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Addi paced back and forth from one tree to another, her head was spinning and she couldn't think straight. Every thought, a blur of confusion and every memory playing in rewind, taped to her mind.

First, the whole big reveal of her saving Neverland and Pan, that was enough to send her brain straight into cartwheels and then, then the sunset.
Pan being soft, talking to her, actually talking to her and joking around like they had known each other for centuries. Then it happened.

She hadn't known how to respond to that, it was rule number one of the big three.
He had purposefully given her permission to break it, to call him by his name, the name no one was allowed to say, he asked her to say.

Addi had frozen in shock the moment he had said it, both terrified and flattered at the same time, making her remember the night they had kissed. She so desperately wanted to forget all about it but Pan, Peter was so gentle, so kind, like the Peter who had kissed her. Maybe Peter and Pan were two different people, Peter, the lost boy trapped inside a monster, Pan.

She thought about what Oliver had said as well, that she was the key to defeating Pan, but how did that work if she was also the key to saving him... 'To Neverland, she's the saviour or foe,' maybe it was referring to Neverland's master, Peter Pan.
She was the saviour or foe, she could choose, but how could she destroy him? After everything, she simply couldn't.

It was around midday, she figured due to the hunger she was feeling that usually meant she wanted lunch. The boys were probably cooking up something so she better head back, maybe she could talk to Pan, try and figure things out.
She was still deciding if she should tell the other boys what she learned and what happened, Pan never explicitly said it was a secret but it did feel like he was confiding in her but the Peter situation, well the boys would work it out eventually.

Addi began walking back to camp when she heard leaves crunching to her left, that was never a good thing. She wondered who it was, none of the boys would bother sneaking up on her so it most likely wasn't someone with great intentions.
She stopped in her tracks and turned around, "Who's there?"

It was a girl. She hadn't seen another girl in well ever since she could remember. The girl was a little taller than her and had fiery auburn hair, everything about her seeming radiant and bright.

"Page," She whispered looking right at Addi, it was the same curious knowing eyes that Oliver had looked at her with when they first met, like the girl knew her.
Suddenly she grinned and lunged at her, it almost seemed like she was trying to give Addi a hug. Instinctively, Addi grabbed her, twisting her around to the floor, ending with her arm in a twist and Addi's foot on her back. Addi was breathing hard, who the heck was this girl and why was she on Neverland?
Was she with her parents and instead of getting her themselves they just sent some random? Either way, she was going to find out.

"Who are you?" Addi demanded, scowling at the whimpering girl on the floor.

"Page, it's me," she said softly, almost inaudibly, her voice was lined with a sadness that Addi couldn't place.

"First, who the heck is Page supposed to be? And second, 'me' tells me absolutely nothing," She loosed her grip on 'me' to let her speak.

"I uh, so you really don't remember anything?" She paused but Addi said nothing, "I'm Robyn. We knew each other before, before Neverland,"

Addi paused, she did seem familiar now that she thought about it but she still didn't know if Robyn could be trusted. She let the girl up but still held onto her wrist tightly to make sure she didn't run away, "How do I know you're not lying to me?"

Robyn's thin eyebrows scrunched as if the question actually confused her, "Why would I lie?"

Why would she lie? Gee, how about to gain her trust, to manipulate her, to think she was innocent, to make Addi want to like her. The question was why wouldn't she lie?

"Why are you here then?" She changed the topic, Robyn was seeming to be a difficult task to figure out.

"I came to find you," her hazel eyes fixed on Addi's in pure, innocent sincerity, she wanted to believe Robyn, she really did.

"What do you mean? My parents are here, why didn't they come for me?" Why was it Robyn talking to her and not her family, did they not love her?
Addi stared at Robyn, looking for answers. She would let her talk, whatever it was that she had come to find her to say must have been important.

"I'm not exactly supposed to be here, I ran away," Addi was beginning to like this girl, "They all wanted to wait till we had a plan but I couldn't wait, I need to talk to you, Addison,"

She called her by her full name and knew her last name as well. Robyn must know who she was, whether by actually knowing her or someone told her, either seemed a reliable source but she could also be one of Pan's secret minions. At this point, Addi really had no clue so she just hoped Robyn could give her one.

"So you are with my parents?" Addi crossed her arms, watching Robyn's pale face light up,

"Yup, they literally haven't slept since you fell down the portal, doing everything they could to find you. We finally got here and Pan happened, he's hell-bent on keeping you prisoner, Mr Gold, the Dark One, said there was a prophecy of some sort, he didn't know exactly but we're pretty sure the pirates do and he's trying to get it out of them probably right about now. Killian, your dad, is making sure he's not torturing them but I doubt that will stop him," she rambled on,

"Hold on, you've seen the Pirates? Morgan's crew?" Finally, something she could go off. After being on the ship for a few days, she had gotten to know the crew quite well and found them relatively trustworthy.

