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"His girlfriend."

Coughing, I averted my attention to him frantically trying to gain my attention.

"Uhm- sorry," I sheepishly smiled while scratching my nose. The guy shook his head and gave me a wide smile.

"Mr. Ahn, our classroom teacher, has told me to accompany you and tour you. Since it's lunch time would you like sitting with me and my girlfriend?"

'Girlfriend. Ouch' Dang, all the handsome ones get taken first.

Shrugging off my thoughts I gave him a nod as he motioned me to follow him. The university was no doubt filled with snobby rich people as the guy said.

"I couldn't get your name," He starts a conversation and I nod before introducing myself.

"Well hello Byeol, I'm Soobin," He says, and oh my god, he looks just like one of those bunnies I met at the farm last year. Just as we reach the cafeteria, I spot Hayoon again who had earplugs on and was reading something. I immediately look away in order to not ruin my mood. But my panic rises when Soobin begins to walk to her. It can't be... Right?

"Yoon!" He calls out with enthusiasm as I watch intensely how Hayoon immediately throws herself on him and hugs him tightly with a smile on her face... Well, isn't that a first?

"Hi-" She stops herself noticing me standing at a distance. Her smile immediately fades and she frowns before Soobin mutters something to her.

"Byeol this is Hayoon my-"

"His girlfriend," She glares at me, probably because she loathes me. But I don't know why.

I chuckle awkwardly and place my tray on their table. Soon Soobin joins me and Hayoon does the same. There's an awkward silence as we eat. Soobin keeps glancing between the two of us feeling the tension, I can see he's hesitant but wants to say something.

"Which class do we have after this?" I ask Soobin blatantly ignoring Hayoon who throws daggers at me with her eyes. If she wants, the two of us can play this game.

"We have Music and there's going to be a special announcement at the end so the last lecture got cancelled," He informs me while slurping the noodles. My eyes flicker over to Hayoon who looks down at her lap and stays silent. Soobin holds her hand firmly and she gives him a small smile. Cute.

"I won't be with you both since I have singing practice today. There's going to be a musical fair you can say in a few months so I'm preparing for that," He utters proudly.

"Oh is it? I've always wanted to see them. My old school was really good, but sadly they didn't volunteer on hosting events like these," I say and quietly slurp my noodles. Once again we were engulfed with silence. The rest of the cafeteria is noisy and crowded.

The bell rings indicating the start of the next lecture. I get up and turn back just to see Soobin hugging Hayoon. He whispers something to her and I watch as she nods in defeat.

"Go now Yoon. Bye Byeol! I'll see you tomorrow," He waves and I return the gesture. Hayoon walks up to me as I gulp trying not to be intimidated by her.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" She asks looking annoyed.

"Woah would you look at that? This was the longest sentence you've spoken to me in the entire day," I comment making her glare at me. She then proceed to walk past me. Sighing in content of my victory I jog up to her.

After the lecture, we had to gather in the assembly hall.

"Dear students, today as we have gathered over here the only reason being the arrival of my sons. They were first in Busan, but now they will be studying here, amongst you all. Along with monitoring your behavior, they will help you by tutoring," The principal announces.

I peek back to see 7 handsome guys entering the hall. All the attention is on them, but they aren't nervous. They walk with grace and I can swear all the girls are swooning over them. Well, except for the one standing beside me. Hayoon and me, of course.

· ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

A sweaty mist carried by the wind off the tiny seaport gust through my open window, the sheer blue curtains dancing at the sudden touch. I sit upon my white canopy bed, smoothing my hands over the floral cotton sheets, allowing the warm April wind stroke my face. An empty brown colored mug and an unfinished novel rest on the nightstand beside me.

I climb to my feet and walk towards the window. I push back the soft curtains and peer out. A gloomy sky, gray and ominous clouds dotting the borderline of the sky, draining the vibrant blue from earlier.

I walk from my room downstairs after shutting the door behind me, slipping on the slippers I took a long breath as a savory aroma filled my nostrils. I walk further to see my mom in the kitchen, stirring a huge pot with a wooden spoon. I rub my eyes rather harshly to see this view in front of me.

"Are you okay?" I ask feeling suspicious at this behavior of her.

She turns to look at me and makes a strange face. "Of course Byeol, why wouldn't I be? Now take a seat I'll serve you some soup. Do you want a garlic loaf as well?" I slowly nod and take a seat still watching her in amusement as she ladles the soup into two bowls. She hands me a spoon before placing the loaf on my plate.

A sudden silence took place in the room, as I sat there contemplating whether or not to go back to my room. Just then mom spoke up.

"Byeol? So far are you liking living here?" She asks as I scoff. 'Does she expect me to like this dead city without anyone who I can talk with?'

"No," I said straight to the point as she shot me a look, I look down at my bowl stirring my soup, watching the steam rise from the liquid.

"Finish your soup," She now says with a stern look as I nod slurping the last remaining of the soup. I keep the bowl in the sink and wash my hands.

At night, while I read a book I listened intensely to mom's conversation with a certain special stranger.

