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A LITTLE BIT OF SNEAK PEAK BEFORE YOU READ: A sudden action will even make you stunt.

A huge thank you for making me achieve 850 votes and 8.5k reads. I love you all. A small request to all my readers to grant me 9.5K reads and then the next update will be there.


❝Le tue labbra hanno un sapore delizioso.❞

THE NIGHT SHINES with lights. I guess it's pretty much official that rich people tend to flex through parties even though it's gala where we are heading off to, my only motive is to gallop as much food as I can store in my stomach.

I dramatically release a breath clutching the slim of my hand support slowly unclip it and then check the cast if it's displaced slightly. Satisfied by it I slowly put down the gown given by Stephan. It wasn't made of any heavy stuffed materials located around my neck or waist but a simple V- neckline saphegeti strap slit red gown.

I put in the hand support and later do my make-up. To be honest it's getting on my nerves now even though I rejected Stephan to let any make-up artist or anyone help me I thought he would at least protest. I guess that's what I get after trying to be his enemy.

The red matt lipstick smears on my lips making them look more plump. I give out a nice strike at the end of my eye after putting the number of foundations to plant upon my face with fairness. I guess there needn't be any light in the gala, my face will be enough to light them up. I giggle at my useless joke and comb my hair and after a deep thought, I make my decision to let them down revealing the natural wavy locks.

I put a cowry pendent thigh leg chain on the leg which was exposed. The cold metal rose goosebumps causing me to shiver. I walk toward the shoe shelf and pick up the red stilettos. Looking at my bare fingers I put a diamond cut ring while on my other hand the fake engagement ring has been placed.

"Are you ready?" Stephan asks from behind the closed door.

I open the door and welcome his appearance only to get awestruck by his figure. The gel on his curled hair didn't do any good so I ruffled it making him look angry.

"What? You look better without those stupid gel." Later, I accessed his outfit. The black small bow knot tie is tied around his solid white dress shirt with button studs and French cuffs. The tux with notch lapels and the onyx cufflinks along with the waistcoat make his appearance look like the Greek God which he finished with polished calfskin dress shoes.

"Did you choose any wristwatch?" I ask him getting a little too excited to choose if he didn't.

He looks puzzled but shakes his head. I smile brightly and with the uninjured hand drag him to his room to fetch out the perfect watch.

My eyes settle on the R-black gold in silver dial analog watch and give it to him to wear. He eyes me quizzically but approves of my taste. He puts his wallet at the back of his pocket and handkerchief in front of his breast pocket. He then puts his phone inside his coat and looks at me.

"Let's go. I don't want to start baby baby-making process the way you are watching me." I stop whatever I am doing and hit his chest lightly.

"Oh, can you bring my purse?" I ask him and he nods his head quickly entering my room and bringing the purse and then we both head out to the Gala. The paintings we made will be presented later to them. I don't know why but in this Gala my brain fuses to accommodate that something will happen but what? Even I don't know.

"Why are we going tonight if not presenting the paintings?" I ask him while we sit in the car.

"We made a huge deal of business and that's why to celebrate its grand success along with the partnership with another company they called us. After a week they will again host a party for his wife Carlotta's birthday." I nod my head in understanding that means we are going to shake hands and eat.

I look at the other side where my mind reels up with the other company. Who is that other company? My mind buzzes with the queries while the driver takes us to the Gala that maybe even I now fear to go.

The cameras flash at our faces while we smile and look at each other with fake love and care. His cold grey eyes soften when he looks at me and in place of any sinister grin, I find a gentle smile on his face and the way he holds me makes me feel like we are the unknown puzzle fit to be together.

We walk on the red carpet which gives me the vibe of a Victorian model. We smile dodging questions like 'Who is she?', 'Is it true that she is your wife?', 'Are you happy?', 'Is she another item of your one-night stand?'.

I look at the crowd and smile sweetly grabbing one of the reporter's mic and speaking softly. "I feel like I am the Queen of those headlines. Thank you so much for all of your warm questions thrown at me. I guess my life turned out to be the public key to all of you. It's quite fascinating knowing some of you are just going to spice up the given news so whyn't you all do what you were supposed to?"

My smile stretches as I gaze at them and drag Stephan along with me which is difficult to carry the heavy pounds of his body yet I can only manage.

The chandelier hangs above us illuminating light combined with the rest. I hold Stephan tightly eyeing my situation around trying to find any loophole.

"Don't worry, these we are safe here. Diego came before us and already took care of our surroundings." He whispers near my ear creating goosebumps on my skin and pulling those little hair up. I shiver delightfully, unable to keep the stoic face anymore.

I think he witnessed the reaction as expected and chuckled lowly. "Grazie tesoro, di stare a mio favore."

(Thank you, sweetheart, to stand on behalf me.)

I can only nod my head at the amount of power he suddenly had on me, especially on my body. The person whom I thought would bow down in front of me is now standing his head high while I bow to him. I clutch the fabric of my gown angry at myself at how submissive my role turned out to be.