"Yeah, Oliver helped me escape actually, along with-"

"Oliver!?" Addi cut her off before she could say another word, "He's alive?"

She could feel tears welling in her eyes at the mention of him, he had better be alive. She hoped to dear God that Pan had lied when he said Oliver was dead.

"Of course he is," she said confused. The amount of relief Addi felt at hearing that felt like a massive weight lifted off her shoulders.

"What did he say?" Addi questioned, she needed to know everything, "We should probably move, this is too close to camp and I don't want you getting captured,"
As they walked, Robyn told her how Pan had put a spell preventing dream communication on Addi and how he had helped her form a plan to run off to talk to her.
"How did I get here?"Addi asked as they sat down under a palm-like looking tree.

"Well, there's a short version and a long version but considering you know literally nothing, I'll give you the long version. So for the holidays, you came to stay with us in our home town Storybrooke..."

So apparently Storybrooke was where all the fairy tale characters lived that once lived in a place called 'the Enchanted Forest' and Addi was apparently friends with the Wicked Witch of the West's daughter, Snow White's son, Rumplestiltskin's son, Aurora's son and Cinderella's daughter. She had been close with them and when they got to Storybrooke, Addi had found her real parents because she was adopted or something.

So shit went down and Addi's adoptive mum, Lily got really jealous and ended up drugging her with a memory potion so she didn't remember her real parents and instead of going through a portal with her mother, there was a fight and Addi ended up getting pushed in right before it closed and that's how she ended up in Neverland.

It was a story and a half and if it wasn't about her own life, Addi probably would have found it quite an interesting tale.

"Wow, so I don't even really know my actual parents then, if I only just met them. This is all so complicated," Addi signed, running her fingers through her hair,

"Well, you knew them before but you had your memory wiped," she paused, "We really don't need to go into all of that now,"

Addi decided not to question her and just go with it, "Oh, there's another thing I needed to talk to you about," Robyn said, "I need to warn you about Pan. I've heard some things about what he's been doing and I don't know if they're true but either way, he's not a good guy, Page. He's a monster, he will manipulate you and break you down till you do his way. He's using you and I know the real you would never have let this happen, red flags, girl, red flags."

Addi was mad now, informing her on her past was ok but flat out telling her who and who she should be associating with was stepping boundaries, "Why should I care what you think? You know nothing of Pan, you've probably never even met him," she snapped and Robyn took a couple steps backwards avoiding her steely glare.

"I'm not kidding, it's not even just that he's a bad guy, he actually murders people, he's heartless. He tried to kill your brother when he was just a kid, manipulated him into giving him his heart and he almost succeeded, hell, he's probably tried to kill every single person in your family,"

This seemed to contradict everything she knew, Addi did know that he had done bad things but this was bad, really bad.
He had changed though, hadn't he? She hadn't seen him kill anyone, not even Lucas when she stopped him.
He was redeemable, everyone was. People deserved second chances and she couldn't just give up on Peter.

"You're wrong," she had to be wrong. Addi looked defiantly at Robyn she just stared at her in disappointment.

"You've got to listen to me, there's no saving him. The things he's done, you can't come back from that," Her hazel eyes pleaded at her.

Whether or not she trusted Robyn's word, Addi was stuck in the middle of the two sides and only she could choose who to believe.
It was too much pressure, couldn't everyone just agree and be a big happy family, why did people have to fight? It just wasn't fair.

"It doesn't matter anyway, it's not like I can leave. Pan will find me, he needs me," Addi said softly, the mood had sombred and not even Robyn seemed to be upbeat and cheery, but staring at her, like it was a matter of life and death. It probably was.

"Addi?" She heard Devin's voice call out in the distance,

They both froze, "You need to go, Robyn," Addi said, pointing away from the lost boy camp, "Now,"

"No, I can't go yet. There's more I need to tell you," she said, getting up anyways.

"I'm serious, Robyn. If anyone sees you, you won't be getting out of here, ever," they locked eyes, "Go," and she went, waving a last goodbye and running off into the woods.

Devin emerged from the trees and Addi had to take a couple deep breaths before she could speak calmly, "Hey, Dev,"

Devin looked around, "Were you talking to someone?"

Addi froze, "No, just myself,"

"Oh ok," he said.

Addi debated whether she should tell him about everything but decided against it.
She really wished she could tell someone, get it all off her chest, everything she had found out in the past couple of days, someone to help her make sense of it all. But telling the lost boys wouldn't be fair on them because of their loyalty to Pan.

"You hungry?" He asked, nodding in the direction of camp where she assumed was food,


Bit of a short chapter but oh welll but dw the next chapter is quite the tea
Thanks to everyone actively reading this story, means the absolute world!!

Plz let me know if there's any specific scenes you'd like to see or ideas to build on!

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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