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How are you all? I am sorry that the chapters are coming late due to the pressure of my final exam. Also do comment on the new reader's name so that I know who are the ones.

Also, suggest a name so that I can rename one of the characters (should be Italian)

WARNING- Not edited

She is my better half.

I tuck aside the fringes from her face. She looks so peaceful yet when I saw her a few hours ago the cry of agony surfaced when she lets out those words as if they were a burden in her life. She somehow managed to hide that person but I am not that inhumane to ask her again. I will give her some time but guess somehow a part of mine is happy that she belongs to our kind. The world of dark.

The world which we named Cosa Nostra. Yet another part howls in pain to see her face the pain that is still yet to reveal. When I saw unintentionally the marks underneath her dress when the nurse wrapped the bandage pained me. Her pain was as if it was mine. I know I can't trust her yet my heart yearns for her. Like, she is my better half.

I sigh looking at the closed file of Oliver Sweet. Is it her real name? Or like Georgia or Phoebe, it's her another fake one? Will she ever tell me what her real name is? Will she trust me just like I am going to? Am I a fool to trust someone who came into my life to ruin me? Damn fucking yes cause it's worth it.

When I observed her closely, one thing was for sure she was good at subsiding her pain just like the tears that she didn't allow to fall. All hell broke when she thought I will be pleased to kill her. How can I? When I will happily kneel to get the entire six bullets just to see her smile.

She is an unknown sunshine poured into my life to let me know that women like her may be hard as a shell but are as beautiful as a pearl. The strong aroma she carries can make anyone bend and beg for attention even if it's to kill them.

And shall I say I am glad to know that she was the one I met nine years ago at that party? I swipe the pages of Oliver's criminal records and somehow the satisfaction arises to find her being in the same world as mine even if it means dipping both of our hands in blood and letting the world watch our sweet-bitter truth.

Not in every story the girl must take care of the boy, sometimes they need to switch play, and I will happily be obliged to cure her wound. The scars will be licked by me to clean her and make her whimper. I pledged to myself that this time I won't leave her. Never. Even if the reason for her to come into my life may be to kill me I will treasure her.

I will kiss her until she will unleash all her pain and accept that in this world there remains a certain emotion that belongs to both of us, a feeling that I cannot name it right now but I will be damned if not to show her what it is.

I still remember how much I searched for her. I had to visit every hook and corner to find her but true to the infamous Oliver she left without any trace. News still flashed Oliver as a neutral gender as she never showcased her true gender. And am I happy?

Thousands of reports only in Italy are about her and God knows how many files about her will be stored in other places. One thing weird about her is that if she leaves a witness or victim she mutilates them and somehow a suspicion gets arisen that maybe she was the criminal who did the same thing to Diego.

I walk out of the room not before informing the guards to pay thorough attention to my Oliver. The name somehow sounds too bitter for me to pronounce. However, I will call her tesero.

My phone binges allowing me to smirk while reading the message. I put my phone back allowing the Bluetooth to get attached to my ear. I quickly turned it on and called Franco through my digital watch.

"Ciao, capo."
(Hello boss.)


"Qualche informazione sulla perdita della proprietà?"

(Any information about the loss of the property?)

"Nessun capo ma possiamo trovare un percorso alternativo."

(No boss, but we can find an alternate route.)

"Che cos'è?"
(What is it?)

"Non sono sicuro del caso, ma sarà molto utile se mettiamo le mani su Ya-"
(I am not sure about the case but it will be greatly beneficial if we stick our hands with Ya-)

I won't let him finish the line and quickly end the call. Fuck the Yardly. My men telling me to stick with them is far better than sticking a rod in my ass and walking for show.

I am fuming and increasing my speed as my head run for the probabilities of what would happen if I wasn't present at that event.

I pat Ben who purrs in return making me chuckle. I rub my nose against his furry hair which recently has been washed. "Okay, boy you stay here and let me go out and fetch my giant food. Will you be a good boy?"

He quickly barks in response making me smile. I pat his head and say, "Good boy."

I reach the underground where my favorite place is present. The dungeon.

The men that my guards captured are all here. Now it will be my turn to take out the news that is on my mind. Who are they?

The slapping of skins and screams echoes in the jail. I smirk at the work done by my men. As soon as my men see me, they stop what they were doing and created space for me to admire the artwork.

One of them replies, " We tend to find out information from them but we couldn't do it. They refused to answer anything except smears of cries."

I nod my head while walking toward the hanger tracing my fingers across different types of blades hanging, making me itch to touch them and slide them across to the rightful owner.

My eyes land on the sharpest knives which aren't currently licensed for use on humans since they could leave fragments in the wounds.

I eye them with newly filled precision. There are rest three people to open their mouths but if non of them speak out they will have to say with a heavy cold heart goodbye. I walk to one of them with a white shirt and khaki pants. His eyes are bruised creating a black circle around them. His black skin has now drenched in the blood of his own.

I smirk and crouch at his level eyeing the knife beside me. "Do you know it's going to be fun while initiating this first experiment on a human? Are you ready for this?"

His eyes hold fear but his mouth opts not to open. In a flash, the dagger hits him beside partner-earning out the most dangerous scream he could manage. We both look at the scene where the man's mouth slit open and the small knife probed into his flesh dividing his tongue in half. The blood splitters around. I turn back and look at him.

