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"You're close with Jay?," Yeonjun props his arms on the table, placing his drink beside his books.

Dasom furrowed her brows. "I wouldn't say we're close," she says.

She didn't quite get why Yeonjun is even asking this to her in the first place. But then again, he must be curious. Or he just wanted to strike up a conversation because for the last forty minutes they've been doing nothing but just studying (which mostly consisted of Dasom teaching Yeonjun).

"I met him through my friend a few weeks back," Dasom adds.

Yeonjun hums. "I see," he takes a brief look at Jay.

"What about you? I never would've thought you'll be friends with Jay," she asks, tilting her head.

"And I never would've thought you'll know him too," Yeonjun runs a hand through his hair. Dasom notices how his hair looks so soft. She resists the urge to touch them.

"Well, life can be full of surprises," she shrugs, trying to distract herself from her intrusive thoughts.

Yeonjun chuckles. "He's actually my roommate."

"Huh?," Dasom widens her eyes, taken aback. Out of everything, she definitely didn't expected that.

"We rented an apartment together and we've been living together since this year. We're childhood friends," he twirls the straw on his drink before taking a sip of it. "Plus our mothers are best friends." At that Yeonjun gives a playful eye roll, placing the drink back on the table.

His mother. That's the first time Yeonjun has mentioned someone from his family.

She now realises how little she knows about him. More like, she knows nothing about him. The real Choi Yeonjun. Other than some things about him that she hears from here and there, she doesn't know him on a personal level. Her heart sinks.

Then something goes through her mind. She wants to know more about him. The real Choi Yeonjun.


"Dasom? Hey?"


"You've been spacing out."

Dasom blinks, realising it. "I'm sorry," she looks away, embarrassed.


Dasom turns to look at Yeonjun only to see him leaning closer. "I've never seen you wear something like this," he lightly touches the earring she's wearing.

Dasom widens her eyes. She watches from her peripheral vision as Yeonjun inspects the object with his hand, lightly tapping on it. The earring is a in the shape of a daisy. It's one of her favourite flowers. She recently bought that with her mom last month, when they went shopping.

The way his fingers graze the object. She can feel the warmth radiating from it and it makes her face feel hot.

Was there even any moment when he did not affected her?

Probably not.

"Its cute," now Yeonjun is looking at her, finger still on her earring.

Her brain freezes.


Dasom turns her head slightly, her eyes landing on Yeonjun. She opens her mouth to say something atleast.

"Uhm th-ank you," she whispers, her voice is strained and she knows it.

After all, how can she even breath when he is so close to her right now.

They stare at eachother. Dasom doesn't know why but she can't look away and neither does Yeonjun. For a split second, Dasom sees his eyes soften and she swears that she felt his knuckles lightly touch her cheeks.

"Hyung, I was wondering—

Dasom abruptly stands up on hearing Jay's voice. She looks at Yeonjun who looks at her wide eyed, face filled with confusion. He seems to be frozen in place. His eyes trailing to his hands hanging in the air and back to Dasom. He also seems to have recollect what happened as he parts his mouth.

Her face heats up. What just happened?

"Uhm I— I need to use the...," she scrambles with her thoughts. "r-e-stroom," with that, Dasom makes her way out of the scene.

Jay watches as the girl's figure disappears. He looks down at Yeonjun who seems to have a not so not so pleased expression on his face.

He gulps. "Am I sleeping outside today?"

"With no blanket."

"Damn it."


Dasom looks at herself in the mirror.


That's the color of her face right now.

She groans.

What if Jay hadn't interrupted them?

What would have happened?

Dasom shakes her head.

"I need to calm myself down."

Giving herself a small talk on how she should act normal and give him the most normal smile, she sighs before coming out of the restroom.

Dasom makes her way towards the table, looking at Yeonjun who seems to be on call with someone.

She quietly makes her way to her seat before sitting.

Hearing a light tap on the table, Dasom looks up. She watches as Yeonjun looks at her, his phone in his other hand.

"Are you okay?," Yeonjun asks, putting his phone inside his jean's pocket.

Dasom quickly nods. "Yeah I am," she answers.

She senses that Yeonjun doesn't seem convinced by her answer but before she can add anything more he sighs.

"I thought I scared you," Yeonjun places his right palm on the back of his neck.

Dasom quickly shakes her head. "No, you didn't," she blushed, embarrassed.

She's glad that he didn't actually knew the reason why she acted like that.

"Actually it was pretty urgent so...," Dasom motions her fingers in the air. giving an awkward laugh and waving her hands off.

Yeonjun furrows his brows before realisation hits him.

