𝟭𝟰. fool me once

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𝚑𝚘𝚌𝚞𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚌𝚞𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛

Indiana groggily awakens. She spots Ben sitting in a chair by the end of the bed, sleeping and Elena knocked out cold on another bed. She gasps and sits up frantically.

Indiana looks around for a way out and stares at the front door, she reaches over to Elena and taps her, she wakes up and looks at Indiana who has got her finger to her lips telling Elena to be quiet. Indiana looks from Ben to the door, estimating if she can make it without waking him. Quietly, Indiana slides off the bed and takes Elena's arm pulling her with her, they slowly steps over Ben's outstretched leg.

Indiana and Elena slowly back up to the door, keeping an eye on Ben. Indiana unlocks the deadbolt on the door, looking back at Ben occasionally. Indiana turns the lock on the door and prepares to open it.

BEN: I wouldn't.

Indiana and Elena gasp and spin around. Ben inches towards them and uses his compulsion on them

BEN: Don't try to escape. Don't even move. Do you understand?

INDIANA: I understand.

Ben scoffs and turns around to get a bottle of blood out of the mini fridge. Indiana opens the front door and bolts out with Elena in her arm, but Anna blocks her escape.

Anna grabs Indiana by the hair and pushes her back into the motel room, Elena runs over to Indiana who is on the floor and helps her up.

ANNA: Seriously?!

BEN: I told them not to move! I did that eye thing that you taught me!

ANNA: And forgot the lesson about vervain! She dates a vampire, Ben. Duh!

Anna pushes Elena up against a wall and opens the bathroom door.

ELENA: Who are you? What do you want?

ANNA: Does it matter?

INDIANA: Uh, yeah. It kinda does.

Anna forcefully pushes Indiana and Elena into the bathroom and shuts the door. Elena flips the light switch while Indiana calmly searches the room for another exit.

Indiana looks over towards the bathtub and sees Bonnie lying in it, unconscious. Elena and Indiana rush over to her.

INDIANA: Bonnie?
Lifts Bonnie's head up

ELENA: Oh my god!



Damon is in the study, reading through Emily's grimoire. Stefan enters the room with an anxious look on his face. Damon does not look up at him.

STEFAN: Anna took Indie and Elena.

DAMON: Yeah, I got that from your 600 voice mails.

[Stefan strides across the room towards Damon.]

STEFAN: Damon, all night long, every single street in town, I've been searching. What if your blood hasn't passed out of her system?

DAMON: Well, then at least you know you'll see her again.

STEFAN: Please.
Stefan sits down on the sofa, next to Damon.
What do you know? You were with Anna, you must know where's she living. Just tell me where I can find her.

DAMON: [looks up at Stefan] Nope. You can go. Really.

STEFAN: You know, all I can remember is hating you. There might have been a time when that was different, but your choices have erased anything good about you.
Damon lays the grimoire down and gives his attention to Stefan.
But see, I also know you have just as much reason to hate me. This all began with me. Anastasia got taken away from you because of me. And I'm sorry.

DAMON: Apology accepted.

STEFAN: So please, just tell me what you know.


STEFAN: [pleading] It's Indie and Elena, Damon. If you know something, tell me.

[Damon stands up and Stefan mimics him, looking at Damon with anxiety.]

DAMON: I mean this sincerely.
I hope Indiana and Elena die.



Elena wets a cloth in the sink and places it on Bonnie's forehead. Bonnie slowly opens her eyes.

INDIANA: Bonnie?

BONNIE: Indie? Elena?

ELENA: Oh, you're okay!

BONNIE: My head...

ELENA: Come here.

BONNIE: Oh my god! Ben is a-!


[Indiana gestures at her ear and points toward the door.]

INDIANA: They can hear.

[Indiana gets up and turns on the tap. She kneels back down next to Bonnie and Elena.]

BONNIE: I'm so stupid!

ELENA: No, he had all of us fooled!

BONNIE: What's going on? Why are we here?

INDIANA: It must have something to do with the tomb and Emily's spell book.

BONNIE: Spell book?

INDIANA: Damon said it could be used to open the tomb.

BONNIE: Why didn't I know about any of this?

ELENA: We was trying to keep you out of it, hoping it would never come to this.

BONNIE: Come to what?

INDIANA: They need a witch to break the spell and let the vampires out.

BONNIE: No way!

[Ben bursts through the door.
Indiana stands up as Elena grabs Bonnie's shoulders protectively.
Ben turns the tap off.

BONNIE: You're wasting your time. I'm not gonna help you.

[Ben smiles devilishly and grabs Indiana.
Elena reaches out to try to pull her back, but Ben manages to pull Indiana away from them.]

BEN: That's why they're here. Motivation for you to behave. You know, you shouldn't be so desperate. You made it too easy.

