𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐒𝐧𝐞.

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chapter nine. some make it. some don't.

"Are you sure you really want to do this, Kells?" Sam asks, standing next to her best friend, who is sitting on a bed at Med, holding his god daughter on his lap, waiting for results on whether or not he's a match for a leukemia patient. Kelly grabs ahold of Sam's hand and says, "Sammy, it's gonna be okay, I'm gonna be fine. I want to do this. Anna needs the help"

Sam sighs and says, "Okay"

Jeff Clarke walks in with a tablet in his hand and says, "You're a match"

"Seriously?" Kelly asks.


"That's amazing, right Sammy?"

"Yeah, definitely" Sam says, as Kelly kisses the top of Gracies head. Now Sam is happy that Kelly is a match and helping someone but she's just afraid something's gonna happen to her best friend. She can't lose someone else.

"You don't know the half of it. We've been looking for a suitable donor for Anna for a very long time. I mean, not even her brother and sister are a match" Clarke says.

"That's great. She's gotta be relieved" Kelly smiles.

"We haven't told her yet. We won't tell her until you sign the intent to donate."

"Yeah, yeah. Of course, I'll do it"

"Slow down. There's a lot to consider. Harvesting bone marrow is a painful process and there are some small, but very real risks"

"Kells, can you please think more about this please. I don't want anything to happen to you" Sam says.

"Sammy, I'm going to be fine" Kelly reassures his best friend again.

"Clarke literally just said there could be risks"

"Where do I sign?" Kelly asks, focusing his attention back on Jeff.

"Buddy, you're gonna be in pain for a while. You might miss a few shifts" Jeff states.

"That's good with me. I got a ton of furlough coming my way."

"Alright, but when you say you're doing this, we start Anna on a brutal course of radiation and chemo. We have to kill off her dead cells to clear the way for your healthy ones. Basically, we're gonna destroy her immune system. So, if you back out, she'll die"

"Clarke, where do I sign?"


Sam walks into the house with Gracie on her hip and she walks over to the playpen in the living room and sets her daughter down then she walks into the kitchen to see her fiancΓ© grabbing a water from the fridge.


"Hey." Jay says, leaning in for a kiss, "So, is Kelly really doing the procedure?"

Sam sighs and says, "yeah" then she sits down at the island, "I, uhm, was thinking maybe we should invest in a babysitter or nanny"

"You think?" Jay asks, standing behind his fiancΓ© and starts to rub her shoulders.

"Yeah, I mean, after the surgery Kelly is gonna be in pain and I don't want him to have to watch the kids. He should take his furlough and do whatever he wants, ya know. And I talked with Lieutenant Benson and she says she has a nanny and it's really saved her"

"Okay, yeah. Probably like one of those permanent babysitters. I don't know how I feel about some stranger living here"

"Really?" Sam asks, spinning around her her seat.

"I mean, yeah. If it will help us. But I don't just want just anyone watching after the kids, especially Gracie"

"This will be great. I'm gonna put an ad out and this way Kelly won't have to worry"


Two days later...

Sam walks onto the intelligence unit and sits over at her desk to do background checks of all the babysitters her and Jay had interviewed yesterday.

"Hey, Sammy. What are you doing?" Erin asks, leaving the break room.

"Jay and I interviewed several babysitters yesterday, so I'm doing background checks on them"

"Cool. I thought you guys were set with Kelly?"

"We were but he's donating bone marrow at Med to a nurse who has leukemia and he's gonna be in pain afterwards so we don't want to put him having to watch the kids on top of that and we've been lucky so far with the way our schedules are"

"Yeah, I ran into him at the bar last night. I think that's awesome he's doing that"

"Yeah, I think it's great too. I just...I worry about him is all"

"He'll be fine, Sammy" Erin says, placing her hand on her friends shoulder for reassurance.

"I know. That's what he keeps saying" Sam says, as her cell phone starts ringing, "speak of the devil, and he shall call" then she answers the phone, "hey"

"Can you come over my place. I need someone to talk to"

"Yeah, of course" Sam says, before hanging up her phone, "Kelly needs me. Uh, do you mind checking the rest of these interviewees for me?"

"Yeah, of course. I don't just want anyone watching my god daughter" Erin smiles.

"Thanks, E" Sam says, grabbing her coat and leaving the unit.


Sam knocks on her best friend's door and when the door opens, Kelly engulfs the brunette in a hug, who instantly wraps her arms around the firefighters torso and asks, "Kells, what's going on?"

