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   The field was massive, in the distance along the bleachers a boy sat alone. A cigarette hidden beneath the tips of his fingers as he watched his sister pace along the field. He didn't understand the sport but for her sake he attempted too, it's just a bunch of girls going back and forth with a ball.

Like that was remotely entertaining? He leaned back as the crowd around him screamed and cheered, so many drunk people stumbling over themselves like mad animals. He rolled his eyes, blew out a cloud of smoke from the crack of his lips and then stood up.

He didn't really pay any attention to the people surrounding him, he honestly didn't care. He walked along the field his sneakers digging into the soft mesh material of it as he approached his sister.

"Wow real nice work there Jackie. Who would've known you were so good at kicking balls back and forth for hours! I mean certainly not me". She looked unamused by him as he grinned at her slightly "are you always this annoying Corey?".

He shrugged his shoulders "only to my wonderful twin sister, who shall forever be the best soccer player I've ever seen". He did a dramatic bow the cigarette dangling out of his lips as he chuckled.

She smacked his shoulder slightly "newsflash I'm the favorite of us both" he rolled his eyes "I was named first". He walked beside her "well I'm the oldest of us both! So that beats everything else".

He threw his head back dramatically "oh however will the world survive knowing Jackie is older by five fucking minutes. Everyone may as well worship you then at this rate if you're gonna brag".

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder "but hey, I am proud of you for winning this thing, even if I don't find soccer all that entertaining". Jackie smiled "thanks, I mean I couldn't have done it without the girls, we're a team for a reason".

Corey looked around at the other teammates "you're all actually pretty good, I would suck at soccer, I would probably be the one teammate that gets kicked off during tryouts". Jackie laughed as they walked towards the locker room, he stopped in front of the entranceway. "You'd be surprised Corey, I think if you practiced enough you could play with us for fun".

He smiled as he leaned into the wall "maybe I'll take notes when I go with you to nationals. I'll likely be on the flight with you since mom and dad would never pay for a separate one for me".

Jackie smiled "we can be seat buddies like when we were little kids, although you always took the window seat. There's no way I'm letting you have it this time around". His gaze looked at the girls as they walked down the hallway towards the locker room.

"There's no way we can be seat buddies, Shauna would freak out without you beside her. I'll just sit alone in the back or something, have a whole window to myself". He grinned as he looked at Lottie who smiled at him as she walked extra slow down the hallway. "Alright I better go change, I'll see you when I'm done, you better not leave without me".

Jackie walked into the locker room disappearing as Corey moved away from the wall. "Uh, you did great out there Lottie" he smiled lightly as he looked at her. She looked so shy as she pressed her hands together awkwardly "thanks, you know I did my best".

He nodded "yeah I saw, you're like really good at soccer, even if I don't understand how it works". She chucked "it's confusing at first, but you get the hang of it after awhile". He pushed his hand on the back of his neck as he chuckled awkwardly.

"Maybe you could teach me sometime, Jackie doesn't really have the time to show me. Says the only way to learn is if I go for it, whatever that means". Lottie smiled "I.. I could teach you after we're back from nationals if you'd like. I have the time".

He smiled brightly "uh yeah! Yeah that sounds cool, I'll be with you at nationals, in the crowd cheering you all on, go Yellowjacket's am I right?".

She giggled lightly "yeah, I know you'll be our best cheerleader out there, I'll see you around". She walked into the locker room and Corey smiled.

He walked off down the hallway with a pep in his step as he approached the parking lot. Jackie would meet up with him eventually, hopefully at least.

Corey laid down on his bed his gaze looking up at the ceiling as he held tightly onto a soccer ball. "What's got you thinking over there" he twirls the ball on his hands slightly as he looks at his doorway.

"Shouldn't you be with Jeff right now? That guy is a total dickhead by the way". He throws the ball into the air and Jackie walks inside "he just left, Shaunas outside waiting for us, why do you look so sad".

He sighs deeply "I'm not sad. Just nervous is all" she grabs the ball from his hand and he sits up, "yeah right, is this about Lottie Matthews? I sorta heard your conversation with her yesterday, you like her don't you? It's kinda obvious at this point".

He snatches the ball out of Jackie's hands "uh no" he rubs the back of his neck "there's no way I like Lottie Matthews, besides she'd like never go for someone like me, I'm like... not boyfriend material".

Jackie rolled her eyes "she talks about you like all the time in the locker room, you better stop being a baby and ask her out already". Corey sighed deeply as he walked out of his room "I'm a total loser, I'd mess up just asking her out! I'm gonna save myself from embarrassment and just not say anything".

Jackie laughed lightly as they walked outside "if you don't ask her out, I'll tell her myself! Come on Corey you deserve to finally date someone, and to be happy for once in your life". He walked beside her his gaze looking at Shaunas car "what if she like rejects me, my ego can only handle so much Jackie".

Jackie smiled as she turned and looked at Corey "trust me she's into you, there's no way she'll reject you". Corey looked miserable as he grabbed his skateboard from the grass "I just need to think about it, I'll meet you at school, don't worry about me".

He skates off down the sidewalk and Jackie sighs as she climbs into Shaunas car "no Corey today?" Jackie leaned back in the seat. "He's in one of his moods today, apparently he thinks Lottie would reject him if he asked her out. I told him he's crazy!".

Shauna laughed lightly as they drove off "your brother is hot! I mean come on, Lottie would be insane to say no, everyone is always talking about him at school, they call him a hot loner boy".

