━━ the cast

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mia is levelβ€”headed, resourceful and often a little shy at times. she grew up in a quiet suburban as an only child with her two mothers, who were very protective over her β€” which may have contributed to her shyer nature.

she showed a liking towards literature, among other things, and decided to pursue her dreams of becoming some sort of author. upon attending university, she and billy were introduced, and a fire sparked between them both. it's hard to get them apart now.


Β  Β Β  π˜‰π˜π˜“π˜“π˜  ━━ boyfriend: she relies on him for a lot, and loves him with all her heart. she sees him as her rock and someone who makes her feel so safe in the world.

Β  Β Β  π˜—π˜Œπ˜›π˜Œπ˜™ ━━ brotherly: she always wanted a little brother, and with peter they have that sort of bond with each other. they constantly bicker with each other like brothers' and sisters'.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜ˆπ˜ π˜ˆ ━━ friend: they bonded their love towards reading and writing and would often share books with each other, suggesting the other should read it.

Β  Β Β  π˜‘π˜ˆπ˜šπ˜–π˜• ━━ complicated: they had a brief fling at one point, while she and billy were on a break during a time where exams were difficult. she regrets it. there is some tension about it, and the fact that billy doesn't know of it adds to that.

Β  Β Β  π˜“π˜Œπ˜•π˜ˆ ━━ close friend: they bonded over their small passion for baking cakes. she loves lena.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜œπ˜™π˜—π˜π˜  ━━ warming up: she's not sure about how she feels about him, seeing as he's new. but she knows that he had a difficult upbringing and she's warming up to him as a person.


billy is a confident and protective young man, perhaps maybe too protective. he grew up in a small town, not too far from the university he went to later on in his life. his father was a firefighter, and his mother a hardβ€”working nurse who worked tireless hours to help pay the bills and feed the family.

he is the oldest of three, having two younger sisters. he was 16 years old when his father was killed in the line of duty, and this kicked in a protective nerve within him. ever since, he ensured to protect those who he could to the best of his ability, adopting a fatherly like persona β€” which bloomed brightly towards his sisters and his mother.

he attended university for an engineering degree and worked hours on the side at a coffee shop to help and support his mother and sisters. billy was introduced to mia and he developed a liking for her weeks after becoming friends with her. they're now inseparable.


Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜π˜ˆ ━━ girlfriend: they both share a connection that is often described as deeper than the ocean, and he often acts as a protector for her.

Β  Β Β  π˜—π˜Œπ˜›π˜Œπ˜™ ━━ respects: he's a fine young man, and he will make an even greater individual when he grows older. he likes how smart he is.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜ˆπ˜ π˜ˆ ━━ respects: he's close friends with all of the group. he's protective of her, but know's not to break any boundaries or over step.

Β  Β Β  π˜‘π˜ˆπ˜šπ˜–π˜• ━━ complicated: he sense that something is off whenever he's around. he acts shady at times and he isn't fond of it.

Β  Β Β  π˜“π˜Œπ˜•π˜ˆ ━━ close friend: she was one of the few who he started talking to first when they all became apart of the same friend group.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜œπ˜™π˜—π˜π˜  ━━ complicated: he's not sure about how he feels about him, seeing as he's new.


peter was coddled his whole life, and he will happily admit to this. this led to him being anxious, panicky and doubtful. growing up, he was sheltered by his very overβ€”protective parents after the loss of his older sister. they didn't want what happened to her, to then happen to peter β€” as they'd be alone.

peter had always struggled with his own issues of selfβ€”doubt, and anxiety and always kept to himself when he attended school. he is exceptionally smart, and was the kid at the top of the class always which led to some snarky comments here and there from others who were jealous of his intelligence.

he loved a lot of things: reading, writing, technology and went on to studying computers at university. he's the youngest of the group, and was so surprised when a group of people included him in their circle, but he wouldn't change them for the world.


Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜π˜ˆ ━━ sisterly: they may butt heads work each other like mountain goats, but they're good friends. he missed out on having a sister, and she always wanted a brother. they have a great bond and he looks up to her.

Β  Β Β  π˜‰π˜π˜“π˜“π˜  ━━ looks up to: he wishes he could be as brave as he is.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜ˆπ˜ π˜ˆ ━━ close friend: they developed a friendship for their love of writing.

Β  Β Β  π˜‘π˜ˆπ˜šπ˜–π˜• ━━ platonic love-hate: he wishes he was as charming as he was. he manages to get the girls on his arms often, he wishes he could grab their attention as well.

Β  Β Β  π˜“π˜Œπ˜•π˜ˆ ━━ neutral: he respects.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜œπ˜™π˜—π˜π˜  ━━ complicated: isn't too sure and he has a bad feeling about him.


described as kindβ€”hearted, and sensitive, with a very vivid imagination, maya is said to be the person that everyone would want to be friends with. she can be a little naive at times, and she is easily spooked.

she grew up in a loving and overβ€”protective family, a family some would say coddled her, but that is far from what happened. her parents left india before she was born, and she always felt the need to succeed with her academics seeing as her older brother did such in his, and her parents worked tirelessly to proved for the family.

maya developed a passion for literacy and writing, and wanted to become an author. she met lena in her first year of university, and the two became inseparable.


Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜π˜ˆ ━━ friend: they bonded their love towards reading and writing and would often share books with each other, suggesting the other should read it.

