Flying Cars & Window Bars

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Third Person P.O.V.:

The summer of 1991 seemed to go by quickly for Charlie Hawthorne. Throughout the month of July, he tried to keep as busy as possible. He wrote to Harry, Ron and Hermione constantly, but only two of them seemed to reply to him. He hadn't heard from The Chosen One since that day he left aboard the Hogwarts Express.

The brown eyed boy knew deep in his core that Harry's lunatic family had something to do with that. It wouldn't be the first time that they would have kept his letters from him — remember his acceptance letter?

When it came to Hermione, the boy missed her desperately. They sent letters to one another almost daily. The girl had even got her family's approval to invite the boy to spend a week or two with them. However, Charlie felt as though he needed to politely decline. He knew if he were to spend a portion of his summer with a bunch of Muggles, he wouldn't hear the end of it from his father.

As for Ron, the ginger haired boy sent Charlie letters weekly. Ever since the Weasley family had left Hogwarts, they had been trying to persuade the young Hawthorne to visit the Burrow. Apparently, Arthur Weasley was very interested to meet the son of his successor. Charlie wanted to go, but he still had yet to get the approval of Dumbledore.

Speaking of his family, the reason Dumbledore wished to speak with Charlie at the end of last term was because Fenwick had issued an important letter to the school. The letter said that he was intending to promote Lucius Malfoy to Head Chairman of the Hogwarts Board of Governors. So, basically, Draco Malfoy was going to be walking around acting like a bigger prat than usual. Charlie's father played it off a business endeavour, but he felt as if it was more personal. Almost as if, Lucius Malfoy was being used maintain order.

When he wasn't writing constant letters to his friends, the brown eyed boy did a sufficient amount of things around the castle. He had assisted McGonagall with the first years acceptance letters, went on Hogwarts business trips with his grandfather, practiced some Quidditch strategies, hung out with Peeves, and even took up an internship-like job with Hagrid.

Everyday at around 4:00 in the afternoon, Charlie would take his now medium sized puppy, Ludo, down to Hagrid's hut to tend to the giant's creatures. He found joy in being around the various magical animals. His job was to feed and bond with them. When he wasn't doing that, he would help Hagrid tend to any problems on the castle grounds.

Safe to say that over the summer, the boy obtained a love for creatures, many paper cuts, a hobby in mechanics, and a new golden tan that accented his now developed muscles.

One evening, when Charlie was playing fetch with Ludo on the grounds, Hagrid approached him with a smile, "'Ello there Char, what 're yeh doin our 'ere at this hour?"

The young boy turned to face the half-giant, "Playing with Ludo. I haven't been that tired as of late. I think it has something to do with the eagerness that I feel with the start of term approaching."

Hagrid smirked, "Yeh sure it's the eagerness from the start of the term? Or is it the eagerness to see Hermione again?"

The young boy looked at Hagrid with a puzzled expression. He was confused as to what the half-giant was insinuating, "I think that's kind of the same thing, Hagrid. Start of term means all my friends come back."

"'Course," Hagrid smiled playfully, "All your friends."

The young boy shook his head and laughed as he now caught on to what this conversation was truly about, "It's not like that."

Again, Hagrid just had a goofy smile plastered on his face, but decided to drop the topic for now, "Anyways! You're grandfather be lookin' for yeh."

"Okay. Watch Ludo for me?" Charlie asked before starting up the hill towards the castle. Hagrid just nodded before waving the boy off as he moved slowly down to his hut.

Charlie walked through the castle in his white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black joggers.

As he passed Snape's classroom, he couldn't help but feel guilty after everything that happened between Snape and him and his friends. They had blamed the Professor for something he didn't do. Snape was still a miserable git, but he didn't deserve that.

He shook off his guilt before walking a little further and knocking twice on Dumbledore's office door. Charlie opened the door and walked in slowly.

Once he caught the gaze of his grandfather who was sitting at his desk with Fawkes on his arm, he smiled, "You wanted to see me? Is this about my father?"

Albus looked up and met the boys gaze before shaking his head, "No, this is, in fact, about your request to go visit your friend Mr. Ronald Weasley. I figured that since there's only two weeks left until the start of term, it might be best for you to have a change of scenery."

Charlie was shocked, "Really?"

"Yes, indeed," Dumbledore replied as he got up and walked over to his grandson, "I have already spoken with Ronald's mother, Molly, and she is expecting your arrival. She has assured me that she will return you to Hogwarts safe and sound."

"Does this mean I can ride the train?" asked Charlie, still completely stunned.

Albus nodded his head quickly, "I don't see a problem with it anymore. You proved to deal with your fame quite well during last term. I don't think it would be fair to deprive you from a normal Hogwarts experience any longer."

