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PSA: Oliver, Georgia and Phoebe are the names of the same person so don't get confuse goodies.

Phoebe is her real name,
Oliver was her fake name when she was sniper,
Georgia is the current fake name she is using to cover up any traces which connected her with mafias.

Shit. Shit. Shit. A huge piece of shit my life has become. The time when I thought no one could surpass me here comes one more gang and God knows who the fuck they are paddling between me and my prey and again the similar pair of eyes I met, the same bolt of electricity passed by when I touched her. Georgia. Can she be the one but then she doesn't have those black hair like the woman had. But can she be the one I was wandering around or there is someone else?

I clutch my hair and scream out loud. Those starry eyes will surely be the dead of me.

"Stephan, we searched every place but didn't find that Antonio," Diego says.

"Then where the fuck is he? Did I eat him up in my lunch? Nonsense," I hit my knuckles against the wooden desk hard and lift my body from the chair and look at him with dead eyes.

"I. Want. That. Woman. Who. Snatched. My. Prey," I say with my teeth gritting against each other.

"Sir, now I got to know that the arrival of Antonio Russo was at 10pm," What the fuck? My man came rushing inside the hall.

"So who the fuck called me and informed me about his arrival then?" I shout at them. They jerk back at the loud amount of voice inflicted but I don't care.

"We try to search the location of the person who called you but," He stops saying and I growl at him making him continue his sentence, "-But the location showed of this place."

Who could have done that? Location cloning. It needs a damn computer technician. Is Georgia?

I turn and walk towards them making them bow their heads down. "I am going to my apartment and yeah Deigo, do sell the drugs, my paintings are right at the left room adjacent to his hall. Insert them in the paintings."

He nods his head and Caleb follow behind him. If somehow I find out its you Georgia I swear to Hell, at first your eyes will be the one taken away from you.


"Ouch," I yelp at the pain I receive from the antiseptic liquid pour on my wound. My hair is being dye in blonde and more 2 minutes and I am going to wash them off.

Washing my whole body which is now filled with blood and wound makes me a beast, a monster and especially a maniac. 'Women' the word itself makes people think that they are vulnerable but once they try to prove their existence no one can surpass them. The complications used in any crime always get the upholds of being a woman. They twist and turn even a simple line and that's what makes them devil in disguise.

The blood gets wash out and insert into the tiny hole located at the corner of the white tiles. A normal person will probably faint if he/she looks at my condition in the bathroom eventually resulting to have paralytic attack. I laugh maniacally about the darkness in my life which is slowly consuming me. If ever my soulmate comes and rescues me I will be glad but if he too is the darkness then surely we both will drain our life and soul in the hands of Satan.

The eyes of mine which shine with light is diminished and now a new colour arises, black.

I can't reach fully at my back which results in nothing. The sudden bang at my door jerk me from my seat and I quickly ask Alisha, "Who is at my door?"

"Mr. Stephan Romano, Phoebe."

Holy shit! Did he get to know it was me? Again a harsh bang make me turn on the shower and wash my hair, then using a small towel I wrap my hair and a bigger one for my body. I take approximately 2 to 3 minutes and I know the explosion is too near and as soon as I open the door, it burst.

"Why the fuck you were taking so long to open the door, Georgia?" His eyes are close which means he didn't see me. I cough a little to let him open his eyes which soon wide awake and I can see the crimson colour soon taking surface on his cheeks.

"I am sorry for coming out late," I say with small smile playing on my lips.

This seem to snap him out from his gaze and the softness is replaced with anger. "Oh so you would come out wearing only this towel and meet the stranger if it wasn't me. How could you ? Do you know in this 21st century, the bad ones act like the good ones and harm restless people like you?"

I fold my arms and look at him. After I know that he had finished his line I roll my eyes and pull him into my apartment and lock my door. "Now it would have happened if I was standing out with you and yeah I came out after knowing it's you and I know you won't pull some crap like that."

He seems shock at my statement and then pulls out a sheepish smile."Oh, I didn't know Georgia, that you would know me so well. I hope one day I will surely pull out the stunt of being inside you."

Wh-what is he saying? No no no, shit, and ladies and gentlemen the blush appears.

He gives out his hearty laugh and I turn back to hide it.

"Who did this to you?" He grits out the words and I sigh.

I turn back and he is in front of me, unwrapping the towel from my head exposing my hair. His eyes glue at my hair and then he sigh, as if it was a relief.

"Now tell me, how did you get hurt?" He looks at me and for the first time the cockiness inside him gets pause and emotions are coming out.

