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chapter twenty four. army of one.

"Do it! This is all you ever wanted right? To get rid of me, like you got rid of my mom?" Sam says, while a gun is pointed to her forehead, "So, just get it over with. I'm begging you"

The man puts his finger on the trigger and pulls.

Sam wakes up in a cold sweat, her breathing starts getting heavier. The brunette hops out of bed and walks into the bathroom to splash some warm water onto her face, then she looks at herself in the mirror and starts sobbing.


Jay and Sam walked onto the unit to see the newest member of the team, Hailey Upton, with a box of Greek Donuts. Jay grabs a couple from the box for him and Sam and says, "Thank you", before going to their desks.

Sam sees that her partner already has a plate full and she laughs, fist bumping him.

Voight walks out of his office and says, "Lindsay, you're now partners with Upton. Jay, you're riding with Olinsky. Are we clear?"

"Yeah" Erin says.

"Uh..so where do you want me?" Hailey asks, still holding her box of donuts.

"Right here" Hank says, pointing to Jay's desk, which is next to Erins, from when her and Sam had switched desks, but never switched back, "Jay, you're over there" pointing to where Kim usually sits, but is now on furlough to be with her sister.

Jay looks at both Erin and Sam with furrowed eyebrows, who are much more confused than he is.

"Guys, guys, I'm getting an emergency alert from CPIC. Yeah, I'm on, feed it to me." Adam says, still on the phone, yet still talking to his team, "Alright, OEMC received multiple 911 calls alerting them to this private facebook user group. It's streaming live" then he turns the computer around so the team can watch the video, "Yeah, I'm gonna stay on the line while you triangulate the signal.

The live stream continues as the man who is tied up to a chair is beaten then set on fire, alive.

"Adam, tell them to work faster" Sam says.

"We need that address now, now! Yeah, what is it? 3200 block of Larimer"

"Let's go, come on!" Voight orders, as everyone hurrys to grab their jackets and head to roll up to get vested up and race to the scene.


The team speeds to the crime scene at a warehouse, once they parked and all had gotten out, they go ahead and clear out the warehouse, when they find the burned body, still tied to the chair, behind some wooden pallets.

"Alright, fan out. This just happened, he can't have gotten far" Hank says, as the team spreads out to try and see if the offender is still here.

"5021 Kennedy, advise responding, we got a bona fide homicide. Offenders in the wind, description unknown, direction of travel unknown, roll the crime lab" Sam says, over her walkie.

"Copy that, 5021 Kennedy" dispatch says.

"Hank.." Al says and Hank walks over to Olinsky who is standing next to the wall where the word 'pedophile' is painted onto it, "Looks like blood"


"Alright, our victim is male, african american, mid 20's" Jay says, taping his picture onto the board, "We ran facial recognition, no matches. His fingerprints were burnt off in the fire and his wallet was torched, so in short, we can't ID this guy"

"But we do know is that our victim's blood type, does match the writing on the wall in the warehouse" Sam says, taping a picture of the victim's burnt body next to the other picture, then underneath it, a picture of 'pedophile' that was written on the wall, "It's B positive"

"Someone thinks our victim is a sex offender. Or wants us to believe that he was" Upton says.

"And this attack was well thought out. They live streamed the torture on a burner phone that they dumped at the scene. The gloves, the gas can, they're all standard issue products available at every hardware store in the city"

"Two metal objects survived the fire" Adam says, holding up two evidence bags, "This metal crucifix, which matches the one in the photo, and a key"

"Yep, and this key matches a kia 2010 that was parked right in front of the warehouse. As we speak the crime lab is sweeping it for prints and DNA. It's registered to a Janice Hendricks. She has an address in Englewood"

Voight turns to Al and says, "Okay, why don't you go talk to her. You and Jay. Let's comb the neighborhood." then he walks towards the board, "We got to ID this victim if we're going to figure out who targeted him"


Sam is in the break room, grabbing a cup of coffee, when someone walks in and says, "Hey"


"I'm Hailey" the blonde says, holding her hand out. Sam accepts the handshake and says, "Sam"

"Nice to officially meet you"

"Yeah, you too" Sam says, stirring in her cream, "Thanks for bringing in the donuts this morning, I know we all don't really say it, but we appreciate it"

"Yeah, of course"

"Well, I guess, welcome to the team" Sam says, before leaving the break room and over to her desk. Hailey turns around and says, "Thanks"

The second Sam sits at her desk, her desk phone rings and says, "Detective Halstead"

"Well, that's going to take time to get used too"

"Tell me about it. What's up, Sarg"

"Your new name patch came in for your vest, if you want to come get it"

"Finally" Sam smiles, then hangs up her phone to head downstairs to Platt's desks.