I am still afraid of the proximity we held between us. One swift turn at him and our lips will clash. The soft touch binds my soul and heart and I am afraid that it will happen tonight even if my brain says no while my heart beats rhythm at the thought of us kissing. I am scared that I will like it or maybe love it.

"Mr and Mrs. Romano." Our trance of thoughts breaks apart as we both look at the intruder.

I smile at him who has a beautiful woman beside him.

"Hello," I say.

He smiles at me and then at Stephan. "Hello Stephan, didn't know man we will meet like this. I am so happy that the deal we hold again brought us together."

Stephan keeps his stoic face eyeing up at the woman who smiles at him yet the sense of hesitation and fear rises in her eyes. I squint my eyes in confusion at the sudden tension prevailing among us.

But then my thought breaks into consideration. "Mr. Pisano?"

He smiles at him and sighs. "Finally you got to know me, Mrs. Romano. Hello, I am Sebastian Pisano nice to meet you and meet my wife Carlotta Pisano."

I have a firm shake with her just to realize to her that with one wrong step at mine, I will not hesitate to carve her.

She gets the motto yet she doesn't back away. "You women talk about gossip while we go ahead and chat with others and I forgot to say Mrs. Romano." I turn to look at Sebastian who smiles softly. "I pray you get well soon." I nod my head in return appreciating his concern.

He returns his gaze towards his wife who looks at him with love-filled eyes. He whispers lowly yet I could make it out."E se ti fa qualcosa, non esitare a chiamarmi."

(And if she does anything to you, don't hesitate to call me.)

I snort as if I don't know what they are talking about. I smile in relief as they both walk away not before Stephan kissing my temple which is a surprise to both of us. I think he got too engrossed in his act of being a loving caring husband to me.

"How does Stephan treat you?"

I narrow my eyes at her and place my right hand on her shoulder which is bare as she is wearing a golden off-shoulder gown praising her with the makeup and hairstyle. I smile at her sweetly, too sweet that can cause diabetes.

"Listen here Mrs. Pisano he is the only one who touches me, please me as I want to, worship me like the Goddess, and thank me for being in his life. So I think that answers to your question."

Her eyes brim with tears and just when I thought of giving a counterattack she jumped upon me and hugged me tightly. "I am so happy that he finally met his mate."

I eye her movements and try to trace any mistake made by her but when I can only find sincerity, I sigh and hold her wrist what surprises me the most is when she winces.

I look at Stephan and Sebastian and quickly pull Carlotta toward the female restroom. I lock the door and turn back. "Show me your wrist."

She walks back and I toward her. I pull the tissue out from the steel container, wet it, and grab Carlotta's hand, wiping the layer off slightly and examining the paper. Indeed it holds a foundation.

The brown lines trap her frail skin. I inspected the bruise and sighed. "How did it happen?"

She wriggles from my clutch but I am not having it. I hold her forearm tightly. "Tell me, Carlotta."

Her eyes widened and drops of tears fell from her eyes yet she wasn't having it. "We women are always fragile just like how society wants. Don't speak, don't dress like slut, don't open your eyes, let your eyes down, don't be late or else we will know you are whoring around blah blah blah."

Her body shakes and then she breaks. She holds my shoulder for support and I soothe her back. "Marks on your body may suit the owner but remember not all marks or bruises signify love the worst will come and he won't bother."

"Why? Just why? I did everything to make myself worth of. I did everything he ordered me to but no he found something or the other to push me away. His marks now." She pauses, pulling her away from me but my eyes widen when she soon starts rubbing her skin with the glittery purse causing scratches and due to pressure on some regions, it starts to bleed.

I quickly snatch her purse away throwing it aside. "It hurts so much. Aren't I worth of?"

I hug her again while she cries her heart out. I slowly whisper to her, "You are but sometimes while in search of love don't forget to tear apart the world even if you need to kill the love of your love if find your true self. I believe in you that you still have the potential to flee away from his grasp. Just remember sometimes little sacrifices are worth it."

She looks at me while I nod my head at the sight of approval.  She surprises me with a timid smile.

"Even Stephan knows." My smile slowly fled away.

"What?" I narrow my eyes at the sudden tinge of jealousy. Did he fuck her? Was she another piece of item in his fuck-up bucket list?

"He tried several times to help me escape from the prison but failed miserably." Is there any sign of love held between them? And if so I will tear it apart. I fist my hand trying to overcome the sudden bitter emotion swirling inside me.

"Oh, so did he fuck you?" Her eyes widen at my cold accusation but then she laughs.

"No, no, it's not what you think. Stupid me, he is a brother to me. Stephan always protected me from others but who knew that his friend would turn out to be the monster." Just when I was about to reply somebody knocked at the door. We both jerk back and I quickly tap the bottle to pull out a napkin and cleanse her face and the smear of her liner ruining her perfect face.

"Is anyone inside doing something private can walk up to the first floor and have it but please spare this restroom. My bowl needs to get empty." We giggle and somehow the fear of her husband and my fake husband getting us caught dissipates.

