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Ok, I am sorry for the late update. I made it right now without any proper editing so if there's any part that needs to be edited please comment and inform me. Thank You.

Hey brother it's me, your Phoebe.

"Touch me I dare you to." My eyes are deadly. The way his fingers tried to wrap around my wrist is urgent and mine to kick his balls is more urgent.

"Georgia, are you okay?" I nod my head and try to stand up.

Stephan rushes towards me, hovering my body with his yet a part of my face reveals to them which only shows the power of the lioness radiating her dominance around her territory. Touch her, and you die.

"Step away you fuckers." Stephan says calmly and tries to insert me inside the car which wasn't successful due to the stab of the knife at his back. I flinch when drops of blood blotch my face.

"Fuck." Let's welcome the Killer that I never met in my life.

His grey eyes darken and a pitch-black olive around his iris, making him look hotter. Gosh, my hormones.

He turns back kicking at the man's groin earning a scream. He snatches the knife and shoots at another target while I, being unknown to this world put my facade of being scared for which I have to scream at the typical diplomatic scene. Damn, I need popcorn.

The way he flaunts his muscles while stretching his arms and hitting his prey, let's be honest I am wet. I stand rooted in my place enjoying the view and making no moves. He lunges upon his rival pulls out the dagger from the man's back and stabs him repeatedly creating a hole.

When his eyes land on mine I inhale and close my eyes. My eyes flicker with no fear or remorse which will easily target Stephan about my feelings and I can't let that happen. I turn back and open my eyes wide trying to cry but the liquids don't come down.

"Georgia, watch out." I turn back only to crash against the knife the person held.

He smirks looking at me while I roll my eyes knowing that my sight is well hidden from this man's back. "Say hello to Hell as you are going to die."

I whisper lowly. "And say bye to yourself 'cause you soon gonna poop."

The knife is near to my skin for stabbing me but with a quick force that Stephan makes, the man's face is the beautiful structure of the hard rock oozing out blood from his face as he repeatedly hits the opponent's face against the floor. I watch the situation emotionlessly but quickly enough to bring the fear and quivering of lips to portray my emotion.

Stephan hugs me tightly and whispers, "Mi dispiace così tanto che per me tu debba affrontare queste circostanze."

(I am so sorry that for me you have to face this circumstance.)

He thinks that I don't know Italian but I feel like apologizing to him for knowing what he had told me. I hug him tightly yet keep an eye open.

"Find a hiding spot, okay?" I nod my head and search for a hidden spot. Like seriously? No. Of course not I am going to get fully know about his way of an altercation.

He again tries to cover me up kicking and jabbing out people slowly walking away from me.

"Stephano, watch back." But he is too engrossed in killing the man that he didn't know that someone is going to kill him from back.

I quickly pull out the dagger from my slot and hit the person right across his chest making him fall upon Stephan. He pauses his work and turned back and straight at my eyes. Shit.

I quickly break the eye staring and looking down. Fuck fuck fuck.

He pulled out the dagger and oh shit my name is imprinted as Oliver on the shiny object. The name which fits me is a sniper.

He kills all his prey yet keeps his eyes on me but I stand on my spot trying to show that he doesn't intimate me in reality, the way his muscles flex when he contracts his arms bulging out the skin under his blue shirt and peeling out the skin of his enemy keeping his Killer profession in the process.

Or the way his eyes twitch in amusement when someone takes a different route yet the same tactics. Nope, na, nahi, no, anio. He isn't creating any friction below me.

"Who the fuck are you?" His voice roars the street making me shudder.

"I-I a-am P-" My eyes widen when a man rushes towards our direction.

"Stephan." I shriek and push him away only to get stabbed right across my heart. Fuck.

Am I going to die that easily like my brother? How will he act when I reach Hell and say-

"Hey brother, it's me your Phoebe."

Holy I am screwed.

Georgia falls on top of mine and thankfully the call to my men made them reach but can I say it was done late? Damn, yes. I hug her not knowing what to do. Why did you do this? Who you are? What's your motive?

Georgia is full of questions. One question will lead to another and then the other only to create a loop ending in the beginning. I roar at my men ordering them to quickly inform the call of an ambulance.

I close my eyes while placing my hand on the dagger and pulling it out within a second making her yelp in pain at the cause action creating a reflex action to hold my shirt tightly. I look at her, like truly looked at her. The serenity she trespasses across her pale skin and the blotches found underneath her collar while discarding her top to prevent any fiber to adjoin her blood.

Her eyes are hooded and soon she tries to close her eyes. I slap lightly across her cheek to keep her awake. "Georgia, stay awake the ambulance is coming."

She groans, and her chest displays blood across it. The wound is not that deep from the way she prevented it from entering it by jabbing her internal organ as if she knows the accurate angle of any strike done by her rival.

"I don't want to stay alive." She mumbles slowly. The bags underneath her eyes clarifies about the sleepless night she has.

"Stay awake not for me but for you. Stay awake."

She slowly opens her eyes and smiles at me. "It's for the first time I am being told to be alive for myself."

With that, she again dozes off to sleep.

The night passed by with my mind dragging out every piece of information I try to acquire from her. My mind is furious yet calmness evolves around me. Our marriage card has arrived which was thrown inside the drawer and kept safe.

"Sir, we found out that no name of Georgia Holland lives in Barcelona. Also, the information she gave you was false. We searched thoroughly but no name and face related to her were found."

The same line that they repeated is as if mocking my trust in someone. I fist my palm and threw all the objects from the desk giving out a loud growl. "The woman whom I trusted the most backstabbed me," I rerepliedockingly.

Those eyes are now the sentence to my death.

"Find out who the fuck she is?"

One of them was quick to respond. "We indeed the search but found little to nothing about her."

Then who kn-

"Call Lorenzo."

My my my what do I see guys? Will her dear security name get ruptured? It was sudden tbh I didn't think I would make this but HEY! That's what we say irony and my irony was to create a little squashy thing but played against it. Don't worry the upcoming chapters will lead you in/out of misery. *pulls you close to whisper* VOTE BITCH.

Also, the upcoming updates will be a little slow sorry in advance. Bye and take care.

Kindly Vote and Comment.

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