iv. warning signs

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╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
season one, episode two, part two

❝𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬...❞

─── • ───

Nick was running late.


His shift started six minutes ago, and there he was, in the front seat of the Twinkie as JJ continued to throw the van around sharp corners and drive down barely safe roads on their way back into The Cut. The driving got so bad that, at one point, Nick could've sworn Pope was thrown into the back doors as they turned.

If his father was running the shop, Nick wouldn't have thought twice about it, but he knew the wrath of his mother was waiting for him, and there was nothing he dreaded more. His parents often took turns running the surf shop; Natalie opted for weekends, while Daniel watched the storefront on weekdays. It was their way of avoiding each other, both Nick and Olivia knew that, but they couldn't complain. Dealing with one parent at a time was a lot better than listening to them fight all the time... at least for Nick. Olivia would probably say the opposite.

The sun was scolding in his face as they pulled up the Warren family surf shop, The White Shark. Barely able to put one foot in front of the other, Nick got out of the Twinkie before JJ had even fully parked it. His Saint Christopher necklace was swinging side to side as he sprinted through the back of the surf shop, trying not to be detected by his mother. He hoisted himself up through the back window and not-so-gracefully got inside. The display of sun hats that was previously neatly tucked out of the way appeared out of nowhere and Nick ran into it, making a loud thumping noise as he fell, completely defeating the purpose of 'sneaking in'.


He got up from the floor and passed a glare to JJ, who entered the shop from the front with Pope, laughing as he saw his best friend on the floor. Nick cursed under his breath as he stumbled back to his feet, and as he walked around the front counter, he threw on his uniform shirt to replace his button-up from earlier that morning.

"You're late."

Nick's head lifted up and his eyebrows immediately dug downwards. His mother, Natalie, emerged from the back office, wearing a black, sleeveless dress with sunglasses resting on top of her head. She often liked to get dressed up even when there wasn't any special occasion.

Her son tensed a little, and replied, "By five minutes."

"Five minutes is still late." Nick made an exasperated noise at his mother's tone. She sighed and glanced over the counter, at the two boys loitering nearby, quite obviously listening. "Evenin', boys. Nice to see y'all again."

Pope popped his head out of the beyond a clothing rack and gave a little wave. "Hi, Mrs. Warren!"

"Howdy," JJ murmured under his breath, watching Natalie carefully from across the storefront. He couldn't help the way he tensed in the corner; Natalie Warren, like most residents of the Cut, never took a liking to JJ Maybank because of who his father was.

"So are you boys keeping my kids out of trouble," Natalie quipped easily, "or luring them right into it?"

"Mom," Nick scoffed instantly, "They didn't –"

"We will talk about this later, Nicholas." Natalie pursed her lips. She grabbed her purse from under the counter and made a beeline for the door. "Right now, I've got to run to a meeting with Rebecca down at the bank." Before the door closed on her, she peaked her head around, and said, "Don't forget to lock up!"

"Well, she's just as lovely as I remember." JJ whispered under his breath as soon as she was out of earshot. "But anyways bro, we should head out. We'll come get you when you're done. Text us if you hear from the others." On his way out, the blond-haired boy snagged a bag of chips from the concession counter and ran out of the store. "Five-finger discount, baby!"

And with a chime of the door, JJ had dashed outside into the blazing sun and loaded himself back into the Twinkie. As this behaviour was to be expected from JJ, Nick simply rolled his eyes and accepted the fact that the money for the chips was just going to come out of his own paycheque.

But Pope, being the way he was, pulled a few dollars from his pocket and left it on the counter. "I'm taking this, too," he said, holding up a blue Gatorade, nodding to the six dollars he left as opposed to three. "Wiggity, wiggity?"

Unable to help the grin forming on his lips, Nick did the Pogue handshake without any hesitation. "Wiggity, wiggity," he laughed. "Good luck with the rest of your essay, bro."

Pope waved again once he reached the door. "Later, Nicos."

And as soon as he saw Pope and JJ drive off in the Twinkie, Nick took his post at the front counter, cranking up the fan and kicking his feet up on the counter before he started to read one of the new surf and skate magazines that came in.

In the earlier hours, they barely had customers. The tourists never visited until after noon, and most of the regulars were out catching early waves or making use of the uncrowded skate parks and boardwalk areas, so the early shifts were pretty slow. Nobody else had punched in yet and Chico, one of the surfboard shapers, was in the back room waxing out a pro board to the sound of the Beastie Boys when Nick finally jumped over the counter to grab a water from the store's back fridge.

When he came back, the surf shop's door opened with a chime and in walked the two daughters of Ward Cameron, Sarah and Wheezie.

"Hey Wheeze," Nick smiled at the young girl, who sent him a friendly wave. His eyes turned to Sarah and he sent her a nod. "Hey there, Princess. My mistake, I didn't think we had a lesson today."

"We don't," said Sarah, playing with the bracelets on her wrist. She didn't know why she was so nervous around the boy now. "Wheezie wanted to try on some wet suits."

"Yep, that's right," Wheezie nodded, but Nick had the slight feeling both the Cameron girls were lying. "It definitely didn't have nothing to do with Sarah –"

"And that's enough of that!" Sarah cut across quickly, covering her sister's mouth. "So, Nick, where are the wet suits again?"