Β  Β Β  π˜‰π˜π˜“π˜“π˜  ━━ feels safe around: she's neutral with him, but otherwise enjoys his company. he's proved to them all that he's a great friend, having escorted a drunken old man away from her one night.

Β  Β Β  π˜—π˜Œπ˜›π˜Œπ˜™ ━━ close friend: she and peter developed a friendship for their love of writing.

Β  Β Β  π˜‘π˜ˆπ˜šπ˜–π˜• ━━ complicated: she enjoys his playfulness and his teasing, and developed a crush for him years ago but never made a move knowing that her lena had talked about her feelings for him in the past.

Β  Β Β  π˜“π˜Œπ˜•π˜ˆ ━━ best friend: she adores her, treats her like an older sister she's never had, and confides in her.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜œπ˜™π˜—π˜π˜  ━━ complicated: she isn't sure how she feels about him.


jason is a charismatic and charming young man, with a tendency to seek out thrilling activities. he uses his this humour, and some bravado, as a way to hide away from his insecurities.

he grew up in a small town where he was a golden boy: captain of the football team, and was predicted high grades upon leaving.

however, after a tragic car accident, where he was the driver, and one that killed a friend, hi life spiralled. he left home, moved out of the town he grew up in, and met the group at a local bar one night.

the guilt of his past still cripples him, which is a reason for his reckless decisions.


Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜π˜ˆ ━━ complicated: they had a brief fling at the beginning of their friendship, during a time where she and billy were 'on a break', which ended quickly and they have moved past, but there is still some tension.

Β  Β Β  π˜‰π˜π˜“π˜“π˜  ━━ complicated: he knows that billy doesn't know about what he and mia went through, and hopes he doesn't anytime soon. they're friends, and will be such until billy figures out the truth.

Β  Β Β  π˜—π˜Œπ˜›π˜Œπ˜™ ━━ platonic love-hate: he envies his brains, but he adores him as an individual.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜ˆπ˜ π˜ˆ ━━ sister-like: oblivious to how she feels for him, he views her as a little sister. he's protective over her, despite his usual recklessness.

Β  Β Β  π˜“π˜Œπ˜•π˜ˆ ━━ complicated: he is attracted to her, but their constant bickering often masks his feelings.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜œπ˜™π˜—π˜π˜  ━━ friend: he was his first friend, beside the group when he met them, when he left his birth place. he knows there's tension between others when it comes to him, but his views will never change.


lena is described as confident, and quickβ€”witted. she hides a deep fear of abandonment, which stems from her childhood. she grew up in a rough neighbourhood, raised by her single mother cherie morales, alongside her four younger brothers.

despite the fact that her mother worked numerous jobs they remained on the poorer side of life, so it was a big shock to the family when lena excelled in school, which led to her obtaining a scholarship.

she met the group in her first year, and was a little bit slow to open and warm up to them all, but she soon grew close to them and developed a protective nature towards everyone in the friendship group.

lena's father has never been in the equation, having left her mother years ago, before she was even born, and this has led to her fearful tendencies. to add to it, her mother passed away just a year ago, and it has since heightened her fears that her friends may up and leave her.


Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜π˜ˆ ━━ close friend: they bonded over their small passion for baking cakes. she loves mia and is glad that she is happy with her boyfriend. she's unaware of what had happened with her and jason.

Β  Β Β  π˜‰π˜π˜“π˜“π˜  ━━ close friend: she feels insanely close next to him. she knows her boundaries, and knows when to not overstep due to his relationship with mia.

Β  Β Β  π˜—π˜Œπ˜›π˜Œπ˜™ ━━ neutral: she respects him, but is also a bit protective of him.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜ˆπ˜ π˜ˆ ━━ best friend: she sees her as a little sister, and loves her to death.

Β  Β Β  π˜‘π˜ˆπ˜šπ˜–π˜• ━━ complicated: torn between annoyance at his idiocy, and a growing romantic tension

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜œπ˜™π˜—π˜π˜  ━━ complicated: he's new to the group, a friend of jason's. she's unsure about him. he seems like a prat.


murphy is a typical guy stuck in his teenage phase: he is cocky, riddled with sarcasm, and can be very rude at times. it's said to stem from the fact that his childhood was such a mess.

he came from a strict military background, where both of his parents served and worked hard β€” expecting for all of their children to follow in their footsteps. as well as this, he was the youngest of four boys, so there was a lot of competition and bullying from them for a lot of his upbringing, which led him to cast himself out from his family, and leave town.

murphy travelled far and literally bumped into jason one day, and the two got to talking: bonding over the fact that they both up and left their homes, in search of a new life. he was later introduced to the group after jayson met them weeks after.


Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜π˜ˆ ━━ complicated: he's new to the group and he knows he is not liked or trusted yet.

Β  Β Β  π˜‰π˜π˜“π˜“π˜  ━━ complicated: he's new to the group and he knows he is not liked or trusted yet. he is also very intimidated by him.

Β  Β Β  π˜—π˜Œπ˜›π˜Œπ˜™ ━━ complicated: he's new to the group and he knows he is not liked or trusted yet.

Β  Β Β  π˜”π˜ˆπ˜ π˜ˆ ━━ complicated: he's new to the group and he knows he is not liked or trusted yet.

Β  Β Β  π˜‘π˜ˆπ˜šπ˜–π˜• ━━ friend: the only one who he is friends with, and trusts.

Β  Β Β  π˜“π˜Œπ˜•π˜ˆ ━━ complicated: he's new to the group and he knows he is not liked or trusted yet.

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