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🔥❄🌬🍃| 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞

' I've always liked to play with fire'

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Dahlia groaned as her older sister shook her awake with slight force.

"Up! You lazy old bat!" Celeste spat as she pulled off her covers. She had come home because she wasn't feeling well and was going back to school in a few hours.

"You're two years older than me!" Dahlia responded.

"Yeah but you're ten times lazier than Grandma Edith." The older girl said as her and the younger girl straightened the sheets.

"She's 57! She isn't that old!"

"Oh really?"


"Girls! Stop bickering!" Their mother interrupted as she stood in the doorway of Dahlia's room.

"Sorry mum." They both said quickly.

"Right, Dahlia don't you have a present for Dudley, if I am correct it's his birthday today." Her mother questioned her youngest child.

"But Mum, he's an arse." Dahlia whined.

"Dahlia Opal Falcone, watch your language. Now I know Dudley Dursley may not be the most pleasant boy..." Iris Falcone started.

"Pleasant?! Dudley Dursley is nothing but a loathsome little git who constantly looks for attention!"

"It might be the last time you see Harry dear." Raymond said with a slight frown.

"What if the Dursleys actually let him go?" Dahlia said with a hopeful tone.

"They would never let him, dear. You know that." Iris responded as Dahlia sat down on the chair if her wooden vanity.

"I don't want us to stop being friends." She sulked as her mother sprayed her hair with a detangler.

"He lives right across from us sweetie. You two are too good of friends." The elementess assured as she brushes through her daughter's hair.

They sat in silence for a few moments longer.

"Mummy?" Dahlia called as her mother tied up her hair and added a few butterfly clips holding back the front strands of her hair as the rest of hair was brushed out .

"Yes dear."

"Do you think he'll be angry with me?"

"Who dear?"


"Now why would he ever be angry with you?" The woman asked as Dahlia picked out an outfit.

"I've been lying to him about his parents, who he really is. Best friends don't do that."

"You did what was best for him. If he knew too soon then it could've put his life in so much danger." She spoke with as Dahlia changed into a plain dark blue shirt, some plaid pants, a grey button up sweater that she left open and some blue pumps. She took out her necklace with her Minuere jewel and clipped it round her neck.

Her mother and father were ready to join the Dursleys on their trip to the zoo.


The Falcones and Dursleys were currently in the reptile enclosure. The 3 children were looking at the Boa Constrictor. Dudley then felt like looking at the next cold blooded creature.

"Come on Dahlia! Let's leave this weirdo and go look at some scorpions!" Dudley said glaring at him cousin before grabbing the girls arm and yanking her away from Harry. The curly hair girl mouthed an apology as she was pulled away.

Dahlia didn't like Dudley that was obvious. Dudley on the other hand who an ego larger than his temper was smitten for the girl and was under the impression that she was smitten for him too. At one point he had even told the whole school that she was his girlfriend, to which Harry laughed at her for. Dahlia then told the boy that they were to young for such commitments. Harry then had gotten the confirmation from her that she was just letting the boy off easy. That didn't stop him from trying.

Dahlia was listening to Dudley blabber on about scorpions when her eyes trailed over to her friend who was still at the Boa Constrictor. She could she Harry's lips moving as well as the body of the snake. Then she tried to listen and failed. Dudley noticed that the girl wasn't listening anymore and turned his head towards what was interesting her. His eyes widened as he saw the sight. He yanked the girls arm again for a second time as they made their way to his cousin.

"Mummy! Mummy look! Harry's talking to the snake!" Dudley shouted as he shoved the boy away making Dahlia pull out of his grasp and helping the boy up.

The two giggled to themselves, well Dahlia did until she saw the glass disappear and the chubby boy fall into the enclosure as the snake slithered out, screams erupting in the room. The glass then sealed back up. Dudley was stuck inside. Dahlia stood up abruptly as she gulped and looked for her parents who were already on the tail of Petunia and Vernon Dursley who screamed when they saw their son, dripping wet where the snake was. Harry was laughing at their panicked expressions while Dahlia fiddled with her fingers before Raymond placed his arm on her shoulder.

"Dahlia, honey I think it's time we go home." Raymond said as he reached for her hand.

"Okay, bye Harry." Dahlia said as she hugged her friend, hopefully not for the last time.

Here's chapter 1:))))
Here's the link for the playlist :)

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