"Right in the back. Chico will show you," Nick pointed at the door behind him. The thirteen-year-old nodded, thanking Nick before she walked through the seashell beaded curtains that led into the back room.

With a cocky grin, the Warren boy turned back to Sarah. "So, Cameron," He began teasingly, leaning on his elbows against the counter. "Can't get enough of me, eh?"

"God, are you always so full of yourself?" Sarah asked, crossing her arms over her chest, bowing her head to cover her blush.

"Yes," Nick said, shrugging his shoulders, and Sarah laughed. "But you didn't answer my question."

"And I'm not going to."

Nick jutted his bottom lip out, "How come nobody ever wants to play with me?"

With a light scoff, Sarah tried to save herself by rolling her eyes, but the pause stretched too long and Nick glanced up in curiosity at the lack of a response.

"Anyways, so I was wondering..." Sarah leaned against the front counter, tapping her fingernails against the wood. "If I were to buy a surfboard, what's the best one money can buy?"

"Why?" Nick stood with his head tilted and his eyebrows furrowed. "Spending more of daddy's money?"

"Yes," Sarah answered shortly, repeating Nick's answer from earlier with the same tone.

Nick just smiled again as he took a sip from his water bottle, and once he swallowed, he laughed, "You are something else, Sarah Cameron."

Without another word, the Warren boy walked around the counter and over to the sur boards that hung up on the wall. He turned back to Sarah, who was still stood by the counter, her lip between her teeth as she stared at him. She couldn't help it. Nick had the same mop of messy brown hair he'd had since they were kids, with the same golden tan and light sun-influenced freckles, paired with a classic surfer shark tooth necklace. She also noticed that his eyes were a deeper green, unlike their normal hazel colour, and they seemed to be almost avoiding her. 

"Well?" Nick's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Are you coming?"

"Y-Yeah, I'll be right there," Sarah nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before she followed behind him. "So, uh... best board?"

"Now, the reality is that this –" Nick patted a sea blue surfboard, "– is the best one for you." He took it off the shelf and placed it on a beginner's stand in the middle of the room. "It's five feet and two inches, which is perfect for your height. Now, get on it."

"What?" Sarah asked, staring between the elevated stand the surf board was on and Nick, who wore a big, stupid grin on his face.

"Get on it," Nick repeated, motioning towards it. "The stand is built to make sure beginner's get the board they need for their specific body types. So just remember what I taught your sister and bend at the knees."

Sarah quirked an eyebrow at him. "And if I fall?"

"I'll catch you."


Nick grinned a little at that.

"Yeah, I promise."

Sarah sighed and twirled her rings around her fingers  like she always did when she was nervous. She took a deep breath and grabbed ahold of Nick's outstretched hand to help her up. When she straightened up, the blonde girl wobbled on the board for a moment, but managed to keep herself steady.

"I look really stupid," Sarah commented bluntly.

"Well loosen up a bit, then," Nick instructed her with a laugh, and he dodged Sarah's hand as she tried to swat at his arm. But as she was told, the blonde started moving around on the board; the sea blue surfboard began moving underneath her as if she was on water. "See," he grinned again, "you're a natural."

"I don't feel– oh shit!"

Sarah wobbled on the board and fell backwards, but like Nick promised, he rushed beneath her and caught her before she fell.

"Falling for me again?" Nick flashed a cocky smirk at Sarah, holding her in the bridal carry position. "Haven't we already played this game?"

"You think you're funny, don't you?" Sarah rolled her eyes but laughed all the same, her right hand resting against his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat.

"Funny, cocky, incredibly handsome..." Nick laughed out loud. He put Sarah down on her own two feet and stuffed his hands in his pockets, shrugging a little bashfully. "I'm the full package, Sarah Cameron."

Sarah lifted her brows and shot him a tip-lipped smile, although she was sure it looked more like a grimace.


Nick looked at her for a second too long. Like really looked at her. It felt like he was looking right through her. It felt like he saw her. Sarah didn't like that, but she also didn't want him to stop looking at her. And he didn't. "See, that's the problem with you Kooks," he mused, smiling softly. "Always doubtin' in us Pogues."

A smile lifted onto the Cameron girl's face. "There you go again with the whole Pogues versus Kooks thing," she replied, lips pursed. "It's a little played out, don't you think?"

"Maybe, but it's true." Nick side-stepped around her and walked back towards the counter. "You Kooks think you're better than us, but you're not. We may not have your fancy houses and boats, but we have something you never will."

Sarah raised an eyebrow, intrigued. She followed after him and leaned against the counter, resting her hand under her chin and drinking him in, giving him the attention he so-desperately craved.

"And what's that?" she asked, her voice low and playful.

A laugh escaped Nick's lips.

"Freedom," he mused as he leaned himself against the counter, challenging Sarah face-to-face. "We live life on our own terms. We get to explore the real Outer Banks. The gritty, authentic, and wild side of the island that you Kooks will never understand."

Sarah scoffed. This boy was unbelievable.

"You really think you have it all figured out, don't you?" she asked, an arrogant smirk playing on her lips.