"Don't worry, she's asleep right now," Mom says laying on the couch with a smile as I cover my face with the book.

"Right now? I can't. She'll be alone here," Mom says there was a minute of silence. I was about to get up, when mom said, "I miss you too. But we'll be meeting soon right? So honey you gotta wait for me," She says with a chuckle as I scrunch my nose in disgust. 'This is what was happening after Appa's death? Mom and her boyfriend?'

She ends the call much to her dismay as I stand up and walk to her.

"What was that?" I question crossing my arms over my chest.

"Nothing," She mumbles making me scoff in disbelief. I poke my tongue in my inner cheek feeling anger bubbling inside me.

"Since when?" I ask.

"A year," She says and buries her face in her hands. I must look like a mad woman, without saying a word I slam the door and get out of the house.

"Byeol! Wait!" She says running up to me but at this point I could care less. She tries to grab my hand but I shrug it off.

"Kang Byeol stop behaving like this!" She whispers harshly as I let out a bitter chuckle.

"You think I want this? You've gone too far mom. I tolerated you at your worst times and when you treated me like shit. Making me meals for a day isn't going to make it up. In fact, nothing will. So I suggest you go live with that boyfriend of yours," I utter as my vision turns glossy. Harshly wiping my tears I walk away not letting her speak.

I exhale in frustration, my hands were in the pocket of my hoodie and I kick the stones underneath on my way to somewhere I, myself wasn't aware of. I unlock my phone and check the time, 4:41, it read. Sighing I slide the phone back into my pocket and decide to wander around.

While doing so I spot a familiar figure. I halt and squint my eyes trying to see the figure clearly. It's Hayoon. . . surrounded by guys? Is she in trouble? I almost trip while sprinting towards her. Her eyes widen when she spots me.

"What are you doing here? And with them?" I motion to the guys and only then do I realize that they're the principal's sons.

"Byeol, leave us. It is none of your business," Her voice cracks but her eyes stay determined as ever. I look over at the guys who stare back at me without any ounce of interest.

"Oh really? Well I just enjoy poking my nose into other's business so this should be no exception for me," I say out aloud and move closer to Hayoon. She tenses up but she stays silent making me wonder what was exactly going on.

"Listen to the girl kid, or else you're gonna regret poking that nose of yours," The same blondie from the morning utters.

"Look who's saying. The blind guy who doesn't know where he's walking," My words seem to shock him. Hayoon pinches my arm and glares at me.

"Let's go Hayoon," I start to drag her but another hand stops me.

"Stop right there," He orders making me scoff in disbelief. Who was he to give away orders like that?

"And who might you be?" My question receives an even annoyed gaze from the latter.

"Taehyung," He introduces to which I roll my eyes. I had no interest in their introduction.

"Well, Taehyung, could I take my friend now?" I question loudly while tapping my foot. Hayoon grows even tense and I can feel she's about to beat me up after this.

"Your friend? Our Hayoon didn't mention about you. Have you been keeping secrets now, Yoon?" The guy's words sound sinister. I frown at him and throw him a disgusted look before turning my gaze to Hayoon. She looks. . . scared. Contrary, of what she was in front of me. I nudge her but her gaze stays to the ground.

"We're running late so, bye. It was nice chatting with you Taehyung and blondie," I throw them a salute before dragging Hayoon with me. This time the guys don't protest and let me.

I let her go after we reach a safe distance from them.

"Care to explain what's going on?" Hayoon clenches her jaw and looks away.

"Why must you interfere in my business? I warned you to go away. But no, you wanted to play the hero, am I right?" I was about to retort back but after seeing her glassy eyes I stop myself.

She chuckles bitterly and looks at her hands as if finding them suddenly so interesting. A sniffle is heard, followed by soft sobs. I bite my lip and hesitantly approach her.

My hand finds its way to her back as I gently pat it. "I don't know what happened there but just so you know, you're really an ungrateful brat."

My words seem to cause her to chuckle. She looks at me and wiped her tears though they keep flowing. Without saying any word she pulls me in a hug.

"Thank you. Thank you so much Byeol," She whispers and hugs me tight. My hand awkwardly pats her back as I hug her back slowly. We stay in that position for a minute before we move away.

I glance at her. She looks so miserable. Totally the opposite of what I saw. Suddenly a question makes me curious.

"Does Soobin know about all this?" My words seem to make her hitch. Ever so slowly, she shakes her head making me furrow my brows.

"He doesn't. I request you to please not tell him. He shouldn't know about all this," My expression seems to give her the thought that I'm in disbelief.

Just as I'm about to say something she cuts me off. "Also, forget that all of this happened. For my sake, please. This is the first time and last time I'll ask you something. Or perhaps, I can do something for you in return to keep my secret?"

"Fine then. Become my friend and you'll do whatever I say for two months," I hold up two fingers making her roll her eyes. Back to her usual self I see.

"Bye Yoon," I blow her a kiss but instead she glares at me before muttering something to herself.

What a great start of a blossoming friendship. I can see we're definitely about to become the best of friends.

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