[Ben pushes Indiana and grabs Elena pushing her out of the room too, roughly. Bonnie gets up from the tub. Ben shuts the bathroom door.]

BEN: She wants to talk to you both.

[Anna leans against a table, looking at the twins.]

ANNA: Well, well. Elena Gilbert. You really are Katherine's doppelgänger and Indiana you really are Anastasia's. You must have the Salvatore boys reeling.

INDIANA: Well, I am dating one so...

ELENA: Who are you?

ANNA: I'm Anna. Your brother may have mentioned me. [says with girlish sarcasm] I mean, we're like, practically dating.



[Jeremy is sitting at a table, doing homework. Nearby, Tyler is shooting pool while Matt cleans a table and talks to Tyler.]

TYLER: Ten kegs? You know how much damage we could do with ten kegs? Duke's got it all hooked up.

MATT: Duke's a douche.

TYLER: Yeah, a douche with ten kegs. Aka, my new best friend.

[Jeremy scoffs.]

TYLER: What's the problem, Gilbert?

JEREMY: Don't have one, Lockwood.

TYLER: Yeah, I didn't think so.

MATT: Do you ever get bored of it?

TYLER: Of what?

MATT: Yourself.

[Matt walks off and Jeremy laughs quietly. Tyler looks at Jeremy.]

TYLER: Keep laughing, buddy.

[Caroline enters the Grill and walks over to Jeremy.]

CAROLINE: Hey, Jeremy. Where is Indiana? I've been texting her, Elena and Bonnie all day about Duke's party.

JEREMY: Uh, she went somewhere with Stefan.

CAROLINE: [sighs] I am so not going to be one of those girls who disappears just because she has a new boyfriend.

JEREMY: Who is Duke?

CAROLINE: Some guy that graduated a couple of years ago. And he throws a party every time he comes home from Duke.

JEREMY: Wait, Duke goes to Duke?

CAROLINE: His real name's Bob or something. [Jeremy laughs quietly.]
He's a total ass. But he buys the beer. You know, you should come.

JEREMY: Uh, yeah, I - I don't think so.

CAROLINE: No, seriously.
Everyone goes. Even quiet loner little brothers. Think about it.

[Caroline walks away over to Matt.]



Damon knocks on the front door. Sheila opens it.


DAMON: Hi there. I'm, uh, looking for Bonnie.

GRAMS: She's not here.

DAMON: Oh, well do you know when she-

GRAMS: Never.

DAMON: [chuckles] You have quite an opinion for someone who doesn't know me.

GRAMS: You got some nerve knocking on a Bennett witch's door and asking her for anything.

DAMON: What'd I do?

GRAMS: Spirits talk, Mr. Salvatore, and so does my granddaughter. You are no friend to us. Now get off my porch.

[Damon takes a step closer to Sheila.]

DAMON: Step outside and say that.

[Sheila stares at Damon. Suddenly, Damon groans and holds his head which feels like it's exploding. Damon starts to back and Sheila steps out onto the porch.]

GRAMS: I am not Bonnie. You don't wanna mess with me.

[Sheila goes back into her house and slams the door shut, breathing heavily as she leans against the front door.]


Anna peers out the curtain, looking outside.

ELENA: Bonnie's not gonna open the tomb.

ANNA: Oh, I think she will.

INDIANA: I don't think she will. But, good for you, love the confidence.

ELENA: Ignore her. Do you really want Anastasia and Katherine out that bad?

[Anna looks over at her.]

ANNA: Trust me. No one I know wants to see Anastasia again. Except Damon, the love struck idiot.

ELENA: Then what is it? Or who is it?

ANNA: My mother's in there.
[Anna walks closer towards Elena.]
Anastasia and Katherine couldn't help themselves. They just had to toy around with both of the Salvatore brothers. And when she got caught, so did my mother. I watched Jonathan Gilbert take her away.

ELENA: [sincerely] I'm sorry.

ANNA: You really mean that, don't you? [chuckles]
Yeah, I think we'll skip the dead mom bonding.

INDIANA: That's because she cares too much, me on the other hand.I don't give a crap.

ANNA: I like you but I need you both to start serving a purpose.

ELENA: Which is what?

ANNA: Leverage. This belong to you?

[Anna holds up Elena's phone. Elena tries to grab it from her, but Anna pulls it away. Anna walks across the room, dialing a number on the phone. The phone rings and Stefan picks up from the other end, at the Salvatore House.]


STEFAN: Elena? Indie? Are you okay?

ANNA: They're fine. For now. Tell me you have the grimoire and they'll stay fine.

[Damon enters the room, leaning against the door frame of the study in the Salvatore house.]

STEFAN: I can get it.