Nick shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I know what I know," he replied, his voice low and husky. "And I know that you can't resist the thrill of the unknown. That's why you keep coming back to me, Sarah Cameron."

Sarah's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her name on his lips. It was all so confusing. He was confusing, and he had a way of getting under her skin. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him, even though she knew she shouldn't. But there was something about Nick that drew her in, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"You're such an ass," Sarah shook her head at him, trying to hide the smile that was threatening to break out on her face.

Nick chuckled. "Maybe," he said, his eyes never leaving hers. "But you love it."

Sarah rolled her eyes, though she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach at his words. She knew she shouldn't be flirting with him, but she couldn't resist the pull he had on her. She wasn't thinking about anything else, not even Topper, and she was sure by the tone of Nick's voice that he wasn't either.

"You wish," she said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Nick leaned in closer, his breath hot on her cheek. "Oh, I don't just wish, Sarah," he whispered. "I know."

Sarah's heart raced as she felt his lips brush across her ear. She knew she shouldn't let him have this effect on her, but she also couldn't help but feel a thrill at the thought of what could happen between them. The Pogue and the Kook; two people who were meant to hate each other but couldn't stay away.

Even Nick felt himself smile. He wasn't used to this warm feeling in his chest, and he had no idea what it meant. He knew this probably looked bad. The two of them there... together. Because Sarah was a Kook. Worse than that, she was the leader of the Kooks. Everything about her screamed Kook. Her faded jean shorts and crop-top. Her gorgeous brown eyes. Her perfect, pink lips. Her delicate and soft hands—

Fuck, no. No, no, no...

And suddenly it wasn't about what he should and shouldn't do, because his mind had won over his heart. His expression expression fell, and he took a step back.

"Uh, so that'll be $264.71," Nick let the words tumble out of his mouth before he could even comprehend what he was saying. He tried to hide his awkwardness by walking over to punch numbers into the cash register. "Cash or credit?"

Sarah noticed the sudden shift in Nick's demeanour and felt a pang of regret. She had been so caught up in the moment that she had forgotten about their differences. There wasn't anything left to pursue with Nick. Sure, maybe there had been in the past, but now she realized it was all just fantasy. She had new a boyfriend now, and she needed to be faithful to him.

So Sarah pulled out her credit card and handed it to him, clearing her throat a bit. "What, no discounts for friends?" she asked, hiding the disappointment in her voice.

Nick furrowed his brows and turned his attention to her. He took a few seconds to look at her before he wet his lips and opened his mouth to speak. "Sorry, no discounts for Kooks," he hissed, the words tumbling off his tongue like silk, an underlying tone of annoyance shining through. He still hated her. His voice had just given him away. "Especially not for one's using their daddy's credit card."

A tight-lipped smirk tugged at Nick's lips as he held the black credit card between his fingers, the bottom of which had the words 'WARD CAMERON' engraved.

Across the front counter, Sarah felt a pang of anger in her heart. She knew her family's wealth had always been a sore spot for Nick and the rest of the Pogues, but she didn't expect him to bring it up like that. Guilt overwhelmed her, sinking into her skin. Maybe he was right. Maybe she had been fed from a silver spoon for far too long...

She shook her head. She tried to force those feelings away by taking a deep breath. After all, Nick was just a Pogue. He shouldn't be having that much of an effect on her. In a moment of clarity, Sarah decided she wouldn't let him. She wouldn't let him intimidate her anymore. So if Nick was going to keep treating her like a Kook, she'd might as well start acting like one.

So Sarah put on her best fake smile and leaned over the counter, getting closer to Nick's face. "Well, I guess I'll just have to take my business elsewhere," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm sure there are plenty of other surf shops that would love to have my daddy's credit card."

Nick rolled his eyes and handed her the receipt. "Yeah, good luck with that," he muttered under his breath.

"Asshole." Sarah scoffed, almost instantly. She couldn't believe she had been so sincere with him. "Tell Wheeze I'll wait for her in the car."

As she turned to leave, she couldn't help but feel knots forming in her stomach. She had always hoped that she and Nick could put their differences aside and be friends, but it seemed like that was never going to happen. She walked to the door, and just as Nick felt the thoughts of his budding feelings resurfacing in his brain, Sarah turned to look at him once more. She wouldn't let him have the last laugh.

"Oh, by the way..." she started, bringing her brown eyes to meet Nick's green ones. She quickly shifted her gaze to her hands and gnawed on her bottom lip, trying to fight off a smirk; Nick furrowed his brows at the look on her face. "I saw your little sidekick on the Druthers this morning."

Something between a laugh and a scoff left Nick's lips. "John B?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant. "He works for your dad, doesn't he?"

Sarah raised an eyebrow at Nick's response. "Well yeah, but he showed up at 5am with empty tanks," she explained rather effortlessly. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

Nick's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly composed himself. "No idea what you're talking about," he said, shrugging his shoulders, but he was biting the inside of his cheeks so hard that his face was turning red.

Sarah shook her head, hiding a smile. She moved back towards him, leaning back up against the counter, causing Nick to redden even more. She even watched his Adam's Apple bob nervously as she moved a little closer.

Good, she thought. She liked watching him squirm.

