chapter two

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Lydia texted me about how Allison wanted to talk to Scott about the bruises they both had recieved. She picked me up in her car and grabbed a pen. She made me outline the bruise incase it meant something.

"Personally, it looks like a hand bruise. You know when someone puts too much pressure on it and their fingers outline onto the wrist" I explained.

Lydia put her hand back onto the wheel and Allison kept looking at the bruise. "It's a pattern, it has to mean something" Allison said.

"I don't mean to be sharing negative stuff but are you sure Scott will know anything about this?" I asked them. Allison turned her head to face me "He might not but he might know someone who does"

"I know but how are you sure this isn't just a coincidence?" I sighed as I asked the question. "Because that girl wasn't just looking for Scott it was like she needed to to see him. Like she had to and that means something"

Lydia drove to a house with lights on and people going in and out with music blaring from the speakers. We all got out of the car and Allison rushed over towards Scott who was standing outside.

"This isn't the talk we we're going to have is it?" he asked Allison, looking at me and Lydia. Allison quickly shook her head, "Ava, why don't you go and make some friends?" Lydia asked me as she pointed to the party.

"If I must" I whispered to her, I waved goodbye to Scott and walked into the party.  Loud music and people dancing were in every part of the house. "Get a bottle of wine with me" I heard.

It was Stiles and a blonde headed girl who was holding his hand and taking him to the basement. I huffed not seeing anyone I knew but soon sat myself on one of the seats.

"Hey, I'm Oliver. What's your name?" a boy asked as he sat himself down next to me. "Oh, um, I'm Ava"

"A pretty name for a pretty girl. Would you like a drink?"

I nodded my head in response. Oliver got up and he came back with two drinks in his hand. He handed me one and I took a sip.

"Are you here alone?"

"No, I have my friends with me. Their talking about something so I thought I'd come inside" I explained.

"Why not come with me and I'll give you a night to remember?" I stood up and chucked my drink at his face. "Bastard" I muttured before walking up the steps to go to the bathroom.

I noticed the door open so I opened it wider to see Stiles rumaging through the drawers and was holding a box of XXL condoms.

Of all things to walk in on this has to happen.

My eyes widened in shock and turned to leave but my heel stepped on the wooden flooring and made it creak. "Ava?" I heard.

I slowly turned around and was faced with Stiles and his, now, bright red cheeks. He noticed my eyes darted to the box so I re-adjusted my gaze and he quickly hid the box behind his back.

"What, uh, are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming to this?"

I rubbed my elbow and felt my cheeks turn a shade of pink. "Yeah, I wasn't going to come here but Allison wanted to talk to Scott and Lydia was my ride so, here I am" I nervously chuckled.

"Listen, I'll leave you to whatever your going to do"  I said in reference to the box of condoms in his hand. I turned around and ran down the stairs making sure Oliver didn't know where I was.

I sighed at the embarrasing interaction, more so embarrasing for him, I remembered that he was being dragged in the basement with that blonde girl and now he went to get a condom.

He can't be that size. He just can't..right?

I ignored the thoughts popping into my head and went to search for Allison and Lydia. They were still outside so I pushed open the door and went to them.

"Made any friends? Any new discoveries?" Lydia asked.

"Friends? nope. Discoveries? oh, my god yes"

Allison still spoke to Scott and picked up Lydia's wrist. "I don't mean to intervene or anything but, it could be a logo of some sort. The outline is the exact same so unless it was just a hard imprinting maybe it could also be that" I told them.

"Ava could be right" Scott agreed, as he looked Allison in the eye.


The sun shone down onto us all as I joined Allison and Lydia in a classroom to meet up with this Derek.

I've not heard things about Derek but only that he is starting his own pack and bit a few kids. It sounds dodgy as hell but hey! I'm not gonna tell him how to live his life.

I held Lydia and Allison's wrists together and re-outlined the bruise. "How is a bruise going to tell me where Erica and Boyd are?" Derek asked.

I'm guessing those where the teens he bit. "I'm not an expert at this stuff but what if it means something. I mean why is the bruise the same?"

"It's nothing" Derek said as he gave another inspection of the bruise.

"Pareidolia" Lydia mentioned. "Seeing patterns that aren't there. It's a subset of apophenia" I gave Lydia a little clap.

Scott turned around to face Derek. "Their tryna help" he told him.

"What, these three?" Derek said, pointing as me, Allison and Lydia. "This one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle. Thank you" he averted his gaze to Allison. "Her, who shot about 30 arrows into me and my pack" Derek began staring at me. "And finally this one, who is probably as crazy as her cousin"

I scoffed at him. How rude of him to say I'm crazy! How rude of him to say Lydia was crazy!

"Now you listen here, I've only arrived here about 2 days ago so don't bring me into your little judgey moment. Lydia isn't crazy if anything you're the crazy one for saying she's crazy. Allison was, obviously, fed the wrong information so I beg you..if you wanna be a whiny bitch then go ahead but do it in your own time and not when we're trying to help you!" I shouted at him. Lydia's jaw dropped aa she whispered something to me "You're awesome"

Derek folded his arms and clenched his jaw. "She hears things, things we can't hear. So, if you think that's normal you're just like her"

I lifted up my hand and showed him my middle finger "All for you, you little sour wolf"

"Whatever" he said, ignoring me.

"No-one died, right? There may have been a little maiming, a little mangaling, but no death" Stiles informed, to change the subject.

