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chapter four. big friends, big enemies.

"Thank god, that's over" Adam says, as him and Sam are at the Riviera, in their patrol uniforms, holding it down at a concert, "I mean, how many encores can one person do?"

Sam sighs and says, "A lot apparently"

"So, trying to stay away from home?"

"What? No, we need the overtime money" Sam says, and Ruzek raises an eyebrow, "Wyatt, got really angry last night and threw a flower vase at the wall"

"Jeez. Is that all that's wrong?"

"What? Nothings wrong" Sam says, looking over the banister.

"Sam, come on. We've known each other for what, two years now? I think I know when somethings up" Adam says, but Sam stays quite, "you know you can talk to me right?"


"So, please. Yell, hit, something. I know you're angry and upset but bottling this up isn't going to make it better or go away. It's gonna make it worse"

"Adam, I appreciate you for caring so much, but I'm fine"

As Adam was about to say something, gunfire was heard, along with screams from civilians.

"Get down! Everybody inside!" Adam yells, as him and Sam run down the stairs and through the crowd of people.

"Let us through! Police! Get down!" Sam yells, as they make their way outside with their guns drawn, when they see a black vehicle driving through the crowd, shooting and hitting people.

"I don't have a shot!" Sam yells, then she kneels next to someone who was hit, now laying in the street, and she takes out her walkie, "5021, there are shots fired at the Riviera. Offender in a black SUV, fleeing southbound on Broadway. Roll ambulances to our location, 4698 north broadway. We have multiple victims. Gunshot wounds, struck by vehicle. We need help!"


Voight and Atwater exit their vehicles and walk underneath the crime scene tape and Hank says, "Alright, set up the command post here on broadway. Staging center for victims off of Lawrence. Hey, no one leaves, you understand? Get a statement from everyone."

Sam and Adam approach Kevin and Hank and the detective says, "Single car. Driver was the only shooter. He opened up on the crowd from inside the vehicle."

"Yeah. We got multiple people shot, multiple people run down. This guy, he drove right through the crowd. It looked like nice, boss" Adam says.

"Well, until we know what this is, I'm initiating a plan three. Get a street deputy down here, notify ICE, homeland, the FBI. Kevin, I want you to clear this entire crime scene, only medics." Hank orders.


"Hey Sarge" Jay says, as he and Sam walk over to the group, "Patrol found the SUV. It was torched in a parking garage off Southport."

"Shooter tried to remove the VIN number, but he didn't know about the one on the frame." Sam says, as Jay passed his phone to Voight to look at the picture of the suspect.

"It's registered to a Greg Penney, guys got a prior for a hate crime."

"How bout that" Hank says, passing the phone to an FBI agent.


Jay walks back to his desk from getting Voight and Antonio from interrogation, with Sam, Erin and Kevin surrounding it and says, "so, CPIC said they noticed it about 20 minutes ago. Since then, I've found 13 posts. This profile belonging to a banger with the G park lords was the first."

"'TK ice, bitch thought he tough, it we SHK. G park kids gun that punk down. That's right, we get to you anywhere, even when you think you made. Bang bang bitch'" Kevin says, reading the post out loud.

"TK ice is the 16 year old victim from the alley. His real name is Terrel Kenton. He's a rapper from the south side. His lyrics are violent but he's got a clean record."

"Yeah, I mean the kids from Englewood, so even with no priors, a rapper from that neighborhood is definitely connected to the south side hustlers. I mean, everything runs through that gang. Everything from the manager and the label, or the artist."

"So, if he was our target, this whole thing, the multiple casualties, driving into the crowd..." Dawson says.

"Wait. So we're saying a banger drove all the way to a concert on the north side. Shot up a whole crowd of people, just to get to some 16 year old rapper?" Adam questions.

"If they were looking to send a message, even if this kids not a banger, that hits a pretty big show of muscle." Sam states.

"I'm gonna have the gang unit send us all the territorial conflicts." Erin says, looking on her computer.

"Alright, somebody build me a profile on this kid, okay?" Hank says, standing next to the board.

"What do you wanna do with the owner of the SUV?" Antonio asks.

"Well, check his alibi, corroborate 'em the stolen car. If it syncs, kick him"

Erin covers up the receiver on her desk phone and says, "guys we got a shooting in G park territory. We got more bodies."

"Alright, run this whole thing down with the FBI. We might not be looking at terrorism. This could be a gang war."


After coming back from the shooting on g park territory, the team is back on the unit, watching a video that had been posted online of the shooting.

"Area centrals gang enforcement tracked the video, picked up the two southside hustlers responsible. They still had the guns on them." Adam says.

"Both of 'em lawyered up just as soon as they got the cuffs on 'em, and neither one of 'em is saying a word." Kevin states.

"Alright, so what's the reaction on the video?" Hank asks.

"84 posts so far, and they're all direct call outs, direct threats." Adam answers.

"So, this is a gang war now. Alright, bring in someone from CPIC, we gotta track this in real time. Every one of those posts could be a hit"

"Now, this is TKs manager, Mark Caines, aka Markey" Antonio says, taping his picture onto the whiteboard, "Now, Markeys a southside heavyweight. Since TK signed with him, the kids been picked up by patrol three times. He always skates off, but the arrest records a who's who."

"Big friends, big enemies" Al states.

"Alright, so far it looks like the gunners are members of one of three g park lord factions." Jay says, "three corner kings, 71st street rollers, and the Shreveport knights. We gotta narrow it down from there."

"That areas always hot. I mean, you got the three g park factions and the southside hustlers in a 12 block radius." Erin says.

"Yeah, it could easily be a retaliation for some online beef or a power struggle." Al says.

