𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. HEROES

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chapter eight, heroes

They arrived to the movie theaters where the vampires planned to attack. Sarah pulled up the car to the front of the building with glowing lights.

"This is it." She declared letting out a shaky breath."Erica and I wan it's a whole year for this advanced screening."

"Wow, that's really lame." Benny commented from the back seat beside Amelia.

"Just read your magic book, dork." Sarah responded with a a a playful eyes roll.

"Cause we all know he needs the knowledge." Amelia added, getting her bow and arrow out with her special arrows, making sure they were ready.

Benny turned to look at her with raised eyebrows,"Okay, That was uncalled for." Amelia let out a small chuckle before she swung her quiver filled with arrows laced with holy water over her shoulders.

"The bouncer looks like one of them. You think he recognizes us?" Ethan asked, mostly to Sarah.

"It's okay. I think I know another way in." And she did, but they had to all the way to the back, Ethan lunging a very bid bag with weapons while Benny had a smaller one, Amelia adjusting her leather gloves, holding her bow and was met with a locked door with chains on it.

"Allow me." Sarah said, pulling Ethan back from the obviously locked door. With one quick move, she ripped the chains off of the door, granting them access as they walked inside."Let's get this party started." Amelia grinned.

"Uh, hey, guys?" Benny called, making them stop to look at him."If I'm reading this correctly, apparently there's a spell here that just makes all the vampires just vanish." Amelia didn't believe any of it, Sarah and her sharing the same look while Benny and Ethan laughed, thinking this was gonna be easy.

"So, um... fera bat sententium neophoetus—" Benny chanted only for his spell book to vanish in thin hair when he finished the chant. Ethan let out a groan of frustration, Amelia patted Benny on the shoulder.

*✧ ───────── ✧*

They departed ways, Benny begged Amelia to go with his to the food counter. So, here she was, standing beside Benny next to the food counter where a pretty girl was working, while getting weird looks cause of the arrows on her back and bow she was holding.

"Hey, can I get you something?" She asked sweetly, glancing at Benny.

He gave her a goofy smile,"No, I, Uh... meh a bag. Get me an extra large jumbo bucket of popcorn with extra salt, extra butter, and extra popcorn. Life's short, right?" The girl let out a nervous laugh, walking away to get his order.

"Really? Your gonna eat that?" Amelia questioned just as Benny's phone ringed, he dug out of his pocket.

"Of course, you know, you should try it." Benny suggested, looking to his phone from her. Amelia looked over at his phone from beside him to read the message that popped up on the screen.

Holy water patched in. Plan B ready.

Both Benny and Amelia looked over to the hall that the screening room that was showing the movie or vampires in as the girl was standing at the counter with Benny's order. They heard yelling and immediately they got ready as vampires ran out of the screening room to them.

"Plug me in!" Benny yelled to the girl, gesturing the the previous tanning bed light but now I'm his words 'light saber'. "Much better than batteries."

A vampire came Amelia's way and she instantly shot in arrow towards the guys chest. His hot right where she wanted to, a smirk forming on her face as she watched the Vampire look at her with widened eyes before he disintegrated. Benny held up the light, keeping the vampires at bay.

"Oh! Evil you are! Toast you shall be!" Benny said with a grin, the light zapping them.

Amelia continued to shoot the vampires, wounding some of them then finishing them off as she raising her eyebrows at Benny,"This is not the time, Benny!"

"Sorry, babe!" He shouted back to her. She froze for a minute at the word he used. A vampire took this opportunity to throw his arms around her, capturing her. Just before he was about to bite her, she jabbed her body into his stomach, making the vampires grasp loosen on her, letting her turn around, lock him in the stomach to give them a good distance apart before she shot her arrow right into the chest of the Vampire, watching him vanish.

The girl behind the counter was using the water gun filled with holy water and popcorn with salt and butter in it to keep the vampires away, as Benny was to preoccupied with making sure Amelia was alright, he didn't even notice that girls t-shirt that had Star Wars on it.

"Keep that. Shoot at anything with fangs." Amelia told the girl, pointing to the water gun before her and Benny ran off towards the screening room to go and help Ethan and Sarah.

Amelia was met with screaming people and Vampires running around chasing after them. She did her best to save them, but there were already so many souls flying in the air.

Her eyes landed on Benny who was running towards a Vampire that had cornered Sarah but ended up getting punched in the face, the vampire not even needing to the around to know he was there. Ethan jumped in front of the vampire, pointing his dagger towards him. Other vampires started to crowd around them before she felt strong arms wrap around her, making her drop her bow.

"Calm down, Buttercup. It'll all be over soon." A voice whisper who she knew was Jesse. And the next thing she knew she was met with darkness, thinking all she was but dead, when she heard the scream of Sarah yelling her name.

*✧ ───────── ✧*

When she come to, her eyes squinted once they focused on darkness. She was outside, stuck to a tree, it was like invisible straps holding her down. Her bow and arrows were gone, so she was left alone or so she thought.

"Amelia!" She heard the shout of Ethan as he came into her line of vision. She realized the tree was just in the backyard of his own house.

Jesse came out from behind the darkness of the tree, making her stiffen once he placed a hand on her shoulder,"Funny how they name streets after what they tore down to build them. This used to be an orchard; one of my favorite spots until your idiot ancestors burned my flock alive."

"Yeah? Well, I'd say their only mistake was not finishing the job." Amelia scolded Ethan for making that stupid comeback.