I moved over to him and sat on top of the table. It was a little awkward after seeing him, due to the circumstances, the other night but we had to move past it.

"My mother died" Allison said, staring at Derek. "Your family's little honour code killed her, not me"

"All hatred aside, that girl needed to see Scott. She was determinted to see him and that is why we are here. Let us help" I stated.

"You wanna help? Find something real" He told us all before leaving us alone to our thoughts.

"Who pissed in his cheerios?" I joked.

"I heard that" He yelled from behind the door.

Right..werewolf hearing.


We all had health class with the person they call 'Coach'. Not really a proper name but I'll stick with it.

The only available seat was next to Stiles. Hopefully he forgot about the encounter at the party.

I put my bag under the desk and got some books out. There was a noise coming from the front of the class so I payed attention from then on.

"The stock market is based on two principles. What are they?" Coach asked.

Scott immediately put his hand up, which told me he knew the answer. "Yes, McCall you can go to the bathroom"

Scott dropped his hand and I raised an eyebrow. "No, I know the answer"

Coach started laughing until he realised Scott was serious. "Oh, you're serious"

Wow..he is such a great teacher.

"Risk and reward" Scott told Coach.

"Wow, who are you?" Coach walked towards Scott "And what have you done to McCall?" He placed his hands on Scott's desk. "Don't answer that, I like you better. Does anybody have a quarter?" Coah asked as he walked around the classroom.

"yep" Stiles said as he reached into his pocket. A quarter came out but also a familiar object flew out.

Oh my god..the XXL condom..the exact one I saw him searching for.

I placed my hand over my eyes and sunk into my chair. The thoughts and situation came flooding back to me. I was embarrased because we just moved past that and now..this happens.

Scott looks at what Stiles dropped and eyed me up. I shook my head repeatedly to stop him getting any ideas. "Stilinski, you dropped this" Coach handed the condom back to him and looked at me.

"Is he really that big?" Coach whispered to me, turning my cheeks bright red. "No, uh, you got the wrong idea. Me and him? Nope" I bit my lip and sunk back into my chair.

The class stood silent and I felt the embarrasment radiate from Stiles.

"Risk and reward" Coach said, breaking the tension and changing subject. "Put the quarter in the mug, win the reward" Coach went to his desk and picked up a mug, placing it on the floor. He walked a small distance from the mug and lent down on the floor. Coach bounced the quarter on the floor and flung it into the mug.

The entire class clapped and Coach stood up smiling. He walked to a boy in my class "Okay, Danny. Risk, reward" Coach said, handing a quarter to Danny.

"What's the reward?" Danny asked him.

"You don't have to take the pop quiz" Coach replied.

"Coach, it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it" Danny added.

"Danny, you know, I really expect more from you at this point" Coach said, taking the quarter from Danny and went over to Scott.

"McCall. Risk, reward" He placed the quarter on Scott's desk. "The risk, if you don't put that quarter in the mug, you have to take the pop quiz" Coach stopped talking to look at Danny. "The..quiz. And you have to write an essay. Risk, more work. Reward, no work at all. Or choose not to play"

"Isn't it just chance?" Scott wondered.

It's true, the game is just chance.

"You know your abilities, your coordination, your focus, your past experiences. All factors affecting your outcome" Coach explained.

Scott picked up the quarter and looked at it. "What's it gonna be McCall? More work, no work, or choose not to play?" Coach asked. Scott took one last look and placed the quarter down, "No play" Coach announced.

Coach stood up and walked around the classroom. "Okay, who's next? Who wants the quarter?" Coach asked. Stiles tapped his desk a few times before standing up, smiling. "There you go! There's a gambiling man!"

Coach handed him the quarter and Stiles leveled himself, the same distance that coach did, and began to toss the coin. "Stiles" a voice said, I directed my gaze to the sheriff. I assume that is his dad, why is he here though?

"Yeah, Coach I got it" Stiles said, assuming it was Coach who called his name. "Stiles" he said once again, but this time Stiles looked up. The sheriff said something to Stiles but I couldn't catch what he said. Stiles stopped what he was doing and walked out the classroom.

The next class appeared and I went to the library with Lydia and Allison. We went to the back of the library and took our seats.

Allison used her notepad and sketched the bruise to get a better look at it. Lydia glared at something behind me so I turned around to see the twins from earlier. "I want one" Lydia blurted out.

"Which one?" Allison asked, with a smile. "The straight one, obviously" Lydia replied. One of the twins went over to Danny and began talking to him.

I ignored what the twins were doing to focus on Allison's computer. "Maybe it isn't a symbol" I told her. I remembered my previous thought about it being a logo.

I searched on her laptop for 'Beacon Hill Buisness Logos'. Lydia was long gone talking to the straight twin so I didn't bother speaking to her.

"What are you doing?" Allison asked me. "Searching for a possibility" I said, handing back the laptop. After searching for a while a smile formed on my face.

"Found it! Beacon Hills first National Bank" I wrote it down on the notepad, along with the location, and handed it back to her. "Why would she give me and Lydia a bruise of that?" Allison asked me.

"I'm not sure but maybe that could be the proof" I told her. I tied my hair up and rubbed my hands together. "We should go there" Allison said, breaking the silence. "What, why?"

"Derek said we need to find something real. This is our chance!"

I pressed my lips together thinking of what to do. "When do we go?" I asked her. "Tonight"

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