"You're a terrible liar, Nicholas Warren," she told him teasingly, reaching across the counter and pulling his bottom lip free from his teeth. "That was super distracting," Sarah explained, rubbing his cheek with the pad of her thumb. "But hey, don't worry. Secret's safe with me."

"I- uh, I don't—"

Nick was fumbling over his words now. He didn't like this. He wasn't expecting her to keep pushing. Most girls would've been long gone by now. But he seemed to forget that Sarah Cameron was not like most girls.

Damn you, you Kook.

His shoulders tensed a little when her fingers grazed his cheek. She'd been so close. So radiant, and beautiful, and Nick hated the way it made him feel.

"Stop flirting with my sister."

Nick finally let himself breathe as a voice snapped him back to reality. He looked over Sarah's shoulder and saw Wheezie, standing there with her arms across her chest, a disgusted expression etched across her face. Her voice cut through the tension in the room, causing both Nick and Sarah to jump. Sarah quickly pulled her hand away from Nick's face, and he took a step back from the counter almost instinctively.

"I wasn't flirting," Nick protested, but Wheezie just rolled her eyes.

"Sure, whatever you say," the youngest Cameron said sarcastically. She then turned to her sister, "Look, Sarah, why don't you just wait for me in the car?"

Sarah huffed and crossed her arms, clearly annoyed at being dismissed. But she didn't argue and instead stormed out of the store. Nick watched her go, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. He turned back to Wheezie, who was now staring at him with a serious expression.

"What was that all about?" Nick asked, hoping to change the subject.

Wheezie let out a sigh and leaned against the counter. She put the wetsuit she was hoping to buy on the counter. "She's just going through a phase," she said, her voice low. "Jumping from guy to guy, trying to find something that's missing."

Nick frowned, not sure what to say to this. What did that mean? Sure, he knew Sarah had a reputation for being a bit... indecisive, but he didn't think it was something that even warranted a second thought.

"I don't want to sound like I'm judging her," Wheezie continued, as if reading his thoughts. "But I just don't want to see her get hurt. And I don't want to see you get hurt either."

Nick raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, don't get too attached," Wheezie said, her eyes locking onto his. "Because she has a boyfriend, remember? Sarah's not actually interested in you. She's just using you to make Topper jealous. And I don't want you to get your heart broken."

Nick felt his heart drop a little. He would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed. Was he wrong to think that maybe, just maybe, there was something between him and Sarah? Now he was questioning everything.

"Thanks for the warning," the boy replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

Wheezie nodded, her expression softening. "Just looking out for you, man."

Nick smiled, grateful for her honesty. He knew he had a lot to think about, but for now, he just wanted to be alone, far away from all these Kooks. He said a final goodbye to Wheezie, handed her the receipt, and watched as the young girl headed towards the door. The chime sounded as the door closed behind her, and not long after, Nick heard the engine of a car fade into the distance as the Cameron girls drove off.

His mind racing, Nick returned to his post at the front counter. He sighed, not sure if the afternoon had been real or not. He massaged his temples for a few seconds, trying to stop the headache that was coming on. It felt like the whole universe was laughing in his face, proving to him that all the signs and the bullshit didn't matter.

And Nick hated every second he spent alone with his thoughts. He did not want to be tormented with the uncertainty of the future, of whatever he had going on with Sarah Cameron. So, to numb to his thoughts, he pulled his Juul from his pocket and took a couple puffs. He was trying to avoid his problems, and it was working. And he knew it was working because one second he was staring out the window, and the next he was kicking his feet up on the counter and reading the skate magazine he never got to finish.

But just when he started to get comfortable, the door to the surf shop opened again, and in walked Olivia. She looked frazzled and out of breath. Nick's nerves went into overdrive at the sight of her, and he wondered what bitter joke the universe was going to throw in his face now.

"What happened to you?" he asked, eyebrows raised.

Olivia took a deep breath and jumped up on the front counter, just out of habit. "I got arrested for trespassing," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "And John B and Kie got busted, too."

Nick's heart sank further. "Are you serious?"

Olivia nodded. "Yeah," she admitted with a sigh. "We were trying to find out more about the compass, but Sheriff Peterkin caught us when we tried to bail."

Nick rubbed at his temples again, trying to process the news. "So then how are you here? What happened after you got arrested?"

"Kie's dad had to come bail us out," was all Olivia said. "Let's just say he wasn't too happy..."

"Mom won't be too happy either when she finds out about this, Liv." Nick sighed as he put a hand on the top of his head. He looked at his sister, expecting to see her regret in her eyes. But Olivia seemed adamant on avoiding her twin brother's intruding gaze, and Nick suddenly had the feeling that she was hiding something. After all, they were twins. They knew one another better than anyone else would.

His shoulders tensed a bit more, and he heard himself ask: "Is there something else you're not telling me?"

Olivia hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up. "You have to promise you won't make this into a big thing..." she started, her cheeks turning pink.

Nick gave her a look.

"Just tell me, Liv," he said, his voice firm.

Olivia took a deep breath.

"John B kissed me."

─── • ───

Nick couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal as he closed up the surf shop for the night. John B was his best friend, and he had kissed his sister without even telling him. He spent the last few hours considering how to confront the situation. He needed time and space to gather himself, to assess and evaluate and think, when shit ran deep like this.

