009. ๐—ง๐—ฅ๐—œ๐—–๐—ž๐—ฌ ๐—ง๐—ฅ๐—œ๐—–๐—ž๐—ฌ

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She arrived home.

Her heart rapidly thumping, sweat built upon her forehead, and just on the brink of weeping, she carefully subsisted, gently loosening one strap of her bag in the process of putting off her shoe, the approaching steps of her mother invaded her vision and she instantly glanced up, softly frowning to seem like a smile, it probably made her look weakened. The mother contemplated her daughter's features, opting to speak.

"Where have you been?" She sternly inquired, the young girl pulled one of her eyebrows up, squeezing her lips, acknowledging with an averted gaze. "Nowhere, I just ran back from school."

The mother did not seem satisfied, wordlessly urging another proper explanation from the girl, her arms folded across her chest, lip pinched upwards as if to say, 'I disagree.'

"Where do you think I might have gone, Mom? I just came back from school, I went nowhere else." She defended, firmly staring at her mother, "Am I that untrustworthy?"

"Watch your mouth, I never said that."

The young female did not utter anything more, tossing her gaze elsewhere, rapidly blinking and mouth slightly open, craving to say something but shortly decided against it, observing the woman one last time before making her way to her room.

Both are unable to convey much or say their true intentions and the gap between them appears more noticeable. Saliently on her part, her avoidant nature in play.

Sleep was reluctant to welcome herself on that night, she denied consuming any food, pretended to have fallen asleep, tossing and turning, wild thoughts rampant, and everything else just unimportant, scrappy, disorganized, her device laid under her blankets, vibrating beside her, calling out to her, letting her be aware that someone was attempting to reach her, somebody who would raise a question about the incident she underwent that morning.

Her room was non-illuminated, corners of her room pitch black to discern, her mind faking images, falsifying shreds of evidence of someone sitting there, watching her, studying her, she quickly got up with a huff, sighing at her phone, passively saw it shaking emitting a low tune, she knew who was calling, she knew he was calling to make sure she was still under his control, under his influence. She softly grimaced, stretching her arm and taking it in her hold, mildly hunched in her position, noting the screen with an indifferent gaze.

'Pick up the call.' it reads, his message. For some reason, peace had decided not to reside with her the entire day, she was anxiously overthinking, thinking to a concerning degree even she found herself asking, 'Is she okay?' why was she making way for such... dark thoughts?

Another sound pops from her phone.

'I said, pick the stupid phone, you idiot!'

Unwillingly, she scrupulously typed in rehearsed sentences, double-checking to see if there was anything to mistake, to take it the way other than what she intended. It sent, then, came an instant response.

'I don't care.'

'I'm saying one last time, pick up the call.'

Her eyebrows slightly rose, her breath long held inside her lungs and subconsciously gripping the object tighter, her disheveled hairs sticking out, eyes trained upon the brightened screen, then a buzzing sound lowly echoed in the quiet room, she gulped her unsettled notions eyeing it for a few seconds before hesitantly touching the accept button.

Slowly nearing it to her ear, she heeded for any tell-tale signs of anything, the connection was quiet, the almost inaudible breathing of his initially bound to go unheard. She waited for him to speak, hoping less talking would save her from some unneeded trouble.

"What? Don't want to talk to me anymore, is it?" he began, voice deep and oddly pained, for a moment, she considered her choice of words.

"That's not it."

"Oh, got tired of ignoring me huh? Finally deciding to let me hear your ugly voice," he replied, the hate in his voice without fail grabbing her attention. She frowned, glancing over to her wrinkled white sheets, her fiddling fingers ceasing, no longer pinching the cloth. She sighed for the third time, answering, "I was not ignoring you."

"Oh yeah? Guess you aren't going to hang up the call on me then." he bitterly scowled. She had some problem admitting to his claims, even though, proving him wrong would be a better option.

"I'll try," she said.

"Say you won't." he urged, threateningly.

"I won't," she replied, to keep him from yelling.

He then chuckled.

"We are couples now, you and me, I heard you liked me a lot, I'm sure you have much to confess, no?" Her head hurt, strenuously inhaling and exhaling to try to dry the angry tears that ought to leak out of her puffy eyes. His condescending tone belittles her and disregards her feelings on the matter.

A burning sensation bloomed on her chest.

"No, we are not a couple. I do not like you, I dislike you." she disdainfully muttered, her hushed voice forcing a hostile response from the male.

