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Addi dropped the paper with a start, Rumplestiltskin had one of her friends and was probably going to kill them if she didn't show up, she wouldn't put it bellow the devil man.

She knew nothing good would come out of her going to the hourglass, she knew it was what protected the boys, protected Peter but if she didn't go, someone would die, it was a risk she wasn't willing to take, Addi couldn't have blood on her hands, it would cause too much pain.

She left the cabin and stood in the cold morning breeze and closed her eyes, picturing the place where Peter had shared his secret, told her everything, trusted her.
When she opened her eyes she was there, and so was Rumplestiltskin.

"I'm glad you made it, dearie," he said and walked up to her, smirking. He looked behind him and Addi turned to see what he was looking at, it was Chester, bound with rope and all tied up in the corner, not looking very alive.

The colour seemed to drain from her face as she looked at her friend, helpless in a heap, unable to protect himself.
His whole future depending on whatever choice Addi would be forced to make, just the thought of that made her want to puke.

"What do you want, Rumplestiltskin?" she crossed her arms over her chest in a stance of confidence, even though she had absolutely no confidence whatsoever. Fake it till you make it was what she lived off.

"We both know you're the key ingredient to a lovely prophecy," he said, she didn't like where this was going, "I need you to finally take the right side,"

"I'm already on it," she said and he ignored her completely,

"You're going to destroy the hourglass. You obviously can and have the power to, that way your little friend doesn't die, Peter Pan will die and we will all get to go home," So he knew the truth, the whole truth of the hourglass.
Once the hourglass was finished, they would be driven out of Neverland which would work quite nicely for Rumple and his friends but not so much for hers, especially Pan who couldn't leave the Island without consequences.

For a moment, Chester seemed to shift, he was still conscious but barely. His eyelids fluttered open and he locked gazes with her, "Don't do it Addi, it's not worth it. I'm not worth it,"

"How can you say that?"
Addi yelled at him, she really should have been more sympathetic to his circumstance but he couldn't just say those things about himself, they weren't true at all.
She loved that boy, although not quite in the same way she loved Peter.

Addi froze in her thoughts but decided not to dwell on the less important matters that she never wanted to think about or admit ever again but focus on Chester, "I can't let you die,"

"Yes you can," he insisted,

"You'd better choose quick dearie, times running out. The hourglass or the boy, what's it going to be" Rumplestiltskin interrupted impatiently.

As much as she could never kill a friend, she would be dooming more than just one friend if she chose the alternative but she still couldn't do it. Either way, someone would die, it wasn't right to be able to chose who lives and who dies, that wasn't the way it was meant to be.

"I won't do it,' she said, almost inaudible but he heard her and so did Chester.

He looked at her with both fear and understanding in his eyes, she would never forgive herself for this but she had no choice.

"So be it," Rumple said and in his hand appeared a dagger, dripping with a liquid that looked a lot like dreamshade. He lifted it and in one quick motions, hurtled the dagger towards her friend sentencing him to his death.

But it wasn't Chester's body that the dagger sunk it's teeth into.

"Roger!" She shrieked as the boy sent his body flying in front of Chester to take the damage himself.
She didn't even know where he had come from but it was him who fell to the floor, blood spilling and breathing rapidly.

She ran over immediately, "Roger, what the heck?" She cupped a hand to his pale face which was starting to become cold and clammy.

"I heard you outside and went to check what was going on, you left so I followed you. You have to save them Addi, you have to save the boys," he said in a raspy voice,

"But why?" Chester's own feeble voice asked, "Why did you protect me?"

"You're a better man than I ever was, you care for people, me? I only ever cared about pleasing Pan, doing his bidding. I made a slave of myself, I never had friends here Chester, you know that. I couldn't let you die, people would miss you," he said and in some sad way, she knew it was true.

"We'll miss you," she said, looking him in the eye before he breathed his last. She closed his eyes with her fingers and it almost looked as if he were asleep, "I'm so sorry Chester," she said, feeling a pang of regret in her stomach.

"That's not the problem right now," he said, looking up at the man standing behind them, "He is,"

Addi was now more determined than ever, the guy had just killed Roger and though she never like him, he payed a noble sacrifice, showing his true colours in his last breath, she couldn't be mad at someone who sacrificed their own life so save another's.