Luckily, Olivia didn't seem to want to talk about it either. In fact, she had spent the rest of Nick's shift hiding in the back room, avoiding him at all costs. It was probably for the best, because the last thing Nick would've wanted was to think about John B kissing his sister. His face scrunched in disgust. Sure, John B was a good guy, and his sister could be with anyone who made her happy, but... seriously? John B? Nick's best friend? The same guy that pulled the hot-and-cold act on a dozen Tourons and even a handful of Kooks?

The protective older brother side of Nick came out, as one would expect. There was frustration in his eyes, like he was mad at John B for kissing his sister and even angrier that he couldn't do anything about it. Again, what was he supposed to say? Deep down, he wanted to confront John B, to tell his best friend that Olivia didn't deserve to be one of his many options. But with everything going on with Big John... could he really do that to John B? Could he risk fighting with his best friend at a time where he needed him most?

Fuck, why did everything have to be so complicated?

Nick's head kept spinning until JJ and Pope came back to the surf shop around closing time, the old engine of the Twinkie revved loudly as it approached. They waited for a few minutes before both of the Warren twins piled into the Volkswagen and drove it back to the Chateau. They then made the walk down to the docks by Heyward's, after Pope claimed that his dad had asked him to take a look at a broken boat engine.

Nick, Olivia and JJ offered to tag along, deciding it was best to stick together. That, and they had nothing better to do. It was either that or be alone with his thoughts again, and Nick was terrified of the latter.

So they ended up at Heyward's not too long after; Pope was rifling through a tool chest, Olivia was sitting cross-legged on an old chair, and JJ and Nick were passing a blunt between them, each taking a few puffs as they waited for any sign of John B or Kiara. They had thrown around a few ideas about what they thought may have happened to their friends as they waited. Some of these possibilities included being in hiding, being scolded by their parents, or even being dead – that last one was courtesy of JJ's optimism.

By the time the sun set on the horizon, the sound of an approaching, revved-up car engine was enough to capture Nick's attention. Glancing up, he saw the Twinkie pulling up nearby into Heyward's lot. John B had his window down and he instructed them all to get in.

"Let's ride," JJ grinned as he dropped the blunt to the ground, putting it out with his shoe.

All too quickly, Olivia leapt from her seat and slung her bag over her shoulder before she piled into the back of the Twinkie. With a disgusted expression on his face, Nick was forced to follow suit, along with Pope, who closed the toolbox as he stood up.

"This better be good," Nick claimed under his breath.

As they drove in the direction of The Wreck to pick up Kiara, John B caught his friends up on everything they'd missed. The kiss with Olivia – Nick made a mental note – was omitted for obvious reasons.

John B and the others had obviously been arrested, only for Kiara's dad to come to his rescue. But as he was walking back to the Chateau, he was chased down by the two men who had ransacked his house. Just when it looked like they finally had him, Sheriff Peterkin came to the rescue. Apparently, John B had handed the compass over to her, as the sheriff told him that it was just more trouble than it was worth.

But now, John B was back on his treasure hunt, not ready to give up again. He had an idea, but he wasn't going to divulge that information until he had all of the Pogues together.

So when they pulled up at The Wreck restaurant, John B put the Twinkie into park and then turned to face the only girl in the backseat. "Hey Liv, any chance you could go and get Kie?"

Olivia gave a confused look, arms crossing, "Why me?"

"Because you're closest to the door," John B answered shortly, flashing a smile in her direction.

"Right," Olivia replied as she reached for the handle, clearly not convinced. They always did this whenever either of the girls might have been uncooperative; their plan was often to send one girl to talk to the other, thinking that just because they were both girls they'd be able to talk it out.

Nick leaned over just as his sister was about to climb out of the car, mockingly whispering, "So are we just not going to talk about incredibly awkward this is?"

"God, don't start," Olivia warned him, turning on her heels before Nick even had the chance to respond.

As the Warren girl headed inside the restaurant, and JJ pressed his forehead to the window to get a better look at the action.

"Man, I love to watch her walk," the blond boy awed, eyes glued to Olivia until she was out of sight.

Nick shot him a look.

"Easy, JJ."

"You've got a hot sister, bro," JJ shook his head. "Can't help it."

"No Pogue-on-Pogue macking." Nick felt the need to remind him, and he even threw a subtle glance in John B's direction.

The Routledge boy guiltily cleared his throat, knowing that he had broken that rule less than five hours before. Still, there was a small smile on his lips, almost as if he had no regrets.

"Yeah, yeah," JJ waved him off, "rules."

John B chuckled awkwardly, his eyes flickering with mischief. "But rules are meant to be broken, right?"

Nick raised an eyebrow, his lips curling downwards in disgust at the thought. He had to say something. Now was his chance. "Not when it comes to my sister, JB."

"Wait, what?" Pope stuck his head between the seats with JJ, and the three boys looked at John B, who had gone bright red in embarrassment. "Did you and Liv...?" The Heyward boy trailed off and started making kissing sounds; JJ even turned around and ran his hands up and down his head as if making out with someone.

John B shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze meeting Nick's. "Well, when it comes to Olivia, I guess I couldn't resist breaking a few rules."