"As if you didn't want me to see your underwear every day. Admit it, you do have feelings for me, only me, everyone knows it. You and I are meant to be a couple." he grew desperate and she gripped her teeth, rubbing her fingers and forcing herself to sit up straight.

"You made aoi tell you all that, you pervert, I NEVER had any romantic feelings for you, don't delude yourself." she swiftly growled back, furrowing her eyebrows, her fist clenched to her side and losing the sense of her uttered words.

"Aoi tell you all that, did she? Well, she's wrong! We all know how much you want me, how much you like me! You just don't want to realize it, tell me you like me you bitch!" he shouted, his voice growing heavier, "Who do you think you are huh loser! I'm way better for you than anyone else, don't go around spouting nonsense, you've been chasing after me!"

"I was your first kiss! Not Deku not anybody else! You love me!"

She simply listened, her simmering hatred at an abrupt halt because hearing him say those things had been like ice dropped on boiling hot lava, her rage vaporized, and she simply lost the will to interfere. "Don't go around ignoring me! Or else I'm going to kill you, you hear me!!"

She felt like words wouldn't be plenty to stop him from outraging.

So, the silence was prominent on her end. She stared at the wall, feeling worried, and nervous, his threats were normally harmless, but this one just had something she couldn't ignore. Without considering a second thought, she spoke.

"I don't like you."

She dared to murmur, sternly and firmly letting him know her true feelings.

Cutting off the call, this time not allowing him to get another word in. It was a very bold move and soon she regretted it, knowing all things unpleasant will be awaiting her. Then, the incident repeated on a loop inside her brain, wishing to withdraw, to avoid anyone and everyone, that same unsettling churning sensation returning more potently, that same feeling from earlier, that same sense of deja vu. That worrying thought will never leave, it will expand and rise until it is seeded out.

Not until she rips the plant from the roots will it ever perish, she needs him out of her life, out of her memory, out of her every notion, she wants him to leave her alone.

Otherwise, her soft nature will always be a magnet for bad people to exploit.

The atmosphere at home had somehow been altered, her stomach was causing her discomfort as she had not taken in any food since yesterday morning, feeling revolted when the thought of having anything to consume after the sour event at school, remembering the way her lips and his met, his tongue inside her mouth, she just could not bring herself to chug down anything. She felt disgusted and dirtied.

Her mother appeared like she too was experiencing some issues, not acknowledging her presence and simply washing away the dishes, the sound of gushing water, and the faint swirl of the air from the window engulfed the kitchen, she sat down, watching her mother in quiet, nervously shaking her leg and shifting her fingers across the wood. Her tongue lightly held.

"About time you got up, have your breakfast, and get to school." demanded the woman, her back facing towards the girl, sounding like she wasn't done with her speech quite yet.

It was voiceless for a while. Until...

"I heard you talking with someone on the phone last night." she disclosed her current thought, catching the girl off-guard and causing her to look up with an agitated gaze. Her lips pressed together, and her small movements died off.

"Who was it?" she asked.

"Just a friend," she said without thinking.

"Calling in the middle of the night? It's a boy, isn't it?"

She glanced downwards, her eyes refusing to attach themselves to the frame of the older lady who now stared with sharp intent, "Have you been meeting someone behind our backs like your sister?" uttered the woman, "She used to do the same." she finished.

"No, I am not meeting anyone behind your backs." She replied, however, it seemed to have added more fuel to the flame.

"Your sister always used to say that." Her mother promptly said, her daughter shrank in her seat, not having the courage to say something back, as the issue encompassing her sister had remained unresolved. It was an avoided topic for the sake of ease, it had become an unspoken rule to not bring it up.

It was a sensitive topic.

"She's forgotten us now, I feel I've gone wrong in raising you both, that I've done something to ruin a part of you." She muttered, voice shaky but, firm.

"Mom, she hasn't forgotten us, she is just... Busy, with her family now." She hesitantly interfered, her features dimmed after absorbing the information.

"She's forgotten us, she has! We are longer important in her eyes anymore!"

The sudden slant of her voice startled the girl, looking up at the disgruntled mother and licking her inner lip, suppressing the impulse to bite and chew. She felt like she had to come to a clear decision this time, or else misunderstandings were bound to go far.

"Mom, I swear I'm not talking with anyone. Last night-" she is interrupted by a louder voice than hers.

"You both were never grateful for our sacrifices! You have taken us for granted!!"

She jolts back, alarmed by the outburst, leaning her head back as her eyes drift off and evade the outline of her mother.

