14. panic attacks and jealousy

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     AFTER MALIA RAN OFF, Scott, Blaze, and Blair headed back to Stiles where they found a coyote's den that they figured out had belonged to Malia due to the doll they had seen which was the same one from the photograph.

"Guys, I don't think we should be in here." Blair felt chills down her spine as she looked around the area. The young girl's home.

"Why, not? Scared of a hole?" Blaze smirked at his sister who glared at him.

"She's not going to come back now. We just invaded her home-- our scent will be everywhere." Scott agreed with Blair, who nodded at his words.

"Is it just me, or does this girl seem ungrateful? We are trying to help her, and she's making it difficult. Why are we helping her again?" Blaze frowned. He could've been doing anything else, such as getting Scott naked but of course, some random werecoyote was stopping that from happening.

Scott placed a hand on his shoulder as if he was teaching a child something. "Blaze, we talked about this. She needs our help and she's scared. Technically she's still an 8-year-old. She didn't get to grow up like we did."

"Does that mean when she turns back, she'll be an 8-year-old? How do you grow up as a coyote?" Blaze questioned making the group pause as they looked around, hoping one of them had an answer.

"We will come back to that question, when we find her and save her. Speaking of, if she's not going to come back here, where's she going to go?" Stiles asked the next question.

"I don't know..." Scott sighed.

"Can you track her now? Do you think you have her scent? Any of you." Stiles looked around.

"Maybe... But I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf... And I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to turn back." Scott felt defeated and wished he could do something more.

"The doors still opened." Stiles sighed, being reminded of their problems.

"Can you guys track her down? You can do it better together, right?" Scott asked the twins who shared a look.

"We could try but there are a lot of woods, and she will be long gone by now. It would take us forever and even if we do find her, then what?" Blaze exclaimed with a questioning tone. He also didn't want to spend hours searching for a Nanaimo's he may or may not find.

"She's scared, she'll either attack us or run away again. She needs to not see us as a threat." Blair explained to the other boys who understood their point.

"This is a crime scene, right? I think it might be a little out of my boss' league..." Scott glanced over at Stiles who nodded.

" ...And more in my dad's." Stiles agreed.

The group waited until the Sheriff arrived with all his deputies who began searching the place and talked to the other man who was having a hard time believing them. "You're sure it was her?"

"I looked her right in the eyes, and they glowed, just like mine." Scott pointed out, being 100% sure that it was Malia Tate.

"It makes sense, Dad." Stiles tried to reason with his father.

"But it wasn't a girl-- it was a four-legged coyote, right?" Sheriff Stilinski appeared to be just as confused at that part as the rest of them.

"Well, okay... But yeah, see, that's the point that we don't exactly have figured out yet." Blaze shrugged.

"Okay, but if it was a full moon, and she did change while her mom was driving, then anything could have happened--" Scott tried to explain to the man to make him so their point of view.

"--Horrible things could have happened! Ripping, shredding, tearing things--" Stiles exaggerated like usual but this time it may not have been as exaggerating as he usually makes it.

"--Which is probably what caused the accident! You get it, now? Or should we try it in Spanish?" Blaze asked with an annoyed look on his face. They were getting nowhere, and he was getting tired.

"Think about it Dad, all right? They're driving. Malia starts to change. She goes out of control, the mom crashes, and everybody dies--" Stiles kept going as Scott nodded along with him.

"--Except for Malia."

"She blames herself, all right? Goes off running into the woods, and eventually... becomes trapped inside the body of a coyote." Blair and Blaze shared a look thinking of how that sounded and no way the Sheriff was going to believe that.

"That makes sense." The Sheriff nodded making Blaze confused and surprised along with the others.

"What—?" Blaze dragged out before the Sheriff finished his sentence.

"In a Chinese folktale!" The Sheriff groaned as he stared at his son in shock.

"There it is." Blair hummed.

"Boys, Blair. this is insane. I need this kept quiet. The two of you? Not a word. I don't want anyone hearing about this. I especially don't want Mr. Tate hearing about this." Stilinski said sternly as Blaze heard a racing heartbeat coming from beside him making him turn to see Scott was looking behind them, almost scared.

