𝟎𝟎𝟑. thunder rumbling

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   Blake frowned as she got off the bus, wishing she had taken Katherine's offer to ride with the Walter boys earlier. She got a couple looks from passing students as she stood in the front of the school, not prepared to be back.

   She spotted a familiar car park in the parking lot and boys pile out of it. Assuming Jackie would be with them, Blake trailed over.

   "Boys." Blake grinned with a tilt of her head. Cole, Nathan and Danny were the only stragglers left and looked to her. Blake's eyes lit up when seeing Jackie step out from behind the car, looking all prim and put-together. "Jackie. So, what do you think?" Blake asked the girl, gesturing to the school in front of them.

   "It's... big." Blake chuckled at her response. "Not like them fancy Manhattan schools, huh?" Cole questioned as he pushed himself off the car, glancing at Jackie. "Or some rich music camp?"

   Blake parted her lips to wipe that smirk off his face, but someone else beat her to it. "Cole!" Blake's eyes almost widened when she saw Erin run over and push Blake aside to plant her lips onto Cole's. Blake rolled her eyes when Cole deepened their public display of affection, looking to the two boys with a surprised look. Nathan and Danny simply shrugged.

   Cole wrapped his arm around Erin's shoulders as they began to set off. "Have a good first day back, viola." Cole glanced at her over his shoulder before him and Erin disappeared into the crowd of staunchest shuffling in. Blake's eyes onto hardened when Erin turned for a quick second to narrow her eyes on the returning glare.

   "Since when did they start dating? In fact, when did they start speaking?" Blake asked as the four of them continued their trek into school. "You know Cole doesn't really date. He started hooking up with girls over summer break but he always ends ups back with Erin." Danny answered.

   "Didn't know she was his type."

   "She's not." Danny smirked. "But, he still stays with her."

   Blake wanted this conversation to be done with. She turned to Jackie, flashing a smile. "I promised to show you around, Jackie, and I will start with getting you to home room. See you later, Danny."

   Blake waved goodbye to Danny, enveloping her arm through Jackie's as they walked down the hall. Jackie felt small with Blake's booming presence.

   "Your outfit looks killer." Jackie complimented. Blake smiled at the compliment, glancing Dow. At the dark green and black plaid overalls she wore, a white tank underneath. One of the suspenders on the overalls had been cut off and wrapped around Blake's neck into a bow like a scarf. Her dark curls were left in their messy yet stylish hairdo and she used moose to tame the wild hairs.

   "Thanks, you look cute too."

   Blake was behind in all her classes. That's what she got for coming back when the school year had already started. The amount of missing assignments she had to do were astronomical. Still, the smart girl persisted and surprisingly got through all her classes, taking the most detailed notes ever, eager to maintain her high grades.

   Juilliard didn't just look at her musical success, but your grades were a big factor in your acceptance. They want students who are not only talented but can get a good GPA whilst doing their passions. Blake had made sure she did exactly that. Through many trials and errors she did, but the summer trip costed her a big dent into her grades. It was a little vacation, the school said and it wasn't like she was so sick she couldn't leave the house, so they couldn't pardon her from all the assignments.

   It felt like the first part of the school day was dragging on forever, but Lunch finally came around and Blake met Jackie right outside the cafeteria. Jackie got her lunch before Blake sense she arrived a little earlier and sat with Nathan and Alex. Blake excused herself, saying she would be right back after retrieving her lunch.

   Blake smiled at the lunch lady who handed her the tray of food, scooting down the line of students. Upon arriving at the cash register, Blake rummaged through her bag for her wallet. She had just gotten a grasp on it when a hand landed on her lower back and a body leaned closely to her.

   Cole smiled at the lunch lady as he handed her the cash for Blake's lunch. Blake let out an annoyed huff of air, unaware of all the eyes in the cafeteria on them. "I can pay for myself."

   "I know. I'm being a gentleman." He smiled as he quickly caught up to her when she began to stalk to Nathan, Alex and Jackie's table, frowning lightly when she spotted Alex was missing along with his bag. He stuffed his wallet back into his pocket. "Oh, no, no, you're sitting with me." Cole grabbed her shoulders, changing her course towards his table where his popular friends sat.

