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Have you even followed me here on wattpad?
If you didn't then you broke my glass heart.

tw: consist graphic violence

Forming a new relationship with my people made a strong string of bond among us and especially to Violet. She was the one you need in your life. She is wicked in her own games and at the same time the most trusted player and see where the destiny had led us, she is dead.

Found out someone spike her glass and took her for some private information but as she stood to be the only loyal one, she lost her one eye, her lips were heavily bruised making us know that they surely insert hot coal in her mouth.

Her legs had several cuts and wounds which are more in her front zone, the wall of tissues have been repeatedly peeled off resulting heavy bleeding as the doctors said that they might have beat her repeatedly with any heavy object. I sigh looking at the corpse which now is covered in white cloth and lift her inside the wooden coffin.

She didn't have anyone except her friend or shall I say her boyfriend Philip who lost all his senses and became a beast. Somehow I confronted him and cooled him down telling him that we will surely find out who the culprit is and hang him or her who killed his dear Violet.

A few weeks later I was ordered to go to the office to meet those people there and I am kinda happy that I am getting to do what I waited for so long.

I made my wardrobe as hell not knowing which one to choose.

"This is what I am going to do picking and throwing. Mamma I need you." I whine but then my eyes shift to a hidden dress at the corner of the shelf.

It's a cute high waisted pattern shorts and white broad sleeves with v neckline. Matching with its trend I wear nude stilettos . I tied my hair into ponytail and put minimal make-up and quickly inserted two piece butterfly golden earrings on my ears.

Satisfied at the look I plant a kiss on my mirror and wink at my relfection and head out with a plan to seduce the beast.

I come to my destination and provide myself with a curt nod saying, "You can do it my sweet Georgia." I lift my right fist in the air and move a little knowing that my confidence is like the fist, when the time is up they will wave my goodbye for trusting them.

The security guard nods at me and I at him with a small smile After proceeding to show him the ID card being verified to me few days ago. I walk towards the reception area. "Excuse me, can you tell me where is Mr. Romano's cabin?" I ask fixing my glasses.

She lifts her brows and then I remember about the appointment letter as if I am visiting to a doctor. I place it in front of her to which she snatches it without a proper thank you and after a while informs me. "6th floor walk. Straight and open the 4th door on left." What a fucking human blueprint originality!

I stride towards the elevator after saying thank you and click on the 6th floor. The door closes and a sound ding is made to let me know that we are now heading up.

The door opened and there comes my map. I walk slowly with the given direction. I find the door but due to the dust in my specs I have to remove it and clear it with a cloth but as I don't have that much of time, I put it inside my bag and click the door knob.

The door opens and there is the naked glory over a naked pussy. I snort out loud making them turn back. Those beautiful grey eyes lands on mine and mine on his. For a time there are no noise, nothing except the light breeze.

He eyes me up and down while I just meet the same path. His broad shoulder and his tits. Do you know what I want at the exact moment to do? It's that to suck them. His biceps are not helping for the growing horny Phoebe.

Ultimately when his eyes finally match my blue orbs he gives a wink and smirks. Do those work for making me blush which surprisingly succeed without any hardwork?

But then his face turns cold as he asks, "Who the fuck send you here?" I control the urge to roll my eyes at this pathetic way of acting broad and masculine.

"Your receptionist." I tell him and ultimately roll my eyes and then look at the woman's peaches and say, " I didn't sign for any threesome. So I request you to kindly dress up before someone else comes here and find you in an inappropriate way."

"Who are you, slut? Do you want to take baby's heart away from me?" She hisses as she walks towards Stephan and snake her hands around his arm and gives a glare at me.

My eyes look up at the ceiling trying to find the patience my mother made me find it and walk towards her with my arms tuck underneath my chest and whisper, "Nope. I aren't what you think but surely I can pleasure him much better than you cause I will only commit my life to one person not for others especially when you just had the booty call in the ground floor with Michael in restroom, right dear?" I mock at her and her eyes bulge out knowing that her sweet little secret pop out. All thanks to my eavesdropping and the name tag on her chest.

My AI is the best one we have created. We invested certain figures like eye scanner, face profile and the thing or person itself so that when Alisha searches the given topic it can easily access through the database and we have people supplying the antina of information stored in official government office. They have opened a part of the information storing database for us to access it easily.

Also Alisha has the ability to turn down the firewall and easily hack any communicating or electronic devices but it can be done only twice not more than that. The infrared waves used instead of microwave made it possible for the utilization and after all I am talking about my eyes too so yeah we reduced its power which now can be used only twice and now I am going to use now.

"H-how c-c-come you k-know about th-this?" She stutters asking me and Stephan's eyes narrows his eyes at her and she looks up to him with her fake tears while I lowly chuckle at her. "Of course the bag you carry is now spilling your little secret missy. You have another pair of dress which you used for impressing the casting money manager Michael and don't worry I tried to save you but-" I put my hands back holding each other and with my finger count till three.