Lips curled down stiff, and her mind attempted to make sense of what went wrong. Her mother tended to lose her temper under strain, which depletes her resistance to such outcry. Her quirk sadly only contributed more to this pattern.

Her sister had left her in times of need.

So, perhaps she was a little bitter towards her. But she supposes that some people aren't meant to be important, like her.

"You don't care for us..."

Her heart just broke, for what seemed like a long minute staring at her mother that numbing feeling of something being broken off and coming to an acceptance that it was lost, gone, lingered inside. It made her unbearably sad for some reason.

She quietly got up.

Without communicating anything, she pushed her way through the hallway, and out the door, to the open breeze that did not comfort her like most times. That emptiness amplifies.

Suppressing the tears, avoiding everything till she can safely say, she endured.

There she was.

Standing in front of her bully taunting her with his blood-red eyes, confidently settled down on her chair and noiselessly challenged her to select her words carefully, she wore a distant expression and her body loosened up, and then she started.

"This is my seat." He glared, saying back, "Guess you never learn your lesson." He replied, standing up to his full height.

"I warned you not to question me, loopy, what part of it did you not understand? Are you that dumb?" He sneered, narrowing his gaze.

"Who gave you the right to reject me? Hmm? You loser, you would be lucky to have me." He tilted in closer, opening his eyes wider, "No one would want a piece of garbage like you, you fail your exams, you don't have any friends, and you are not right in the head." He poked his finger into her forehead harshly tapping against her skin.

Grinning broadly, relishing, studying her features contorted in misery, eyes having softened with grief and coming off like a kicked puppy. He grinned.

"What? Back to ignoring me again?" He muttered, feigning astonishment in his voice. Smirking, his heart pounding, and the yearning to resume just ripening. He wanted to see her every reaction.

"Says the stalker." She abruptly announced.

Katsuki's eyes widened not expecting her to speak and stab-cutting words while looking miserable, he grew aggressive, "What makes you think I would want to stalk a hideous monster like you? Loopy." He responded, his tone darkening.

"Because you have."

Within a blink of an eye, he grasped her collar into his fist, an unwelcoming greet just on the tip of his tongue, the harsh contact compelling her to expend complete focus as they looked into the eyes of each other, overlooking the shocked students witnessing the event unveil, a few of them silently wanting it to worsen, today, she was taking a bold defensive stance, while he reinforced his steel glare. Threatening her to not exceed her boundaries.

"Might I remind you, you haven't given me my notebook back, do you like my things so much?" She implored, fearlessly lobbing wood into the fire pit.

His lips twitched.

"Your ego must be hard. Oh, I'm sorry, but I rejected you because you torment me and you hope for me to accept your poorly organized confession?" She dauntlessly expressed, feet firmly planted on the ground, slightly dragged inwards by Katsuki's hand. He hearkened, heaving deep and shallow breaths.

"You must be delusional." She mocked.

It hit him just where it would maim and bleed, in the next moment, his fist punched her face, coercing her to stagger but was balanced by his hold. He had earned a handful of gasps from the spectators, she recouped her scrutiny, blinking from the impact and surprise. If his expression could ossify anymore, she'd be intimidated. She looked at him with wide eyes, drawing small intakes.

His face said more than he could want to communicate, he was insulted, enraged, and agitated.

"You've been spreading all of the rumors, haven't you? Did you get your loyal friends to do it? We were never boyfriends or girlfriends, we will never be that! You hate me and I hate you." She reared her voice, peering at him with all the hostility she could muster.

"You have been troubling me my entire life! Do you think I would love you for it? Even like you for it?! You've been ruining every day of my life!" She yelled.

Without an indication, nor a vocalized word, he slapped her. With more power than needed, causing her to collapse, tumble down, and hit her body against some of the desks lined up in the classroom. She yelped, hissing, fully coming to an awareness that he had lifted his hand at her, staring at his form, looming over her, watching her.

She swallowed her remarks, suffering dizziness, her warm face still unable to cool down, the slight movement she made to get up reaped a raw jolt of pain rushing through her waist. She releases a louder yelp because of it, she must have hit it hard. She gripped her teeth, breathing in through her mouth, her stomach was churning, begging for food.

"What's going on here?!"

She heard her teacher's voice from the back entrance, concerned and frustrated, only deepening upon discovering her lying on the ground, with miserable eyes.

"You two in my office!! What have you been doing? Get up!" She demanded, the girl only gulped, conjuring the will the stand up but couldn't, her side ached.

The female teacher stepped forward, shouldering the boy's view as she checked her condition.

Just to see a bruise forming.

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