"Hey." Blaze nudged Scott who didn't seem to notice or hear what he said.

"Scott?" The Sheriff tried but Scott seemed to focus on whatever was behind him making Blaze worry. Now that he knew about Scott's hallucinations, it felt easier to understand him.

"Baby." Blaze placed a hand on Scott's cheek to turn his face away from whatever he was seeing making Scott snap out of it and look at him sheepishly.

"Sorry... What did you say?" Scott looked at the Sheriff, trying to avoid Blaze's worried glance. They needed to worry about Malia right now and he didn't want his problems to be a distraction.

"Aw, hell..." Stile's dad groaned when they saw a police car pull up and Mr. Tate and Rafael walked out and over to them, "Mr. Tate."

"Mr. Tate?" Rafael called as the man slowly took the blanket from Stilinski's head, keeping his emotions on the surface.

"It's hers..." He confessed making the teenagers share a look, eager to know they were right. Malia was the werecoyote and maybe they can help her now. 

"All right, wait here," Rafael said as he went to leave.

"Dad—" Scott reached out to say but the man cut him off with a disapproving tone, "I'll talk to you in a minute. I wouldn't mind hearing how your mom's okay with you running around in the woods this late."

"How she was okay with you to marry you is something I'd love to hear!" Blaze called after the man who pissed him off more than he liked to admit. Scott placed a hand on his arm and shook his head.

"Don't let him get to you. Just ignore him. That's what we do."


Blaze, Stiles, Scott, Blair and Allison were standing in a classroom while they talked about Malia and coyotes.

"Here's where we found the den. It's right in the middle of the hiking trails." Stiles showed her on a tablet where they found the girl's home.

"Well, that could narrow it down. Coyotes travel in fixed trails. But I think you're right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves, and they're really smart-- if they don't want to be heard, they walk on their toes." Allison explained to the boys as Blair nodded along.

"Wait?" Blaze only truly caught onto the last part. He never needed to always pay attention since Stiles loved to repeat everything and Scott was always sure to make sure to re-tell him knowing he probably wasn't listening the first time as well.

"Coyotes tiptoe?" Stiles asked just as surprised as Blaze.

Allison sighed and gave them a look. "They tip-toe."

The bell rang which made Allison get ready to leave. "I gotta go but send me the pinned location."

Allison left the classroom while the boys and Blair went to their seats. Blaze followed Scott when the new girl appeared out of nowhere, "Hey! I'm Kira. You knew that. I knew you knew that. I don't know why I just told you that again..."

Blazes looked at her like he was scared of her before he looked at Scott and his mood damped seeing the amused and happy smile on his boyfriend's face.

"Please, stop." Blaze cut her off, hoping she would stop giving him secondhand embarrassment.

"Anyway, I have something for you," Kira told Scott making Blaze raise an eyebrow at her. He swore if it was cookies or brownies, he was going to attack her.

"For me?" "For him?" They asked in unison.

"Yeah, about the Bardo. My explanation was kind of all over the place, so I did some research and I printed it out for you." Kira's words just made Blaze even more annoyed. He felt like throwing her out the window. First, she eavesdropped on their conversation and now this. What was she? Insane.

"Aw, you didn't have to do that." Scott smiled at her as Blaze's eye twitched at his words as well.

Kira shrugged. "It only took a couple of hours."

Blaze laughed as she dug throw her bag but it wasn't a humorous laugh, it was a "I'm going to kill you if you don't walk away laugh".

"Wow, then you didn't have to do that," Scott said in surprise.

"I swear, I printed it out..." Kira muttered as she dug throw her bookbag.

"We don't have all day—," Blaze said but he didn't get to finish the last word since Scott elbowed him in the side and gave him a look.

"Kira? You forgot all the research you did for that boy you like." Her dad, also the teacher gave her a pile of papers making the girl blush in embarrassment and Blaze was about to say something when Scott grabbed his hand and the papers.

"Thank you." Scott smiled at the girl and forced Blaze to sit in front of him as he sat at the desk behind him.

"What the fuck?" Blaze looked back at Scott who shook his head.

"Class is starting," Scott said grabbing his textbook.

