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Before beginning this new chapter let's again thank Planetposh for always being the best reader ever.

Also thanks to LnDscripts for continuously voting my book. Also again thanks for 10k reads. Omg! The next update will be on 10.5k, till then take care and stay safe.

A/N: Ok I am kinda scared about the toll you all will take when reading this part. The past will be revealed along with confusion lacing at the end.

❝Are you the one we all know?❞

"MAMA." This can't be. How come she is here so early?

"Phoebe Yardly oops my bad Mrs. Phoebe Romano, right?" I squint my eyes in confusion. Later, she handed me the newspaper and today's news headlines were about the marriage or shall I say the fake marriage between Stephan and I.

"What is  this, Phoebe?" I sigh, looking away.

"I want to live my life mama, that's why I married him. Can't I be happy for once?" I ask.

A sigh escapes from her mouth and she hugs me instantly. "I miss you, baby." I smile and hug her back.

"Where is Papa?" I ask, pulling back from the tight embrace. She slaps my forearm but when her eyes land on my cast she looks as if she will be slicing my arms at once. I chuckle awkwardly knowing what would happen.

"What is this Phoebe?" She yells at me, making me flinch back at her voice.

"I fell from the staircase a few days ago," I speak slowly.

She touches the cast hidden underneath the sling pouch and kisses the velvety object. "I hope you get well soon."

I nod my head and again ask her. "Why are you here? And where is Papa?"

"We needed a proper deal in Paris and one of the middlemen introduced us to Mr. Pisano and we came here to join the deal.  Your papa is c-" The door opens and I meet my father.

I rush toward him hugging him tightly. "Papa."

He chuckles and ruffles my hair. "How are you, my princess?" I smile at him.

"I am fine."

He whispers lowly. "The messenger you sent to me, I got it. But are you sure about it?" I nod my head and turn to look at my mother and smile at her.

"Let's go and have our lunch. Shall we?"

I smirk internally as they don't know what will be next. Well, let's just say it's going to be fun to watch their expression.

The whole task is pre-planned and the joining of hands between Pisano and Yardly is done by me. I smile and shake my head walking to the place which I make sure will be available to use right now however for them to visit early isn't the case to my plan.

I savour the taste of crispy rolls and munch it slowly.

"The place looks good." I nod my head in response.

"Why did you marry the killer of your brother, Phoebe?" I pause my munch and look at him and then at my mother who already knows.

I sigh and look down. "I fell for him, papa. The love and care he does no one not even you both did to me. I was strangled to unknown chains not giving me any freedom and right now I am free and even if I fly high I trust Stephan to catch me if I fall." He slams the table jerking the dishes yet I don't flinch.

"Why?" I look at him.

"Why? This is the question I should put against you both. Did you ever take care of me like Simon? Did you ever let me enjoy the nature? Did you ever give me the freedom that Simon has? Pink is not my favourite colour, yet you both are unknown to my likes and dislikes but are quite familiar with my brother's taste. Why?" Tears brim in my eyes but I don't let them fall.

Silence prevails in the dark room just like my soul. "He was the first person who asked me if I was okay." I chuckle lowly.

"Yet it doesn't allow you to fall in love with your brother's murderer." I scoff at him.

I stand up, lifting my purse. I place the card where my recent identity is secured. "Talk to me when necessary or else let's act like an acquaintance we are."

Mama holds my hand and refuses to let me go. I sigh and look at her teary eyes. "I am so sorry for our negligence, baby but please don't leave us. You are the only one who is now our dearest and our responsibility to take care of." My father soothes her back and I slowly sit.

I look around the room where my works are being held, half of the art hangs against the wall while the rest are on the floor. I chose this because the scenery that complies in front of my large window pleases my mind and soul.

"We lost more females." I look at them with a shocked expression.

"How?" Papa shrugs before replying, "We found the culprits but they aren't spitting out names. I think it's, "He looks at me and wants to speak out the name.

"Who, papa?"

"Romano." It can't be and I refuse to believe without evidence.

"They even lost their female. It involves."

"Who?" This time my mama interrupts and we both look at her.

I entered the car, irritated that the news I had hadn't come yet. I turned on the engine and revived the vehicle to life but what I didn't know was the danger of wandering to the given direction the map led me to.

The sudden jump on the roof of my car alerted me. The punches above me weren't humane but robotic hands. I swiveled the car at the edge of the street hoping to lessen the grip the intruder had. My punches were static as if the force I tried to inject had no impact.

The destination to my next target may wait before I remove this leech above me. I shift up the gear ahead speeding up the speedometer and raising the odometer at once, rushing toward the end road before pressing the emergency brake paddle making the person jerk and fall at the hood of the car.

I smirked at him and pulled the gun with me opening the door. The black-masked man jumped from the hood with his one arm well covered with steel arm.

"Who are you?" The deserted place didn't carry any network and I was a few blocks behind the main road and also the power to connect with the network so it wasn't necessary to waste my energy calling the people.

The pre-installed map locations helped me to settle the pathways. But the person in front of me thinks that action speaks louder than words so he did what he thought, he punched me.

