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🔥❄🌬🍃| 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞
' I've always liked to play with fire'
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The snow fell the following morning as the day of Christmas morning had arrived.

Dahlia was curled up in her blankets with Tewksbury snuggled in her chest. It wasn't rare to see the two this close. Tewksbury was only a few month old and she had become fond of her owner as Dahlia had become fond of her too.

"Come on Harry,Dahlia! Wake up!" Ron called from the common room, his voice echoed all the way to the girls dorms.

Dahlia groaned as she stretched her arms and legs, accidentally pushing Tewksbury onto the cold wooden floor below.

"Sorry Tewks." She said as she picked up the grumpy cat who purred as soon of she was safely in her arms.

Dahlia slipped on her yellow duck slippers while holding her cat and ran out to meet Harry at the top of the stairs.

"Happy Christmas Harry, Happy Christmas Dahlia." Ron chirped.

"Happy Christmas Ron." The both responded earning a meow from Tewksbury.

"Happy Christmas Tewksbury." They all said in a whisper.

"What are you wearing?" Harry asked the ginger who was wearing a sweater with the initial of his first name on it, R.

"Oh my mum made it. Looks like you two got some too." Ron told them.

"I've got present?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yes, or else he wouldn't have told you. Now come on!" Dahlia added before descending down the stairs with Harry hot on her tail.

"There they are." Ron said as he sat on the table that already had unwrapped present on it.

Dahlia sat down, legs crossed and placed Tewksbury in her lap, who fell back asleep rather quickly.

She took the first gift that had her name on it. It felt hard, almost like a box. She untied the ribbon and saw it was a framed picture. She smiled as she felt her heartache slightly.

It was of her and Draco hiding between heaps of snow, both holding snow balls ready to attack.

She remembered this day very well. They were only nine at the time but it was still one of the most favorite memories. That's saying something since they had known eachother for just over a decade.

There was a note at the back, wedged in the frame.

She pulled it out gently. The boys were talking but she wasn't really paying much attention.

Dear Dala

Wow I haven't used that name in a while. Now that think of it we haven't spoken since we got separated.

What I'm about to say is something I knew would come sooner rather than later. I know we need to talk, I will come to you at the beginning of the term when I come back.

I give you my word.

I do know myself well as do you so I want you to promise me that you won't unfold the end unless it one hundred percent necessary.

As in a time when we're put against eachother  or  I say or do something that makes you think that I do not consider you my best friend. Only then.

Hopefully you won't ever have to.

Happy Christmas Dala, enjoy the candy.

Oh and my mother says hi.

With Love
Dray Dray

Dahlia folded up the rest of the letter as instructed and placed it back where she found it in the frame and smiled to herself as she held the picture in her arms.

She proceeded to open her other gifts which were a sweater similar to Ron's except it was knitted with dark blue wool and the 'D' was in in red wool. This was different than the others she had received over the years from the mother.

Draco wasn't selfish with the candy, the bag had an extension charm so she really didn't know how much was in the bag but she didn't care.

Her parents had gotten her this book from a muggle author that she loved reading from. Hermione got her a charm bracelet, it had a cat charm, a flame charm, a cake charm, a griffin, a raven, a snake and a wand charm.

She wrote up some letters to write back to her parents and Hermione before going to the owlry and handing them over to Rosie.


After the Christmas feast the students were free to do as they pleased. Dahlia had dressed into a pair of comfy pants, a random shirt and the sweater she had received from Mrs Weasley. She had also tied her hair up and wore some cozy boots.

She was planning on meeting up with her siblings and  Weasley siblings in the Ravenclaw common room. Nicholas, Celeste and Bellamy were the only ones left that had stayed for the holidays.

She was walking beside Catie who was rambling on about how she was going to get George back for eating one of her chocolate frogs.

Once they arrived Celeste let them in. Climbing in through the portrait to find Harry, Ron and the twins there already with Nicholas and Bellamy.

"Finally! We started to think that you got lost." Fred exclaimed as the two girl sat with the group.

Dahlia sat next to Ron and Harry who updated her on his anonymous Christmas present. They told her that he'd try to sneak into the restricted section later that night.

Celeste came back from her dorm with a box and a few plastic forks. She placed it in the middle of the group and handed each of them a fork.

"My parents felt extra guilty about not being here and so did my aunt and uncle for dragging them away so they sent us this." Celeste said as she opened up the box.

"Is that?" Dahlia asked hopefully as she licked her lips.

"Yep, Aunt Joanna's triple chocolate cake."  Celeste said eagerly. "The chocolate came all the way from Switzerland."

"Celeste quit your jabbering and let us eat." Fred groaned before sticking his fork into the cake, taking a piece and eating it.

This motion made the rest of them dig in. From different corners, ends. Only after 10 minutes was the box completely empty there was just some frosting left.

Catie reached for the box at the same time George did. Both of them holding a part of it started pulling it back and forth.

"Let Go!" Catie demanded as she pulled the box towards her.

"You first!" George spat as he pulled the box towards himself.

"This is about to get interesting." Fred said as he ate some popcorn, the twins joining him as they watched eagerly.

"George LET GO!"

"Hecate YOU FIRST!"


This continued for a few more seconds until George had enough.

"FINE YOU WANT IT SO BAD, HERE!" George yelled as he let go of the box, that caused the box to fly into the air and landed right on the head of Hecate Weasley, her hair coated in frosting.

"GEORGE WEASLEY WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" Catie roared before shooting up fron her seat and chasing her triplet around the common room, frosting dripping down her face.

The others laughed as they watched the enraged girl chase him around the room.

Dahlia decided to end the run around the room as she caught Catie.

"Let me go so can hex the git!"

"My aunt usually uses special dyes so unless you want to have random splotches of brown in your hair we better go rinse this off." Dahlia told the girl who stopped struggling.

"Wait! Let's take a picture." Bellamy insisted.

"My bloody hair Bell!" Catie said as she pointed at her hair.

"It doesn't matter, half of us have cake on our faces anyway." Bellamy said making the group rub their faces, smearing the cake even more.

Bellamy positioned the camera, luckily this one had a timer. He pressed the button before running back to the group who were in position.

There were a few flashes as different pictures were taken. One for each person to keep. Bellamy finished handing out the pictures before he said goodbye to his sister and best friends

That was the perfect way to spend their Christmas.

since I haven't updated in 2 days hopefully I'll do a double update:)

I really loved writing this chapter tbh and I hope you enjoyed it.

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