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chapter fifteen: the unmasking of a lifetime

SUNDAY: October 27th, 2026
Woodsboro high school theater

10:00 AM

Benjamin was exhausted, his entire body felt like it was on the verge of falling as he struggled to stay awake. He groaned when his head was pushed back slowly, his breathing was shallow and slow due to his exhaustion. He couldn't focus on anything around him and the strong scents around him made him nauseous.

His eyes closed slowly as he felt the sunglasses on his face be pulled off. The boy jumped awake when a loud screech entered the air. He groaned as he moved his head around to make the noise fade away, it only increased making him grit his teeth as he screamed.

After a few more seconds it turned off and he let out a breath of relief as he tugged at the ropes. He could hear the footsteps around him and he felt anxious as he heard things being dragged along the stage.

He groaned when his arms were forced back, he could feel the ropes loosening as they slowly became untied. "What are you doing!" he huffed when he was forced to stand up and his body was dragged by the ropes.

"I'm not a damn doll!" he groaned when his body was pressed against a tree. He could tell it was fake by the rubber-like material, he felt the ropes tighten as he was tied against the tree with such force.

He could feel more ropes being pressed into his body making him panic as he tried to escape. He flinched when he felt something be wrapped around his face, he could feel the soft material pressing into his eyes.

He coughed when water splashed onto his body, he could feel the tree material soften beneath his fingers. Which meant when the time was right he'd use that to his advantage, he acted helpless as he leaned more back into the tree and let out shaky breaths.

"This plan is stupid, they're not gonna come here for him. We should've used Vivian, they would've ran straight here for her. They're running out of time, guess that means it's time we go with plan B".

"Plan B is even more stupid, we're not gonna kill Ben to scare them here. We just have to wait an hour and they'll show up if they're smart enough".

"Claire is she'll probably get here first, which is why I have the perfect bait" the figure smirked as they pulled their phone out of their pocket "looks like Alix is gonna be single after this. I'll handle them, you take care of Benjamin over there. Make sure he's set for the last scene. It needs to be perfect".

"You're gonna get us caught if you run off alone, we planned everything perfectly. Why can't you just follow the rules for once?".

"I don't follow the rules like you, besides Claire and Alix will be easy to get rid of. Remember what I told you, don't go exposing our location! We need them to find this place on their own accord".

The figure walked off angrily towards the entrance doors before they left in a hurry.

Benjamin laughed as he pushed his head back against the tree. He heard the soft muffled footsteps of one of the figures as they approached him "what's so funny? You know you can't get out of this one Benny. You're trapped and helpless, we sure did a real number on your eyes, the blinding was necessary for your part in all of this. You played the role perfectly".

Benjamin let out a sigh "I'm just honored I guess, that you choose me of all people to blind. I mean seriously, you must've read that play script so many times. All the little details you made sure were right, Gwen falling off her roof, Angel's hands being cut off and Nadia's body being full of poison. Taking away Vivian's voice and blinding me"

"We wanted our play to be perfect, and it will be!" Benjamin huffed "that's where you messed up, I must be really stupid because I didn't realize until now". Benjamin slowly untied the ropes as he kept talking "the play, the version you're creating isn't even the final play. Claire only gave the first draft to one person, and that was me".

Benjamin tugged at the ropes "and you know I'm a kind person, that's my downfall. Like seriously I'm always giving away my shit to people because they're always asking. But I remember that damn draft like the back of my hand because I read it so many times and me being the generous person that I am. I gave it away to Nadia Montgomery".

Benjamin laughed "no one else on this stupid club knows about it except me and her. Claire obviously but this isn't her style, she wouldn't kill off her favorite casting, she said it herself numerous times. She's not a killer and she's not an idiot".

Benjamin blinked slowly "I don't see any reason to kill anyone, I may hate everyone but murder... gosh that's so lame! I barely leave my house, what makes you think I would go out of my way to kill everyone, which means I was right from the start".

Benjamin pulled the ropes off and looked straight down at the person in front of him "karmas a real bitch Andy, you shouldn't have underestimated me".

He smacked Andy harshly making the boy fly onto the ground "fucking weeks! I spend weeks walking around like a jackass! Just so I could catch your sorry ass!". Benjamin picked Andy up and looked at him with such a hurt expression "I knew it was you from the start. I just couldn't figure out the other killer, not until I realized what the pattern was".

Andy groaned as Benjamin pushed him into the wall "you're not blind!" Benjamin smirked "what can I say, I have people inside of places. What was it you said? I'd rather be in debt than dead?".

Andy sneered angrily "you faked it, you've been faking it this entire fucking time!". Benjamin sighed softly "my mother was really helpful, and well what can I say I'm a really good actor. I mean I'm in the drama club! That should literally mean I'm good at acting and getting away with shit".

Benjamin pushed Andy down into the chair and wrapped the ropes around him harshly. "How'd you know it was me then? Why wait so long to stop me!" Benjamin looked at Andy "your aftershave".

Andy frowned deeply as Benjamin tied the ropes "I remember so vividly after I woke up in the hospital. That scent, it was always around whenever someone ended up dead or attacked. That night Vivian was attacked. I remember that smell lingering on the stage when I picked up her body. At the time I thought it was normal since we were hanging out in the tech booth. Which means your partner did that attack on Vivian personally. Then the night I was attacked, gosh I smelled it again. That aftershave, it all clicked together when I smelled it again at the hospital. I thought it was just a coincidence, until the cabin".

Benjamin stood up "you weren't there, you never showed up to the cabin once because you were supposed to be faking a coma. The second I smelled that aftershave I knew it was you. You never handed me Nadia's autopsy because there isn't one. She's not dead, the cops never found a body, which you'd know if you actually talked to a coroner and I did for six hours man! It was boring but they told me what I needed to know. Nadia's body was never found and they just declared her dead and missing. It all made so much sense at the party, when I asked if you had a mask. Your dumbass pulled out a ghostface mask and not the clown one. I mean come on, I might have been blind but still that's not even smart. I saw everything you did, all the little details you thought were hidden away, I saw them and I caught your ass".

Benjamin smiled as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket "I knew it was you from the very beginning, the clues were there I just had to look closer! People's phones and radios kept not working and I remember that one summer where you would mess with people by making their phones not work. You're literally a part of tech crew Andy. Surprised no one else figured that part out like I did. It's a good thing I got pretty close with the tech booth and figured out the shut off code while we had lunch together".

He clicked on his phone "game over Andy".

Corey Beckers House
11:00 AM

The constant dinging of everyone's phones going off made them grab hold of their phones. "Holy shit are you guys seeing this!" Claire looked down at her phone screen. She looked up at Kieran who looked pale and ready to pass out "it's Andy and Nadia, there's literally no fucking way it's them".

Alix felt sick "how the hell did Benjamin even send us a full album full of evidence?". Vivian smirked "it was me, someone had to take the pictures".

Everyone's eyes widen "what the fuck! She speaks!".

authors notes:
yesssss I've waited so many god damn hours to get this chapter out! I've never written so fast in my entire life. I love it.. I love every second of my beautiful mind, I was working overtime! I put in the damn work for this story and it's gonna end soon and I'm gonna cry! But the killers have been revealed and I gotta admit I had like six drafts with different killers in mind but all the little Easter eggs and clues I left behind led to Andy and Nadia. I foreshadowed tf out of it the most when Benjamin was taking with Corey at the cabin. He was telling him about his past relationships with ghostface... I mean hello!!!! That was hinting towards the same thing happening to my baby Ben. Gosh I love my boy Benny said it's the tiny details. I'm gonna sleep now, the last few chapters will be out later today!

no question for this chapter!

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