JJ, who had been howling with laughter throughout the entire exchange, couldn't help but interject. "Holy shit, so you actually kissed Liv? What the fuck, when?"

John B's cheeks flushed slightly, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes. "Earlier today, after we went to the lighthouse. It just... happened."

JJ's eyes widened, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Oh, man! You're in deep shit now, John B. Nicky's gonna have a field day with this."

Nick leaned back in his seat, unsure of what to say. He wondered that, if JJ and Pope weren't making a big deal out of what happened, then why should he? Was he reading into something that wasn't there? Should he have expected this? After all, John B was his best friend. He knew him better than anyone. And he trusted that whatever was going on between John B and Olivia was for the best.

So the Warren boy cleared his throat.

"You know how protective I am of Liv."

It seemed like enough. It was a warning and a blessing all wrapped up in one. And luckily, John B understood.

The Routledge boy chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know, man, trust me. But Olivia's different. She's special."

"I do trust you, man." Nick's expression softened, replaced by a genuine smile. "Just– just treat her right, okay? Or else I'll have to kick your ass."

John B nodded, his voice filled with sincerity. "I promise, bro. Really, I do."

"So this is like a thing then? You and Liv?" JJ asked John B, wiggling his eyebrows at the Routledge boy.

"I don't know." John B sighed, drumming his hands on the steering wheel anxiously. "We haven't really had the chance to talk about it. But I mean, I hope so-"

"Oooooo," Pope dragged out, and JJ whistled obnoxiously in the backseat. "Liv and John B, sitting in a tree-"

"Here we go," John B leaned back against the headrest, and his three friends kept singing so loud that he flushed with embarrassment. "What are we? Twelve?"

But Nick, Pope, and JJ wouldn't let him off that easily.


John B tried to hide the redness in his cheeks.

"Knock it off."

"First comes looooooove," JJ dragged out, ruffling the Routledge boy's hair.

"Then comes marriage," Pope wrapped an arm around John B'a shoulder as he sung.

"Then comes a mini-van instead of a carriage." Nick finished off, and even John B had to laugh at the rhyme change. And his laughter was contagious.

As the four friends continued their banter, a sense of camaraderie filled the air. They may have been Pogues, living on the outskirts of society, but they had each other's backs. So they had cherish these lighthearted moments, knowing that their bond was unbreakable.

Luckily for John B and his rosy cheeks, it wasn't long before Olivia had reappeared and put an end to his torment. As the four boys saw her jogging down the steps towards the Twinkie, they quickly realized Kiara wasn't with her.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders as she got closer to the vehicle. "She says she's not coming."

"Why not?" JJ's ears perked up in the backseat. He gave the boy in the driver's seat a look. "What'd you do to her, John B?"

But John B didn't bother to answer the question. He just tapped the wheel in thought, and said, "Shit."

"God, please don't tell me you kissed her, too." Nick muttered, and before Olivia had the chance to slap him over the head, he unbuckled himself and climbed out of the Twinkie. "Wait here. I'll handle it."

Heading inside the building, Nick instantly spotted Kiara over by the counter, spackling a hole in the wall. As he made his way through the restaurant, he ran into Kiara's parents, Anna and Mike, and awkwardly waved in their direction. It was no secret that the Carreras didn't exactly approve of their daughter's relationships with Nick and his friends. Suddenly, the reason for Kiara's reluctance to join them was clear.

Still, Nick greeted them politely.

"Hey there, Mr. and Mrs. Carrera."

Anna and Mike exchanged a quick glance before Anna mustered a tight smile. "Hello, Nick," she said, her voice laced with a hint of disapproval.

Mike cleared his throat, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What brings you here?" he asked, his tone guarded.

Nick's gaze flickered towards Kiara, who was still engrossed in her thoughts by the counter. "I came to see Kie," he replied, his voice steady. "We were supposed to hang out today."

"You and your friends have caused enough trouble around here," Mike's eyes bore into Nick's, his words heavy with accusation. "And I'll tell you the same thing I told your sister: we don't want Kiara getting caught up in your mess."

Nick's jaw tightened, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. He understood their concerns, but he couldn't help feeling like they were judging him based solely on his status on the island. "I get it," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "But I think that's up to Kie to decide, don't you?"

Anna's expression softened slightly, but her skepticism remained. "We just want what's best for our daughter."

Nick nodded, his gaze shifting back to Kiara, who had finally noticed their presence. She excused herself from the counter and made her way towards them, a mix of curiosity and concern etched on her face.

"Hey, what's going on?" Kiara asked, her eyes darting between her parents and Nick.

Nick took a deep breath, trying to steady himself before speaking. "I need to talk to you," he said, his voice filled with determination. He glanced at Mike and Anna, who were watching the exchange with wary eyes. "Come on, it'll only take a second."

Kiara hesitated for a moment, torn between her loyalty to her parents and her curiosity about what Nick had to say. She glanced at her parents, who exchanged another quick glance before Anna nodded slightly, giving her permission to go.

"Okay," Kiara agreed, her voice cautious. She turned to her parents, her eyes pleading. "Please, just give us a minute."

Mike sighed, his expression softening slightly. "Fine, but make it quick," he said, his voice gruff.