I quickly dodged the blow. "Woah man, I know that action speaks louder than words but that doesn't mean without hello we will be fighting. At least tell me why are you here?" Another punch to be dodged. I am not interested in attacking him so his every attack was in the defence zone to me.

One of his punches landed on the hood of the car smashing the black metal. I gasped in horror thinking about his strong metallic arm. He made it as an advantage cause I didn't notice when the punch flew and hit my stomach. "Omph." I whimpered in pain.

Suddenly punches flew towards me and my low attempt at preventing my face didn't do any good. I groaned against the muscular man.

When he attempted to punch me directly in my face, a shot was blown and he fell aside. Blood oozed out from my nostrils and my head spins like shit.

The figure in front of me appears two. I furrowed my brows tightly to form a figure which was none other than Jason. He quickly approached me, lifting me and we headed towards any local hospital.

I winced in pain when the doctor injected the syringe. I grabbed Jason's hand tightly and asked him, "How come you know about my location?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"You initiated the tracker device in your car."

"But there was no network service., I argued back.

"The GPS inside your smartphone works in two different ways. When you have a data connection, your phone uses Assisted GPS or A-GPS and I tracked that one." I hummed in response appreciating his knowledge.

I got down but winced when millions of pain shot up in my abdomen. I clutched my stomach wincing in pain.

"I thought that you wouldn't come but guess my heart wanted to deny it and when I located you I jumped in action cause you were in that place for the past thirty minutes." I slapped his arm angrily. He should have helped me but he needed to flex himself.

"Oh, sorry." I rolled my eyes and grunted when pain again layered but I didn't pay any attention to it.

"Lift me you moron." I gritted my teeth.

He lifted his eyebrow which he failed miserably "You should know you are allowed to be in bed not outside. You should rest not stand and become a Wanda woman." I huffed and sat down rolling my eyes at his order.

"After a few days, you will be discharged Oh yeah I forgot that your phone has been broken so I took the SIM card and the SD card and later I will buy a new phone and insert the essentials into it." I shook my head. If someone put a tracker into my phone no doubt it will also track my current location.

"I will do the necessary just give me the SIM and SD card." He nodded his head and from his back pocket, he gave me. I thanked him rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes with a thought of who was following me.

After a few days, I got discharged from the hospital booked a cab through Jason and headed towards my home. I can assure you my mother will eat me alive while my father will chop me down not if I give a pre explanation about my whereabouts.

Within half an hour we reached my front gate and I thanked the cab driver. I waited for a while to see that the car was no more took a U-turn and headed towards my house.

My footsteps were always like the cat's paw all thanks to the strong enforcement by the teachers to walk like a lady. Just when my hand touched the door it cracked open. I took out my gun waiting for any sudden sound or movement but when none I slowly opened it and walked around.

Suddenly the sound of a glass gets broken from the room held across the hall. I tip-toed and headed towards it. My suspicions arose as the room belonged to none other than my mother.

"How can you kill your daughter, mama?" I paused at the familiar voice.

"My daughter, no Phoebe isn't my daughter. How many times do I have to tell your daughter she isn't my daughter? She is the daughter of Cecelia who died and I took her as a replacement. Everything that she had never was mine and now when it is no one I can assure you no one will take my power. I will  make you the heir of the Yardly family and e itven if I have to kill that bitch I will happily oblige to perform the task."

Never in my life, I thought I'd get heartbroken. Even a stupid boy wasn't worth breaking my strong heart but guess it says only the ones closer to us have the power to kill and it happened to me. Tears rolled down my eyes and I wiped them off.

"Caroline, you may be my mother but do remember you weren't there for me and now I belong to Rizzo kingdom, not yours and stop this pathetic shit and if ever Phoebe gets alive and knows you were behind this. God forbid you pray you are better off dead." I smirked at the other voice and looked at my so-called mother.

She wiped her tears and whispered. "Romano kingdom will also be yours as my plan is now moving how I want it to along with Yardly kingdom. Don't you want it too?"

"No. I want your love but now that I think of," The voice boomed through the silent room.


"It was better if Cecelia was alive rather than you." But she couldn't deliver more as the sound of slap echoed through the room and I walked away from the scene.

I wiped down the tears and with bloodshot eyes whispered to myself ,"Are you the one we all know?" Who knows how many depths of secret is kept hidden in this kingdom.?

I smirk at my mother, resting my elbows on the edge of the table and placing my face between the palms. "It's you, my mama."

Her eyes widen in shock.  "What?" She screeches. Even Father stands up and tends to slap me but the name that rolled out from my mouth pauses him.

"Hello, Caroline."

I never thought I would be exposing the names of the culprits so soon but now looking at the chapters I realise it's good to have it now so that the book can end within the limited number of chapters rather than extending it. Don't worry if you are confused you will get to knowwowow about their past has the real incident that caused Romano and Yardly to be enemy.

It's been a while since I have updated certain susasseknowou have your kind of theory do comment and enemies.

Kindly Vote and comments.

Love from Gayatri Das

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