ANNA: Which means your brother has it. And I have the witch. So one of you had better meet me in the very public town square in 30 minutes so we can safely discuss how fun it's gonna be to work together.

[Anna hangs up. Stefan does the same and looks back at Damon.]

DAMON: Go ahead. Grovel again. Oh, wait no...I don't care.

[Damon leaves the room.]


[Anna knocks on the bathroom door]

ANNA: I'm leaving.

[Ben opens the door to the bathroom and leads Bonnie out.]

ANNA: Keep them buttoned down. Compulsion won't work. Just use violence.

BEN: Right. I got that.

[Anna leaves. Ben pushes Bonnie onto the bed.]

BEN: Sit. Behave.
[to Bonnie] So you're the key to this. Literally. The one who opens the door. Tell me, how long have you been a witch?

INDIANA: Is there anything to drink here?

BEN: Are you offering?

INDIANA: [sassy] Did it sound like I was offering?

BEN: [laugh] There's water on the night stand.

[Indiana picks up the glass of water and starts to take a drink.]

BONNIE: Hey. Can I have a sip?

Indiana pulls the glass away from her mouth, understanding what Bonnie plans on doing. She hands over the glass. Bonnie takes it and tosses the water on Ben. Bonnie turns the water into flames. Ben yells and pats the flame down on his arm. Indiana, Elena and Bonnie get up and run to the door. Bonnie makes it to the door and opens it, ready to run out, but Ben grabs Elena before she is able to make it out.

BEN: Come back in! Shut the door!

[Bonnie and Indiana slides back into the room.]

BONNIE: Don't hurt her!

BEN: Don't make me!

[Bonnie shuts the door behind them.]

BEN: Lock it!

[Bonnie deadbolts the door.]


[Anna is walking through the Town Square. Jeremy sees her from the Grill and runs over to her.]

JEREMY: Anna! Hey-uh, what happened to you last night?

ANNA: Sorry, I had to leave. I told your sisters to tell you.

JEREMY: I haven't seen her.

ANNA: Well, I gotta run, so-

[Anna turns to leave.]

JEREMY: Hey, do you wanna go to a party tonight?

ANNA: Go to what?

JEREMY: Oh, the guy who's throwing it is a total douche, but it's supposed to be fun. I figured, you know, safety in numbers.

ANNA: [chuckles] So, you're finally ready to go out with me, are you?

JEREMY: It's been a while since I've been to a party, and I kind of want to get back out there. And not be such a - a loner. And, uh, I like you. You're fun, and you're also kind of strange and lurky but, uh, I guess I like that, too. So, yeah, you should come to the party. With me. It's in the woods by that old cemetery.

ANNA: Oh. It's there, huh? That sounds cool. Uh, I'll meet you.

JEREMY: Oh. Okay! Great.

[Anna starts to walk away. Jeremy watches her. Anna looks glances back at him and Jeremy leaves. Anna sits down on a bench, waiting and looking around. Suddenly, Damon appears next to her, sitting on the bench.]

DAMON: Got a hot date or are you just plan on nabbing the entire Gilbert family?

ANNA: A party, right next to the old cemetery. Isn't that nice of them? Lots of warm bodies for starving vampires.

DAMON: I told you. I work alone.

ANNA: Yeah, so do I. But your minus a witch and I'm minus a spell book. So what do you say?

DAMON: Stefan will come after you, you know that. For messing with Indiana and Elena.

ANNA: Then he won't be to happy if I kill them when I don't get what I want.

[Anna gets up and starts to walk away. Damon scrunches up his face and sighs, he might be mad at them right now but he didn't want them to die, he didnt want her to die]

DAMON: When do you want to do this?

[Anna smiles and turns around, laughing at Damon.]

ANNA: God, it's like 1864 all over again. You Salvatore's are truly pathetic when it comes to women. Tonight. After sundown. Meet at the church.

[Anna leaves.]



[Elena, Indiana and Bonnie have resumed their seats on the beds. Ben paces in front of them.]

BEN: Witches don't have eternal life, right? So you guys can die.

BONNIE: Yep. We can die.

BEN: Ah. That sucks.

INDIANA: It'll suck when Stefan walks through that door.

BEN: [leans over to Indie]
He's not coming...

INDIANA: Sure about that.

[All of a sudden, Stefan kicks the door in. Ben screams as the sunlight starts to burn his skin. Stefan rips the curtain open, allowing more sunlight to pour in. Ben hides in the dark between the two beds. Bonnie, Indiana and Elena get up and dash out the door. Stefan walks over to Ben, looking down at him.]

STEFAN: When the sun goes down, leave town. If I ever see you again, I will kill you.

[Stefan leaves.]



[Bonnie and Sheila sit at a table, conversing.]

