𝟎𝟎𝟔. not a pirate, a prince

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A chilling shiver went down Mischa's spine when they entered the Fold, a familiar feeling she always got when entering the darkness with storms and screeching creatures. The storms were the only light that gave a blue hue.

"I hate this place."

"Just a bit of pitch black and bloodthirsty monsters." Sturmhond responded to Mal sarcastically. The three friends turned to looked at him. Sturmhond glanced over his shoulder at Tamar and Tolya behind him. "What's not to love?"

Tamar matched his smirk as she threw him a pistol. "Seems like a good day to kill some Volcra."

Tony sighed. "I'd much rather a hot bath and a book of sonnets."

Mischa eyes sparked with slight hesitation and worry when addressing the Sun Summoner. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

Alina sent her a quick glance before eyes casted back to the darkness raging in front of her from her spot at the top of the flying ship. "I feel stronger than ever. This is my chance to finally eradicate it. For good."

Everyone watched as Alina took a step up on a ledge to be higher up as she summoned the light that was now a bright blue hue. As she faced her hands out towards either side of the Fold beside her, the light created a large circular shape acting as a shield as it eradicated the shadows surrounding the Hummingbird.

Mischa couldn't help but look around in astonishment at the magical blue light encompassing them.

Alina created an 'X' with her arms over her chest before ripping them off and creating another magical surge of power that rejuvenated the current light and it spread all the way to the end of the Fold, creating a path for them where they could see daylight from the other side.

Ravka. Mischa was almost home.

Suddenly, the magic began to flutter in and out. Alina was struggling to maintain the light.


"What's happening?"

"Alina!" Mischa shouted in worry as the Sun Summoner started to groan and breath heavily.

Mischa acted quickly when Alina started to sway on her feet, in one swift move she knelt on one knee and caught Alina's falling body in her arms before she hit the ground. Mischa gently laid on her the floor as Mal joined her side with attempts to wake her up from her unconscious.

As the blue light faded because it's source was knocked out on the ground, growls and screeched filled the eerie air and the darkness returned, the open path to Ravka gone.

Sturmhond backed up to yell at his Squaller who directed the Sails when he saw Volcra approach the ship. "Kovu, get us out!"

A Volcra planted its talons on one of the sides on the other end of the Hummingbird. Sturmhond shot it's head, effectively killing it, but more swarmed.

Mischa shifted her gaze away from Alina lying on the ground to Mal's hovering figure next to her. "Keep her safe."

Mal nodded, she didn't have to tell him twice. He couldn't help but watch in slight amazement as his friend unsheathed the Samurai sword strapped to her back with agility. Her chin pointed to the ground as a dark menacing look filled her void eyes that unnerved anyone caught in her stare.

Another Volcra landed on the ship and as Tolya and Tamar dealt with it beautifully, Sturmhond shot his pistol at the approaching Volcra as Kovu worked on getting them out of there.

Sturmhond failed to see one come from behind him until it landed on the railing and opened its wide sharp jaw to letting out a snarling screech.

Mischa glided over there quickly as if the wind did it for her and she swung her sword at the base of its neck, decapitating the Volcra with one clean swipe. Sturmhond whipped his body around and if more Volcra weren't coming he would have thanked her.

And as another came, a blast of blue light turned it into ashes in front of their eyes. Mischa craned her neck to see Alina was back on her feet.

A sudden jolt of the flying ship almost made her fall over if it weren't for Sturmhond's tight grip on her shoulder and waist that prevented it. With a small fleeting glance to the man beside her, it showed him her gratitude for not letting her fall on the floor. The Captain nodded genuinely.

Mischa looked out at their surroundings as his hands left her body now she was steady, to see the daylight and the Fold now behind them. They had made it through but the Fold was still there.

The Engine began to make bad stirring sounds that seemed it was about to give out.

Sturmhond ordered his Squaller, shoving his gold lucky compass under his tunic. "Kovu, begin descent! Brace yourselves for landing!"

Everyone grabbed something to hold onto and in this case, Mischa grabbed the siding of the ship as she sheathed her sword back into its holster on her back. She noticed the faint orange sparks coming from the engine, which wasn't a good sign.

As the flying ship harshly hit the ground with a few big bumps and jumps in there before it dug into the ground and slid along the land floor, some flew back from the abrupt jolt and had to grab rope or something so they didn't fall as it slid to a stop.

Mischa's knuckles turned white as she gripped the side of the ship for her life. Still, when it jolted to a final stop, Mischa grunted and her body jolted with it slightly.

"Is everyone okay?" Sturmhond shouted as everyone panted and gathered themselves up with groans of pain.

Mischa stood up and spotted Alina and Mal still at the tip of the ship before making her way over to check if they were alright as Tamar, Tolya and Sturmhond stepped off the wrecked ship and onto Ravkan soil.

They were in a broad open part of land with barely any trees and everything looked gloomy and depressing since the last time Mischa was home.

"The Fold's too strong." Alina said with strangled breaths once Mischa was over. "I thought with two amplifiers, but... It wasn't enough."

The sound of marching feet on the grassy ground made Mischa's head lift up and First army solider's marched up to them with their guns locked and aimed at them. Her throat ran dry, she was preparing for their hostile unwelcome in Ravka.

"Well, looks like we're about to enjoy a traditional Ravkan welcome." Tolya voiced her own thoughts. Mal, Alina and Mischa hopped off the side of the ship.

The Major in front of the squadron spoke to them. "You've crossed illegally onto Ravkan soil. Identify yourselves."