Charlie didn't know what to say. All he did was go and give his grandfather a hug, which Albus gladly reciprocated.

"I've already arranged for a trunk of your clothes to arrive at The Burrow as you do. The rest of your stuff will be moved to your new dormitories at the start of the term," Dumbledore explained, calmly, "As for Ludo, Hagrid had insured me that he'll watch over him while you're on your little vacation."

Charlie processed the information quickly and simply nodded in response. He ran up to his room and grabbed a few last minute things, like his wand and some extra galleons so he could purchase his books. Then, he went back down into office. Dumbledore watched as his grandson took some floo powder in his hands, bid him one last goodbye, said his location, and then disappeared into thin air.

They grow up so fast, Dumbledore thought while petting Fawkes before returning to his work.


The young boy appeared on the grass outside the Weasley's burrow in a quick flash. He saw the sun setting on the horizon. It was then that he turned and started towards the porch.

As he mustered up the courage to knock on the door, he was surprised when it flung open. An older woman with ginger hair, which Charlie assumed was Molly Weasley, looked down at him and spoke, "Oh! You must be Charles! I was expecting you! Come in! Come in!"

Before the boy could even say anything, he was quickly ushered into the house, and almost stumbled over his trunk that was at the front door, just as his grandfather had said it would be.

He turned back to Molly and extended his hand as she shut the door, "It's lovely to meet you Mrs. Weasley. Please, call me Charlie. I already appreciate your hospitality immensely."

"Oh dear! You are as sweet as can be," Molly said, pinching his cheeks, which caused Charlie to awkwardly smile, "Welcome to our home. I'm sure it isn't what you're used to being of your family's wealth and all, but—"

Charlie cut her off politely, "It's great, Mrs. Weasley, honestly. Thank you."

The Burrow genuinely was great. Sure, it wasn't much, but it had this family-oriented essence that Charlie wasn't familiar with. He thoroughly enjoyed it though, this is what he imagined home to feel like. After years of living at the castle, he almost forgot what that meant. Sure, he living at Hogwarts was cool, but it wasn't his home. At least it didn't feel like it — if that makes any sense.

"Sure thing dear." Molly said sweetly from behind him.

It was then that an older ginger haired man appeared from around the corner, "You must be Charles!" He stuck out his hand.

"Charlie, please," The boy insisted before shaking the man's hand, "And you must be Mr. Weasley. Thank you for having me."

"No problem at all! I consider it an honour. I work with your father, you know? In the Muggle department. Which, I know your father isn't exactly fond of..." Arthur trailed off.

"Don't take it personally, Mr. Weasley. My father has a tendency to be very close-minded," The brown haired boy explained with a slight frown, "I, on the other hand, am quite fascinated with the work you do. So, I really hope that my father's bad manners doesn't damage your perception of my character."

Arthur was taken aback by Charlie's bluntness, but he smiled the nonetheless. He even gave the boy a pat on the back, "Of course not."

Then, he turned on his heel and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Let me go and get the boys for you, they've been talking about you non-stop!" Molly spoke sweetly before walking up the stairs to the right of where they were standing, and screaming their names up the stairs, "Come and see who's here!"

Percy, George, Fred, and Ron all battled to make it to the bottom of the stairs first. They toppled over one another to get to Charlie as he just laughed. He certainly missed the Weasley family's goofiness.

Percy made it down first and gave the brown eyed a quick, "hello" before disappearing into the kitchen.  Charlie never was close with Percy. That was the one Weasley kid that he just couldn't understand.

Fred and George were next. They each took a side of Charlie before jumping on him and practically suffocating him from their hugs.

"There he is!"

"Little Charlie's went and got himself a little tan! Look at this stud!"

"Chaser Charlie is here ladies and gents! Make way!"

"Charlie Hawthorne, son of the Minister, is here! In our Burrow! Quick! Get the camera!"

Charlie chuckled before he pushed the twins off of him, "You two are mental!"

Then, there was Ron. The small ginger boy stumbled down the stairs out of the excitement caused from knowing that his best friend had arrived, "Charlie, mate!"

The brown eyed boy quickly engulfed his friend into a brother-like hug, "I've missed you, you freckled face git!"

Ron pulled away and playfully hit Charlie on the head, "Missed ya too. Didn't think Dumbledore would've let you come, if I'm being honest."

"It was a surprise to me too," said Charlie, genuinely.

Molly chimed in from the kitchen, "Ron! Why don't you go show Charlie where he'll being staying?"

"Sure thing," Ron answered his mom before turning to Charlie and nodding towards the stairs, "Come on mate."

The brown eyed boy grabbed his trunk and followed Ron up the stairs.

As he ascended, Charlie noticed a girl peering from behind the railing. He smiled as he got closer to her, "You must be Ginny! Hi, I'm Charlie."

