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Again we are going to drive a little sadistic character of Phoebe which might be, might be people might not used to be so kindly don't read it if you feel the violence is too extensive to read.

Don't worry soon we are going to head towards some humour, jealously, hate and a little bit of lust.


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My eyes flicker to the mirror and I saw one of the most dreadful thing, I saw how vulnerable I can be.

- phoebe yardly




The night was heavily warm but not because of the weather but because of the blood that is spread around me. The roar of thunder jerk me from my thoughts and my right hand begin to shake. My body is covered with blood. My brows soak with blood for which drops of it pour down straight passing down my eyes to the ground. While slicing his hand from mine the splashes of it fell on my face for which my face is caked with blood.

The dagger slip from my hand and falls down. I close my eyes placing my hands over my ears to lessen the sound of thunder. The huge field behind the building where I stood and my so-called prey holds the silence and the piercing scream pierce the quietness when one more roar of thunder evokes.

Tears brim in my eyes are falling down , trailing  the drops of blood along with it. "Stop." I shout but of course no one listens. The heavy of blow of winds sends goosebumps across my body. I shudder, feeling empty and secretly scared.

The lightning falls on the barren land as if meeting the ground warning me that the next time it will be on me. I kneel down and the sudden rose of sounds of thunder erupted only to crouch me down and face the cut piece of hand.

But what make me more scared is when that hand grabs my neck chocking me. The tiny droplets of rain fall on my skin washing the scene of crimes I have created.

"You'll pay for what your family did to me. I will come for you. I'll, Weaver."

"No, please no." I shout trying to get rid of that hand.

"Georgia." Oh how much I miss that voice.

"Georgia." Yeah once more and I will definitely get rid out of the black hole.

"Georgia." Oh, Stephano.

I jerk awake shoving him thinking that he is the one who tried to choke me.

"Oh, Stephano." I jump upon him and crush him tightly.

"Thank you so much. You saved me, you fucking saved my life Stephano." Tears roll down and I pay no heed to it.

He hugs me soothing me and massaging my back in a way calming me down which fortunately did. I cry when the thunder roared outside our house.

"Pl-please save m-e." I stutter but I don't care probably because I know I am a mess.


"Please." I don't know what to say more.

"Is anybody trying to kill you?" Oh, how much I want to nod my head and say yes to the dead corpse instead I shake my head.

"Did someone abuse you?" I want to chuckle to his statement but again shook my head.

"Any past trying to haunt you?" Yeah those people whom I killed.

"I-I ha-have astraphobia." He looks confuse at my statement.

"Astraphobia is extreme fear of thunder and lightning. First it was mild but the rise of adolescence it not only increased but also started to haunt my life."

"Don't worry now that I am with you."

He holds my right hand which is shaking like the leaf on a branch. I look up and give him a small reassuring smile.

But then comes the most dreading moments I think I won't face. The awkward silence, the dripping of rain was the only sound we can hear. I slowly retreat my body from his warm embrace and look down embarrassed that I had to showcase my vulnerability.

"Hey, no need to be embarrass I guess everyone has some weakness something that they hate the most."

Yeah something that they hate.

I lick the salted blood that leaked from my forehead and suck it swirling my tongue over my finger while directly making an eye contact to my prey and smirk, "Mi piacerebbe strapparti la pelle dalle ossa."

(I would love to rip the skin from your bones.)

I pull my prey's ankle making him have some sweet taste of the concrete floor.

I smirk at how I am the God and he is under my rule. Mirrors were around us. I kneel and remove some strands of hair from his face causing him to flinch at my act.

My body is limped from the insert of bullets on the same target, drilling my skin to reach the other end of it. He soon grabs my body turning me as if twisting my body underneath him and dug his nail on my wounded region earning a loud scream of agony. He tries to insert the bullets deep but I don't allow him by kicking his chest with my other leg.

I pull out my hidden dagger and laugh hysterically standing up and say, "I thought no one could escape from a professional sniper like mine but I guess exception is necessary, right mister?"

He sees the ghostly vulnerability of mine when he shoots me but this woman standing in front of him even though her one leg is heavily injured , she is a monster, she is a beast, a disaster, a nightmare but most of all she is Phoebe Yardly , a woman who goes by many names and right now she is Oliver.

She is a woman where men can die to get her only to survive from the wrath of hell of death. She is someone no one wants to mess with. She is a dead burnt soul with nothing except a power to resemble her position to the next throne. And that she is me.

I stab the dagger repeatedly hearing his pleads not remorseful at my stunt. I kept my promise, I sliced each and every skin from his bones.

I laugh hysterically, an evil laugh to disown the heaviness of guilt forming in my chest. I look at one of the mirror beside me and uttered those dreadful words that I thought I never could. The revelation of mine where I am soaked with blood.

"I hate you."

I hate myself and I don't know why but in some course of my life there will be someone I hope can disown me so that I can sleep in a peaceful slumber not bothering who will kill me.

And might be I got that person who will stop making me feel the cold hearted monster.





I look at her where her mind drifts to what she hated the most? And same goes to mine. The thing that I hated the most or shall I say someone.

"You know there are chapters in our life that we don't want to read out loud." I say.

She looks at me and gives out a forceful mocking laugh, "Chapters? Nope the entire book can't be read by anyone. It shall burn when my corpse lays down the earth."

Adriano. I clutch my hand and looked down might be my entire book too can't be read out only because of someone who I dreaded the most.

The amount of lies told by him to my parents who in turn believed his lies only to turn me into a leech of their family. No one should say that but I want to and that is I am glad that he died. I am glad that...that my brother died.

It turns out to be an accident however I am glad he died. After that day all the false accusations held against mine vanished and slowly they believed me but it's too late especially from my padre side. Even though my relationship with my madre isn't that great but I guess it will modify but nowadays I don't really care about them, they died believing partially not giving justice to both the voices.

My madre calls me but it feels like everything is done forcefully. Every time I commit mistakes according to Adriano I got punishments, punishments in the sense like killing someone for which I got to hold the gun too soon. I don't want to remember in which age I was which will only create a havoc in my life.

I still remember when the first time I hold the gun all because of Ad.

"No padre, I didn't do it. Please, leave me. Madre!" The boy looks at his mother in hope that she will come and save him but alas! Not everyone has choices sometimes it's all the force that pushes the person to do sin.

The amount of hate he had for Adriano now slowly increased capturing his parents. "Take the gun, Stephan." His father growls at his son making him flinch back.

He looks up with tears rolling down. "I didn't do it, padre."

One look from his father silent his voice, he looks down at the silver coated metallic object shinning in front of him. He shakes his head ,"I can't padre." He cries which soon stopped with the harsh slap across his face. "Enough. You're a black spot in our life. A worthless piece of shit. Be grateful you're alive or else this gun will be in front of you."

He looks afraid and most of all ashamed to get a father like him. His hands shake grabbing the gun and looking at the poor man who is begging for release.

Sometimes sacrifice is needed to save someone's life. Stephan thought and submerging all his emotions he pours all the six bullets on the prey's body.

He then looks at Adriano who smirks at him.

The next bullets will be on your body. Stephan thinks and he did it with his actions killing his nightmare.

Sometimes sacrifice really benefits someone's life like him.


Sorry goodies this chapter is small and I mean it, it's too small but I guess I just wanted to showcase you all that the strong people too face the vulnerability. How much he/she is powerful there is a part of them which still beats and is afraid of something.

Anyway. I am blessed to have all the readers who read my book and tell me what's your pov in this chapter. Kinda waiting!

This chap has >1800 words.

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