   "What? Cole, I don't think that's a good idea —"

   "Hey, don't worry about it." Cole assured her, chuckling lightly at the slight fear in her eyes as they got closer to the table. "Don't worry? Those people have always hated me, Cole." Blake pressed, shaking her head.

   "Don't be ridiculous. I'll be there, It'll be just like old times." Cole said with a little more bitterness in his last sentence than expected. Blake stood frozen in her spot, lunch tray in hand as they reached the table and felt Erin's stare burning into her. "All right, everyone. You remember Blake, right?"

   Some nodded and Blake recognized Olivia — who sat beside a brooding Erin — smiling at her, almost in shock as her eyes glanced her body up and down. "Hi, Blake. Wow, it's good to see you again."

   "Thanks." Blake sat with a forced tight-lipped smile.

   "Sit." Cole gestured for her to take a seat. Blake looked at him with a pleasing look in her eyes to not make her sit with them. "I don't see any room." Blake made an excuse at the packed booth.

   "Guys." Cole laughed softly at his friends who didn't budge. "Move over."

   Erin looked at her... lover boy, and shrugged. "It's pretty cramped already."

   Perfect. Blake didn't want to sit there and apparently neither did they. Blake was resenting Cole, he could've saved her from this humiliation by not forcing her over.

   Cole looked at her in disbelief. He pressed his lips together in order to control his rising anger. Picking up his own lunch tray, he gave it to a boy in a letterman jacket. "Hold that. You can have my seat." Cole gestured with his arm to the Joe open seat. Next to Erin.

   Blake sucked in a breath as she slid awkwardly into the booth, setting her tray on the table. She was aware of all attention on her and Cole, mostly her. Blake could feel the red hot jealousy and anger radiating off Erin beside her. Another boy stood up from a chair that was pulled over for more room and Cole took that seat.

   Olivia smiled at Blake, who in return smiled back. At least there was one nice person sitting at this table. Blake's smile fell when Erin purposely placed her elbow on the table and prompted her head on it, turning away from Blake and to Olivia, creating a physical wall to block Blake away from them as she began to chat with Olivia, ignoring Blake's presence.

    Blake suddenly didn't want to eat her food. Her wandering eyes met Cole's and he offered her a reassuring smile.

   Cole was being confusing. One minute he acts like her presence is a nuisance and can't bare the sight of her, then the next he's all buddy-buddy with her and giving her the old puppy look.

   Blake needed to get her mind off the Walter boy and sense her last period was a free period, she decided to visit the music room. There weren't many performers at this school so the room was empty most of the time, giving Blake a chance of solstice. She arrived to school with no instruments today but her songbook, so hopefully the room was supplied with ones.

   As she had expected, the room was empty besides the teacher who ran the music department, Mrs. Porter. She was a woman in her mid thirties and Blake had always been her favorite student, ever since the first day of freshman year.

   Mrs. Porter turned at the sound of the door opening, not expecting any students. Her eyes grew the size of saucers as she took in the familiar yet different girl. "Is my mind finally deceiving me or is that Blake Darley? I told my husband I was seeing grey hairs on my head!"

   Blake giggled at Mrs. Porter's usual behavior. "No, no, it's me. I'm back in Silver Falls."

   Mrs. Porter let out an excited yell as she raced across the room to bring Blake into a big bear hug. Blake laughed loudly at the older woman. "Oh, my god, how was California? How was that music camp? I saw the brochures, that place looked so nice I swear it could've been the opera!" Mrs. Porter bombarded her with questions that minute they pulled away from each other.

   "It was even better than the opera, Mrs. Porter." Blake gushed, finally being able to brag and talk to about it with someone who understand music like her. Mrs. Porter guided Blake to sit on two chairs, urging her to continue. "The people, the plays, the music, it was the best experience I've ever had. I wish I never had to leave."

   "Aw, I've known you going on three years, and you deserved that opportunity. I'm glad you went, you came back a whole new girl! Although, I can say it hasn't been the same without you. I've had no one to joke with over Glee lines!" Blake and Mrs. Porter laughed at that. "That music camp didn't sway your mind over Juilliard, right?"

   "Of course not. In fact, it made me want to work even harder to get in then before."

