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"What do you want from me..." Bakugo began breaking the silence in the interrogation room, the two officers Teo and Cameron observed him, trying to dissect his body language, the pro-hero had been their suspect since the beginning, and now that they got to question him they had to take into account everything.

"We are not sure if you know this, but a certain video of you tackling a woman down to the ground has been going viral. Know anything about it?"

"Great..." he groaned, turning his face away from the two and glancing at the door. "I'd like a lawyer."

"Sure, that you will get. Know anything about the woman in this video?" pulling out his phone and displaying the moment where the victim's blurry face had been spotted, Cameron watched the hero's unpredictable expression, "It seems the victim was running away from the scene until you appeared and brought her back to that spot. Handcuffing her and taking her to the living room on the other side, which we can't see as the video ends there."

"Guess I should file for invasion of privacy too," Bakugo muttered to himself, Cameron widened his eyes, "Oh, why is that? There have been comments about you treating the woman in this video rather brutally, the public seems to be picking out each aspect of everything you did, they believe it's kidnapping footage taken by a passenger who was too afraid to come forward and so never did until today."

"Well, that's my fiance in the video roleplaying, happy?" Bakugo folded his arms and looked straight into their eyes.

"Oh...? Roleplaying...?" Teo sheepishly mumbled a speck of red flushed on his face as he turned his face away to think.

"So you claimed it's almost a sex video, I find it strange that the person didn't find it necessary to film that and put it on the dark web,"

"Did you want them to?" Katsuki angrily spit out and sat up straight hiding his hands under the table, keeping an eye on the officers like a hawk. "Of course not. Just my two cents."

"Don't need your two cents, are we done?"

"You seem eager to leave Mr. Bakugo." Cameron smiled and the hero didn't like it one bit.

"Yeah guess when your wife just died you'd sit around and waste your energy with losers?"

"That's a low blow." Teo nervously smiled.

"Yeah, my wife did end up dying. Sad to see yours did as well." Cameron grinned, having a little fun as an old man wasn't forbidden, right?

Katsuki lost his temper right there and jumped up to his feet and lunged at the man in front of him, grabbing his neck with both hands and stopping the man from breathing, "You stupid OLD man, I just lost my fucking wife and you fucking dare to taunt me!?"

Katsuki's red eyes were livid with rage opened wide and stared down at the man struggling to draw in air, "You should have helped me find the motherfucker who burned down my home and killed my wife!!" his voice attracted every officer to the scene but he wasn't done yet and kept increasing his grip on the poor man's neck, uncaring of how it would tarnish his reputation or if he'd end up killing him altogether.

"Hey!! Let him go!!" Teo yelled and grabbed the hero by his shoulder but pulling him away was no easy task, to his dismay it took four other officers to strip him away from Cameron and keep him accountable, he used to think he would have been strong enough to fight off any threat. After seeing that terrifying display of power, he'd think otherwise.

Cameron's face had turned pale and Teo wished he had been perspective enough to predict this sudden turn of events. "Are you okay??"

To his surprise, Cameron laughed.

Sometimes he thinks he should have picked another profession much suited to his cowardly nature.

"I'll fucking kill you all!!! Let me go!!!" Katsuki's voice echoed through the halls and to Teo it sent shivers down his spine.


She had been sitting and watching TV when izuku arrived home, finished with his heroic duties for the day, and for some reason, it offered her relief to see him home with her. "Welcome back," she answered his response, getting up from the couch and moving towards his voice wanting to see him after an entire day of missing him.

"Yeah, how have you been feeling?" Izuku asked spotting her figure walking forward, balancing himself on one foot to take off his red shoes.

"Mmm, I feel better now that I've emptied my stomach."

"Oh, did you eat something? You know you can't skip meals now, it's bad for you and the baby. The doctor did prescribe medicine for nausea, right?"

"Yeah, I had them in the morning."

"Alright, I'll cook something you like then." Izuku smiled stepped inside and walked past her. She looked at him before she followed after him. "Aren't you tired? Maybe we could order something online?" she suggested, she did feel guilty having him do everything for her, he deserved rest. Much more than her.

"Something you feel like eating?" he stopped and glanced behind him, "Yeah, something like that." she rubbed her neck, shifting her eyes to the floor and thinking of anything that made her stomach grumble.

"Okay, what should we order?"

"Spicy pizza?" she felt like having something that would burn her tongue and make her tummy full with one bite, "Super spicy pizza!" she finished, nodding to confirm her decision, "What do you feel like having?"

"Anything you like." she smiled, fanning her warm face and teasing back, "Sheesh, when did you learn how to flirt and steal my heart?"

It was truly a sight to see as he lost his calm and blushed red, shyly grinning and avoiding her eyes to make his heart beat slower.