"Sir I ha-" Michael stops saying anything as he sees his beautiful girlfriend's nakedness in front of him.

"You came at the right time. I told your beautiful girlfriend that she should go but nope she didn't." I say with a deep sigh and he looks up to me and then to his girlfriend who now has her fake tears within seconds and pleads. "Please believe me baby I was forced to do so and this bitch is telling lie believe me."

Yes,Β  I know what she is telling but seriously when the world stops revolving around you, you should know your time has come to die.

"Really? So tell me how hard did he shove his soldier inside you? Looking at your dress spread everywhere like virus makes me feel like no force is used and yeah your clothes aren't rip off which purely says that you sold yourself to him and the way you are walking properly makes me know that his soldier didn't even touch your little world. So, kindly don't put this fake make up and come in front of me, especially me who is the eye witness here.

Her eyes brim with tears and I quietly chuckle at her. "Be a woman who holds dignity and let the others fall on your feet. I hope you can do better missy and yes before blaming others don't forget whose shoes you were wearing?"

She rushes out of the room and I roll my eyes and say, "Thanks for coming."

Michael's structure was like Can-someone-tell-me-why-am-I-here? "Thanks for calling me or else I would have slept with STD girlfriend."

I giggle shakingΒ  my hand with him but before doing that I ask, "Did you?" His eyes widen and he shakes his head only then I shake his hand and introduce myself. "Georgia Holland, nice to meet you."

"Same here, I am Michael D'Suzoza." A cough emits from behind me and I turn back.

"I think I am the boss here." Stephan says and I pull my hand back and stand there looking at the surrounding as to where I shall rest my butt.

"Michael, you can go. Let me talk to the new employer." He tells to Michael who nods his head and walks out leaving both of us.

"You don't know whom you are messing with, bambina." He tsks as he slowly stride towards me while I keep my sane mind front and push him hard but he didn't buge a bit.

"Oh dear, non scherzare mai con una assassino." Idiot I know what you said but again I can't reply back as I can't let him know that I belong here. He grips my waist tightly and pulls me towards him making my breath hitch while he smirks and says, "Good. I can do this to you bambina."

(Translation:- Never joke with a killer;

With that he seal his lips on mine.

I am shocked by the sudden act pulled by this idiot. I can't have any intimacy with this bastard who a few minutes ago inserted his mouth in someone's else pussy. I push him with all my strength and slap him hard trying to make sure to leave fingerprints on his cheek.

"Remember this slap Mr. Romano, not all girls want to suck your soldier. So, kindly don't expect anything amazing from this lady cause I came here to support my financial growth so that next time there will be another building standing beside yours to compete. And beside that did you just say assassin ? Are you a killer?"

He looks at me and then put his idiotic smirk. Hey Jesus, did you not put any other feature on his face except smirk? That too devil's smirk. "You may have heard wrong."

"Fine then, show me your report." He says with all humour in his eyes flee away leaving only cold eyes. I roll my eyes and say, "Atleast not here Mr. Romano I think looking at this cabin it fits only for the sluts and whores you keep. I heard your cabin is on the 13th floor. So, it's better to do there rather here."

Did I just command my boss? Who cares? I just wish he don't kick my ass out from here.


"Impressive. Specially the part where you left the manger course of Sicily Art Gallery and came here to join us. Quite impressed I am and you can handle the zentangle category well but I am sorry to make you leave."

What the what?

"Excuse me?" I say.

Is it the end of my mission?

Looking at me he sighs and shakes his head replying, "No. I mean you will become my PA."

"Why?" I almost yell at him.

"It's the punishment you will receive first, for coming inside when I try to relax my sex hormones second, for the drama you place and third for the slap. So I think you are stuck with me for three years." Hey! I need a month to destroy you but if you need me I will be there Stephano. I like the name more than Stephan. Gosh!

"Oh." Thankfully my inside is hidden and the devil Phoebe is dancing with full excitement.

"By the way, what is the colour of you eyes?" He asks. I look at him and pull off the specs from my nose and reply, "Ocean eyes. It's mostly because of the light colour of blue I exhibit this strange colour."

His eyes widen and then he looks at me for a while injecting God knows what and then nods his head. "Nice." He mutters.

Later on, I stand up and say, "Thanks for having me here and kindly keep our relation strictly professional not any other way and I will be glad if you can celibate for a while so that no encounters happen."

"Celibate? Why? Are you trying to keep the dick all to yourself?" Oh Phlease ! I have seen better than that. Actually no I didn't, leave it. I can't let him win this field.

"It's not that I haven't look 5mm soldier but yeah for your pleasure I would like to tell you that I have seen much bigger than that and it's nice and taste yummy." I say licking my lips seductively.

Warning- Never do this act in your life cause as soon as you do it will cause a heavy amount of suspend thrown at you.