As Kiara and Nick walked deeper into the restaurant, to a place where her parents were well out of earshot, Nick took another deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. He knew he had to choose his words carefully, to convince Kiara that going with him and their friends was the right decision, especially since their shenanigans had landed her in jail less than six hours ago.

"Listen, I-"

"I'm going to tell you that same thing I told Liv." Kiara cut across him, crossing her arms over her chest. "Whatever it is, the answer's 'no'."

Nick's mouth fell open before he stood up straight. "But you haven't even heard the question yet," he sulked. "Come on, Kie. John B thinks he's actually onto something."

But Kiara just rolled her eyes.

"That's what he thought last time, Nicky."

"I know," Nick nodded in agreement. "But I think he actually means it this time. Come on, I know you're not trying to enable John B in his delusion, but... we need you right now."

Kiara sighed, her resolve wavering slightly as she looked into Nick's pleading eyes. She knew deep down that he was right. John B's determination had gotten them into countless dangerous situations before, but it had also led them to incredible discoveries and unforgettable adventures as a team.

"I just... I don't want to keep getting into trouble, Nick," Kiara admitted, her voice filled with uncertainty. "I mean, my dad just bailed us out of jail. Shouldn't we be laying low for a while?"

Nick reached out and gently placed a hand on Kiara's arm, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. "I get it, Kie. But think about it. We're so close to finding the answers we've been searching for. The gold, the truth about John B's dad... this could be our chance to finally uncover everything."

Kiara's heart raced at the mention of the truth. The mystery surrounding Big John's disappearance had tormented them for almost a year, and the thought of finally getting some answers was both terrifying and exhilarating. She glanced over her shoulder, catching a glimpse of her parents engrossed in conversation with one of the line cooks in the back.

Taking a deep breath, Kiara made up her mind. "Alright, I'm in," she sighed. "But on one condition."

Nick's face lit up with a mixture of relief and excitement. "Anything, Kie. Name your price."

But to Nick's surprise, a softer smile played on Kiara's lips as she leaned in closer to him, her voice barely above a whisper. "You have to promise me that if things get too dangerous, we'll get out," she told him, eye unwavering. "No more risking our lives for this treasure hunt."

Nick's gulped a little. His eyes softened as he nodded, his hand still resting on Kiara's arm. "Okay, I promise."

A sense of relief washed over Kiara as she realized she had made the right decision. She trusted Nick, and she knew that together, they could navigate whatever obstacles lay ahead. With a newfound determination, she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on Nick's cheek, a silent thank you for his unwavering support.

Nick's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as he felt the warmth of Kiara's lips on his skin. He couldn't help but smile, feeling a surge of happiness and gratitude wash over him. In that moment, he knew that he would do anything to protect Kiara and keep her safe. As they pulled away from each other, their eyes locked, and a silent understanding passed between them. They were in this together, no matter what.

With renewed determination, they turned and made their way outside where their friends were waiting.

John B's eyes widened in surprise as he saw Kiara and Nick approaching. "You're in?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and disbelief.

Kiara nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. "I'm in," she replied, her voice steady. "But let's go before I change my mind."

And as John B started up the car, there was a sense of excitement brewing. The Routledge boy seemed to be more sure of himself this time now that they were all together, and it gave the rest of the Pogues more faith in their leader as the sun began to set.

Nick just hoped that they found answers before the square groupers found them...

─── • ───

The sun had almost completely set as they drove the Twinkie towards John B's latest lead in his father's disappearance. Since Nick had managed to get Kiara in on the plan, they were all together once more. Kiara had booted JJ from the front seat, getting him to move to the back so that she was in the passenger seat beside John B, while the other four Pogues piled into the back of the Twinkie.

"You mind if I just relax on this one?" JJ asked as he removed a Juul from between his lips, leaning back against his seat. "It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuff's gone down. I'm just gonna lay low."

He wasn't wrong. Sure, they got up to the occassional adventure and trouble but in the space of only a couple of days they had nearly been arrested, shot at, and hunted down.

When JJ noticed Pope looking at him, he held out the Juul. "Oh, did you want a hit of this?"

"I keep the signal clear," Pope replied, holding a hand up to say no.

"Give me that," Nick leaned across the Twinkie and took the Juul from JJ. He put it between his lips and took a deep drag. The thick smoke curled out of his lips and disappeared into the air around them. Nick leaned back and tried to forget about the day as the high kicked in and fogged up his brain just enough.

JJ looked at Pope and shook his head. "Dude, okay. Do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative?" he started rambling, courtesy of the weed seeping into his brain. "If you don't get creative, then-"

"Look," John B interjected, cutting off the conversation. "I- I know I was wrong about the lighthouse, all right? And wrong about everything else going on. But, I- I was right about one thing, okay? My dad is trying to tell me something."

None of the Pogues said anything in response. They were already on their way there, so there was no point in trying to convince him otherwise. Besides, what was the worst that could happen? At best, they find the gold. At worst, they go home empty-handed.

Hopefully in one piece.

After another twenty minutes of driving, they arrived at a graveyard on the outskirts of town. Putting the van in park and grabbing some flashlights, the Pogues walked through the gates and began to make their way through the cemetery. Less than eager, Nick followed along, flashlight in his hand as they made their way through the headstones and memorials.

