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Peter didn't know what to think, he had tried to get rid of her, find another way to save his boys but everything seemed to be pulling her towards him.

Addi wasn't going anywhere and the thought alone scared him.
Love is strength she said, then why did she make him weak?
He needed to forget, get Addi off his mind so he could focus on the real problems at hand and he knew a very reliable way of forgetting.

The pirates were delivering the rum for the month as a part of their truce and Peter was planning to take full advantage.
He rarely drank but this time, he desperately needed it, needed to be free.

It would be good for his boys to be able to let go, the last month had been incredibly hectic and they had been out under so much pressure with the visitors here to ruin their peace and any hope they had of thriving.

He had sent Roger out to collect the barrels but Peter had already taken one of them, he didn't want the boys thinking less of him so he rarely drank in their presence but this time, he didn't care. Peter knew that alcohol never solved his problems, he had tried many times in the past but he had learned that once in a while, he needed to let go.

Peter pulled out a flask and bring it to his lips, taking a sip, he felt the liquid down his throat, burning. He grimaced slightly but took another gulp, amercing himself in the buzz.
He had never liked the taste of alcohol and always wondered why people drank it like water, that was till he felt the rush, the feeling of carefree, no worrying and no pain and decided it was worth it. Peter quickly chugged the rest of the liquid, trying not to think.
One flask down and he wasn't about to stop.

✧ ✧ ✧

Addi was lying in bed staring at the roof bored out of her mind when she heard the distinct yells of Lost boys running around yelling, presumably filled to the brim with alcohol.
It had been about a month since the last party and from what she heard, it happened every month.

Addi froze, remembering what had happened the last time Peter had put on a Party, she did not want to relive that.
Addi groaned and got out of bed, getting changed and visualising all the ways the evening could go wrong.
A lot of them had to do with Peter.

She couldn't hear his voice amidst the chaos so she figured it would be safe to join the party and stepped out her door, she saw the bonfire and boys dancing and singing along to the soundless music that only Lost boys could hear.
It was odd not being able to hear the music but she had gotten used to it, it would almost be weirder if she could hear it at this point.

She saw Aster and grinned, walking over to the one boy not drinking. He was talking to the small redhead, Turner so she tapped his shoulder, "How's my sober buddy going?"

Aster turned around and laughed, "Ready to watch your back at every turn,"

She pulled him in for a hug, grateful she could've someone to count on to help her and protect her, "You're the best,"

"You know, I haven't seen Pan yet," A very drunk Devin waltzed up to them, "He never misses a party,"

"Oh, maybe a good thing that he ain't here, we don't need no more Addi drama," Chester slurred, coming up behind his friend,

Addi whirled around, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Have you not seen the way he's been looking at you all week?" Devin smirked at her, patting her on the back.

Of course, the night was going to be revolving around her and Peter who hadn't exactly been subtle in his annoyance and avoidance of Addi, so how did they think he was looking at her like that.
Peter had made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with her and 'love'.

"You can see the tension from literally a mile away Addi, what the hell happened between ye two?" Chester nodded his head up and down like one of those bobbleheads.

Blood rose to Addis's face, whether from embarrassment or anger, she wasn't entirely sure. As far as she was concerned nothing happened because apparently none of it meant anything.

"Nothing happened!" she protested feeling flustered under the knowing and accusing glances of her friends.

"Sure, sure," Harvey said coming into view and grinning at her. Where the hell had he come from and had he heard all that too?

"Are you all just planning on interrogating me all night?" Addi decided it was going to be a very long night, the boys were already halfway drunk and it was only going to get worse,

"That's the plan!" Chester smiled giving the Cheshire Cat a run for his money and suddenly started swaying heavily. Addi grabbed his shoulders and lowered him to a log where he sat him down,

"He's drunk as a skunk!" Devin howled a lot louder than necessary.

"Shut up, you're drunk too," Aster shoved him lightly, "Go sit on the drunk log. You too, Harvey,"

Devin and Harvey hobbled over to the drunk log and sat down on either side of Chester,
"Sooo, you kissed him yet?" Devin demanded again much louder than necessary.

Addi flushed and looked around to make sure no one had heard. "First of all, shut up. Second of all, it's none of your business," she said trying very hard not to laugh at the boys drunk states and their frowning at her telling offs.

The next hour consisted of Addi and Aster singlehandedly fighting off three toddlers who had somehow worked out in their drunken minds that she had kissed Peter twice and wouldn't shut up about it.

"Addi," Oh no, she recognised his voice immediately,

"And the bachelor arrives," Chester cooed then stopped, "Holy moly, he's as drunk as us," Chester found that hilarious for some reason and started cackling hysterically.