"You're going to pay for that, you no good scoundrel," she said, hissing at the old man.

She got to her feet and summoned a fireball, ready to incinerate his ugly face.

"I hope you know what you've just gotten yourself into, little girl," That was it, she threw the fireball towards him but he blocked easily. She knew he had magic but maybe she could just hold him off, long enough to, to what?
Yeah, she had no plan but that was how she rolled, things always seemed to click into place and she desperately hoped this situation was no different.

Addi focused all her energy on the spells Peter had told her as she blocked and defended various spells from Rumplestiltskin.
She was growing tired from the repetitive backwards and forwards fighting, she was getting nowhere with her hardest spells and he was just holding back and laughing. It was simply infuriating.

Suddenly, two figures appeared behind him.
"I hope we're not too late," a familiar female voice called out, it was Robyn, followed by a black haired boy who she presumed was the boy Neal.

"What are you doing here?" Addi said, getting ready to face off all three of them depending on who's side, the duo were about to take.

"What can I saw but that we're excellent spies," Neal said proudly, "Now what's the old man done this time?"

"He killed my friend," Addi said darkly, hoping that the two would be on her side and not defend the rat bag over her.

"Let's get him then, shall we, Neal?" Robyn said and they walked up to where she was, standing on either side of her, "We got your back Page, no matter what,"

✧ ✧ ✧

Robyn was breathing heavily, staring Mr. Gold, it was such a cool moment, she seriously felt like a badass superhero in that moment.

Addi nodded a thanks and proceeded blasting fireballs at Gold, it wasn't doing much but when she looked closer, her friend wasn't trying to hurt him per say, just keeping him busy enough to stay away from the tied up boy and hourglass.

She was strategically pushing him away and a moment later Neal seemed to work out what was going and with a blast of magic, sent his own shots towards Gold who blocked them easily.
It was almost working, he was too busy blocking their magic to attack on his own. Two was always better than one.

Although she felt pretty useless in the whole magic cufundle, she knew a way she could actually help.
Robyn ran outside the cave and there was a spot of bare floor, it was perfect. She searched around her and found some wood, arranging it into a tall teepee shape, scattering smaller sticks and twigs in between, that would have to do. She tried to harness her inner girls scout even though she had only participated for a month before deciding she rather be indoors with her paints.

The base was done and she grabbed one especially long stick in her hand before running back indoors, smashing one of the lamps, letting the flame bite onto the stick, lighting it up in flames, a moment later the stick was burning bright and she ran back outside to light her bonfire. Surely they would be able to see the fire, no one was dumb enough to actually light a fire in Neverland so they would definitely notice this.

A moment later she saw Emma and the others on the edge of the Island, she started jumping up and down waving her hands in the air like a maniac, Emma spotted her and waved back to Robyn's relief.
They got on a rickety boat and made their way over taking an excruciating long time. The boat finally rocked up and they ran out, each embracing Robyn in a tight hug.

"She's in there, Gold's done something and Neal's helping," she breathed out as the adults began running into the hourglass to go beat up Mr Gold.
She never thought he was that bad, she was friends with his son and Gideon was nothing like his father, she figured that his father might not be as bad as people said but she was constantly proven wrong with his intentions.

Robyn quickly ran after Emma, Killian, Lily and Henry into the cave and found they weren't the only ones with reinforcement. Somehow the Pirates had snuck in and were now battling with swords, the room was getting overcrowded, quickly.
She turned around and she saw Peter Pan, behind him walked in his lost boys.

It was like that scene in End game, the atmosphere of everyone on the final battle field. Robyn laughed at the thought but this was far different when she was actually apart of it, actually a part of the fight, this was a matter of life and death and all concerning parties seemed all too happy to help with the death part.

She watched in shock from the entrance of the cave as all hell broke loose, it was almost a free for all but if she watched closer she could see some distinct teaming up.
Two lost boys beating up a younger pirate boy, Page still working on getting Gold under control with the help of her mother.
It almost seemed like the lost boys and heroes were teaming up with the exception of Gold of course, he always seemed to be the exception.

A loud yell seemed to interrupt all the fighting and everyone halted their death sprees to lay eyes on Peter Pan and Rumplestiltskin in a terrifying stand off.