BONNIE: How did you know where we were?

GRAMS: Many things can fuel a witches power. Worry. Anger. After Stefan told me they had taken you, I had a lot of both. Simple locator spell was easy after that.

BONNIE: I'm sorry. About all of this.

GRAMS: [with a smirk]
Not as sorry as they're gonna be.

[Stefan, Indiana and Elena enter the room.]

BONNIE: So what do we do now?

STEFAN: Well, for now, you need to stay here.

GRAMS: A prisoner, in my own home? I don't think so.

STEFAN: I can't protect you if you leave the house.

GRAMS: We'll protect ourselves.

ELENA: We need to let him have Anastasia back. He's not going to stop until he gets her. If we help him, maybe that ends it.

BONNIE: No! He doesn't deserve to get what he wants.

INDIANA: What other choice do we have?

[Elena looks up at Stefan, they make eye contact and Bonnie notices the tension between them.]

GRAMS: Witches being pulled down by vampire problems. As much as we tried to do to stay out of it. I'll open the tomb. You get your brother's girl and destroy the rest with fire. Then this will be all over.

STEFAN: We still have to get Damon to agree.

ELENA: He already agreed once.

STEFAN: Yeah, and then we double crossed him. So now he's angry.

INDIANA: He's hurt. There's a difference.
I think I know what I have to do.



[Damon puts on his jacket, preparing to leave. Indiana enters the room and removes her scarf. Damon looks up at her.]

DAMON: I'm gonna have to change the locks. You stage a jailbreak?

[Damon picks up the grimoire.]

INDIANA: Stefan.

DAMON: Ah, brother. Ever the white knight.

INDIANA: We convinced Bonnie to help you.

DAMON: I doubt that.

[Indiana walks around the edge of the study towards the stairs, leading to the sunken part of the room where Damon is.]

INDIANA: I'm not gonna say that I'm sorry we got the grimoire without you last night, because I'm not really.

DAMON: Well, at least you're honest.

INDIANA: I was protecting the people I love, Damon.
But so were you, in your own, twisted way. And as hard as it is to figure, we're all on the same side, after the same thing.

DAMON: Not interested.

INDIANA: Yes you are, because you were willing to work with us yesterday.

DAMON: Fool me once, shame on you.

INDIANA: Okay, when we were in Atlanta, why didn't you use your compulsion on me?

[Damon places the grimoire on a table and walks towards Indiana, crossing his arms.]

DAMON: Who's to say I didn't?

INDIANA: You didn't. I know you didn't. But you could have.
You and I...we have something.
An understanding and I know that my betrayal hurt you, different from how it is with you and Stefan, but I'm promising you this now, I will help you get Anastasia back.

DAMON:I wish I could believe you.

[Indiana unclasps her necklace, takes it off, and holds it in her hand, showing it to Damon.]

INDIANA: Ask me if I'm lying now.

[Indiana places the necklace down on a table and waits for Damon to respond.]

DAMON: You know Anna won't stop, by the way, no matter what I do.

INDIANA: Then we'll deal with it.

[Damon picks up Indiana's necklace and clasps it back around her neck.]

DAMON: I didn't compel you in Atlanta because we were having fun. I wanted it to be real. I'm trusting you. Don't make me regret it.

INDIANA: [smirks] No promises.

[Damon sighs and walks away.]



[Indiana and Damon arrive at the party in the woods and see over a dozen students drinking and chatting.]

INDIANA: I'm missing Duke's party for this stupid resurrection, you owe me, massively for this.

DAMON: [mocks] No promises.

[Matt and Caroline walk up to them.]

MATT: Indiana, hey!

CAROLINE: Isla! Oh my God, where have you been?

[Caroline intertwines her fingers with Matt's. Indiana acknowledges this action.]

DAMON: Long story, no time to tell it.

CAROLINE: I wasn't talking to you.

DAMON: Sure you were.

MATT: We haven't met. I'm Matt.

[Matt holds out his hand for Damon to shake.]

DAMON: Matt, there's a reason we haven't met. You and I are going that way.

[Damon grabs Indiana's arms and starts dragging her away. Indiana looks back at Matt and Caroline as she's being pushed along.]

DAMON: Brother. Indie's twin. Witches.

[Damon strides past them with the grimoire, Indiana trudging along behind him. Damon descends the stairs into the tomb. Indiana walks over to Stefan and Elena.]

STEFAN: Everything okay?

INDIANA: No, I'm missing Duke's party for this!

ELENA: The quicker this is done the quicker you can party. Are we ready?

[Sheila is lighting the torches at the tomb. Bonnie stands next to her and Stefan, Indiana, Damon, and Elena watch from the entrance.]

GRAMS: Air. Earth. Fire.: Water.