We hurry quickly opening the door and allowing the old lady to enter. She eyes us suspiciously but doesn't say anything.

She quickly puts out the foundation and applies it to the newfound wounds. She flinches every time she puts it. I don't say anything and walk out from there and head to the bar. I order rum and wait for the waiter to finish my order.

I yelp when someone squeezes my butt. My eyes shoot a glare at the person. "Do have the decency to touch others after granting permission from them," I speak lowly.

The person laughs and extends his hand to shake. I eye it and then at him. "If you think I am going to shake on that shit which a few moments ago touched my private area I am sorry mister but no thanks."

"Armani Ferrari and what's your name beautiful?" I snort at his cliche remark but don't say anything.

Yet, he doesn't move back. "The way your hand wrapped around the glass, I wish it was on my dick. But damn, you can surely be a tease."

I smile at him gulping down the rum and again look at him. "Let me tell you something." It spikes his interest while I want to scoff at his eagerness, men.

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue." I smirk as I continue my rhyme.

"I have five fingers
And the middle one is for you." I flip him the bird and walk out not before stomping my heels on his leather shoe.

"You surely a tease." This type of virus should be removed. I roll my eyes and continue to walk only to grab by him. He makes me turn back and I glare at his intrusion. His body clings to mine and if anybody looks from far away it will look as if we are kissing.

"Step back from her." The cold voice belongs to none other than Stephan. I internally thank him for saving me from such creeps.

Armani glances at him and as if his voice stopped at the larynx he doesn't say anything. I swiftly change my position and right now I am behind Stephan who is still glaring at Armani.

"Next time work productively just like your suit, Armani." Stephan mocks his name and we both head out of the view.

"Thanks for saving me." I don't get any response. We both walk together to the dance floor where Stephan pulls me towards him and we start to dance in a slow rhythm keeping up the pace of the music.

"Did he kiss you?" The sudden question pops up and I glance at him.

"No, he didn't." He sighs and the sudden tight grasp he has around my waist loosens.

"I am sorry." He twirls me around him with his other hand back and we again get hold of each other in our arms. I swayed my hips at the sudden change of the tone of the music, it was kind of sensual. The low beats, the dim lights, and the closure between us didn't at all help me to think of something kinky.

How it will look when I slowly rest my leg at his hip and pull him close to me, the thumping of heartbeats could be heard and the slow movement of his hands will delight my inner core when he placed his hand on my inner thigh with the help of slit, inching close to my sex. The way his fingers inch to my panties as slowly as he can and dive his fingers into my sex-

Wait a minute! Did I just openly visualize having sex with Stephano? Oh Gosh! What's wrong with me?

His hot breaths fan my face and when our eyes clash as if ice and storm clink together. His head slowly gets down at my height and his eyes scan my lips while I analyze his actions. Just when we are about to get connected, he halts his act as if snapping out of his trance of thoughts and looks at me with fierce eyes.

"It won't happen." He murmurs and walks out leaving me alone in a bizarre mood.

We spoke with everyone and thanked Sebastian for welcoming us but during that period when I looked at Carlotta, a sudden fierce erupted in her eyes and a certain determination to do the task. I hope I get to watch it on tomorrow's news headlines.

"It's a pleasant meeting you too, Mrs. Müller." Stephan keeps his gaze on the elderly couple and plays the role of a perfect husband.

"We are glad to work with a young and lovely couple like you. You both will be the best examples to the generations." I want to roll my eyes at their trance of stupidity but keep my mouth shut.

"So I guess our deal is done?" Stephan asks.

"Yes, Mr. Romano, and we are glad to join our hands with you but before that, we need some approvals and I guess you know that." He nods his head. "Well, then we are glad to have you with us."

"Same here." He murmurs back and sips his drink.

"I think it's time we have to go. Nice meeting you Mr and Mrs. Romano." I smile at them.

"Oh, we too are going let's drop you." They smile and walk out while I am being dragged at every corner Stephan wants me to.

We drop Müller to their car and walk toward ours. He opens the passenger seat and I thank him. Still a gentleman I guess.

I settle down and we both head to the mansion but now my mind only reels at the proximity we had at that time. So, I pull the handbrake roughly halting the car.

"What-" Stephan snaps at me but I am busy uncliping the seatbelt and sitting on his lap.

"What are you doing Ms. Sweet?" I smile at him and whisper. "The crime that should have been done earlier."

"And what crime?" I smirk at him, tugging his collar with my right hand and smashing my lips on his, crafting blissfulness and contentment to both my brain and my heart.

"Le tue labbra hanno un sapore delizioso." He murmurs.

(Your lips taste delicious.)

And it's done. They fu*king kissed. After the 25th chapter, they made a sinful mistake. Don't get me wrong I was confused on my journey as to where we are going. But again my mind filled with certain plots driving me into writing it at 1 am.

And I think it's finally a long chapter, now eyeing aside I found out it's>3300 words. Interesting and yeah if you may be blaming Phoebe as to how she stopped her vengeance against the Romano well the next chapter will speak about her real plan till then be patient and cope with my shitty writings.

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