The dynamic duo walk into Kelly's apartment and as Sam shrugs off her jacket, Kelly closes the door and says, "Clarke said they had to cancel the procedure"

"What, why?" Sam asks, folding her arms over her chest. Kelly shrugs and says, "She wasn't responding well to the chemo and she has this rare white blood cell and I just wanted to help"

Sam beings her best friend into another hug and asks, "So, there's nothing else they can do?"

"No. They're just gonna let her die"

"I'm sorry, Kells. I know how much you wanted to help. Just don't let this get you down okay?" Sam says, when she feels Kelly nod his head, "How about I stay with you tonight and we can do a movie marathon like we used to? I'll call Jay and tell him what's going on"

Kelly lifts his head up and says, "You don't have to"

"But I'm going to anyways" Sam says, making the firefighter smile, "There's that smile. Come on, I'll let you pick the first two movies"

"Thanks, Sammy"

"Always. You're my family, Kells" Sam smiles, "It's us against the world"

Kelly smiles and says, "Always"


Sam walks into firehouse 51 with Gracie in her stroller and Wyatt and Denise by her side and they walk into the common area to see Matt and Gabby talking. Denise runs up to Gabby and gives her a hug, who was caught by surprise and says, "Hey, Denise"

"Hi, Gabby" Denise smiles, "Is Sylvie here?"

"Yeah, I think she's on her cot sleeping in the back"

"Can I say hi?"

"Ya know what? Why not, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you" Gabby says, before giving Sam a hug and walking to the back with Denise.

"Hey, Sam" Casey says, giving the brunette a hug.

"Hey. So, this is my son, Wyatt. Wyatt this is my friend Matt Casey" Sam says, introducing the two. Matt sticks his hand out for a handshake, which Wyatt accepts and says, "Nice to meet you, Wyatt"

"You too"

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Two things. One to give you this" Sam says, getting an envelope from her bag and hands it to the firefighter, "It's a wedding gift from me and Jay, and congratulations by the way. It's about time"

Matt smiles and says, "Thank you"

"And two" Sam says, getting the second envelope from her bag and handing it to the blonde, "It's a wedding invitation to the wedding"

"It's about time for you two, too" Matt jokes.

"Tell me about it" Sam chuckles, taking more envelopes from her bag to hand to the blonde, "Actually, do you mind handing the rest of these out to everyone?"

"Yeah, no problem"

"Thank you" Sam says, as Gabby and Denise walk back into the common room, "Ready to go, D?"

"Do we have too?"

"Yes, but we can always come back to see them, don't worry"

"Cool" Denise says, as she waves bye to the couple. As they were about to head out, Sam hears, "Sam, wait up"

The brunette turns around to see Stella Kidd and says, "Stella, hey"

"Have you talked to Severide today?"

"I tried to call him once, but he didn't pick up, why?

"I've been calling and texting but he still hasn't answered"

"Hmm, that's weird. I'll go to his place to see if he's there"

"Do you mind calling me to know if he's alright?"

"Yeah, of course" Sam says, before leaving the station house.


After dropping the kids off at the house and telling Jay what was going on, Sam knocks at Kelly's door to see if he was there. After not getting an answer, Sam takes out her key that he had given her and opens the door and walks in, to see her best friend passed out on the couch with several liquor and beer bottles on the table and a cut on his forehead.

"Kelly, Kelly, wake up" Sam says, kneeling next to her friend and nudging him to wake up. Kelly stirs around and finally wakes up to see his best friend, kneeling next to him and says, "Sammy? What are you doing here?"

"You haven't been answering your calls or texts. I was getting worried. What happened to your forehead?"

"What?" Kelly asks, sitting up on his couch.

"There's beer bottles everywhere. I thought I told you to not let this Anna thing get you down. Is this what you've been doing all day?"

"I guess, yeah"

Sam sighs when there's a knock at the door and when she ignores it she asks, "you don't remember anything?"

"I remember the beginning half of the day and then after I left Tap, it goes blank"

Sam gets up and walks over to the door to answer it and sees Hank and Erin and looks at both of them confused.

"Sammy?" Erin says.

"What are you guys doing here?" Sam asks. Erin looks at Hank then to her friend and says, "we should be asking you that?"

Kelly walks over to them and asks, "what's wrong?"

"Kelly, what are you doing?" Erin asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Look, you better grab your jacket. You gotta come with us" Hank says. Kelly scoffs and says, "I'm not going anywhere. What is this about?"

"Kelly, you can either come with us now, or wait for some uniforms to come down here and put you in cuffs" Erin says.

"Guys. What the hell is going on?" Sam asks.

"What happened? What did I do?" Kelly questions.


a lot of this cross over is about Sam's and Kelly friendship and how far she's willing to go to prove that her best friend is innocent. 🀭
Anyways, hope everyone liked the first part!
Part ✌🏼 will be up soon! :)

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