[Bonnie holds up a water bottle and Sheila takes it, sprinkling the water on the floor.]

INDIANA: That's it? Just water from the tap?

GRAMS: As opposed to what?

INDIANA: I just figured maybe it would have to be blessed or mystical or something. You know 'hocus pocus' and whatever.

[Sheila smirks at Indiana. Damon pulls out a blood bag and unravels it.]

STEFAN: What's that?

DAMON: It's for Anastasia. Gotta have something to get her going. Unless your girl's offering a vein to tap.
He looks back at Indiana, who sarcastically smiles at him Stefan sighs and Damon whispers his next sentence to him.
Admit it - you can't wait to get rid of me.

STEFAN: [chuckles] I can't wait to get rid of you.


ELENA: What about Katherine?

DAMON: Ugh, no. I can't stand her, she can stay and burn.

ELENA: What will Anastasia think?

DAMON: She'll think her sister wasn't in there and escaped.

[Bonnie looks up at them from the ground.]

BONNIE: We're ready.

[Bonnie and Sheila are reciting a spell at the tomb, their eyes shut and hands interlocked.]

ELENA: What are they saying?

DAMON: Sounds Latin.

INDIANA: I don't think it's Latin.

[After a few more seconds of the witches reciting the spell, the torches flare up. Elena grabs onto Stefan's arm, Indiana notices but ignores it, Elena was always a jumpy one.]

ELENA: What's happening?

[The door to the tomb creaks open. Sheila and Bonnie stop chanting and look up.]

BONNIE: It worked!

GRAMS :Of course it worked.

ELENA: [to Stefan] We have some fires to build.

STEFAN: [looks back at Elena, gently touching her shoulder] I'm gonna go get the gasoline, I'll be right back.

[Elena nods and Stefan ascends the stairs out of the tomb. Damon looks from Bonnie and Sheila to Indiana.]

DAMON: You ready?


DAMON: [to Sheila and Bonnie] You think I'm gonna go in there by myself so you can seal me in?

[Damon grabs Indiana.]

GRAMS: Don't take her in. I'll bring the walls down.

DAMON: You'll bring the walls down if I don't. You think I trust you?

GRAMS: As much as I trust you.

ELENA: Enough. Both of you. Look, he needs leverage. He needs to know that you're not going to shut the door when he gets inside. I get it. I'll go just keep Indiana here.

[Damon grabs a torch from the circle. Elena nods at Sheila, Indiana and Bonnie, reassuringly, and follows Damon into the tomb. Indiana shakes her head and goes to follow but Bonnie stops her]

BONNIE: Let her do this.

Indiana gets an idea and goes over to the wall of the tomb and places her hand on it, she focuses on the tomb and what happens just like Arno taught her and waits for the vision to let her in, Bonnie looks at Shelia but Shelia's smiling knowing that Indiana can control this. All of a sudden Indiana's eyes open and turn from her deep green into a violet shade. Bonnie goes to run over to her but her Grams grabs her arm and shakes her head,Bonnie looks back at Indiana.

The vision was a weird one, she saw her hugging Damon but no Anastasia or even Katherine that's when it clicked in her head...they weren't in the tomb. Her eyes flutter back into her deep green shade as she looks at Shelia who has a smile on her face, she was so proud of Indiana. Indiana looks up as he runs down the stairs


[Damon and Elena are down in the tomb, searching for Katherine. They hear whispers throughout the tomb.]

ELENA: What is that?!

DAMON: They can sense you. Now, where is she?

[Damon walks away, leaving Elena behind.]

ELENA: Damon! Damon? [whispers] Damon!

[Elena continues to hear the whispering around her. Startled, she falls but quickly gets back up. Her flashlight beam lands on one of the mummified vampires. As she walks around the room, she sees more and more vampires. Panicked, Elena  falls down next to one of the mummified vampires, her beam lands on him and she gasps in shock. The vampire's eyes open and are bloodshot with hunger. Elena screams loudly and gets up, looking around for an exit. Her beam of light lands on Anna who is standing right behind her.]


[Stefan walks back down into the tomb and looks around.]

STEFAN: Where's Elena?

INDIANA: Damon took her inside.

STEFAN: What?!

[Stefan runs towards the entrance of the tomb. Sheila grabs his arm.]

GRAMS: Stefan! If you go in there, you won't come out.

INDIANA: What do you mean, he won't come out?

GRAMS: Opening the door didn't remove the seal, it just opened the door.

STEFAN: What's the seal?

GRAMS: Some seals keep vampires from entering. This one keeps them from coming out.

STEFAN: Elena's human. She can leave. Anna and Anastasia can't. Damon can't. You were never planning on breaking the spell, were you?