"I'll handle this." Sturmhond told them, taking off his holster that secured his pistol off and giving it to Tolya.

"What are you doing?" Mischa seethed at the privateer who held no panic as calmly took of some of his outer attire. She and Alina hid their faces behind Mal's back, knowing with one look they would recognize who they were.

"Identify yourselves at once or be shot."

"Have I really changed much, Raevsky?" Sturmhond smirked as he took off his scarf before handing it to Tolya as well who failed to hide his matching grin. "I know it's been a number of years, but people swear I remain boyishly handsome."

Sturmhond unbuttoned his blue trench coat as he gave it to Tolya as well, revealing a Major of the First Army's uniform, but his had more tassels and more extravagant stitching than a normal Major's. His gold lucky compass dangled from his neck.

Mischa eyes slowly drifted to the privateer, her brain feeling like it's going s hundred miles a second.

"It can't be." Raevsky, the man previously threatening them, stated in shock.

"Yes, it is." Sturmhond... Mischa didn't even know if that was his real name anymore, smirked as he sauntered up to the Major.

"Moi tsarevich." Mischa's eyes flew open once the Major said those words and knelt down one one knee, bowing his head to the blond pirate, the rows of solider's behind him following his lead. "My Prince. We'd all but given up hope."

Sturmhond...No... The Lost Prince chuckled as he firmly gripped Raevsky's hand and hauled him to his feet in a long time greeting.

Major Raevsky chuckled as well before facing his regiment of solider's who remained kneeling, speaking in a loud, booming voice. "I present Nikolai Lantsov, Major of the 22nd Regiment, Grand Duke of Udova, and Second Son to his Most Royal Majesty, King Pyotr the Third, Ruler of the Double Eagle Throne."

"You've got to be joking." Mal spoke with gritted teeth and surprise.

"Saints." Alina swore.

Mischa's jaw that was previously opened from shock, now clammed shut and clenched as the anger for lying to them began to burn her whole. She glanced to Tolya and Tamara beside her to see no new looks of surprise and utter shock and betrayal like them, no, they looked content, in fact amused by the dramatic display of his title.

Mischa had never met the blond prince who was lost before. She remembered the day he went missing and the Queen was in hysterics. Genya was forced to make it look like the Queen hadn't been crying. Mischa remembered how Genya ranted about it to her and the two gossiped over it for many weeks.

... Nikolai Lantsov, not the Privateer Sturmhond, still remained his cocky self but now, a cocky royal."And in your own words, as I recall, the greenest and most useless grunt you ever had the misfortune of commanding. At your service.

I wanted to return sooner but I couldn't without her." Nikolai gestured to the Sun Summoner standing with rage behind him with her other companions. "May I present my esteemed traveling companion, firmer cartographer and sometimes Saint, Alina Starkov."

Nikolai took a few steps closer to announce her.

"Sol Koroleva. We heard you were dead."

Mischa took a step forwards, about to show this Prince what lying to her does but a soft yet firm grip on her arm stopped her.

Alina didn't even glance at her friend as her fists clenched at her sides. "Let me."

Nikolai was unaware of the raging, approaching Sun Summoner until she was there and punched him square across his face. "You lying bastard!"

Nikolai groaned as he cradled his cheek in his hand.

Raevsky spotted a head of chocolate brown hair next to Mal in the back and his lips parted as he reached for the pistol strapped to his waist. "By the Saints, it's the Black Bird."

Time stayed still as Raevsky pulled his pistol out and pointed it towards the assassin in the back who's eyebrows flew to her hairline. Alina made a noise of protest as she put tried to put her body behind the gun and her friend. Mal placed an arm around Mischa sense he was beside her.

What made Raevsky hesitate to put the gun down was when Nikolai — who was the closest to him — placed his body in the gun's aim line, so close the tip of the barrel was aimed at his chest. Nikolai's arms were outstretched wide to shield the gun away from Mischa.

"Put the gun down, Raevsky. She's with me." Nikolai voiced calmly as he ordered his old mentor to sheath his weapon. His eyes narrowed when the man simply hesitated but remained in the same stance.

"Are you insane?" Was Raevsky's response as he glanced behind his Prince where Mischa was standing on the tips of her feet, ready to either run or pounce. She swallowed thickly, she expected this response. How else would they treat the person who killed for the Black Heretic and stayed by his side? Raevsky's tone held distaste for not only her but for the man who trained her. "Don't you know the terrible things she's done, the horror's she's committed? What kind of person she is?"

Nikolai jaw slacked as his body tensed, irritated by his words. Nikolai snapped at the man sternly, surprising everyone around him. "I know exactly what kind of person she is. She is just like the rest of us, manipulated and lied to by the Darkling, a person who has suffered and brought to her knees only to rise up. And for her bravery and loyalty to Ravka, I admire her."

He paused as his rant came to a halt, letting out a heavy sigh and his tone accusatory. "Now, what I don't know is what kind of person you are."

Raevsky dropped the gun and put it back into its holster with guilt ridden on his expression. All eyes were on Nikolai as he let his arms drop to his sides and his heaving chest slowed down.

Mischa's eyes never strayed away from Nikolai's back, completely shocked this man would defend her like that, but also, shocked not one word that left his lips was a lie, that he knew all that about her. No one has ever stood up for her like that before, not since Aleksander.

Mischa despised herself for not hating Nikolai Lantsov for lying to her and her friends all because the way he defended her, caused a pull on her chest.

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