"Uh, Oh yeah umm I tried to pull out the glasses from the top shelf and due to slopes the glasses fell down and I slipped out and my back fell down and hit the broken glasses." His eyes shut close and open them to reveal the pain mirroring to mine when I received them.

He pulls me to sit down on my couch and walks inside, knowing that he is going to search the kit box I say. "It's in the bathroom."

He comes out carrying the first aid box and pulls me and enter in my bedroom. "Pull down your towel."

I clutch my towel tightly not understanding the situation. He sighs and says, "I'll close my eyes and turn around. You rest your body with your back at front so that I can put the ointment on your wound." My inside flutter with warmth.

I nod my head and pull down the towel and take the given position while covering my lower body with the quilt.

I cough while whispering, "You can turn."

I can hear the footsteps arriving nearer to me and then the bed dip letting me know that Stephan has sat on the bed. The antiseptic liquid on my wound made me clutch the pillow tightly and I whine lowly. He cleans my wound and put ointment on it, with such gentleness as if at any moment the wound would pierce out making me view the Death God. He take the bandage and wrap it around my chest.

And during the entire stunt pull by him literally take some place in my heart which flutter with warmness against my enemy. I know it's wrong but what to do? Come se il mio cuore accettasse il criminale della mia famiglia.

"Gracias," I say in Spanish.

"Benvenuta," He replies which I eventually understand that it's welcome.

He stands and says, "Need any help I am just a call away and yeah did you throw away the broken glasses?"

I nod my head and soon the urge to sleep overcomes and I mumble, "Good night."


I slowly let my eyes open to accept the daylight of a new chapter for me to write on. I sigh. What the freak happen to my mouth babbling like a Literature Pro. I snap out from the loud snoring coming from my couch. I access the invader and sigh in content knowing that it's Stephan. Wait a second. My eyes wide at the revelation, what the heck is he doing here?

I get up from my bed but hiss at the sudden increase in the amount of pain on my wound. "Ouch."

His eyes wide open and turn to look at me, I smile at him even though my eyes reflect the pain at the present moment.

"Good morning," I say hoarsly.

He nods his head replying, "Good morning. You don't have to come if you don't want to."

I shake my head "It's okay and yeah my wage will be cut off by the number of days I miss my seat," He chuckles.

"Fine. Get ready and let's go together."

I start to protest but one look from him made me stop complaining. I walk towards the bathroom carrying my toiletries and clothes for my office.

I choose clothes for today as white long square neck puff sleeves and black peg pants. I cover my earhole with diamond stud earrings and the same 'G' locket around my neck. I applied minimal make-up on my face. I tie my hair to a high bun and lastly towering my height wearing beige Ankle-Strap heels.

"Are you ready?" The voice says from behind me causing me to startle and turn my face away from the mirror.

"Yeah but the bandage-" I quickly change the course of statement.

"No, it's not visible." As if I am an open book to the Devil who is looking at me with calm attitude.

I nod my head and carry the black tote bag along with me and head out with the Devil. But saying others devil doesn't mean that I aren't one. I am a part of them or I may hold the upper hand to them.

The journey from my apartment to the office is eerie silence. I don't know why but a part of me is suddenly overwhelmed with the sudden amount of nervousness rising in my body. I follow wherever his lead goes and at last we reach to our destination.

"Good morning sir," Natasha says. She has a medium height with wheatish colour and dark eyes to match her face perfectly along with the oval shape she presents to the world. I don't talk to her but know more than her.

Sicily is a city full of dead corpses. We never know if we start to dig out the pit of our building we may encounter hundreds of skeleton lying underneath us.

The territory of Sicilian mafia are: Italy, US, Venezuela, Canada and South Africa. Even though they are covered by the mask of smiles of innocent in front of the world while their backs are connected the at the head of shotguns forcing emotions to appear which wasn't the real one.

Racketeering, drug trafficking, murder, extortion, loan sharing, assault, smuggling, terrorism, illegal gambling, prostitution, theft, money laundering, arms trafficking, fraud, fencing, kidnapping, robbery etc are under the pit of this land yet no one is allowed to shout. I sigh at the displacement of my thoughts and quickly snap out from my thoughts.

"Stephan baby." I turn back only to get collide by a snarky bitch. She shove past me and pounce upon Stephan causing his imbalance position but quickly recover from it.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He growls at the fake creature who surely made her whole body with the mask of bigness and remove her from him.