"All right, everyone, let's get started! We were just talking about internment camps and prisoners of war. There's a passage in our reading that I'd like to go over in more detail. Who would like to come up and read aloud for us?" The man asked aloud.

Blaze shrunk in his seat because he hated reading aloud. It's not that he was scared to talk in front of people, but it was just downright awkward, and he didn't like reading.

"Mr. Stilinski?" The man called on Stiles who was sitting in the front. Blaze cringed and felt bad for the boy who looked anxious.

"Oh, maybe someone else could...?" Stiles tried to ask but the man wasn't having it which already made Blaze dislike him. He never understood why teachers made students do this. Reading a paragraph because they were too lazy to do it and choosing someone who didn't feel comfortable enough to do it. Bunch of assholes in his eyes.

"Everyone participates in my class, Mr. Stilinski." Great, his daughter is a weirdo and the dads an asshole. Wonder what the mom is like.

Blaze played on his phone as the class went on until he realized that it was silent, and he didn't hear Stiles's obnoxious voice speaking making him look up to see a pale and sick-looking Stiles clenching onto the podium at the front of the class.

"Stiles?" Blaze sat up and put his phone down as Scott and Blair sat up in alarm.

Blair was the first one to get up as the boys followed her. Stiles looked like he was ready to pass out which is why he clung onto Blair.

"We should take him to the nurse's office," Scott told the teacher as Blair was already helping Stiles out of the classroom.

The teacher nodded but looked at Scott and Blaze. "I don't believe you all need to—"

"Listen to you since this is your fault. Agreed." Blaze cut him off with a fake smile as he followed them to the bathrooms. He knew it wasn't the teacher's fault, but he couldn't exactly say Stiles was losing his mind since he couldn't read.

"Stiles? Look at me, hey. Is this a panic attack?" Blair asked the boy who gripped the edge of the bathroom sink and tried to breathe.

"It's a dream, it's a dream, it's just a dream..." the boy mumbled to himself.

"No, it's not-- this is real. You're here. You're here with us." Scott tried to reassure him, but it did little to nothing

"Okay, what do you do? I mean, like, how do you tell if you're awake or dreaming?" Blaze asked him, as Blair placed a hand on his shoulder to try and keep him from moving around too much.

"Your fingers-- you count your fingers. You have extra fingers in dreams." Stiles heaved out as he faced his friends or at least tried to.

"How many do I have? Hey! Look at me. Come on, Stiles. Look at my hands and count with me." Scott held up his fingers and helped Stiles count with him.

Blaze watched as Stiles started to calm down and realized this was real before he slid down the wall and caught his breath, "What the hell is happening to me?" Stiles weakly asked.

"We'll figure it out." Blaze nodded in reassurance.

"You're going to be okay," Blair said softly as Stiles looked at her for a moment.

"Am I? Are you?" Stiles said skeptic of their words as he looked at Scott. "Scott, you can't transform... Allison's being haunted by her dead aunt... And I'm straight up losing my mind. We can't do this. We can't-we can't help Malia. We can't help anyone."

Blaze has never heard Stile's sound so defeated in this life and he couldn't help but hate it. Stiles was always so optimistic, much like Scott. He never felt like this before, and it was making Blaze nervous. If Stiles says we can't do anything, the man who knows everything then how the rest of them can believe it. Stiles may have been human amongst them, but they truly relied on him. They needed him to figure out these problems with them and they can't do that if he can't.

"We can try. We can always try." Blaze said sternly. Blaze was usually the negative one, but he did truly believe that they could help the girl, and they could help the pack. They just had to do what Scott always said. Try.


Blaze sat beside Scott as they looked around the locker room and the mess that Malia had made after she showed up and tried to attack the new girl.

"Dad, seriously. I'm okay." Kiera or Katie, whatever her name was told her dad.

"Why were you not heading to lunch like everyone else?" Again, whatever his name was said. Blaze wondered the same thing. What was the girl doing in the boy's locker room? The new girl is double-crazy.

"They left their bags! I was just trying to do something nice. You do something nice, and you make friends — or so I heard." They heard the girl say sheepishly.

Blaze snorted at her words. "This girl is trying way too hard to make friends. It's embarrassing."