   "Work harder? Harder than her A+ Average, clubs, community service and music lessons?" Mrs. Porter quirked an eyebrow in disbelief. Blake nodded although it was amusing hearing someone else say it. "Trust me, Blake, you're getting in. I can feel it. Now, what do you want to play today?"

   Blake glanced behind Mrs. Porter over her shoulder at the instruments across the room. Her eyes locked with a guitar that had just been cleaned and shined. "You wanna hear the chorus of a song I've been working on all summer?"

   "Do you even need to ask?" The teacher questioned playfully before she got up and grabbed the guitar, marching back over to Blake, shaking her the guitar.

    Blake adjusted the guitar on her lap as she strummed, tuning the guitar as she saw fit before her fingers got in position.

    "I'm trying my best here to be brutally honest. Nobody said changing would be this exhausting." Blake sang in a soft voice as she strummed on the guitar, eyes on her fingers. "A foot on the break 'cause it's been making me carsick. How could you blame me? Growing up is chaotic."

   Blake finished the chorus, the only part of the in progress song she had finished so far. She looked up to gauge Mrs Porter's expression. The woman beamed at her prodigy. "That was amazing! What's it called?"


   "What inspired it?"

   "Well, I guess the struggle of being a teenager, friends that come and go, love, mental health. It's a work in progress but that's gonna be the gist of the song."

   "You have a real talent, Blake." Mrs. Porter smiled at her before her eyes drifted to something behind Blake, standing in the doorway. Blake craned her head around, following her gaze. "Mr. Walter. What can I help you with?"

   Cole smiled at the music teacher, adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. "Seeing if Blake needs a drive home. We're leaving soon." Mrs. Porter rose her eyebrows, eyes moving to Blake who's lips parted.

   "Uh, yeah, sure." Blake fumbled, handing Mrs. Porter her guitar, standing up and grabbing her bag she dropped by her chair. Blake smiled at the teacher, happy to see her again. "Thanks for the feedback, Mrs. Porter. I'll see you tomorrow."

   "Of course. Have a good night, Blake."

   Blake sent her one last smile before she met Cole in the doorway to the music room. He stepped back, gesturing for her to leave first. She did and Cole followed after her, joining her side as they walked down the hall through the bustling students scrambling in the halls.

   "So, you're writing songs?" Cole asked once he walked simultaneously beside her. Blake glanced at him in surprise. "You were listening to that?" She asked nervously.

   "Yeah, yeah, I mean, I got there when you finished the song so I didn't really hear anything."

   "It's a work in progress." Blake shrugged her shoulders. "I started it over the summer but I haven't had any inspiration to finish it."

   "And when did you start writing your own songs?" Cole teased her with a smirk.

   "Since I decided to broaden my horizons." Blake responded as the two pushed through the front doors of the school and walked to the parking lot where Cole parked the Walter car, to see all the boys already there, sitting in the car, waiting. Blake paused in her steps, noticing a missing presence. "Where's Jackie?"

   Cole only shrugged as he opened the trunk and put his and Blake's bag in there. "I said we leave at 3:30."

   "Cole." Blake warned, crossing her arms over her chest. Cole closed the trunk, chuckling at her scolding expression. "Relax, she made some new friends who'll take her home." Cole said.

   "You better not be lying to me." Blake told him seriously, unaware he was in fact lying to her face, a consequence he would soon be on the other end of. Cole sent her a grin before getting into the drivers seat.

   Blake huffed, making her way to the backseat door. Alex, slouched in his seat reading his book, straightened up when he noticed her approach. He pushed open the door, stepping out.

   "After you." Alex smiled at her nervously as he gestured for her to hop in. "Thanks, Alex." Blake nodded gratefully as she slid into the middle seat, Alex sliding back in after her, closing the door. She was squished in between Nathan and Alex.

    She met Cole's eyes in the rear view mirror. He smirked at her before she forced herself to look away and dive into a conversation with Nathan who asked how her first day back was.

authors note.

   my little songwriter 🥺

poor blake is so confused with cole. he doesn't know how to act around around. so blake is gonna do what every songwriter does, put her feelings into her songs. prepare for some angsty lines.

fyi, the song is by tate mcrae, i did not write my own song — i'm not talented enough for that.

   i love you all, don't be a ghost reader!

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