His grey eyes turned darker and I smile in triumph and wave my hand, "Bye, going to feed myself to someone." I walk out before the hell break in him.

I met her, I met my angel. After nine fucking years I met my angel. Her eyes are the first one which makes her unique from everyone.

Those plump lips which she seductively bite making my dick twitch without letting me know. I know only one can do that and that is my angel. The same sensations I always felt whenever she is near to me. Today after what felt like century the same electricity flows within me. I laugh shaking my head about our previous encounter.

Surely she has the same boss bitch act like two years ago. Yes, I know the way those sensations which died before again come to the surface and it always gave me hope that I will meet her again and this time I promise myself never ever to leave her whatever the situation put us. I will make sure I will serve my life for my angel.

Yet a part if me wants to test her if she is the one who I am searching for the past nine years.

But at the end of our conversations made my blood boil knowing that she is going to be with someone. I clutch and release my fist trying to calm down.

A sudden ring from my nearby telephone causes me to flinch from my beautiful dreams.

"Hello." I say deadpanning and wanting to hear some useful words from the caller or else he surely will be punish.

"Boss, we got a traitor." Diego says and I jolt from my resting position.

Diego's health was abnormal as his fingers were cut off by God knows whom. But we surely are killing every people in our or other groups who tried to steal information. Even though Diego is exceptional cause his health provided that he suffered a lot of shits from the people who kidnap him.

We got Diego in a city hospital and then Diego rushed to his mom's hospital and found her sleeping peacefully and blamed himself that he was so sick and weak. He is my right hand commander and I know that the situation was something he didn't think about.

Later on, we search who owns the hospital where his mother was and we didn't get any shit connection cause after we got him the hospital was burnt down and his mother was found in a city hospital. I rubbed my face and say, "Fine I am coming." With that I cut the call and rushed to the elevator.


"So, tell me mister what gave you the opportunity to be the traitor in myΒ  world?" I raise my voice at the half alive corpse.

"I-I do-don't k-know wha-what you a-are talking a-about boss?"

I am tempted to drag the sword across his stomach for his white lies. "Fine, you don't know right? It's okay I won't force you though."

With that I bring the gasoline container and pour it around his chair and then drag the liquid to his body. His face pales and the look make me somehow satisfy.

I light the lighter and ask one last time. "Do you know what they say when they burn the alive people?"

He shake his head and I laugh humorlessly, "That they are the morons living in this society. They betray their own people to establish themselves so tell me Warlock why did you become a traitor?"

"I can't tell." He says and I growl pulling the dagger from behind my leather slot attach to the jeans of mine and tear off his ear.

"I think you listen the orders from your ear right?" What I expected was his loyalty and even that too that fucker couldn't provide anything. "Tell. Me. Or. Else. The. Mouth. Of. Yours. Will. Soon. Say. Bye. Bye. Moron." I hiss at him and open his mouth wide and he gives his ultimate nod making me sigh and I pull the dagger.

"I don't know who they were but I got a call name Mr. Robert Russo. He told me to give information of yours to him or else he will kill me." Russo? Those bastards never rest their ass. The same pain in the ass of ours.

"And then?" I drag the dagger across his stomach causing his muscles tense. I furrow my brows and then something made me stop and I look up.

"He said to kill all of you." With that I yell at everyone, "There is bomb run everyone."

They all look horridΒ  and try to cover me in shield. Idiots, we will all die then.

I gave one last look at the traitor and run away from the building which burst into flames surely making every fibre of its surrounding grasp into ashes.


"π™³πš˜ 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πš”πš—πš˜πš  πšπš‘πšŽ πš‹πš’πšπšπšŽπšœπš πšπš›πšžπš 𝙸 πšŽπšŸπšŽπš› πš‘πšŠπš 𝚠𝚊𝚜 πšπš‘πšŽ πš–πš˜πš–πšŽπš—πš 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 πšŒπšŠπš™πšπšžπš›πšŽπš πš‹πš’ πšπš‘πš˜πšœπšŽ πš–πšŽπšœπš–πšŽπš›πš’πš£πš’πš—πš πšœπšπšŠπš›πš›πš’ 𝚎𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 πš’πš˜πšžπš›πšœ πš‹πšŠπš–πš‹πš’πš—πšŠ. 𝙸 πšπš‘πš’πš—πš” πšπš‘πšŽ πš—πšŠπš–πšŽ 𝚘𝚏 πšπš‘πšŽ πšπš›πšžπš πš’πšœ π™»πš˜πšŸπšŽ."

~πš‚πšπšŽπš™πš‘πšŠπš— πšπš˜πš–πšŠπš—πš˜.

One more chap has ended and I am glad that you all like it. So tell me how is your day going and let me tell you if no one comments doesn't mean you are afraid to do so just because no one votes it doesn't mean that you can't vote so I would like to suggest that be the first one to do so.

This chap has >3000 words

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