Scott couldn't help but give his boyfriend an angry and pissed-off look. "She's not doing anything wrong Blaze. Not everyone makes friends as well as you do. Didn't you tell Isaac that if he wanted to make friends? To just ask? Maybe if you were nicer to her, she wouldn't have to go to such lengths to try and make friends."

Blaze stared at Scott in shock and surprise not expecting him to do that but didn't have anything else to say so he just huffed and looked away. He didn't mind people bitching at him, but it was different when it was Scott. He made him feel bad about it.

"Blaze, Scott, I think I know what she was looking for." Stiles grabbed his bag and pulled out the doll that he had taken from the car.

"You took the doll from the car?" Scott's eyes widened as he looked at his best friend exasperatedly.

"Yeah, I thought you could use it! You know, for, like, her scent..." Stiles shrugged shamelessly as he defended his actions.

"Where did you get that? Where did you find this? It belonged to my daughter." Mr. Tate showed up and grabbed the doll from Stiles.

"Sorry." Stiles apologized as he stepped away from the man.

"Mr. Tate, I don't know how you heard about this — if you have your own police scanner, or whatever but you can't be here." Mr. Stilinski told the man, placing a man on him as he tried to make him leave the locker room but stopped when he felt something.

Blaze watched as the man moved his jacket and a gun was in their view making the teenagers look at each other.

"I have a permit." Mr. Tate told the man.

"California schools are gun-free zones, permit or no permit. You need to leave, Mr. Tate. Now." Sheriff Stilinski told the man sternly.

"You find that animal! You find that thing!" The man said angrily. You could practically feel the anger and desperation coming from the man.


Blaze got out of his car and walked over to the clearing where the man stood. "I am a busy man. This better be worth my time."

Jeremiah chucked for a moment as he turned around to face his son. "Is spending time with your dear old pops such a waste of your time?"

"What are we doing here?" Blaze dodged the question by asking his own.

"You don't remember this place? I get maybe a year ago but even now. You used to love this place." Jeremiah gave his son a teasing look as Blaze looked around the clearing. It was just rocks. It was pretty far into the woods, but it was nice. Probably somewhere he would party. But it used to be somewhere that he would train.

"We used to train here. You only ever brought me here." Blaze muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Our little secret." Jeremiah smiled; wishing things could go back to the way they were before. "I taught you how to fight at such a young age just in case anything ever happened. I knew it wouldn't be around forever and I wanted to make sure you could protect yourself."

"Well, I can. Good talk." Blaze hated conversations like this, and he felt awkward which meant it was time for him to leave. Awkward was not his thing.

"I know you're pissed and hurt. I should've been the one protecting you instead of you protecting yourself. I can't fix the past, but I can try not to make the same mistake again by leaving you to fend for yourself. You guys found me for a reason because the truth is you can't protect yourself. Your kids. You shouldn't have to." Jeremiah sighed.

Blaze was quiet for a moment before he spoke up. "Why didn't you take us with you?"

Jeremiah looked over at him, but Blaze spoke up again before he could answer. "I mean, why didn't you just move us to a random island or something? Was separating our family the best way?"

"I tried that." Jeremiah almost smiled as Blaze looked confused. "Family trip to K'gari. Formally known as Fraser Island."

Blaze's eyes widened as he remembered that family trip when he was younger. They were so excited to go to the world's largest sand island and all of the stuff they got to do. They always said they wanted to move there but now that he thought about it, they were there for a while.

"That explains why we were there for so long and why we randomly left on night." Blaze nodded. "We were supposed to move there?"

Jeremiah nodded his head. "Yep. Talia came up with it but that bitch mother of yours found us."

"Come on. Fight me." Jeremiah turned around and playfully raised his fists as Blaze raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" Blaze asked.

"What?" Jeremiah mocked him. "I said fight me. I gotta see if you kept up the Hale fighting, kid. I need to know if I have to whip your ass in shape. And give you a free pass to hit me like I know you've been wanting to do."

"I'm not fighting you." Blaze rolled his eyes and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Why? I like fighting. It helps release tension and you in fact could release some." Jeremiah shrugged.

"That's what I use sex for." Blaze gave his father a look and chuckled. "Speaking of that. I need to go meet up with Scott."