"Bro, shut up," Devin said, elbowing him, then looked up, "Broooo,"

Addi had to know what was going on, was Peter really drunk? Peter Pan and alcohol did not mix well in her head.

She turned around and there he was, standing in the middle of the camp, in the shadow of the fire, orange streaks lighting his skin to an orangey hue.
He staggered forward slightly and dropped the bottle that he was clutching in his hand.

She realised then that she was still perched on Harvey's knee where she had sat down as a joke but found the guy rather a comfortable chair.
Pan did not look happy, he looked her right in the eye then looked at Harvey, she very suddenly felt a sense of impending doom.

She got up quickly with a side-eye from Aster who was too presumably feeling the impending doom of the situation.

"Addi," He said again, but this time with more snarl than sweet. Addi could feel her skin and bones freeze in time as he walked/swayed awkwardly towards her, she wasn't quite sure whether to be worried or concerned, the guy was quite literally drunk as a skunk.

"Hey," she said very awkwardly accompanied with a little wave,

"You're mine," he said, locking eyes with her, as if tunnel-visioned from the rest of the world, he staggered closer till they were a breath apart and she could smell the stench of alcohol clearly in his breath.

"You were right," he said, she could hear a tinge of desperation and sadness creeping into his voice and his expression softened, "I can't push you away anymore. I'm done with it Addi, I'm done with it all,"
He grabbed her neck with one hand and pulled her in looking at her with what she could only describe as desire and lust.

Addi shoved his chest, hard and he staggered back. Every single eye was fixed on them and she was freaking out but she had to stay calm, had to control the situation.
"Peter, you're drunk, you need to sit down and calm yourself. Ok?" She placed a hand on his shoulder and he tensed slightly,

"I'm calm, I can finally breathe," he said, almost in a singsong manner.

Addi felt a wave of pity overwhelm her and without looking back, guided him away from the crowd.
She had nodded to Aster that she had it under control but she could feel his presence in the distance as they left the camp, slightly reassuring, slightly creepy.

"I can't push you away anymore, I can't do it," he said, pleading, "I can't do it anymore. It's too much," He relaxed into her arms, leaning his weight against her, she staggered back slightly but held him, wrapping her arms around him in support, feeling for the broken boy.

"What's too much?" She asked carefully, never sure when his broken pieces would explode in her face.
He changed so quickly and she wanted to hold on to the part of him that was vulnerable.

"The pressure, everything," He signed in exasperation, "Why can't I just do what I want to do, why is everything against me,"

"Not everything's against you Peter," Addi said, "Sometimes it feels that way but there's always someone who has your back. You're not doing this alone, you know that right?" She spoke to him almost harshly, she needed to get her message across even if he was drunk off his socks.

She squeezed his shoulders lightly gave him a half-smile,
"You care," he breathed, looking down, "Why do you care?" Addi looked at the boy in front of her, vulnerable and miserable, and she asked herself that question, why did she care?

"I believe in change, I believe in second chances and I believe in you," Peter finally looked up and met her eyes, his green eyes dimmed to an almost grey colour and skin red from tears, she had never seen Peter Pan cry.

He cracked a smile, "Hey, you believe," It seemed his life long mission was to get her to believe and now she was reversing the lesson.

Addi believed in a lot of things now, she believed in friendship, in love, in magic and in hope.

"You're going to leave me though," he said, Addi frowned in confusion, "Why would I leave you, Neverland is my home,"

"You're family," he began, oh right, her family. She had almost forgotten about their existence and was beginning to doubt that they were even on the Island at that point, she hadn't seen them or heard of them from other than Oliver, Peter and the Robyn girl, "They're going to take you away from me,"

"I won't let them," Addi brushed the hair out of his face and looked into his sad, glassy eyes, "They can't make me do anything,"

He laughed a very depressing sounding laugh, "I wouldn't be so sure of that, they are more powerful than you think," it almost sounded like he was admitting defeat, that was very unlike him.
She had heard rumours of a group who had defeated Pan, maybe it was them.

"What on earth can they possibly do to you, they're only here for me aren't they?" She asked,Peter shook his head,

"They're going to kill me, Addi. My own brother is going to kill me," Addi froze in shock, looking into his eyes searching for the truth.

She remembered him mentioning his brother but not in this context, "What do you mean, why do they want to kill you?"

Tears began to fill the boy's eyes and he rocked back and forth on his feet, as if trying to keep balance, "I've done bad things to them, unforgivable thing," his voice was becoming more and more slurred as he broke down, "He swore to kill me, and he has the power to,"

"You know I won't let that happen," she said, "They won't hurt me and I won't let them touch you. I swear Peter, you remember that, I swear by all the stars I won't let anything happen to you,"

He seemed to soften at her words, his breathing slowed down and she pulled him into a hug. His head resting on her shoulder, she decided she would take care of this boy, she would protect him with her last breath.