"You think you can just waltz into my home and threaten me? Take everything I've worked for and for what, a little revenge?" Pan demanded, his face was a deep shade of red and his green glared daringly at his brother, "From what I remember, it was you who made my life hell, I never did anything to harm you, all I did was set you free,"

"You abandoned me!" Gold retaliated, stepping forward and staring down at Pan,

"What so you wish you were a lost boy do you? Then why are you trying to kill us!?" Pan had completely lost his cool and was raging mad.
She felt a moment of respect for the boy, maybe he was treated a little harshly, was he really that bad? Pan was just a lost boy like the rest of them, a broken boy just wanting to be found and put back together.

The screaming match continued between the brothers and the fighting seemed to resume.
She saw a small red head boy falling back with a sword sticking out of his chest, his vacant eyes seemed to stare right at her and Robyn could feel her heart breaking for the poor boy, he was probably innocent and no one deserved to die so young. He wasn't even the first of the dead she realised as she looked around in horror and disgust at all the young faces covered in blood, never to wake again.
She suddenly stopped in her tracks. No. It couldn't be.

Propped up against the wall of a cave lay a pale boy, black hair sticking out in every direction with an knife impaled in his chest. He was barely breathing.

"Neal!" She cried, running towards her friend, uncaring of the battlefield she had just entered.
Barely dodging knifes and swords she found herself kneeling next to the one boy who had stood by her, her whole life.
"No," she uttered, voice broken beyond repair as she clasped his face in her hands, lifting his face to look up at her. His bright blue eyes were glassy and suddenly not so bright as he gazed at her, "No, stay with me. Hang on, I'll get you fixed up you just have to breath Neal, you just have to breath,"

It was as simple as that or at least she wished it was but the light fading from his features made it clear he wasn't going to be staying with her.

"Robyn," he gasped with what energy he had left in his lungs,

Tears blurred her vision and her eyes stung, she wasn't sure if she was breathing herself, "Yes?"

"Robyn, I love you," his breathing was ragged and finally came to a halt.

Robyn stared unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to think or function in the slightest.
Her brain couldn't process what had just happened, he loved her. He loved her but he was dead.

She almost didn't see the knife flying towards her face before she got her shit together and dived out of the way, she could barely see what was happening but all she could think was that if she didn't do something she would be joining Neal.
Maybe that would be best, they could be together, together in death.
No, she couldn't do that, she couldn't do that to her friends, her family. There were still people who needed her, people who cared for her, like she cared for Neal.
Why did people leave the people they care for behind, how do they cope. How could she cope withou Neal, how could she live?

Another knife soaring in her direction snapped her out of her head and into the world we're life and death didn't matter, the only rule was survival.
The knife sunk into the wall right where head had just been, she was damn lucky.

Her eyes found their place on a familiar face, he was a lost boy with longish dark brown hair and olive skin, she had sworn she had seen the same boy somewhere else, but that didn't matter, nothing mattered anymore.
This boy may well have been the one to end Neal's life, taken away her brother, her light.

"You, boy are about to die," she seethed, holding back her tears and channeling them for anger. She scanned her surroundings for the nearest weapon and stopped when she spotted a bow and arrow.
Just what she needed.

It had been a while but she never forgot the heritage of her father, she had had many archery lessons in the past and although she wasn't one to brag extensively, she was one hell of a shot when it came to shooting.
She grabbed the bow and positioned it against her face, stretching her arm out holding the bow in place to pull the arrow back. She was doing this for him, she was doing this for Neal.

She squinted at the boy and aimed for his right arm that was holding another knife, the same hand which held the knife that was imbedded in his chest.

Robyn released the arrow and sent it straight into his arm, he staggered backwards with a shocked expression written across his face.
Yes girls can fight and they are damn good, she really wanted to say. She wanted to say a lot of things, she wanted to scream and let it all go but she had to hold it together, had to stay strong, that's what Neal would have told her to do.
She felt a wave of satisfaction underneath the pain and anger, her father would be proud of her.

That was rly heavy and I think Im gonna go cry now, I rly hate myself and U probably do to poor Neal and poor Robyn :(((

We're nearing the end so hang tight coz it's a bumpy ride, and plz remember to vote and comment :)

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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