"For sex?" Jeremiah raised an eyebrow at him.

"No, for--" Blaze cut himself off as he thought of why he was going to see Scott. "You can come with. Father, son bonding with his boyfriend because he needs help."

"Lead the way." Jeremiah smiled at his son who rolled his eyes.

They got into Blaze's car and Jeremiah whistled as he looked around. "This is quite nice for a 17-year-old. Not better than mine but nice enough."

"Adoptive parents bought it. At least they were good for something." Blaze grumbled as he started making his way down the rose, waiting for someone to text him where to meet.

"What were they like? What did they do for a living and how did they die?" Jeremiah randomly asked these questions, making Blaze side-eye him but answered him anyway.

"Amelia and Ian were assholes. The whole picture-perfect family thing. They were lawyers and funny enough, our house burned down." Blaze smirked as Jeremiah cracked a laugh at the irony.

"They sound as bad as those names. Amelia and Ian? How ordinary." Jeremiah judged and Blaze was starting to remember how he got his judgmental personality from.

"What about Scott? When did you guys start dating? First boyfriend?' Jeremiah had taken this trip as a way to get to know his son more and he was going to use it to his advantage proudly.

Blaze bit his lip for a moment and Jeremiah saw his hesitation to answer which is why he spoke up. "You don't have to tell me. Just curious about who's stealing my boy's heart. I'm wondering if broke it which would mean I'd have to break theirs. Literally."

"No one broke my heart. Ryle my first love, died a few months ago which is how I ended up meeting Charlotte in therapy. As for Scott, he loved me when I was with Ryle then helped me get over his death before I left town, came back a now we're dating." Blaze blurted out as Jeremiah processed it and nodded.

"I wish my ex-lover would die. Fuck, can't get rid of her." Jeremiah said without thinking before he realized what he said and was about to backtrack when he heard Blaze laughing. The first real laugh he'd heard in what felt like forever.

"Okay, we are going to be silent until we get there." Blaze calmed down and decided it was best not to even speak at all. Is this how people feel when he opens his mouth? That he is a little insane for saying that and probably mentally unwell? Probably not but he thinks that about his dad.

"Get where?" Jeremiah asked as Blaze grabbed his phone and saw a message from Stiles.

"Lovely. Derek's loft for whatever reason." Blaze frowned, wondering what they were doing there.

"Speaking of Derek, you wouldn't happen to know where he or Peter is do you?" Jeremiah asked his son who shook his head.

'Don't know. Don't care." Blaze stated.

"What did they do to you? You used to love them." Jeremiah asked him.

"Peter almost killed me and Lydia a few months ago. Activated my werewolf side actually, which we need to talk about. But, Scott, went around killing people and don't even get me started on Derek, he's been a grade-A pain in my ass since the moment he stepped into town. Also tried to kill Lydia."

"And Lydia is the redhead, right?" Jeremiah asked, getting a nod in return from the younger boy.

"Lydia is my best friend. Derek and Peter can go to hell after trying to hurt her." Blaze scoffed. Every time he thinks he can get over it, he's reminded of everything they did to his best friend and he's back to square one with his hatred for them. Just thinking about it makes him angry.

"Ethan and Aiden are at the loft; maybe your friends are there to see them," Jeremiah mentioned making Blaze's head snap over to him.

"What? Fuck no. I'm going to kill all of them. Starting with those annoying twins." Blaze droves faster until he reached the loft and didn't hesitate to run up the stairs. His father followed behind him.

The sight Blaze walked into made him more pissed than he's felt in weeks. Scott being beaten by the twins was not something on his bingo card.

He growled as he grabbed Aiden and slammed him into a wall, giving him one hard punch before he spoke. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Jeremiah pushed Ethan away from Scott, who coughed and sat up. "Blaze, I'm fine."

"Yeah, you, fucking look it." Blaze scoffed, pushing Aiden away from him as he helped Scott sit up.

"He wanted our help." Aiden tried to say.

"Shut up." Jeremiah glared at him. "Helping him do what? Bleed."

"Why are you all just standing around? This is your version of trying to help him. Watching Scott get beat?" Blaze snapped at Stiles, Lydia, and Blair, who were watching from the sidelines.

