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WARNING: Violence included

(If any grammatical mistakes are there kindly comment and notify me)

❝My life consists of blood and only blood is what makes me alive.❞


"MAKE SURE to hit the bastardo's head. I need to watch how his eyes bulge out but make sure he beg you for killing him." Don Hunter said.

I nod my head . My face is covered in hoodie yet now they didn't see me and whenever I stand in front of them I always pull my hoodie down to hide my face and they never complain about it. They only need my work to be complete. Fottute persone egoiste.

I head towards my partner and ask Mark, "What is his name?"

"Tobey Norton, head of Financial Department. Two months ago, he refused to lend 2million to the Don as he needed to establish a foundation for his child but he didn't budge out and is soon gonna killed by you." He chuckles shaking his head. Of course thinking about the way I will be killing him.

"What he wanted to build?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Hospital for the weak-heart people. As you know his child, Nina has a pace maker and the way she suffers he doesn't want to make other children like her to suffocate the same pain." Well, Hunter is not as bad as you think. He may be cold but he always has a soft spot for his child and I like that. Sometimes I do talk to her, she is just like a sister to me.

"Well, you have fifteen minutes to go and get ready. You know what you are gonna wear?" I nod already gagging by imagining those same boring shitty dresses meant to seduce pathetic old men.

I put the dress on, it's a lacy white dress, what the actual crap! I can't wear this idiotic things.

"What the fuck! I am not wearing something which exposes my sacred parts. I am merely 16 I mean soon gonna be, I can't accept this." I say.

"You don't have any choice. Do or die." The woman with black feather mask says.

It's useless to howl or growl at these useless piece of shits. I need to be the strongest one of the mafia world even if I have to wear this 'everything-exposed' dress. I huff nodding my head and walk inside the changing room.

It's a high neck white lace gown. My hair is tied into a bun, my face isn't caked with make up but covered with light one slaying with eye-liner and matt beige lipstick while my ears are covered with medusa mini hoop earrings and that too above the prosthetics which hid my real face. Ultimately finalizing my outfit by wearing white chunky heels.

I head out and they were mesmerized by my look while my head (Don) has his eyes raked upon me with lust and desire. Men!

I walk towards him and punch his stomach lightly making him groan. "Kindly put focus upon me as your child not your mistress or else my first trial will be done upon you. Mister."

Hunter looks upon me and smirks, "Yeah I know but you look quite edible."

I step upon his shoes making another music escape from his mouth and say, "Say that again and I will surely rip off your daughter's throat." With that he pounce upon me while I beautifully make that punch dodge.

I laugh at him and say, "See that's what I need the reaction from you. If it's your family then no one will harm you while you are trying to have sex with someone who can be someone's relative. That's how my dad will feel against you Mister."

Without waiting for any other reaction I walk outside taking Mark and Julie with me.

"Seduce him, make him feel whatever you are doing, all the smooth sways will only be for him."

I snort at her comment and head inside the comforter black car. After couple of minutes we land inside the club where the old man launched a party for his daughter's wedding.

I hit someone's shoulder making me bump against his masculine form. I looked at the owner's piercing grey eyes. Well he can't see the real me cause my face is hidden by face mask or you can say prosthetics. He can only view my original blue eyes.

"Scusa (sorry)." I said.

"Va bene (Its ok.)" He said.

For the first time I am mesmerized by his face. The features are not mature yet his eyes consist of emotions triggering to drop down like a bullet. A sudden cough from behind made me snap out of my trance of thoughts and focus on my mission.

I turn back and look quizzically at the bitch who gives me an innocent look.

"Don't do that again Julie." I say.

"Yeah, Yeah I know but I don't think that I'll let you to enjoy your moment instead of focussing on your work." She says. Cazzo(Fuck).

"Si." I say gathering my courage to face my mission. Tobey was talking with the others while I made my grand entrance wearing lacey mask on my eyes and dance on the given beat.

I shake my body along with the given beat which proposed me to have Tango. I sway my hips and showed what those stupid hormonal creatures needed.

My eyes quickly glance on the sparkling grey ones which look at me intensely making me shiver in delight. Later, I rack my eyes on my prey finding his amused face giving me thumbs up for the next plan. I slowly stride towards him making sure to sway my hips and seductively whisper at his eyes "Hello rich boy."

With those word his eyes pop out and his amused face turn into a smirk. I wink at him and go towards my destination.

After a few minutes he arrives saying, " Non avrei mai pensato che avrei dovuto soddisfare i miei bisogni con un angioletto. vieni a soddisfare tuo padre, piccola."

(Translation: Never thought I am gonna have to satisfy my needs with a little angel. come satisfy your daddy, baby .)