It was getting late and all the boys had already left, leaving the two of them sitting alone in the silence of thoughts and reassurance. Somehow Peter had cured himself of any hangover symptoms and she found herself very relieved she didn't have to assist him in the usual vomiting and complaining. He simply sat there in her arms, wiping his eyes clear of tears shed in the night.

"We should get back," Addi said, lightly nudging him, he groaned slightly but sat up in obedience. She helped him up and walked him back to the cabins with one arm around his waist to keep him from falling over and tripping on his own feet.

They reached Peter's cabin and she led him to bed, he completely collapsed in a heap, looking probably as miserable as he felt. She paused for a moment wondering if she should stay with him, to keep him company till he sobered up till he sat up slightly and looked her in the eye,

"Stay with me?" She smiled softly and made the brash decision to stay, what harm would it do if she slept in her own bed, she was just keeping him company as they slept.
Addi knew Peter probably didn't have the magical capacity at the moment to get her a bed so she summoned her own closing her eyes and opening them to find her bed sitting him the room, right across from her.

She glanced at Peter to find him knocked out cold, breathing deeply and as relaxed as she could ever see him, she made her way to her own bed and listened to the sound of his breathing in and out.
The simple rhythm drowning her thoughts and pulling her into the realm of sleep.

A dim light crept into the room as her eyes flicked open, it was almost morning, why did she have to wake up so early, what was wrong with her. Addi decided her brain didn't quite know the benefits of sleep to the body and mind, darn her stupid sleep schedule.

She suddenly realised she was still in Peter's room and what it would look like if she walked out of there looking like absolute trash after the night they had had, she figured it would not look good.

It was still early enough that the boys would be sleeping so if she snuck out then, she could go unnoticed, that was the plan.
Addi looked over to see Peter still deep in sleep and crept across the room to the door, she slid it open and left.

She made it halfway to her own cabin when she heard the snapping of leaves and spun around, someone was already up, but it wasn't just someone, it was a ghost.

Addi froze in confusion, it couldn't be, but it was, "Oliver?" She breathed his name with recognition. It was definitely him, his short brown hair, strong built and big doey eyes, "I, I thought you died,"

She couldn't see his face clearly but as she walked closer to him, she realised he wasn't happy to see her at all.
Addi watched as her friend's face morphed from a miserable confusion to pure anger and rage, "What the heck, Addison?"

She didn't know how to feel, should she be happy he was alive, embarrassed for what he thought he saw or pissed because he barely even acknowledged the fact that she thought he was dead and mourned for him before he started yelling at her.

Maybe that was what it felt like when Peter found out he was alive and non longer a friend but an enemy, she wasn't even sure if she could trust Oliver after what Peter had told her, maybe it was just two different sides of the story, no true hero or villain, just two misunderstood boys living their lives.

"It wasn't what you think, but what happened to you? Why couldn't I see you?" If he was asking questions, she was going to get her own answers too.

"I can't believe you would do that after everything I told you!" He completely ignored her questions and went on a rampage of his own, "You're family is here and you're just abandoning them to sneak off with some monster who's manipulating your every move!"

"Woah, first of all, I don't 'sneak off' with anyone, second, I know my family is here so why haven't they tried to see me themselves instead of sending two delinquent teens to fetch me?" She had had enough of people just thinking they were right all the time and thinking they could control her, "If they really want to see me, take me to them,"
She stepped closer to Oliver in challenge but he remained where he stood.

"You don't get it do you?" he said,

"No, because no one explains shit to me," she mumbled under her breath, he gave her a quizzical look but obviously didn't hear what she had said,

"They can't come because it's too dangerous, but I won't do anything for you, not anymore, not after you've slept with him. I don't care what they say, you know what? You deserve him," he pointed a finger at her chest in a snarl, this was not the Oliver she knew.

"I didn't sleep with him," she protested, even though it was useless to argue,

"And why should I trust a word coming from your mouth?" He sneered at her, turning his back on her and walking away.

"Why should I trust a word coming from your mouth?" She yelled in retaliation by instinct, every instinct was telling her to go off at him, take him down but it wasn't worth it, he wasn't worth it.
Maybe she was right to think him dead, the Oliver she had known was indeed dead or maybe he never existed at all.
"I don't need you and I never did!"
She hoped those would be the last words she spoke to that conceited douche.

She was suddenly curious about her family and who they were, she didn't want to help them, they sounded like a bunch of dickheads but maybe she could get some answers or pretend to be a friend and get all the inside information to help Peter.
Either way, she was now very determined to find them.

So that was a bit eventful, what r we thinking???
Also plz let me know any requests for sequel/prequel and any other random thoughts in those lovely heads :)

And remember to vote if ur enjoying this book xx

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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