GRAMS: I told you. I will protect my own. Elena can get out. That's all that matters.


[Anna steps towards Elena, shining her flashlight on her.]

ANNA: You must have a taste for it. You scream and shriek and even bother to escape, but then you just come right back to it.

[Elena walks backwards and bumps into Pearl. Anna sees her mother and kneels down next to her, caressing her arm.]

ANNA: Mother! Mother. Your sister's boyfriend did this, you know.

ELENA: His father did.

ANNA: You might fall Indie, Elena but I know you have feelings for Stefan and I know he has feelings for you too. I just so want to see's Indiana's face when she founds out you and Stefan kissed...

ELENA: How-how did you--

ANNA: --I made a choice a long time ago that it would be Gilbert blood that brought her back to life. I had Jeremy all ready to go but....

[Elena gasps and turns around, bolting from the room, but Anna vamp-runs in front of her, grabs Elena by the wrist, and bites down. Elena screams loudly.]


[In the ante-chamber, Stefan hears Elena's screams echo through the tomb. Stefan dashes into the tomb. Indiana chases after him.]

INDIANA: Stefan! [Sheila blocks Indie from entering the tomb.] You can't just leave him in there!

GRAMS: You go in there, you wont come out either...he made his choice!

BONNIE: No. Here. [She picks up the grimoire and looks desperately at her Grams.] Just show me what to do. I'll do it.

GRAMS: We are not strong enough. Even if we were able to bring the seal down, there's no guarantee that we could get it back up again.

BONNIE: You said it yourself, many things can fuel a witches power. Help me or I'll do it alone.

INDIANA: [whispers] Channel me...

Shelia and Bonnie look at Indiana like she's insane.

INDIANA: Channel me, I can give you a little extra power. It's not a lot but it can help, right?

GRAMS: Indiana...it will hurt. I don't think you could handle it--

INDIANA: --I can, channel me.


[Anna pushes Elena down on the ground, across Pearl's lap, and holds Elena's wrist up to her mouth. Elena struggles, but Pearl, smelling the blood, begins to drink.]

ELENA: No, please don't!

ANNA: [to Pearl] I'm gonna get you out.

STEFAN: Let her go!

[Stefan grabs Anna and pushes her aside.]

ANNA: I told you...

[Stefan grabs Elena and pulls her up, pushing her towards the exit.]

STEFAN: Go. Go. I'm right behind you.

[Stefan blocks Anna from chasing down Elena.]

PEARL: Anna.

[Anna rushes to her mother's side, caressing her face in her hands and crying happily.]

PEARL: Annabelle.


[Bonnie and Sheila are looking through the grimoire when Elena exits the tomb, Indiana is sat on the steps tears flowing down her cheeks]

INDIANA: Elena, Stefan...

ELENA: He's right behind me.

[Bonnie and Sheila look at the entrance to the tomb. Elena turns around and sees Stefan standing in the doorway. Elena walks up to him, worried.]

ELENA: Stefan, what are you doing?

BONNIE: It's gonna be okay. We'll fix it.

ELENA: What is it?

STEFAN: I can't.

ELENA: Can't? Can't what?

BONNIE: The spell's still up. We can't get them out yet.

ELENA: You went in there not knowing if you could come back out?

[Stefan looks down, not answering.]

ELENA: Oh, my God.

STEFAN: I heard you scream.

INDIANA: We can't leave Damon in there. I promised him.

STEFAN: I know.

BONNIE: Even if we're able to break through the seal, we won't be able to hold it for long.

[Stefan goes back into the tomb to find Damon, Indiana looks at Elena.]

INDIANA: Listen, I love you Elena. No matter what happens tonight, I'm not giving up until they walk out of that tomb.

ELENA: Why are you saying this Indie? What are you doing?

Indiana stays quiet before looking at Shelia.

GRAMS: We're ready.

Indiana goes and stands next to them Grams takes a rock and slices Indiana's hands open before Grams and Bonnie take Indiana's hands and focus on the spell. Elena looks confused. Shelia and Bonnie looks at Indiana who takes a deep breath before her eyes fade into a violet colour, Elena knows whats happening, Indiana's helping get Stefan and Damon out.

Grams and Bonnie start chanting at first it seems okay but then Indiana gasps and her eyes switch from violet to gold she starts breathing heavily, Elena starts getting nervous and peers into the tomb.


[Damon is still searching the tomb for Anastasia. Frustrated, he kicks the dirt on the floor.]

DAMON: She's not here. They're both not here!

[Stefan walks up to Damon.]

STEFAN: Damon.

DAMON: She's not here.


DAMON: She's not here!

[Damon throws the blood bag at the wall. The blood splatters across it. Damon looks at Stefan with anguish.]


