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injured with fights
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THEIR FEET thudded down the stairs and down the hallway. Bill leads the way, pushing open a door and going through. Bill instinctively put his hand out in front of Sam when his eyes landed on the demon. Sam was stricken back with fear, at the scowl, razor sharp teeth on his face.

The clown was sitting in front of Eddie on the ground, his hand on Eddie's face as he looked at the other three.

"This isn't real enough for you, Billy?" He questioned, letting out a little laugh. "I'm not real enough for you?" He started to fake cry.

"Oh shit."Sam commented, her face scrunching in fear.

"It was real enough for Georgie!" Pennywise laughed manically. Bill was stuck with his mouth agape, staring at the clown. The Clown suddenly, got up and charged at them with all his teeth showing. Sam screamed, clinging onto Bill.

Beverly comes out through a doorway and stabs him in the face with a metal rod. Pennywise wails. Mike, Ben And Stan come into the room with fright written on their face.

"Get Eddie!Get Eddie!"

The three kids take this opportunity and race around the Clown to Eddie who was crying helplessly on the floor with a blown arm. Sam immediately felt deflated and wanted to help the germaphobe boy all she could. She kneeled down in front of him as Bill on his left side and Richie on his right. They were all screaming for Eddie to get up, but he was too shell shocked her couldn't. The demon clown slowly turned around and made his way to them, Growling.

"Oh fuck!"

"We gotta get out of here!"

Sam whimpered at the evil face, turning away from him to look at Eddie. He wouldn't move and continued to cry. Sam held onto Eddie's okay hand, looking into his eyes, her own tears forming.

"Eddie! Come on! We gotta go! We're gonna die if we don't!" She exclaimed, tears slipping down her face. He froze for a minute, looking at her delicate face and wondering how something so beautiful could be broken so easily. As the Clown got closer, he got out of his trance and continued to scream.

"Eddie, let's move!"

The clown extended his hands out, claws forming out of nowhere, scaring them all more. Sam wouldn't turn around to look at him, she was too scared to even look at him. She focused on Eddie. With one quick move, Pennywise sliced Ben right in the stomach. Sam saw out of the corner of her eyes and screamed.



Pennywise started to back up and sneak away out of the room. Sam calmed down a little bit when The Clown was out of sight.

"Let's get out of here!"

"Don't let him get away!" Bill yelled, quickly chasing after him, ignoring Sam's calls of protest. She looked back at Eddie's panicking figure.

"Bill, We have to help Eddie!" Beverly screamed out into the opened door. Bill came back quickly and kneeled next Sam in front of Eddie.

"I'm gonna, I'm gonna, snap your arm into place!"Richie spoke up, freaking out. Eddie glared at him, shaking his head in protest.

"Richie! Do not fucking touch me!" He exclaimed. Sam whimpered, scooting Beverly our of the way and taking her place next to Eddie. She grabbed his shoulders and forced his face towards hers.

"Eddie, Look at me. Just Look at me, Everything's gonna be fine, breath."She soothed, giving him a a small gentle smile. His screaming eased as he stared at her.

"Okay, one, two, three!" Richie said, twisting his arm. A loud bone crack and Eddie's screams of Pain made Sam frown deeper.

They rushed out of the old abandoned house, Sam helping Eddie out. As soon as they got out they had no choice but to call Eddie's mom.

Once she arrived, she was infuriated,"You. You did this."She said, pulling Eddie and his hurt arm behind her. Eddie caught Sam's concerned gaze. "You know how delicate he is."As she grips the back of his neck and pushes him into the passenger seat of her car.

"W-We were attacked M-Mrs. K." Bill explained.

"No. Don't."She cut him off, turning around to face the group. "Don't try and blame anyone else." She fumbled with her keys, accidentally dropping them.

"Let me-"Beverly began to pick on the keys she dropped on the floor before Mrs. K quickly stopped her.

"Get back!"She yelled, getting her own keys then walking up to Beverly and looking her in the eyes."Oh, I've heard of you, Miss Marsh. And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

Sam has enough and stepped in front of Beverly from her spot behind Bill."You have no reason to say that stuff to her."Sam glared at the woman who stared at her with hate.

"Samantha Bryant, The troubled little school girl who's sister committed suicide cause she hated her life."Mrs. K started, scoffing at the girl who decided to speak up."I know all about you. Eddie talks non stop about you, I would think he has a crush on you."She got closer to Sam to the point where Sam could spell the odor coming off her."I hate watching him be a lost puppy by your feet, he's too young to like girls. Don't you ever go near my son again, Bryant or I'll have to call your father, the only family member that's not dead." Sam was silent, watching as Mrs. K went through her bag. The young blonde hid behind Bill, completely embarrassed by Mrs. K's words.