She intentionally steps on my foot making me yelp in pain. I look at her deadly but however Stephan did something making me laugh out loudly.

As soon as she again lunge upon him again like a predator he steps aside making her fall down with her face kissing and licking the white floor. Her black lace panties is in a display zone which makes me laugh louder. I caught hold of the nearest object and rest my hand on it and try to catch some breath placing a hand on my chest to ease the race of my breath.

I look at her and again burst into laughter. "Yo-you lo-ok li-like a mer-maid lift fr-from the sea w-without her ta-il."

She lifts herself and looks at me with dead eyes while I roll my eyes at her useless attitude. She walks towards me and try to grab some fistful of my hair which I didn't let it happen and push her away. "Be a guest in this office and walk out from here as if your request got rejected by us or I have a better option to make you out," I say with eerie voice.

She folds her arms and looks at me. "Or what, huh? I am Stephan's girlfriend and I can come whenever I want to."

Girlfriend? Clap hands for this bitch.



"Let me ask you one question and if you can you will stay and I will walk out."

Her pride was too much and I will make sure she falls again and kiss my feet. "Okay. After all I know Stephan more than you."

"Okay, so if we add green and yellow, what colour comes out?"

She looks at me with her brows furrow and asks, " What type of fucking question is that?" See, the statement didn't need the word f yet she used it to make it look like high class.

"Let me rephrase it again. Green plus yellow is equal to?"

Her fishy mouth stops for a while and then she again yells making my ears feel pain. "IΒ  though you were going to ask me about Stephan. So, what type of question is that?"

"What does Stephan do as his hobby?"

"Fucks me."

I roll my eyes and say, "He likes to paint."


"You asked me about him and painting is a part of him so I asked something related to him."

She keeps quiet and now I fold my arms and look at her replying with calm voice. "See Miss i-want-to-duck-everywhere-my-eyes-finds if you know so much about Stephan then also remember what he likes except absorbing his Junior inside your vagina. And yeah the answer is blue."

"Lift up your body and walk out before I call the security, Talina." He says her while his grey eyes rest on mine.

"You will beg me to fuck you again Stephan and this pussy standing there with her glasses on doesn't means that she will serve what I can. So next time do bring something to ask my forgiveness."

"Yet you want something to make me forgive you? What a useless bitch. Aston." He shouts the name letting a person with strong muscles and huge body to enter.

"Take this corpse and make sure you feed her like how I want to. Let her know what begging means in my dictionary." He roars making me shudder unknowingly. Okay this is bad.

Aston pulls her while she screams but before she could scream more, Stephan pull out a cloth and insert it in her mouth making her screams muffle.

What a day to start!

I take my schedule from his desk and some files. He watches my every moves and I mutter a quick 'goodbye' and walk out from his cabin.

Just as I about to turn I hit a strong body making the sheets of paper to fall down. I bent to lift up the paper muttering a quiet 'sorry ' but I guess the sensation of something wrong comes to surface as the thick voice of the owner let me stop my path.



"π™³πš˜ 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πš”πš—πš˜πš  πš‹πšŠπš–πš‹πš’πš—πšŠ 𝙸 πš‘πšŠπš 𝚊 πšπš›πšŽπšŠπš– 𝚘𝚏 𝚞𝚜 πšŠπš—πš πš˜πšžπš› πšŒπš‘πš’πš•πšπš›πšŽπš— πš˜πš—πšŽ πš πš’πšπš‘ πšπš›πšŽπš’ 𝚎𝚒𝚎𝚜 πšŠπš—πš πšπš‘πšŽ πš˜πšπš‘πšŽπš› πš πš’πšπš‘ πšœπšπšŠπš›πš›πš’ πš˜πš—πšŽπšœ."

~πš‚πšπšŽπš™πš‘πšŠπš— πšπš˜πš–πšŠπš—πš˜.

So any suggestions of the new character plot. I know I know I have to introduce Jason, Theo and Philip and also this Mr. X. But let me give you too a choice to choose this Mr. X. Do comment and tell me goodies and might be the next update will be very soon. But if you are reading ILWAD it will take some time to work on it, as it contains less chapters, I will post it all at once but tbh Idk(I need excuses to write cause I don't know what will the next chapter be?)

Also do love and support me by loving my books and this chapter has >2900 words.

And R.I.P to our dear Chadwick Boseman.

＀on'ο½” forget to vote ο½ο½Žο½„ ο½ƒο½ο½ο½ο½…ο½Žο½”.

Love from Gayatri ＀as.

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