"They said they could help him transform so that we could, Malia. We did not know this was their version of helping until after they started this, Blame them." Stiles held his hands up defensively, knowing he was not about to get on Blaze's bad side.

"This. This is your way of helping him transform." Jeremiah stared at the twins like they were idiots as Scott sat up on the table and let Blaze look him over.

"It worked for us, didn't it?" Aiden shrugged.

"Yeah, because you were the bitches in the pack. Some things never change." Jeremiah smirked, making Aiden growl and step forward but then stopping him. "Your packs used to beat on you because it was fun. You were weak and useless. They beat the monster right out of you. That is not what Scott needs."

"What is it that I need?" Scott asked the older man. He was ready to do anything to help Malia.

"To not be afraid. You're scared to transform because you don't want to be a monster like Peter, or like any of the alphas in the pack. You have yet to meet a good alpha who can teach you the better way of things." Jeremiah glared at the twins when he made the last comment.

"You have to accept who you are now." Blaze gave Scott a teasing smile, making the boy roll his eyes playfully. "It seems like we switched places."


Blaze walked into his room and saw Scott sitting on the edge of his bed, like he had told him. He was softly touching the now healed wound as Blaze held a damp cloth.

Blaze stood in front of Scott, put a hand under his chin and lifted his head to see his face better before he started to wipe the blood off his face. "That was stupid."

"I know." Scott sighed. "I just--I want to help her and I, I hate that I feel so useless right now."

Blaze stopped wiping for a minute to grip the boy's chin and look him in the eye. "You're not useless, Scott. You're just struggling right now. And you're not the only one. You need to take care of yourself before you try and help other people or you're just going to get yourself and somebody else hurt."

Scott smiled for a minute before letting out a small chuckle, making Blaze give him a confused look. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing." Scott laughed again. "When did you start talking? so--I can't even think of a word for it."

Blaze rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Need I remind you that I lived with a therapist all summer and I still am. Those therapy sessions don't end just because I live with her now."

"Well, I'm enjoying this newfound wisdom or whatever it is." Scott smiled, leaning forward to capture his lips in a small, sweet kiss. He felt like he could never get tired of the feeling of Blaze's mouth. The butterflies that erupted in his stomach at just his presence. If Scott had known this was what he would get to experience, then he wished he would've realized he loved him sooner.

Blaze cupped him faster and kissed him deeper than before. Scott brought his hands down onto his bed and kept himself upright, so he didn't fall backwards but that remained useless when Blaze pushed him down and climbed on top of him.

"Fuck, you taste amazing." Blaze breathed out before he kissed his neck. Scott leaned his head back onto the bed, relaxing into the sheets as Blaze pushed his hands under his shirt and dragged his hands up his skin, tracing the outline of his abs.

Blaze lifted his shirt to reveal more of his tan skin before he looked up at Scott. "Is this, okay?" He asked him in a soft tone.

Scott nodded his head but that wasn't good enough for Blaze. He tapped his side before speaking up. "Words, baby."

"More than okay. So, so good." Scott lifted his hips and tried to get more of Blaze.

"Someone's eager." Blaze muttered before bringing his face back down towards his stomach and sucked on the skin softly, making Scott let out a small moan.

"Hey, guys." Stiles appeared in the doorway and yelped when he saw what he had walked into. "Oh, crap, sorry. Please continue. Didn't mean to interrupt but we were leaving so if you want us to wait--."

"Stiles?" Blaze cut him off.

"Yep?" Stiles asked awkwardly, trying to avoid looking at them.

"Get out," Blaze demanded.

"Totally." Stiles nodded and quickly ran down the hall to get away from them.

Scott sighed in relief and rubbed his hands over his face, trying not to look so embarrassed by being caught like that. Of course, they forgot to shut the door. A part of him was glad again that they got interrupted. Every time he had an intimate moment with Blaze, he wanted more until they stopped, and he realized that he was not sure if he was ready for that yet. Kissing was one thing, but the real thing was on another level that he knew nothing about.

"We should probably meet them downstairs before they leave without us." Scott coughed, barely looking at Blaze as he smoothed out his clothes and quickly left the room.