Jesse held up the cubile animus, "You made my miss my target, so the rest of my flock may have to wait a little longer. That's fine. I still have enough dusker souls here to resurrect a few dozen of the most powerful vampires that ever lived. And you and Amelia will have the honor of being their first midnight snack." Ethan gulped as Amelia saw the moon in the sky start to turn red.

"Well, you won't have to wait because I'm going to reunite you with your flock right now." Ethan remarked, pulling a dagger from his shoe."Just not in this world." Ethan laughed before with one wave of Jesse's hand, his dagger flew out of his, he used his newfound powers to hold Ethan in his grasp.

"Jesse! Please, stop! If you need someone, use me!" Amelia begged to her ex boyfriend, as Ethan struggled in his wave of power. He shook his head, a smirking resting.

"It's fine, Amelia, I can use both of you." He grinned, turning back to Ethan."It's funny, I knew your grandfathers grandfather. He was a loser too."

"Courage!!!" Benny screamed, charging towards Jesse but all Jesse did was turn and Benny fell down on the ground next to Ethan, still looking out of it from the punch from a vampire.

"Sorry, bud. Oh, hey, Amelia!" He smiled goofily at Amelia who was stuck to the tree beside Jesse. Amelia glared at him, indicating this was not the time. Jesse held the cubile animus up to the red moon.

"The hour of rebirth has come. Brothers, sisters, arise!" Jesse yelled, staring at the box full of souls. Out of nowhere, Sarah came flying, tackling Jesse but he had her easily pinned to the tree next to Amelia. The box fell from his hands and Ethan caught it.

"Hey! I've got your friends in a box." Ethan stated proudly.

"And I've got your hunter and babysitter." He shouted back to them, now using his other free hand to hold Amelia but the throat as well, her squirming in his grasp for air.

"Okay, she's really Jane's babysitter."Benny commented, gesturing to Sarah.

Jesse growled,"Give me the cubile animus! The souls must be transferred now." Amelia let out a groan of pain, trying to tell them not to give it to him as Benny watched with sad dog eyes.

"Just give it to him. What are we going to do with the nest of souls anyway? eBay it?" Benny whispered to him.

"Now! Hand it over or they die!" Jesse yelled to them, getting aggravated with this friend group. Sarah and Amelia kept telling them not to. All there heads snapped to the houses window with Benny's Grandma and Jane in it, chanting a spell. A lightening zapped Jesse, making him fall back and his grip on Sarah and Amelia release. They ran over to the boys, as Benny stood in front of her protectively.

"Hey, you can have the box... but not what's inside."Ethan smugly spoke up."You wrecked their premier. Now you deal with them." Ethan finally got the box opened, the souls flying out and to their bodies.

"No! No! No! What have you done?!" The souls fly right through him, making Jesse keep yelling out in pain. Dark smoke was released from his body has they swiftly went through. After a few more souls went through him, he vanished into thin air.

"I can't you believe you both dated that guy." Benny said with a grin after a few minutes of silence and heavy breathing.

"Worst Ex boyfriend ever." Amelia commented from behind Benny who gave her another goofy smile, one that she returned back and Sarah nodding her head in agreement. "Crap, I gotta get home! I'll ya see you guys tomorrow I guess." Amelia awkwardly said, waving and then heading off. She heard whispering and then feet chasing after her, Making her atop and turn around with furrowed eyebrows, her eyes landed from on Benny who out of Breath from chasing her.

"C-Can I walk you home?" He asked hesitantly with a nervous smile. She nodded her head, grinning softly. They walked to her house, chatting about the weirdest things.

*✧ ───────── ✧*

The next school day, she walked up to school with her cheer uniform on and a couple hidden daggers just to keep safe after the whole event. She spotted Benny, Sarah and Ethan walking in together, probably talking about how the principle was telling the news it was 3D glasses that made everyone hallucinate in the theater.

She joined their side, each of them giving her a warm greeting and other students giving them weird looks cause of a cheeeleader hanging out with a bunch of outcasts and geeks.

Benny shoved his hands into his jean pockets,"Besides, the town is safe, Jesse's rejoined his flock... It's all good right?" They all nodded their ended in agreement.

"You're not still dying, are you?"Ethan questioned, turning to Sarah." I mean, your mortal body seems to be doing just fine."

Sarah chuckled,"Thanks. Well, Benny's grandmother makes a mean human blood substitute."

"That, and she found my spell book." Benny added from his spot next to Amelia.

"And here I thought it was in the Bermuda Triangle." Amelia commented earning laughs from Everyone but Benny who playfully rolled his eyes at her but in reality his heart was beating a million times fast.

"Hey, guys!" Rory yelled from a few feet away from them. Erica heard him from her spot next to him and turned to see them. The four awkwardly waved at the two vampires but mostly Erica. She smiled at them, but glared at Rory when he tried to move closer to her.

"It's pretty much all over." Ethan stared, looking back to his friends. The school bell rang." Let's go to class."

"Good idea."


"The trick with spells is you kind of phrase it like klingon, but with kind of, like, a, you know, Romulan twang, and just a splash of Cylon—" Benny was cut off by all three of his friends.

"Benny, Shut up!" They yelled in sync, sharing a laugh as well.

"Sorry..."Benny replied, looking down. Amelia chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder that made him look up at her with puppy eyes that everyone noticed but her.

And there they were, walking to class, an u likely group of friends that had bonded due to Vampires.

Amelia never thought she had friends as close and understanding like this, much likely, a vampire that she has been trained were evil sense she was little. Now, she has friends that she knew she would have for a long time— Or at least through high school.


Now, onto the series!

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