I control myself from rolling my eyes after hearing his statement. I gently stride towards him not leaving my eyes an inch.

I hug him and lift my leg resting it on his hips which let my dress lift up showing my lacy garter. His erection is hard while he place a soft kiss at the crook of my neck making me gag at the moment.

I pull out the needle from my garter and inject him making him unconscious for a moment.

"Done." I say through the ear piece given to me. I put it before entering the room. Mark comes and we both drag him out from the room and shift to the underground.

"Julie, insert the tubes in his skin and make the papers ready to be submitted to Hunter." She nods and after a few minutes Tobey opened his eyes and examined the room he was in.

"Well well well I don't have time to do any sort of craps so I am coming to the point. Sign the papers and I will release you." I say but he laughs saying, "Do you think I am stupid bitch? Why shall I sign those bullshits when I won't get anything in return?"

I hum. "Your proposal will consists either two: one- have sex with me or shall I say 'cazzo me'. Two- money for your economic growth."

He gives his evil smile as I speak, "Turn on the regulator and press the switch. Let this bastard feel the myth to be a vampire where his whole blood will drain away." His eyes bulges out as fear overcome his eyes.

"It has three levels : low, medium and high." I say pointing towards the regulator and continue. "Now it's in low. Sign it and it will be better to turn it off. Count 3..2.."

"I..I.. I will s..Sign." I smirk and look towards Julie who nods her head return. "Turn it off." I order her.

She turns off the regulator and place the paper in front of him while I release his hand and point my dagger at his neck, "Don't be too smart." Instead of any garbage answer he snorts at me making my eyes roll at his attitude.

"Sign." I snarl at him and he bent his head and sign the papers with his hand shaking vigoursly.

After that I release him and say, "Go you are free." His eyes flickers with happiness while I tried to calm down my beat for the next movement.

He quickly runs toward the door but soon the door closed and he jerks back landing his back on the pool of electric current. He shrieks trying withdraw his body with great difficulty wiggling his muscles and making attempts to stand properly.

Once he did, I march towards him wanting to hear what my master wants to but fate has something else when he brought a sharp knife and slid them across my stomach making me flinch back and hold the loss of blood.

You wanna play nasty I do too. With that I pulled the dagger from Mark's lather garther and threw against the person's right eye.

He screams, howls and even growls but no one can hear anything. The pain in my stomach grew heavily but I don't have time for this stupidity. I launch myself towards him pulling out the knife from his eyes letting the blood splash on my face.

"Say what everyone needs to say when they face the wrath of Hunter."

"Please...Please kill me." He begs and I smirk.

"Hand me the gun and I think you are shooting the video Julie." I said and she nods offering a thumbs up.

I take my aim between his eyes and shoot him void of any emotion. The blood that made me feel calm which ooz out from his forehead staining on the harsh floor and some on my dress but I. Don't. Care.

Suddenly I feel nausea and fall down with a thud sound.

After sometime :

I wake up with a sudden pain releasing underneath my dress which make me acknowledge that I too was harmed in the incident. I look up only to find that I was surrounded by Hunter's people. They surely brought me here. I trail my eyes on everyone only to land on Mark and Julie.

Through my eyes I ask them 'Cleared?' They understand the signal and give a slight nod at me and I to them. The door opens and there enters Hunter.

"I am so glad that the first task given to you is fully done which I think there should be an award." He says and a sudden fear erupted within me making me look vulnerable.

He picks up his philadelphia deringer and give it to me which is an utter shock to everyone and even to me. I know it's history. It was made in the year 1865, a small percussion handgun designed by Henry Derringer and the heartfelt shock was its his personal handgun which he never gives to anyone.

I look up to him and he just give his smile which truly warm my heart but not like how you all are thinking. By giving this may be a shock for everyone but also there is a reason behind this offering and I know what it is. The way he trusted upon me and gave me, he needs me to uphold it forever and as now he did his little gesture I need to give him something to make this relation better.

I take a deep breath and pull off the facial mask over mine and another gasp surrounded the room. I know I don't look nice but this might be the least thing I could do to make the bond stronger.

"I commit my life to save your life and that pretty face of yours." He says whereas I give out a small nod.

"I commit my life to serve you and protect your child from every danger." I say whereas he now gives a small nod with a small smile on his face.

"By the way, what you thought when I tried to gave you reward?" He asks with his arm crossed.

"Well I thought you are going to kill me as your mission is accomplished." I say with a shrug.

"It's a test that you passed. Within a blink of an eye he could have been killed but I chose you to see how much you can perform and I am quite satisfied with your result. You are too important to me Oliver." He says and a proud feeling conjured my heart.