"Mrs. K I-I-"Bill wanted to say but again, the woman cut him off.

"No! Your all monsters. All of you. And Eddie is done with you. Do you hear? Done!"They watched as Mrs. K got into her car. Sam glanced back up at Eddie who was staring down in the car, avoiding all eye contact from them and trying not to cry. Sam did nothing but watch as the Car drive away.

The group walked into the street, watching Sadly at the car in the distance.

"I saw the well."Bill stayed, turning to look at them from the front of the group."W-W-We know where it is and-and next time we'll be better prepared."He gave them all a reassuring smile.

"No!"Stan shouted at him."No next time, Bill.Your insane."

Beverly was quick to defend him, "Why? We all know no one else is going to do anything."

"Eddie was nearly killed! And look at this motherfucker, he's leaking Hamburger Helper!"Richie exclaimed, gesturing to the bloody gash on Ben's stomach.

"We can't pretend it's gonna go away. Ben, you said it yourself, it comes back every 27 years."Beverly argued.

Ben shrugged,"Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town, too."Ben said, remembering what the redhead has said before.

"Because I wanna run towards something, Not away."She responded.

Richie rolled his eyes,"I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Beverly flipped him off, as Sam rolled her dull brown eyes at him.


"I'm just saying, let's face facts. Real world."He sighed, looking towards Bill."Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us killed too." Richie was going to walk past him, but Bill grabbed onto his arm.

"G-Georgie's not dead."Bill denies, getting fed up with him.

Richie's tension in his shoulders calmed,"You couldn't save him, but you can still save yourself." He was about to leave again but Bill held him back.

"No, t-t-take it back."Bill yelled at him, tears starting to form. Sam watched Sadly as Bill couldn't cope with the fact is brother was gone. "Your s-scared and we all are, but take it back!" With one shove, Bill pushed Richie back. Richie quickly realized what he did and charged at him. Sam's eyes widened, not thinking it was going to go this far. She was going to intervene when Bill punched Richie right in the face, making him fall to the ground.

"Bill!" She yelled at him, he snapped out of his trance at the sound of her voice and backed up as Richie got up with the help of Mike and Stan.

He scoffed, adjusting his glasses,"You're just a bunch of losers!" Mike and Stan held onto him in attempt to hold him back.

"Richie , stop!"

"Fuck off!"

Bill was gonna go in for another punch but this time Sam was ready and grabbed him by the waist, pulling him back.

"You're just a bunch of losers and you'll get yourselves killed trying to catch a fucking stupid clown!"Richie screamed with a bloody nose from Bill's punch. Bill tried to go and throw some more punches at him but Sam and Ben held him back.

"Stop!" Beverly yelled, gaining everyone's attention. Richie shoved Stan and Mike off him, glaring at the redhead."This is what it wants. It wants to divide us. We were all together when we heard it. That's why we're still alive!"

"Yeah? Well, I plan to keep it that way."Richie spat and with one hard shove to Bill's shoulder, he left. Stan, Mike and Ben decided to leave as well, dispersing from the group. Bill, Sam and Beverly watched in sadness.


"Guys, I can't do this. My granddad was right. I'm an outsider, gotta stay that way. "Mike said, hopping on his bike and riding away with the others. Beverly looked at them, before sighing.

"Don't worry, I'm with you, Bill."She spoke up."But I gotta go home, bye guys." She waved slightly, getting her bike and riding the opposite way.

Now, it was just Sam and Bill left. Bill turned and looked at her. She bit her lip, looking up from her place on the ground, meeting his intent gaze.

"Y-You believe me, r-right?"He asked, a hopeful tone in his voice. She sighed, walking a little closer to him.

"I believe you,"She whispered, not looking him in the eye. He let out a small breath of relief but he knew she wasn't done talking."But I can't do this." She met his eyes again, regret filling hers."I can't keep going around, chasing a monster that can kill me — that almost killed Eddie. I'm not afraid to die, Bill, I'm afraid that you or one of our friends will die. I'm sorry."She whispered, a tear slipping down her face. She put her hand on his shoulder, patting it as he watched her intently. She walked over to her bike, throwing one last look to Bill before riding away, tears sliding down her face.

Bill was left there, alone, wishing he had a presence like hers to keep him warm.

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