"This place is scary, John B." Kiara told him, as they walked through the dark. "What are we doing here?"

"Okay," John B started, "so you know how you're trying to remember a song and you can't remember who sings it?"


"So, Redfield. This whole time I thought it was a place, right?" John B continued. "But it's not a place. It's a person."

As John B slowed to a stop, the other five Pogues all saw that he had led them to a grey mausoleum. The name above the stone door read: 'REDFIELD'.

"Voi-effing-là," JJ said, the light from the headlamp he was wearing shining on the name as he looked upwards.

"See my great-great-grandmother, Emma Redfield. That was her maiden name," John B informed them all, finally revealing what he had uncovered about the clue. "So help me with the door. Come on."

(A/N: changed the name so we don't get confused lol)

Pope stepped forward, offering up his services to the Routledge boy. The two approached the door and began to push against it, but it didn't move an inch. Nick and JJ then stepped forward also, hoping to lend a hand. Together, the four boys pulled on the door as hard as they could.

"This door is like 700 pounds, man." Pope strained. "It's not going to budge."

"Hurry up before someone sees us out here," Olivia said as she held her flashlight pointed at the boys.

"I don't see you helping," Nick groaned out loud as he readjusted his footing. "We didn't come this far to get this far, all right? We got this."

The sound of hissing came from the mausoleum as a snake came from a gap in the stone. The boys yelled and took a step back, as it slithered out and dropped to the ground.

"That's a moccasin, all right," JJ almost chuckled. "Ye olde Dr. Cottonmouth. Death in tall grass."

The blond boy then began to bark at the reptile, much to the horror of his friends. Nick quickly slapped a hand over JJ's mouth. "What the hell are you doing? Shut the fuck up."

"You're gonna wake the dead, man," Pope added, eyes wide. They all watched as the snake slithered away, hoping that it had no plans to return.

JJ reached up and pulled Nick's hand away, shrugging, "They're afraid of dogs. Everyone knows that, man."

"Are you serious right now?" Olivia asked him in a low voice. "If anything, you're just gonna piss it off!"

The Maybank boy narrowed his eyes for a moment, before he smirked, "Wait, are you still afraid of snakes?"

"You say that as if the fangs and the venom and the lifeless eyes aren't a valid reason to be afraid," Olivia replied bitterly, eyes scanning the ground to be sure it hadn't returned.

"Well, be careful," JJ warned. "If there's one, there's probably dozens."

Olivia shuddered and instinctively grabbed onto John B's arm as she looked around quickly, praying that another snake didn't appear. When JJ began barking again, she almost jumped out of her skin in shock.

"Stop, you're scaring me," Kiara insisted, just as frustrated as the rest of them.

"Stop barking at the snakes!" Pope hissed, giving the blond boy a small shove before turning to their other friend. "Look, John B, we're not gonna get in there. It's not budging. We should probably just go."

Shining her flashlight over the mausoleum, Kiara thought aloud, "I can get through."

Nick's eyes widened. "What? No, no, no. You think you're gonna fit through the hole? The same hole a snake just crawled out of? A snake, Kiara."

"So you convince to come on this mission, and now we're just going to give up at the first sign of trouble?" Kiara rolled her eyes at him before turning to John B. "Look, this is about your dad. And honestly, I really don't believe in it, but you deserve to know the truth. So I'll do it."

And with her mind made up, Kiara took a step closer to the mausoleum. She then glanced at the boys, "Can you give me a hand?"

Realizing there was no winning with Kiara, Nick sighed and stepped forward to help with Pope. They grabbed ahold of the roots covering the door and pulled them away, while John B held Olivia in his arms and kept an eye out for more snakes. JJ then went over and leant against the door, cupping his hands together.

"I'm gonna boost you, all right. I've seen it in the movies several times," JJ reassured Kiara. "Ready?"

Kiara was prepared to step up when she stopped to glance at John B. "Remind me what I'm looking for?"

"You'll know when you see it," John B replied rather cryptically.

Nodding, Kiara allowed JJ to boost her up to the hole. Putting one foot in JJ's cupped hands, she placed her hands on his shoulders. Nick watched as she dragged herself through and dropped down into the mausoleum. The rest of the Pogues kept watch from the outside, waiting as Kiara searched the cobweb-infested space.

"You alive?" Nick called from outside, a look of concern etched across his face. "You got, like, a- a heartbeat and everything?

"So far," Kiara responded, and Nick finally let himself breathe. "Uh... I just need some more light."

John B stepped forward and lifted one of the flashlights to the opening in the wall, helping to light up the small space a bit more.

"Did you find something?" JJ asked when he noticed the Carrera girl had fallen silent again. "Is there gold?"

More silence stretched, and Nick felt his heart sink.

"Kie? You okay?"

Kiara's voice gave him goosebumps as he heard her whisper: "Oh, my god..."

─── • ───

author's note:
*this chapter was not proof read*

hi again! two updates back-to-back?? lol since when ANYWAYS! hope you enjoyed the angst and fluff <3

[insert begging for comments and votes here]


xo, selena

p.s. we're still a few eps out, but what do you guys want me to do with the vlad/valerie storyline? if i change it to nick and sarah, what else should I change?

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