Indiana is still breathing heavily but she's coping strongly she's fighting for her boyfriend, he risked his life to save her twin sister. Not sure if she should be concerned for their friendship but she trusts them both.

ELENA: I think it's working.

[Anna exits the tomb with Pearl, who is still weak.]

ANNA: I just wanted my mother back. Jeremy's fine. He's outside. I won't touch him.

[Anna and Pearl leave. The torches begin to falter. Indiana's eyes flash a burning orange and she screams the pain was unbearable now, Elena could see the orange veins run across her sisters arms and she knew she didn't have long before it killed her. They were taking too much.

GRAMS: Indiana keep going! [to Elena] They better hurry.

[The torches extinguish themselves. Bonnie looks faint and Sheila doesn't look much better. Indiana looks the worse, the veins covering all of her arms now slowly making the way up to her shoulders, if they didn't hurry Indie would die. Elena runs back into the tomb.]

STEFAN: Damon, we need to get out of here.

DAMON: It doesn't make sense. They locked her inside.

STEFAN: If we don't leave now, we're not getting out.

DAMON: How could she not be in here?

STEFAN: It's not worth spending all of eternity down here. She's not worth it!


[Damon angrily pushes Stefan away. Elena rushes into the room.]

ELENA: Damon! Please. If we don't leave now Indie will die!

[Damon can't let Indiana die, no matter how much he didn't want to admit it deep down he cared for the girl. He nods and Damon, Stefan, and Elena leave the tomb.]

Bonnie and Sheila are still chanting the spell to keep the seal down. Indie stops for a moment, gasping for air and keeling over. Elena see's Indie the veins are covering her neck and her eyes are slammed shut, They continue chanting. Damon exits the tomb first, followed by Elena, and Stefan, Stefan and Damon see Indie, orange veins covering her arms, shoulders, neck and now appearing on her face. The torches die out as Grams and Bonnie stop chanting. Indie falls to the floor hands on her head, breathing heavily he veins weren't disappearing they were growing over her face more. Elena and Stefan run over to her Stefan kneels and puts her head on his lap his eyes filling with tears as his girlfriend was screaming in pain. Elena knew it was her eyes, Arno told her about it.

ELENA: Indie, remember what Arno said. Fight for it, open your eyes! Break the connection!

Indiana wasn't responding only screaming she knew she knew she only had a couple seconds left before her sister would die, Elena saw a bit of pointed wood in the corner and ran and picked it up.

ELENA: Stefan get ready to heal her.

STEFAN: What--

ELENA: --Now!

She stabs the wood into Indiana's stomach who opens her eyes gasping in pain, Stefan quickly shoves his bleeding wrist into Indiana's mouth and she drinks immediately, the veins faded and the pain in her stomach went away when she felt better she pulled away from Stefan who grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, Elena kneeling next to them looked over at Damon who looked confused yet sad?



[At the party in the woods, Caroline is talking with a group of friends, she looks over at Matt, who is leaning against his truck and they smile at each other. Caroline walks over to him.]

MATT: Is this for real?

CAROLINE: Is what for real?

MATT: You being all cool and honest and open?

[Caroline walks a step closer to Matt.]

CAROLINE: Speech number three? I want this to work. And I'm scared that you're gonna change your mind and you're not gonna want it. I don't want to mess it up.

MATT: I don't want to mess it up either.

[They place their foreheads together]


[Stefan and Elena exit the tomb and run over to Jeremy, who is waking up.]

STEFAN : He's okay.

[Elena and Stefan kneel down next to Jeremy, who groans, Stefan see's Elena tearing up so he wraps his arm around her comforting her. He couldn't help but feel something towards her. He loved Indie but there was something about Elena, she was strong.]

STEFAN: He's all right.

Indiana walks out the tomb looking at her younger brother she felt like she should be more concerned but what was concerning was how close Elena and Stefan looked. She wasn't one for attention to be fair she hated the attention but she just saved her boyfriend nearly dying in the process and all he wants to do is comfort Elena. She turns around to see Damon exits the tomb, looking completely miserable. Indiana gets up and walks towards him. She wraps his arms around him and places her head on his shoulder.

INDIANA: I'm sorry.



[Elena carries a glass of water and an Aspirin into Jeremy's room and hands it to him.]

ELENA: How's your head?

JEREMY: Uh- it's alright. I just....I wish I knew how I passed out. I didn't drink that much, I swear.

ELENA: And you don't remember anything?

JEREMY: The whole things pretty cloudy. I just...I know how this looks. I'm -- I'm sorry.

ELENA: No, Jeremy, don't be sorry. You didn't do anything, okay?

JEREMY: Yeah, okay.

ELENA: I've got to head on over to Bonnie's for a little bit, but is there anything that you need?