Sam stands in front of Platt's desk, just smiling, and Trudy just staring at her with wide eyes, weirded out, then hands her a small plastic bag with her new name patch in it.

"Isn't it great?"

"It's a name patch" Trudy states. Sam shrugs and says, "Yeah, but now I'm a Halstead. It's kinda like a new start, ya know" before walking to the side door and down to the roll up, so she can put her new name patch on her vest.


"The victim is Elijah Hendricks. He's 25." Jay says, writing his name above the new picture he had replaced of the victim, "He did 7 years for statutory rape at Indiana state pen. He got out about a month ago, and he registered as a sex offender at this aunt's address"

"Elijah was 18 when he was accused of raping a 16 year old girl" Hailey says, walking over to the board, next to Jay to tape up the girls photo, "The victim's name was sealed under a plea bargain"

"The aunt gave us the woman's name, Beth Murphy"

"No DMV records. The only photo we could find was from her high school yearbook, from Crown Point, Indiana"

"We have the phone records from Elijah's cell. On the day he was killed, he got three phone calls from Beth Murphy. We've been trying to reach her, but it keeps going to voice mail" Erin says.

"Did you get an address?" Brayden asks.

"No, just a PO box in Crown Point"

"You and Upton, head to Indiana" Voight tells Lindsay, "Hey, but loop in the local police, we got no jurisdiction there"

"Right" Erin says, before the two detectives grab their coats and head out.


"Whoa, we might wanna check this out" Kevin says, scrolling on his computer, and Hank, Jay, Adam, Sam and Brayden gather around his desk, "This was dropped on youtube, two days ago" then he clicks play.

"Perv Hunters? Who the hell are the Perv Hunters?" Brayden asks.


"Perv Hunters first hit the radar three years ago in Toronto" Jay says, as Brayden posts a picture of their icon onto the board, "Uh, they're a loose collection of vigilantes who are dedicated to the public shaming of pedophiles. Their M.O is to ID sex offenders, and then post videos of them online. The tech guys are trying to figure out who posted the youtube video, no luck yet"

"So, Toronto PD told us the Perv Hunters, they've become a real pain in the ass. Technically, they don't break any laws, but they've jacked up a few investigations." Brayden says.

"Okay, so who's the boss?" Voight asks.

"Uh, they don't have one. They're more like a franchise. Perv Hunters have dropped ambush videos in Winnipeg, Montreal, Vancouver. The first one hit the states in Chicago last month." Jay says.

"Yeah, but burning people alive? That's not their M.O. They do public shaming videos, not executions" Hailey says.

"Maybe in canada. This is chicago" Al states.

"Okay" Kevin says, taking out his earbuds, "Hey, I got something." then turns his computer around to show everyone, "This video just dropped an hour ago on youtube. The cameraman sounds just like the cat that was in the Elijah video" then he presses play, then pauses it, "That's Alan Metcalf. He's on the Chicago sex offender registry. He lives at 505 Larimer."

"Alright, Sam you and Jay go talk to Metcalf, find every perv hunter operating in Chicago" Hank says.


Sam and Jay get out of the truck and walk towards Metcalf's door and Jay asks, "You okay? You seem out of place this morning"

"I, uh, had another nightmare" Sam admits.

"What was this one about?"

"Same thing. A gun pointed to my head, no idea who the person holding it is"

"I'm sorry, Angel" Jay says, kissing his wife's temple, "I wish I could help"

"It's okay" Sam says, as they head up the steps of the Alan Metcalf's home. Jay knocks on the door and says, "Alan Metcalf"

The older man opens his shade, holding a baseball bat and says, "Get the hell away from my house!"

Sam puts her badge against the window and says, "Chicago PD"

Once Alan lets the detectives inside, Sam grabs the bat from him and says, "I'll take that"

"These days, a stranger shows up at my door, I grab a bat" Alan says.