I am important.


I open my eyes refilling my mind remembering what happen during those seven years. I am still in the bathroom looking at the huge oval mirror placed above the sink. The wound received that night is still there even though it's faded but it still makes me think of who I was and now. I touch my belly tracing my fingers above the mark and give out a bitter laugh shaking my head.

I come out from the bathroom only to see my room filled with dresses, heels and whatsoever.

I choose one dress out of the hundred and it's nice and quite aesthetic. It's luxe lucia satin gown.

Its a split teal gown with saphegeti strap and V-neckline. I start to apply minimal make-up like matt maroon lipstick and eye-liner on my heart shaped face and beautiful golden floral stud earrings. Ulitmalety complimenting with the gown I choose golden stiletto heels. And I left my hair open revealing my ebony wavy with slight golden strands which hung till my waist.

While making myself ready my dad came from behind and coughs a little for me to turn back.

"Ciao papà." I say while arranging my hair.

(Hello papa)

"Ciao bella figila mia." He says.

(Hello my beautiful daughter)

He gives me a black mask and says, "Wear this and come and yeah insert this chip across your throat and plaster it. It will change your voice." I look at him quizzically.

"Why?" I ask.

He sighs placing his hands across my shoulder and says, "I need you to be safe. No one knows that you are my daughter cause we don't want any harm upon you."

"Again that same boring statement. How many do you think I need to prove myself that I too am capable of fighting against the danger? I too can start a war." I argue.

He gives me a sad smile saying, "I know but always remember that you are my favourite child. I was never as happy as much when I first saw you between Cecilia's arms. After that day I made myself swear to protect you from the danger after all the mafia world is too heavy for your innocence to rupture here."

"I too am strong just like my brother Simon."

"I know but you know this is for your own safety. Please I request you to kindly wear them and come. I beg you my child." A tear rolls down from his tan skin face and I sigh mumbling an "okay."

His eyes lit up and he hugs me tightly saying, "Thank you. Thank you so much." I nod and give him a sweet smile.

"Come fast." My dad says while running down like a teen and I laugh yelling, "."

I lift up the gown and place my black leather harness garter where my dagger is placed inside opal leather handle. Later on I place a small circular metal attached behind my ear.

The party slowly start by welcoming few relatives and then the list goes on and on. My mom's eyes twinkle while talking with the crowds. I take a deep breath and land my foot on the flight of stairs while supporting my left hand on the railing.

Everyone look amazing and I smile at beautiful yet deadly creature who stand unique from everyone, my brother. Once his glance lands on mine he winks at me and I just playfully roll my eyes and walk towards him hugging him.

"Congrats brother." I whisper to him and he replies, "Thanks well today I am really in need of them."

A chuckle escape from my lips and I retreat back, "Even I need the shit to keep it up. Let me go and have a few drinks." He raises his brows, "Since when did you start drinking?"

I shrug walking towards the other side where wines are served.

Seven years, it's been seven years I have been waiting to kill the heir of Yardly family, Simon Yardly. Tonight there is going to be party held in their mansion. Granting information about them became quite tough. I huff adjusting the black bow. I am wearing classic two piece Black tux and a black mask.

I enter inside the hall while my silver platinum watch shone it's way throughout the path. I looked for my prey who is hidden by the crowd.

My eyes flicker to someone I have never seen before. The way she carried her gown through the flight of stairs I am mesmerized by her look. Simple and elegant yet sexy.

She walks towards my prey and they both hug each other evolving a sudden emotion inisde me. I clutch the glass of wine tightly and try to cool down but soon went in vain when she profusely mumbles something in his ear making him nod. The simple act twitch my cock in a hard way.

I take deep breathes trying to control the acceleration done by my heart. I gallop down the whole drink at once and walk to the wine cabin to have some more.

Luckily the bambina is already seated and was having her rum I guess. I smirk at my upcoming ways of how it will look when she will do the same thing to my cock.

I stride towards her pulling out a tool nearby and sat down, she didn't bother looking away from her glass and I cough a little to gain her reaction which was a success. She looks me quizzically with her unique orbs which are-

"Blue. They are called blue if your eyes are where I think." With that she gallop her rum and turn towards my side giving a small smile.

The smile plaster on her face described the calm before storm.

Her everlasting beautiful silky voice makes me want to capture the entire universe and lock it behind the bars for her. I want to take her right here and now. I try to cool myself and after quickly composing my harden cock, I ask her, "Who are you? Well I have never seen such an eyed beauty before."