Jackie sighed "I did not wanna know that information, I mean finding out his first kiss was with Misty Quigley is about all I wanna know about his dating life". Shauna gasped loudly "holy shit! Your brother kissed Misty, why have you never told me this!".

Jackie laughed "because I knew you'd freak out about it, apparently one day he was skateboarding around town and he saw her. Of course he decided to be nice and ask her what she was doing. He said she was upset about something so he offered to hang out with her for the day. Even though I told him she's like crazy, but Corey never listens to me so of course he's running around town with her and then they just kiss".

Shauna couldn't help but burst into laughter "oh god! I can't believe your brothers first kiss was with Misty Quigley, she's like the one person everyone in school avoids because she's insane". 

"Well my brothers far too nice, because he still hangs out with her sometimes. I swear if he ends up dead one of these days, she's the first person on my list of suspects, she's like obsessed with him".

Corey ditched the pep rally the second he could, he didn't really understand the obsession with pep rally's. They were always lame in his eyes, he sat down against the school wall, his hands grasping onto a cigarette as he waited. He could hear the loudness of cheering in the distance making him roll his eyes.

"What are you doing out here" he looked upwards and quickly threw the cigarette in his lips onto the ground. "Uh Lottie, hey" he sat up quickly "shouldn't you like be at the pep rally right now?".

She sits down beside him "I could say the same thing to you, Jackie was looking for you. I told her I'd find you, you're not that hard to find".

He smiled lightly "I always hang out back here. So it's not surprising you found me here". He leaned into the wall "you know those things are bad for you?" She gesture to the cigarette on the ground.

"At this point does it really matter? Every thing kills you these days" she smiled "you're pretty funny, I don't know why it took me so long to notice that".

She stands up "we're having practice later today on the field if you wanna stop by and watch? I know you normally don't show up when Jackie's at practice, but I don't know. Thought maybe you could pick up a few tricks just by watching us play".

His face reddened for a moment "oh uh yeah, I can do that, not like I have anything else to do anyways" he in fact literally had nothing else to do. She smiled and gosh he damn near melted at it "cool, I'll see you there then, maybe we can have a little one on one, I can teach you some tricks".

He blushed "yeah, sounds cool" she waved at him before she walked away. He smiled softly to himself as he stood up and ran off towards the school.

"Corey over here!" Lottie waved at him as he walked along the pavement. He pulled his headphones of his head as he approached her "I honestly didn't know what to pack, so I brought literally all of my clothes". She smiled softly as he followed her into her plane.

"It's pretty cool that your father bought an entire plane for this" she smiled as he kept walking along the aisle. "Yeah, I guess this is is way of being a parent. It was a real shame you didn't show up to practice, would've been nice to show you a few things".

He put his bag away as he sighed softly "sorry about that, I honestly passed out when I got home, completely forgot. Then the next thing I know, Jackie's coming home a little drunk, but at least she was alright, just slightly annoyed".

Lottie pushed her hair behind her ear "so you seriously gonna sit back here alone? I mean there's plenty of seats in the front, you can sit with someone".  Corey chuckled "trust me I prefer sitting alone on planes, don't tell Jackie I said that, she'll hold it against me, seeing she's the only person I sit with".

He climbed into his seat pushing the window open "well I guess I'll see you when we land then, I'll be up here" he smiled "I'll be alright back here. I got my music and the window seat".

He leaned back "what more could I possibly want?" She chuckled "I better get into my seat" she waved at him before she walked off. He watched her as she neared the front of the plane and sat down.

He looked outside the window as the plane started to take off "here goes nothing". He looked at Jackie as she waved at him, he waved back before he pushed his window shut and laid back.

He closed his eyes as he let his headphones go over his ears. His fingers ached as he shoved them into her chest, the bones sharp as they cut at the ends of his fingers and palm. The blood seeped onto her flesh as he wrapped his fingers around something.

Corey hit play on his music as he let himself drift off into a much needed sleep. He felt the plane moving along the air as he relaxed more into his seat. Blood ran down his chin and stained his teeth as he bit down harshly into the flesh. His eyes were crazed and feral as he shoved more of it into his mouth.

"Corey!" his eyes burst open as he felt the plane shaking like crazy he sat up so fast he felt his bones shift into an uncomfortable position. He let out a panicked breath as he looked around his eyes searching "Jackie!". His fingers were coated in blood as he let out a heavy breath, he licked his lips free of any residue as he looked down "J-Jackie.....".

He pulled his seatbelt off, he stood up wincing when he smacked into the wall slightly. "Jackie!" he walked to the aisle "sit down!". He ignored the sound of the man's voice as he was pushed back slightly.

"Hey! Back off man, I'm trying..." he was shoved into his seat "sit down kid!". His seatbelt was grabbed "sir!" the air left his lungs as the plane was ripped in half. "Oh fuck!" he screamed as he was blown back, his fingers gripping the seat as he watched the man fly straight out of the plane.

His eyes widen in horror as he felt the warmth of blood smacking his face. "Take my hand man!" he let out a shaky breath as he struggled to hold the seat. He reached his left hand forward and he felt his finger graze over Travis's. Then he lost his grip and he flew back so hard he couldn't help but scream.

"Fuck!" his vision turned blurry as he felt the wind wrapping around his flesh, and then everything turned dark as he heard the plane crash.

authors notes:
Gosh I forgot how iconic this show was, crazy to think I watched it at random when I saw it on paramount. Best decision of my life!

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