chapter five

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Me and Allison had french together, I wasn't paying much attention. I was mainly thinking about the body we found in the woods.

"Mademmoiselle Argent, Mademmoiselle Argent!" Ms Morrell spoke, waking Allison from her slumber.

We were sitting next to each other so Ms Morrell whispered in between us. "You guys are starting to concern me. Maybe you should both see me for guidance later"

The rest of the class left as the bell rang, me and Allison eyed each other. "Or, you know, you could tell me and Ali what you were doing alone in the bank" I said.

"Or, you should tell me what you both were doing there"

We both looked at each other but didn't dare speak about why we were there. "How about you tell me the french word for it that's the same in english and you can advoid detention"

My nerves began shaking, city of paris yet I hate french. Allison answered the question but she said it too fast that I didn't catch it.


I walked over to Lydia wanting to talk with her. "It's scary if you think about it. I mean anyone of us could be killed if it's a murderer"

"I doubt anyone would murder us, we're protected by werewolves" she said.

Footsteps were heard running towards us, it was Stiles. "You know there's a temple in Calcutta where they used to sacrifice a child every day. That's every day a dead baby. Hey you wanna know what today is? Dead baby day, oh no wait. That's everyday, everyday is dead baby day" Stiles rambled to me and Lydia.

"And, why are you telling us this?" I asked confused.

"Because, Scott is busy and the same with Isaac. Busy with those alpha twins"

Lydia stopped in her tracks replaying what he said. "Alpha twins?"

"Yeah, Ethan and Aiden are Alpha's" I said.

"Oh yeah" was all she said.

Stiles discared the previous convosation. "Anyways, this is what I'm thinking. I'm thinking the murders come in three's. Three virgins, and then maybe, three people with little dogs-"

"I have a little dog," Lydia interupted. She rolled her eyes, almost offended. "I am not getting rid of my dog"

Stiles looked Lydia dead in the eye, "But, would you, maybe, think about getting rid of your dog?" he asked.

"No!" she snapped back.

"Stiles, I love your determination but you can't make patterns from random hunches. Three people with little dogs? It doesn't make sense, sorry" I added.

"So I'm just supposed to wait around for someone else to die? I'm just supposed to watch them die? Just wait around for them to wither up and die infront of me?"

I groaned in disgust, "Wither?" Lydia said.

"Yeah, wither. Die just in a hideously, awful, head bashing, strangulating, throat cutting, kinda way"

Lydia gulped at the description, "Maybe it isn't your job. I mean it sounds leave the figuring out to someone human"

"I am human but someone like my dad?"

I rolled my eyes, "Not someone like your dad. We need your dad"


Looking at my timetable I realised I had music. I was gifted with the gift of playing the guitar. "Hey! Do you know where music is?" I asked the boy who I saw earlier.

"This way, I'm Danny by the way" he said.

"Ava, nice to meet you"

I walked into the music classroom and sat myself down next to Danny. Lydia was sitting drawing, keeping her mind occupied.

A few minutes went by and the teacher was a no show. I glanced at Lydia, a smile forming on my face. "Lydia, that's really good!" I said.

"I know, right" Lydia replied with a smirk, she started to continue drawing. I noticed Danny peering over at me and Lydia.

"You should be in art class,"

Lydia looked at him and started thinking about it. "Since you're not in music" Danny finished.

Mine and Lydia's eyes widened at the thought.

"Hold up, you aren't? Then what are you doing here" I added. Lydia looked around the classroom almost now realising where she was.

A few of the other students started leaving the classroom and so was Danny. I tapped his back as he was exiting and made him stop walking.


"Why is everyone leaving?" I asked him, Lydia was still sat in her seat pondering in her own thoughts.

"Ah, no-one explained. We have a rule in this high-school. If the teacher doesn't show up in a time limit then class is cancelled" he replied, sending me a smile and leaving.

Lydia stood up, drawing in hand, an empty pit in my stomach filling up. Was this normal for the teacher to not show? Why was Lydia in the wrong class? Where the hell is the teacher?

I noticed Lydia walking around the music room to a piano with a phone on the side.

Almost by instinct, Lydia plays the recording that showed up on the phone. It was somebody playing the piano, Lydia got bored of it and skipped it towards the end.

My heart began thumping out of my chest once I realised what I just heard. A loud thud from the recording caused us to jump back in alarm.

There was some background noise but what caught me off guard was a drop of red on the floor. I walked over to it and my jaw dropped.

"Oh my god, Lydia!" I yelled. She rang somebody on her phone with her hands shaking. My eyes tried peering away but my body never let me move.

A puddle of blood was scattered all around the other side of the piano. It wasn't dark red, it wasn't dried. It was bright red, it was fresh.

Fresh blood and a piano recording.

Lydia and I exchanged glances but we knew what it meant or what it could mean. I was knew to the whole supernatural side of things but it always seemed to fascinate me.

I zoned out thinking of all the potential possabilities and soon snapped out of it once I saw Stiles and an unfamiliar man come inside.

He played the recording and looked at me. "We haven't been introduced, I'm Deaton"

The Deaton! The guy who I heard saved Scott and Stiles a bunch of times. "I'm Ava, sadly we met on unfortunate circumstances"

Deaton started talking to Lydia about the recording. I headed over to Stiles, my leg bouncing up and down once I sat on the desk.

"You okay?" he asked me. I smiled but he could tell it wasn't an 'I'm okay' smile.

"Things like this always suprise me even though I know what's going on" Stiles said.

I rubbed my hands together, "Lydia told me about thingd that happen, I guess seeing it for yourself makes it feel real and scary"

Stiles stared listening to every word I said, my eyes gazing at his pretty brown eyes. "It will get easy, even if it doesn't seem like it will" Stiles clapped his hands together wanting attention from Deaton.

"Any news or information would really be helpful" he told him. "Each grouping of three would have its own purpose or perhaps power. Virgins, healers, philosophers, warriors-"

Stiles picked something up from the music teachers drawer and interuppted Deaton. "warrior could, also, be like a solider, right?" he asked. Deaton nodded his head.

A picture of the music teacher, perhaps his wife, but one detail stuck out. He was wearing a military uniform.

"Wasn't Kyle in ROTC with Boyd or something?" I said. "Yeah, but Boyd would be at home I think, I'll try get in contact"

"We might have just cracked the pattern!" I said cheerfully not noticing Lydia staring at the floor. "Lydia, you alright?"

She snapped out of zoning out and looked between me and Deaton. "Nothing, just, I thought of somebody else with a military connection"

"Spit it out then!" I said, becomimg impatient.

"Mr Harris,"

im back baby!!!!

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