"Mmm. Is that because of the Perv Hunters?" Jay asks and Metcalf nods his head, "Yeah? Can you describe the men who ambushed you?"

"There was just one guy. 20's, shaved head, tattoos. Like he was late for an Anthrax concert and mad as hell about it. There's some evil people in this world"

"Says the guy who molested a 10 year old boy"

"And I did 12 years for it. I paid my debt to society"

Sam holds the bat over her shoulder, gripping her hands around the handle when Jay says, "You know what, that's cold comfort for the kid. It's not like he can turn the page"

"Look, I'm a pedophile, okay? It's not something I chose. I was born this way"

Sam scoffs and says, "You're lucky I don't bash in your skull right now. Born this way, man, no one is born a certain way. You are the way that you are, because you wanted to be. And that's on you"

"Look, I go to therapy, I take my meds, and I've learned to manage my urges. I've got a right to live in peace"

"Do you?" Sam asks, "Did you see the car he was driving?"

"Gray Mustang. I got a picture of his license plate" Metcalf says, taking out his phone.

"Alright, we're gonna have a patrol car sit on your house, as a precaution," Jay says. Metcalf sighs and says, "Listen, I got enough problems with my neighbors already. They'll flip out if they see a cop car parked in front of my house. Please..."

Jay looks at Sam who shrugs her shoulders.


Sam knocks on the door of interrogation where Hank and Jay are talking with Craig Gorman of the 'Perv Hunters' and says, "You guys need to see this, now!"

The three then walk over to Kevin's desk where everyone is surrounding it who says, "Sarg, it's the same facebook feed that CPIC shows us."

Sam sighs and says, "That's Alan Metcalf"

The video live streams of Alan Metcalf being burned alive.


Sam and Hailey are doing surveillance next door to Alvin's undercover house, because the team had Craig Gorman post a video on his Perv Hunter page, so that they could catch the offender doing all these murders.

Hailey looks at Sam and sees her name patch on her vest says Halstead and asks, "Halstead. You and Jay brother and sister?"

Sam smiles to herself and says, "No. We're married"

"Oh. Uh, How long?"

"A few weeks"

"Oh, well, congratulations" Hailey says.

"Thank you"

"How does that work, you two being married and working together?"

Sam sighs and says, "It's hard most days, but also easy when you know you have the other's back"

"I know, I'm new to the unit, which means stress of trusting someone else. I just wanted to say, that you can trust me and I got yours and everyones back on the unit"

"Thanks, Hailey. Really. We appreciate that"

"Everybody, heads up. I got a westbound vehicle heading your way" Hank says over his walkie.

Sam and Hailey sit up in their seats, when they see a truck parked in front of the undercover house, through the security videos.

"Alright, nobody does anything till I give the order. Wait to see if this guy commits an act of furtherance. We got a bogy. Just hold your positions"

The two detectives watch as the man walks up the steps of the undercover house, Al is in, holding up a flashlight, when a couple walks by with their dog who instantly starts barking.

"Alright, grab him up"

The team rushes to the front of the house, drawing their guns.

"Chicago PD. Drop the bag" Jay orders. Sam opens the front door and her and Hailey walk out, also with their guns drawn.

"Don't move" Jay says, grabbing the man and pushing him against the car to cuff him. Erin bends down to look inside the bag to see tools, zips ties, etc.


Sam and Erin walk into Voights office, each with a file in hand and Sam says, "We ran Pettigrew for any criminal history. No record, never been arrested, but his name was run through Leads by an officer and a detective in Detroit three years ago" the she hands Hank a paper, "Heres a print out of the inquiries"

"We got the officer's names and gave them a call. The lead detective told us that Pettigrew was the person of interest in the kidnapping and murder of a tender age victim that was sexually assaulted. They brought Pettigrew in, but could never arrest him. They didn't have enough physical evidence" Erin says.

"You're thinking this guy is a pedophile?" Hank asks and Erin nods her head.

"Detective in detroit thought he was good for it. Said it's one of those cases that'll hunt you your whole career" Sam says.

"Alright, we need a psych profile on Pettigrew"

"I know someone" Lindsay says.


After Erin and psychiatrist, Dr. Richardson interview Pettigrew for a psych profile, the team is at their desks, surrounding the white board, when Hank says, "So, what's your take, doc? Is he a vigilante or a pedophile?"