Blaze watched him leave before he fell back on his bed and sighed in annoyance. "Fuck you, Stiles." Blaze cursed at the ceiling. He was so horny; he thinks he might die if he doesn't get a good release soon and masturbating wasn't cutting it out.


The group arrived at the preserve and got out of their vehicles. Their bodies are anxious with anticipation.

"Anyone else think he might be doing more harm than good?" Lydia questioned, her stomach filling with anxiety as she looked at her friends.

"We're trying to keep a father from killing his daughter," Scott told her, not seeing how that could be harmful.

"Actually... we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote, who is his daughter... who we don't know how to change from a coyote, back to his daughter." Isaac and his usual comments just had to be added.

"Again, with the not helping." Stiles gave Isaac an annoyed look.

"Shut up for once." Blaze rolled his eyes at the same time.

"Sarcastic comments were never helpful. Never stopped you two." Blair rolled her eyes this time and side-eyed Stiles, who looked offended by her, making Blaze raise an eyebrow at her, wondering why she was in such a mood.

"Did you bring it?" Scott looked over at Allison who looked hesitant but walked to her trunk and pulled out the gun.

Stiles got a call from his father informing him to stay out of the woods because Mr. Tate had put traps all around the woods and was out in the woods with a rifle after finding out the coyote had taken the doll again.

"It took the doll again? What the hell is so important about this doll?" Stiles asked in confusion as Blaze bit his lip and looked into the woods.

"She must like this fucking doll," Blaze muttered in annoyance. He was starting to wish the doll would just disappear and fuck off somewhere where he didn't ever have to see it again.

Blaze flinched when he heard a random gunshot go off. The sound tracing through his ear made it sound louder than it was.

"Fuck." Blaze realized what that meant and the others must've too soon taken off into the woods. Racing to find Malia before Mr. Tate did, unless they were too late.

He didn't bother to keep track of the others as he chased through the woods, Blair being the closest one behind him from what he could hear.

The sound of a roar distracted Blaze, who tripped over a rock, making him stumble on the ground and much to his luck, he rolled into a bear trap.

He screamed as the sides of the traps snapped into his backside. The sudden pain scorched through his body, making him scream louder.

"Blaze!" Blair screamed as she came to a stop and fell to his side, not bothering to touch him in case she hurt him more. Her brain thought of something she could do to help but it came up empty as she listened to her brother's scream.

"Fuck." Blaze squeezed his eyes shut and tried not to let the tears fall from his eyes. He was a badass werewolf and he was not about to start crying over a little bit of pain.

"Okay. Calm down well I try and figure out how to—" Blair cut herself off to take a deep breath.

"I need to calm down?" Blaze glared at her as he gritted his teeth through the pain.

"What do I do? Tell me what to do." Blair almost cried from how useless she felt, watching her brother in such pain.

Blaze squeezed his eyes shut and tried to keep weight off his back so it didn't dig deeper in him. "Go find Scott." He pushed out.

"What-no." Blair shook her head.

"You need to find Malia. Help Scott. I'll be right behind you." Blaze reassured her, hissing through every other word as his body moved with his words.

"I'm not leaving you here alone so shut up and help me get you off this thing." Blair glared at her brother, who knew he wasn't going to make her leave.

Blair was struck with an idea that made her sit up. "Alright, how about I turn you over and then rip it from you and then you heal, and we go help your boyfriend together?"

"That sounds non-painful," Blaze stated, sarcastically. He sighed after a moment, figured it was the only way he was going to heal and nodded his head. "Fuck, fine."

Blair rolled her brother onto his side and apologized repeatedly as he cursed and swore the entire time. "I don't even have you turn you over. This is going to hurt."

Blaze gritted his teeth, but it did little to stop the pain or keep him quiet as Blair tried to pull the trap out of his skin. Amid the situation, Blaze had a feeling of Deja Vu and couldn't help but think back to when he hit his memories.

The fire. 10-year-old Blaze lying on his side in his childhood house. The women.

The women.

The blonde girl with orange eyes stood in his house while it burned to the ground, looking right at him. It was a brief moment before he fell through the floor that broke under his weight. He couldn't remember her before, but he does now. And he had a feeling he knew exactly who it was.