"Oh," he lets out a chuckle. "And here I was, thinking....," Yeonjun groans, covering his face with his hands before he starts laughing.

That takes Dasom by surprise but when she sees him laughing, she can't help but smile.

The way his eyes sparkle everytime he smiles, she loves it.

Yeonjun looks at Dasom and when he sees her looking at him too, he smiles.

And that's enough to melt Dasom.

The books that are sprawled on the desk long forgotten.

The two teenagers can't help but laugh as their eyes admire one another's smile.


After their study session got over, Yeonjun mentioned that he'll walk her out.

But what Dasom didn't realise is that when he said that he'll walk her out, he actually meant to walk her home.

And ofcourse despite her protests, Yeonjun insisted on doing so because he definitely couldn't just let her go alone.

That made Dasom's heart flutter yet again.

With the sun setting, the sky is covered with an orange hue as the two teenagers walk side by side in comfortable silence.

Just a few blocks away from Dasom's house. her phone rings.

She stops in her tracks, she notices Yeonjun also halting his steps before standing beside her.

She looks at the caller id before swiping it.


Dasom takes her phone away from her ear. Her ears stinging from her brother's yelling.

—I CAN'T FIND THE SNACKS," she massages her temple, singing as she hears her brother opening cabinet and the sound of dishes shuffling resonates through her phone.

To her side, Yeonjun raises a brow to which she replies with a faint smile. Yeonjun smiles back, waving his hand as he indicates her to continue her conversation. She then nods before excusing herself as she talks with her brother.

"Nana, what snacks?," she sighs. Jaemin wasn't annoying most of the time. Once again, most of the time. But a hungry Jaemin was even worse.

Dasom hears him going up the stairs. "The ones which we bought last weekend."

"You finished them last night idiot," she hisses.


"Unbelievable," Dasom deadpans, she looks back at Yeonjun who stares back at her. She immediately looks away before clearing her throat. "Is that why you called me?"

She hears her brother groaning. "Yeah whatever," he sighs. "Also, when are you coming back?"

"I'm actually on my way right now."

"Be careful on you way."

Dasom can't help but smile. Sure her brother was annoying but he was also very—

"Anyways bye loser."

She blink as she heard him hanging up the phone. "Idiot," she huffs out a breath.


Keeping her phone inside her bag, she makes her way towards Yeonjun.

"You're done?," he asks her.

She nods her head. "Was it your mom?," Yeonjun says as they continue their walk.

"No, it was my brother," she dryly says, still annoyed at him. Jaemin was definitely not getting his breakfast tomorrow and she'll make sure of that.

Upon seeing her annoyed expression, Yeonjun chuckles. "Must be nice having a brother."

Dasom gasps. "Absolutely not! Trust me you'll take back what you said once you meet my big brother. He's the most annoying human being to ever exist."

Yeonjun laughs. This girl seems to always make him laugh and he would be lying if he says that he didn't like it.

"I remember telling my mom how much I wanted a brother back when I was a kid," he says.

Dasom looks at him, listening intently to what he's saying. "But it never happened unfortunately," he looks at her and smiles.

She can't help but give him a little pat on his shoulder, this time she didn't felt nervous to do so. But why? she doesn't know. Maybe it's because she's more comfortable around him and he feels the same too.

"Actually you do have a few brothers," Dasom tilts her head, smiling.

Yeonjun furrows his brows. "Beomgyu and Jay."

Upon hearing their names, Yeonjun can't help but smile.

"You're right, I do have them."


"Thank you for walking me home," Dasom turns towards Yeonjun as she stands infront of her house. She fiddles with her fingers, unsure of what to say next.

Yeonjun nods his head. "And thank you for helping me out," he gives her a faint smile.

They just stand there not saying a word. Before Yeonjun breaks the silence. "Goodnight Dasom," he then takes a step towards her.

Dasom feels a warm sensation on her head and realises that Yeonjun just patted her head. Her heartbeat quickens. Unable to say anything she nods her head.

"Goodnight too," her voice comes out in a whisper. The effect he has on her was definitely phenomenal. She needed to get a grip but he was definitely not helping.

He then takes a few steps backward. "See you tomorrow," Dasom looks at him who gives her a small smile and a wave.

"Bye," she waves, smiling as she watches him leave. As she turns around, she stops in her tracks when she hears her name being called out.

She turns around and sees Yeonjun standing a few steps away from her.

He then opens his mouth as he says something.

She couldn't quite heard him clearly, but she could make out what he said.

Yeonjun smiles before turning around and leaving.


hi im back with an update

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