"He's both" Dr. Richardson says, turning around, "The rigid moral code, the suicide attempt, the fact that he completely evaded the whole issue about whether he was abused as a child. It's all consistent with the pathology of a self loathing pedophile. He feels horrible guilt, but he can't kill himself, so instead he turns his shame and his self loathing against people who are like him"

"You're saying Pettigrew is killing pedophiles"

"I think it's likely. And my fear is that he's in this frenzied state because he recently kidnapped and molested a child"

"Which means he's got a kid out there" Erin says and Dr. Richardson nods her head.


The team heads over to Pettigrew's place, and searches it from head to toe, to try and find this missing kid.

Erin walks out of a bedroom with a blue backpack and says, "Guys" taking out notebooks and a pair of boys underwear.


"Alright, we're now looking at a kidnapping by a sexual predator. Our working theory is this guy is murdering pedophiles to cleanse his own sins" Hank says, pointing to Pettigrew's picture on the board.

"I reached out to the M.E in Detroit" Jay says, opening a file, and sitting on the corner of his wife's desk, "Now, the juvenile that Pettigrew was suspected of killing, he was assaulted over the course of a week before he died."

"Which means that there's a chance that our kid, whoever he is, may still be alive. So these tacks, they represent every missing juvenile over the past two months. We're looking for a nexus between Pettigrew and one of these children."

"So Kev and I found Pettigrew's receipt book in his truck. We got the job addresses and cross referenced them to see which of his clients have young children. As of now, there's 17" Adam says.

"And we got patrolmen pounding on doors right now. As soon as they dig something up, they're going to let us know" Kevin says. Erin walks onto the unit and says, "Tech lab pulled the serial numbers off the phone we recovered at the Metcalf murder. They said it was a typical pay as you go, throwaway model. The phone was badly burned, but they were able to track it. It was sold out of a store in Canaryville, and it got activated the day Metcalf was murdered"

"Good. Run it down" Hank says.


"The mom ID'd Pettigrew. He's got Derek Robbins." Sam says, handing Erin the file.

"Son of a bitch" Erin says, standing up and walking towards interrogation without putting her gun in the safe.

"Erin, your gun. Erin!" Sam says, quickly putting her gun in the safe, "Come on"

Sam walks in a couple seconds later to see Erin hitting Pettigrew in the face with her gun, then shoving it into his mouth.


"You have three seconds to tell me where Derek Robbins is. Hmm" Erin demands.

"Erin, stop it"

"Sam, if you don't want any part of this, leave"

"I'm not going anywhere, but you don't need to do this, this way" Sam says. Erin puts her gun underneath the mans chins and says, "I need an address, now"


Chief Lugo walks into interrogation, followed by Voight to see Erin holstering her gun and says, "Really? You mind telling me what the hell's going on here, Sergeant?"

"I just got here myself, but from what it looks like, this arrestee must have attacked my detectives." Voight says.

"Hank, I think the boy is at 3400 Racine in a car near the old stockyards" Erin says.

"We've got a missing tender age, Chief. We got to move. Let's go" Hank says, leaving the room.

"You go. You're staying" Lugo says, standing in front of Erin, "And you" also stopping Sam.


Sam and Erin looks up from Erin's computer to see the team walk onto the bullpen. Jay shakes his head, indicating that Derek Robbins didn't make it.

"Well, I spoke to the M.E. He's been dead at least two hours" Al says, "There was nothing anybody could have done"

Sam sighs and says, "Damn it" before returning to her seat.


"Why are we getting ice cream before dinner?" Wyatt asks, as he and Sam sit down at a table at an ice cream shop. Sam shrugs and says, "I don't know. I wanted to do something fun with you"

"Okay." Wyatt says, taking a bite of his sprinkle covered rocky road ice cream. Sam smiles and says, "that was your dads favorite ice cream. Rocky road"


"Oh yeah. He never let me have a bite of it. Always kept it for himself"

"I miss him"

"I know, sweetheart. Me too"


Sam and Hailey? New bropt forming? ๐Ÿคญ I don't know ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ lol
For anyone who knows the show, they know what happens in the season finale ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
One more chapter of the book guys!!โค๏ธ

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