"If we're looking for enemies, Markeys label is no joke. He gets talented kids to rap about violence, brings in cash. And if TK is a rapper for Markey, he's making more than music. He's definitely making enemies" Kevin says ad Antonio turns his computer around to show the team one of TKs music videos.

"He's making gangsters out of kids" Dawson says.

"It's a wonder he got shot." Jay says.

"Victims a victim." Al says.

"Alright, get all of patrol to flood the zone we got two priorities now. Locate TKs shooter and keep this neighborhood from going up in flames." Hank says, walking to his office.


"I don't understand. We thought this was some kind of terrorist attack. How could our boy be involved in this?" Mrs Kenton asks, as she and her husband are currently at the hospital being interviewed by Sam and Jay.

"We have reason to believe that TK was actually the target. Do you know anyone that he was having problems with?" Sam asks.

"No, no"

"Anybody that he was beefing with online, or calling out in his music?"

"No, I'm sorry, I don't listen to his music."

"Ma'am, do you know how long your son's been a member of the southside hustlers?" Jay asks.

"That's what you want from me?"

"We already have three people that are dead."

"My son is a good boy. Those people are his friends."

"They're also members of a violent street gang."

"He's a child!" Mrs Kenton says, tears gathering in her eyes.

"An hour ago, I thought you would find his shooter. Now, I know you won't." Mr Kenton says, "this is the south side of Chicago. Murders always free here"


Hank sits at his desk and answers the phone and says, "Voight"

"Sergeant Voight, this is sergeant McKinnley, I'm down at the corner of arthur and Kinley at Lanson's corner store. We caught your grandson stealing. He told me his last name is Voight so, I thought I'd call you instead of bringing him down to the district"

"Thanks. I'll be right there" Hank says, before hanging up his phone then gets up and heads onto the bullpen, "I have to go do something. When I get back I want something or someone, on who targeted TK"


Hank walks up to the corner store to meet with sergeant McKinnley who is standing with Wyatt.

"McKinnley" Voight says, shaking hands with the sergeant.


"I appreciate this"

"Sure" McKinnley says, before walking away. Hank stands there looking at Wyatt, who is looking anywhere but at his grandpa's angry face, "Wyatt"


"What were you thinking?"

"I wanted some candy"

"So, you steal it? Why didn't you ask your mom or Jay for money?" Hank asks and Wyatt shrugs his shoulders, "tell me what's going on?"

"I miss dad"

"I know, kiddo. Me too, but stealing isn't right. You know that"

Wyatt hugs Hank, and says, "I'm sorry. You're not gonna tell mom are you?"

"No. As long as you promise me that you won't do anything like this again. And if you need to talk or something, you come to me"


"And take it easy on your mom, okay? She's trying" Hank says and Wyatt nods his head.


"It checks out. He was out with his girlfriend at a diner on Wabash from 10 p.m to 11:45, and she corroborates it" Adam says, as the team is on the unit, gathered around the whiteboard.

"And two waiters." Sam says.

"Checking on numbers called, all historical cell sites."

"Right, I want a full profile. Arrest record, cell mates, his family, roommates, anybody who came within spitting distance of him." Voight says.

"I tracked the serial number off Garza's laptop." Jay says, walking away from the printer with a piece of paper in hand, "it was purchased in cash at a pawn store in Will county. The buyer didn't match Garza's description. The store sent this over." then he tapes the picture onto the board.

"Can you enhance that photo?" Hank asks.

"No, it goes to snow. The store owner says his receipts shows that this guy bought a laptop, a video game, a bag of chips and a box of .223 rounds. Same used in the shooting. Guy got ID, I ran it, it came back bogus"

"Why don't we put that guy through facial recognition and cross reference him with Garza's known associates?" Sam says.

"There's no time for that. I got this" Hank says, taking the photo and leaving the unit.

"I'll go with, Sarg" Kevin says.

"No you stay here"


Hank turns around and says, "Cause I said so"


Antonio, Sam, Jay, Erin, Adam and Kevin are at a mechanics shop across the street from a pool house where the suspect is and Dawson says, "Players run this place off the books, so there's bound to be plenty of bangers inside, armed and high. So we don't make a sound, no one knows we're here."

"We lure Alex out on Voights cue, we take him. If he's not alone, we take whoever's with him" Jay says. Antonio points to Sam and Erin and says, "you two take the front. Ruzek and Atwater, cover the side. Jay and I have the back"


After capturing Alex, Erin pats him down at the car, around the building.

"Turn around. Put your hands on the car" Erin says, softly.

"You got ID?" Jay asks. Erin hands Sam his wallet and she takes out a junior high school ID card and she sighs passing it to Jay.

"That's our guy" Jay says, then passes it to Antonio.

"Put your hands behind your back" Erin says, then she starts cuffing him and Kevin puts him in the back of the car, "he's only a kid"


"Dinners ready!" Sam shouts, and a second later she hears foot steps running down the stairs and over to the dining room table.

"What are we having?" Denise asks, sitting down at her seat.

"Chicken. And there's mashed potatoes, corn and bread" Sam says, as she takes Gracie out of her playpen and puts her in her high chair.

Jay walks out of the kitchen with the bread and sets it down on the table and asks, "Who's hungry? Cause I'm starving"

As everyone starts to eat, Wyatt says, "I'm sorry, mom"

"About what sweetheart?"

"For acting out" Wyatt says, looking down at his hands.

"Wyatt, honey. If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you okay? I know you're father just died, I get it. You need to figure out how you feel. Just take your anger out on art or a punching bag. Not a flower vase, alright?" Sam says and Wyatt nods his head, "Now eat up, before it gets cold"


Why is Sam's and Adams friendship so cute?๐Ÿ’–
Also, is it bad that when I watched last nights episode, I knew exactly where I wanted to put Sam and what was going on in hers and Jays lives???

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