.

They had given her a light dinner, much to her delight but it didn't take away from the fact that she was stuck in a cage.

She grasped the wooden sticks that framed my cage and looked down, it was a pretty far drop. What kind of twisted medieval world were these boys living in?
Addison scoured the entirety of the wooden box looking for some way out. A lock that she could attempt to pick? Nope. Weak bars? Absolutely not. Any possible way of escaping? She dared wish.

The sun dipped behind the clouds and melted into the forest leaving nothing behind for Addison to do but close her eyes. The stupid wooden cage would probably give her permanent back issues but what could she do?
She felt herself slowly fade out of consciousness and into the realm of sleep.

Addison jolted up at the sound of crunching leaves, yup, that was how well she slept that night.

"Jumpy, I see," She looked down to find the owner of the voice, it was the green-eyed demon, "Hope you got a better rest than it looks like you did," he said.

How dare he make fun of her while he was the one that put her there in the first place.
She subconsciously went to pat her hair out and release it from the bird's nest that had grown into it overnight. Yeah, it was pretty bad.

She sat straight up to compensate for her lowly position up in the cage, "What do you want?"

Pan smirked and his eyes lit up in a mischievous spark, "I want to make you a deal."

I'm so excited to get this story put on Wattpad, I hope this wasn't too much of a slow start and hopefully you'll really enjoy this book.
Please comment all your thoughts and any ideas that could help me improve this for you.

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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