Elizabeth March was his mother, and he did not doubt in his mind that she helped start that fire with Kate Argent. They sounded like the same person.

"I'm going to rip this out in one swift motion, and it's going to hurt like a bitch, so feel free to scream. No judgement here." Blair told her brother sheepishly.

"Good to know." Blaze braced himself for the pain that was probably going to make him pass out. Blair didn't say anything before she ripped it out of his back, making him scream in pain. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He gritted his teeth as he laid his head on the ground and withered in pain.

"They're all done. See, that wasn't so bad." Bla sighed in relief.

"I hate you." Blaze took deep breaths. He was just glad it was gone but the lack of healing was stopping him from moving. A sudden roar made them look up. The trees shaking and the ground vibrating made Blaze grin proudly.

"That's my boy." Blaze laughed as he lifted himself, feeling himself heal better than before.

"Let's hope he has Malia," Blair said as they started making their way back to the entrance. Blaze was still in pain, and he was still healing so he kept an arm around Blair, who helped him walk. He tried to reassure her that he was fine, but she wasn't having it, so he didn't bother to fight her on it.

When they made it back to the cars, they saw Allison and Isaac standing by her car and Lydia and Stiles walking back from the other direction, "Hey, guys." Blaze grinned as he limped over to them.

"What the hell happened to you?" Stiles asked Blaze, seeing how he was walking, and anyone could see the blood that was soaked on the back of his grey shirt.

"Where's Scott?" Blaze rolled his eyes as he let go of Blair and walked on his own. He didn't care about himself, he wanted to know where Scott was.

"I'm right here." Scott walked out of the woods, before freezing when he saw the back of Blaze. "Oh my god. Blaze. What happened?" He ran over to his boyfriend and checked him over in complete shock.

"Bear trap. I'm alright. Tripped and fell onto one. Didn't even hurt that bad." Blaze shrugged giving Scott a soft smile who sighed in relief just being glad he was okay.

"Didn't hurt my ass. I saw those tears." Blair scoffed at her brother who glared at her while hugging Scott back.

"I will kick your ass," Blaze muttered at her knowing she could hear him perfectly fine.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Scott pulled back to look at him making Blaze smile.

"Yeah, all good." Blaze nodded, leaning in to swiftly kiss the boy before they were interrupted by the usual.

"We're okay too." Stiles hollered at them as he threw his hands up.

"Yeah, not like my foot didn't almost get caught in a bear trap either." Lydia couldn't help but catch in as Blaze raised an eyebrow at her.

"It wasn't my foot, it was my entire back." Blaze shrugged, feeling the need to add just because.

"Yours almost got caught; mine did get caught." Isaac gave Lydia a look, while Blaze and Stiles had the same reaction.

"We don't care." They said it in unison before Blaze realized something. "That means you're the reason I tripped and landed on that bear trap in the first place."

"Really?" Blair gave her brother a look.

"Just saying." Blaze shrugged, not apologetic for saying the truth in the slightest. He wasn't sure if that roar was Isaac's, but he could bet his ass it was. He was always causing unnecessary problems.

"Wait, where's Malia?" Blair thought back to Scott's coming back alone.

"Yeah, we heard that roar. Which was awesome, by the way. Did it work? Did you change her back?" Stiles grinned at his best friend as Scott chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I did. I caught your dad in the woods, and he took her. The police should be here any minute." Scott told the group, making them all grin and laugh softly.

"Fuck, I can't believe that actually worked," Blaze said in surprise. Honey, he didn't think it would work, but even with a few trouble stones along the way, they managed to bring the girl back.


Authors Note:

It appears I haven't updated in months which I find kinda crazy because it didn't feel like it was that long but so sorry for the wait. My laptop is currently heading towards the trash, the charge is broken or out of power or whatever the hell is going on with it and my laptop is lagging like crazy so I can barely write and I'm kinda over it so if you see any errors or anything. Just close your eyes and keep reading.

Blaze secretly loves Isaac, don't worry about them. They would be the perfect enemies to lovers in another life. 🤞

Jeremiah tryna to win dad of the year of Charlotte doesn't became the favourite (she totally is)

Enjoy the chapter and let me know what you guys think!!

ILY  🤍

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