"Uh- hahaha... Is it w-working?"

"Do you have to ask?" she grinned, "It's working even with my constant mood swings."

"That's good to hear." he headed for his phone and quickly placed their order while she watched him do it, after it was done she spoke up, "You should get yourself cleaned up before it arrives."

"Yeah, you're right." he placed his phone back on the counter and was about to make his way to his room, "Wait!" she called out, and he turned back to face her, blinking his eyes and observing her fidget a little.

"Can... I call my mom and dad... On your phone?"

He gave her a big smile, "Go ahead."

After having disappeared into his room, she stared at the blank screen and debated whether it was a good idea to really go ahead and call them after almost a month or two, they'd be upset with her but she was sure they wouldn't throw her out of the family. If they knew she was pregnant and had all sorts of complications done to her, and her finances, she didn't know how they would react.

Slowly moving her hand to grab the phone and stare at it some more, she tapped the screen and it lit up. The Allmight lock screen seemed to lighten her worries and she cracked a smile at it. Izuku hasn't changed much, unlike her. 

All she thought was about killing someone. Making plans, analyzing, and thinking of all the ways she could manage to remain free after a crime. It wasn't the best thing, it was downright horrible and disturbing to know just how she was itching to bloody her hands. She just hoped it didn't affect the growing tiny life in her tummy, even if it did, she figured she wouldn't care.

Tapping her feet and taking one final glance at the dimly lit hallway, she moved her thumb and punched in the numbers, leaving no time for hesitation and making the call. She lowered the phone, hearing it ring and feeling her heart pump slowly, her finger hovering over the decline button as she waited.

"Hello?!" The call connected within a few seconds and her mother's hysterical voice reached her.

"[Y/N] is that you? Talk to me! We've been waiting for your call for the last two months, where have you been?"

"Hey Mom... Sorry about that." it took more out of her to speak up, holding back anything wouldn't help her.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it! I was worried sick! Thinking something happened to you and you couldn't contact us because of it!!" She wasn't wrong.

"A lot happened Mom..." The real question was whether she should tell her everything or hide it until she's given birth.

"You have to tell us everything, why haven't you joined us here?"

If she ends up disclosing everything, would she be able to use the child for her benefit? Surely, her parents would disagree with her cruel sense.

"I... I met my bully..."

"Bully? Wait, the one from your school? Why? Have you been going around with him behind our backs?!" she couldn't be more surprised, was she inclined to bottle up her anger and beg herself to stop thinking about it? No. She's always hated how her mother jumped to conclusions!

"Mom!! What the fuck?! Do you think I stayed behind to make love and be with someone like Sis did? Seriously?! I hate it when you jump to such conclusions, Mom!!"

"Watch your mouth lady! What's with the foul language? We didn't raise you like this!"

"Well too bad! Guess what I fucked someone and got pregnant, happy?! Your wishes came true, I was madly in love with someone and wanted to run away with him!" She didn't know why it bothered her so much, she didn't know why she was shouting at the top of her lungs and why she was letting madness guide her off a cliff. "Are you happy with me?! I fulfilled your thesis! I ended up like that stupid sister of mine!"

"[Y/N]!! Calm down! What has gotten into you?! Why are you being like this?"

"I was always the one who got picked on! Yet I was the one who had to listen to all this bullshit accusing me of everything I never even thought of!"

"Sweetie! You are not acting normally! What's the matter? Where is all this coming?"

"I don't have to tell you anything! Cause fuck you, you'll assume shit even while I'm breathing!" she should stop, she should not let herself get out of hand, but it feels like she just can't stop the words from spilling out. Like the dam has broken and the gushing waves refusing to be contained.

"That's it! We are coming the next month!"

"No fucking thank you!!" she hangs up, slams the phone, and gets up, kicking the chair off balance and rushing to her room slamming the door shut and letting out a heavy scream, grabbing whatever comes in touch with her hand and throwing it with full force, it was her hairbrush and it was now divided into two parts.

She didn't want to stop, she wanted to kill someone with her bare hands, she wanted to pull out her hair, drive a knife through her flesh, and watch herself bleed to death.

But she couldn't.

Dropping to her knees, she cradled her stomach.

"[Y/N]! What's wrong!" His footsteps had been loud and hurried as he pushed the door to her room and found her on the floor, her shoulders caved in and her head bowed down. His hair was still wet and he hadn't had a minute to wear anything except for wrapping the towel around his waist and racing towards her voice, he came to her aid and crouched down beside her.

But the empty look on her face didn't help ease his nerves.

I've been a bad author! I apologize!
I wasn't able to update you guys while studying for my exams, I won't be able to finish this up yet but I'll be back after these dreaded tests are over, and I'll be free! Finally... But damn it!!

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