"I know who you are!" Ginny said excitedly, "My brothers talk about you and Harry Potter all the time!"

The brown haired boy looked at Ron and chuckled before turning back to the ginger haired girl, "It's going to be your first year at Hogwarts, correct? I remember helping McGonagall with your letter."

She nodded rapidly, "I'm excited!"

"I can see that," Charlie said with a small laugh, "I'm sure you'll love Hogwarts."

"I think so too. I just can't wait to meet Harr—"

The girl trailed off when she realized she said too much. The boy watched her face change from excited to horrified before she ran quickly into, what he could only assume, was her room.

Charlie turned to Ron with a raised brow, "What was that about?"

The ginger haired boy entered his bedroom with Charlie following behind him, "Don't know. She has this weird obsession with Harry. She's been talking about him all summer."

"Strange," Charlie chuckled as he put his trunk on the spare bed in Ron's room, "Speaking of Harry, have you heard from him? He hasn't been returning my letters."

Ron sighed and shook his head, "Hasn't returned any of mine either. I only got letters from you and Hermione. I think Harry's situation is a bit strange."

"So do I," Charlie agreed, "I think we should go get him."

"So do I," Ron laughed, "Fred, George, and I have been thinking of borrowing dad's flying car. We were actually going to go tonight-"

Charlie cut the boy off, "Tonight? I just got here! Don't you think that it'll be a bit rude of me to do that to your parents? I want them to like me!"

"They already like you! It'll be fine!" Ron shouted in a whispered tone, "Here's what we're going to do..."


A little after midnight, when they were sure that Molly, Arthur and Ginny had gone to sleep, George, Fred, Ron, and Charlie snuck out of the house with the keys to Mr. Weasley's car.

The brown eyed boy had left Mrs. Weasley a note, just in case she got worried and went berserk. He couldn't afford to have his grandfather know that he was risking the secrecy of the Wizard World by taking a flying car to go save Harry.

All four of them had gotten in the car and drove all the way to Surrey. On their way to number 4 Privet Drive, they occupied themselves on the journey by talking, laughing, and discussing their plans for their next year at school.

When they had arrived, Charlie peered through Harry's childhood bedroom window that was now covered in bars. His best friend was living like a prisoner in his own home. Even the thought saddened him. Fred drove as close to the house as possible, to allow Charlie to reach his hand out and tap on the window.

Harry awoke with a start as he heard the tapping. Imagine his surprise when he saw the flying car outside his window, that was filled with his closest friends. It was so surreal that he thought he was dreaming.

The Chosen One opened the window with his mouth agape, "Charlie? Ron? Fred? George? What are you guys doing here?"

"Rescuing you of course!" Ron shouted in response.

Charlie nodded in agreement, then turned to Harry and smirked, "I told you I'd come get you, mate."

The boy with the glass smiled widely as he turned to get his things together. While he did so, Charlie attached a rope to the bars on the window to the back of the car. The four inside the car prepared for impact as Fred drove away slightly, just enough to rip the bars off of the wall with a very loud thud.

"Well," Charlie said as he looked at the giant hole now in the wall, "There's not a chance in the world anyone could still be asleep after that! Come on Harry! Let's move!"

As Harry passed his trunk and Hedwig's cage to the boys in the car, he heard the rattling of the keys from his Uncle Vernon on the other side of the door. With the sound, he was urged to move even faster.

Once all his things were safely secured in the car, it was Harry's time to climb up into the vehicle. Ron and Charlie each grabbed one of Harry's arms to help him into the car. All that could be heard was the revving of the car's engine and Mr. Dursley's loud screaming. Harry was nearly in the car before the muggle man had grabbed ahold of his foot.

Harry's two friends tried to yank him in the car with all of their strength, until Vernon finally let go as he nearly fell out the window. With the five young wizard boys all in the car, Charlie saw Harry wave goodbye to his Aunt and Uncle with a little smirk on his face.

Charlie watched the boy for a moment before turning his head and locking eyes with Vernon Dursley. He gave him a sly smile before yelling, "See you at the same time next year Dursley! Miss you already!"

The boys all chuckled as the blue car flew off into the night sky with 4 Privet Drive disappearing as they moved further and further away.

The ride would take them into the next morning, and so they used the time to catch up with their friend who had been caught out of the loop for the last month and a half.

With this crazy start, second year was sure to be memorable.

Author's Note:
*this chapter was not proof read*

And here we go! Chapter one of The Chamber of Secrets! Let's develop some relationships a little and then move on ahaha. I'm so excited for Goblet of Fire, you have no idea.

Gilderoy Lockhart makes his first appearance next chapter! Be on the lookout for that one!

Until next time, much love to you all!

xo, Selena

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