"Well its good to know your eyes are on unique people like us. I am thankful to that however before clapping hands do look around, there are more beautiful women than me." She says sipping the second rum while looking at Simon. A part of mine feels agitate at the lack of attention pour upon me. I don't know why but for the first time the sound of defeat taste sweet.

"Now, if you excuse me I need to go and thanks for the companship while having drinks. I am thankful to that." With that she walks away not before acknowledging my wishes.

Never in my life I got such a huge rejection yet it pleases me that she isn't like what I thought at first glance. I lift my eyes and found her dancing with the others on the floor. I take my time to visualise her.

She has the heart-shaped face with ebony and golden fleeks on her hair, starry coloured eyes which are now my favourite. I chuckle at how she changed my favourite from black to blue like colour. Her face is scripted with light eyebrows and thick eyelashes. Her nose is pointed and completing her sculpture with apricot plump lips. I wish I could kiss them.

Her height might be around to 5'5 inch and those lovable light tan skin wants me to mark them. Her moves where she sways her ass makes my cock again harden. Cazzo. Suddenly her eyes reminds me of someone I met seven years before. The same pair of eyes that made me fond of.

The party is boring yet my eyes like scavenger search for her. I clearly remember the time I met those eyes.


7 years ago-

"Tobey Norton has invited us to his party. As your mom and I aren't in Miami so I hope you can handle that. Don't make my reputation down." My dad, Valentino Romano speaks. I just roll my eyes knowing that he can't view my act.

"Sì sir." I say with my voice neutral.

He hums and cut the call saving me from any fucking absurd words. I lock my phone trying to calm myself and plaster a fake smile upon my face and head towards the stupid party.

During the party-

I give all of them a fake smile which is quite normal to me as I always have to do to hide my pain and focus on my mission like for example how to kill the Yardly Family. I am just seventeen years old yet I have to make such huge decisions. I sigh and make my way towards the wine cabin and ask for a glass of water.

Hey! Don't get me wrong. I know I can have anything but unfortunately I have to drive by myself as I don't want my face to be on any media as a hit and drive case accident.

As soon as I make my way through the crowd, I bump into someone. Focussing my eyes on her, the first thing attracts me were the eyes of the owner. Never in my millionth life I found those unique eyes. It's a dark shade of blue yet I got hypnotized by them.

She looks at me and I at hers. The perfect body that everyone expects and even now I do. Her lacy gown didn't hide anything except her breasts and her sex area. My cock throbs hard for the first time without touching her.

"Scusa (sorry)." She says with those amazing sweet nectar voice.

"Va bene (Its ok.)" I reply back.

She looks at me for while and when she snaps into reality she turns back and walks away. Finally covering over my daze I too snap out and start to look at my surroundings trying to find her. Later I sigh walking towards the dance floor where Tobey sat.

I look down but when the familiar smell hit me I glance up and find the her dancing not realising who is looking at her and just when she is about to turn she glances at me, her unique eyes were enough to make my cock twitch again.

But soon my hopes got crushed when she walk towards Tobey and they both walk to one of the room. I wait for five fucking hours for her but she never came out. I soon got agitated and threw the glass aside which broke into million pieces and walk outside the club to my house.

I break out from my dream and look at the similar figure having the familiar tango dance. Can she be that young lady I found seven years ago? I slowly walk towards her but then a sudden gunshot made the crowd beg in fear. I look around my surroundings but didn't find anyone. Who can be?

Later on, there were thunderous gunshot thrown upon us. I quickly run behind a table to shoot my aim. I did four but when I turn my left I am shock to see the Angel standing on the table and holding pistol and shooting at her aim as a well known perfectionist. At her back there was someone aiming her while I take the opportunity to shoot at him. She looks at me giving me a curt nod while I shrug.

Suddenly I remember my mission of killing the heir of Yardly kingdom but I want to watch the angel to perform those acts that I wish my soulmate would. But I can't lose this golden opportunity so I slowly stride towards the place where I last found Simon.

But what made me struck in shock is he already laid on the floor with blood oozed out from his pale skin. I think he got it from his mother. A sudden bang made me looked back and found that my people stood behind me.

"Congrats sir we won. Ultimately you killed the rival of the Yardly family." One of them says.

"But I-" my voice is soon cut off from the shots. "It's not safe sir, let's get out from here." One of them speaks.

I sigh and nod my head. One last look at my opponent a sudden thought erupted inside my mind, "Who killed him?"


Hello to all my dear precious goodies. I am glad you all are enjoying this book. Bless me by reading it, voting my book and of course making comments on my book.

This chap has >4000 words.

Kindly Vote and Comment.
Love from Gayatri Das

Editing took time cause this chap is ass long!

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