JEREMY: No, I'm just...I'm gonna crash.

ELENA: Okay, well, Jenna's here and Indie's outside in the porch. I'll be back soon.

[Elena leaves. Jeremy gets up from his bed and goes to his computer. He googles the word "Vampire."]



Indiana decided to go on a walk in the woods she needed air, a breather. They took a lot from her today and she couldn't stop thinking about the tension between Elena and Stefan. I mean sure Arno hasn't been around for a while but he's been busy and Elena should respect that. She sit's down on the edge of a hill and let her feet dangle over the side, she's deep in thought until Damon says something breaking it.

DAMON: You're not thinking about throwing yourself down that hill are you?

INDIANA: Maybe, maybe not.

He sits next to her.

INDIANA: I would ask you the same but we all know you cheat death...

DAMON: Doesn't mean I can't feel the pain still...why did you do it, Indie?

INDIANA: You've lost me.

DAMON: You nearly died.

INDIANA: Honestly...I'm not sure. [theres a silence between them for a minute]
Can I ask you a question.


INDIANA: Well, I'm going to ask you and if you try run, I'll push you down the hill.

DAMON: I'll bring you with me, only one of us can heal Indie...remember that.

INDIANA: I'd stake you the minute you try leave me.

[they silently laugh together]

DAMON: What's your question, Is?

INDIANA: What do you think is going on between Elena and Stefan?

DAMON: You sure you want me to be honest?

INDIANA: No, but do it.

DAMON: Back in 1864, Me and Stefan both fell for Anastasia. Katherine had a massive crush on Stefan wanted him to herself. Eventually, he did fall for Katherine, don't get me wrong I didn't hate the idea of him loving her because I loved Anastasia but...I think over the past couple of weeks with Arno being busy Stefan has seen Elena and remembered Katherine and every memory they shared together which made him start to feel more for Elena.

INDIANA: So you think, Stefan and Elena have feelings for each other?

DAMON: [locks hands with Indiana, fingers locking through each other's]
Yes, yes I do.

INDIANA: So do I...but it's okay, right? I mean you should understand. Elena and Stefan are the good ones, the angels, the hero's...and we're just in their shadows. No one feels proud of us, no one loves us it's just us.
The bad guys.

DAMON: You're not bad Indiana...you're lost. You nearly died tonight trying to get me and Stefan out of the tomb.

INDIANA: Stefan didn't care though. He made sure I didn't die but as soon as Elena sheds a few tears over our brother who's been knocked out and will be perfectly fine in a couple hours Stefan's there to comfort her. Just face it Damon. Bad guys never win...

DAMON: [she turns to look at him as he caresses her cheek] Listen to me. You are not bad Indiana! You're strong and you stick up for people you care about, you sacrificed everything earlier just so I got out of that tomb. You're not a bad guy Is, you're a hero.

INDIANA: You can be good and sweet when you want too Damon.

DAMON: I know...but don't get used to it and tell anyone I'll cut your tongue out.

[Indiana laughs and Damon looks at her, she was so beautiful how could Stefan fall out of love with her, She stands up and cleans herself off, Damon stands next to her.]

INDIANA: I'm sorry about Anastasia.

DAMON: Don't be just...go home and rest.

INDIANA: Careful Damon, you almost sound like you care.

DAMON: We don't want that do we.

Indiana smiles but then feels something impale her like she was being stabbed, she gasps and falls but Damon catches her in his arms, he notices her eyes flash violet before closing. Indiana passes out in his arms. He picks her up bridal style and carry's her to her bedroom. He puts her in her bed and kisses her forehead. And disappears into the night.

Later that night Jeremy walks into the bedroom, looking at his sister, he had a pain that shot through him earlier, which made him think back to arno and his conversation.

He looked at the sleeping girl before sitting on the bed next to her, before gently placing his arm on her shoulder making her eyes shoot open and look around

JEREMY: just me

INDIANA: how's your head?

JEREMY: better

INDIANA: mm, good

she says with a smile on her face making him return the feature before feeling the pain grow sharper

JEREMY: can I have a hug?

indiana looks concerned yet confused at her brothers question, he wasn't one for affection, never was.
but she loved her little brother, no matter what, she opened up her arms and he crashed into her.

the warm feeling of comfort and protection spread through her like the ocean waves hitting the rocks

little did they both know, that both their pain and scars vanished.



[Down in the tomb, the blood bag that Damon threw drips down from the wall. A vampire sits below the pool of blood on the wall and it drips down towards him. The vampire gets up, opens the door of the tomb, and is able to walk out. He looks up at the ceiling, finally free.]

Chapter Fourteen Completed!

Thank you for reading, Hope you have a good day/night.

Love you all ♡

completed: 03/09/2020

edited: 04/10/2021

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