"Now, do you want the same faith as that?" I coo him sweetly and he quickly shakes his head.

"So, tell me who sent you?" I calm my voice.


I smile at him coldly. "Well that wasn't so bad, was it? So what was the reason behind that stupid stunt?"

"He wants Oliver back." My mind reeled with thoughts and aspects of the upcoming questions.

"Why does he want her back?"

Hunter. That guy was made to do nothing rather than dig up his ass and shit everywhere. We never interfered in any matters with the Russians so why now until I have done something wrong or my family but learning about the past crimes done by the Romanos, not a single crime was held against the Russians?

"He wants to assign Oliver for a work."

I unfold my arms and grasp the arm of the chair and look at him clashing my grey ones with the brown ones.

"And what work shall I know?"

"Um..I- Y- I don't know."

I growl at him pushing his chair roughly making him fall with a thud sound. I pull out the knife and aim at his eyes. One blink equals death.

He gulps down and quickly spills the answer. "He wants Oliver to kill you. He got the task assigned by Antonio Russo the avenge his son's death and Hunter knew this work can only be done by Oliver and not even Julie. Can I be spare?"

I eye at him. " Well, that wasn't that hard. Was it?" With that, I flinch when the blood splatters on my face while ripping out his eye. I stand up and order my men.

"Mutilate his body and send it to his leader through the parcel and write underneath the parcel. His death is coming if he tries to catch a glimpse of my pride and kingdom."

They quickly nod and soon every piece of Hunter's men was soaked in blood. The plain white shirt was still there when I got a call from the hospital. I quickly head back to the building without changing.

I barge inside the room where Oliver is kept. The doctors bow their heads in respect and one of them speaks. "Her hemoglobin is low and we prescribed the given medications. We have injected a good amount of the provided liquid to increase her-" I wave my hand as in to acknowledge whatever medical bullshits they spit out.

True to the doctor's words her eyes flutter open and she looks around the room, more like accessing any hint of danger. She eyes her nearby desk where her pretty eyes are disappointed looking at the missing equipment.

After the action she pulled, I ordered the nurses to remove any sharp objects. I fold my arms and look at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Fucking bitch." She croaks. I chuckle at how she looks down at the pipe on her back palm and sighs.

"Your story." She gasps in horror squinting her eyes at me while I continue. "Is still left out. Do tell me I want to listen to it."

She rolls her eyes " Just because last time I showed my vulnerability doesn't mean that I will again reveal it and based on the story it's finished. Good night."

"Oh no no you won't not after I am intrigued to listen to your story."

"Ugh." She clutches her hair with her uninjured hand and looks at me with dead eyes. "How can you believe that I am not telling any lies?"

I shrug not believing in myself as to why I believed her but I just do. I didn't spend my nine years planting grasses.

"Tell me and I will know if it's a lie or not."

She sighs. "After two years I got the chance to grab the necessities and I came fully equipped. Revenge planted by my owner and the only chance is to kill you."

"Then why don't you?"

She shrugs while smirking. "Not before I watch you begging for help."

I chuckle coldly. "You are full of yourself. Ms. Sweet but don't worry this time the table has changed and Hunter I guess your master needs the same thing from you, Oli." I mock her nickname.

She fumes in anger but then her eyes slowly go down and trails the look of my clothes. "Where did you come from?"

"Dungeon." I shrug.

"Really? At least have a little decency to change it. God knows when a patient like me will look at that stain he or she will puke."

"My baby girl is so innocent and thinks about others." Her face again turns red due to anger, maybe.

"Don't call me those creepy names."

"What, baby girl?" I feign innocence.

"Ugh. I hate that name."


She looks at me deadly "Because only dickhead fits to say that not you."

I lift my brows and a tinge of jealousy erupts. "Who is that dickhead?"

Now it was her time to feign innocent and damn she newly rocked it with her performance. "Aww, I didn't know that daddy doesn't know who he is. Very bad. Don't worry I am not naive and you are no near that dickhead."

Daddy? Did I hear it correctly? My groin twitches instantly. And who the fuck are they? "Who are they?"

She rolls her eyes. "Characters from stupid shows display. I don't know why but seriously one day those shows will turn out on Pornhubsb if they continue. I hate when D-like characters think no from a girl is yes and yes from a girl is hence proved yes. Newton will come and bless the new derivation."

I nod my head accepting her thoughts and slightly admire her for never shying away from telling me what her thought is.

I smile at her but soon mask it. "Well, how about you rest and then we will talk about the matter."

"Matter? What matter? I gave my content and yup it's finished no more talk."

"The matter is whether you should stay in the dungeon or do the job as my wife."

"Your wife." I chuckle internally at her rush of words.

"But what about trust?"

"Trust can only be formed when two people are assigned to do the job together. And this time you will have my full trust."

"If I give you the job to kill your owner will you do it?"

She shrugs. "Depends if any part consists of my profit or not."

I nod my head and soon when I turn back to walk out she screams. I quickly turn back and find her eyes glassy as she sobs.

"What happened?" I ask my voice in panic mode.

She looked down and says,  "It's due to that volcano in my tummy." And with that, she unfolds her blanket and my eyes widen and I soon close them. Damn, you Oli.


A glimpse of the next chapter: The arrival of Phoebe's parents will be shown in the upcoming gala and DAMN the fun has just begun people.

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