graphic gallery pt.3

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I can never part ways with this story! After a good hour or two I made a cover, unfortunately I gotta wait till morning to upload it to the actual book. Because Wattpad decided let's make it blurry when I do it on my phone so I'll try and use my computer to see if that'll make it not look shitty and blurry. I've literally never had this problem before when uploading other covers I've made which is rare I hate making covers lol, but I got bored and couldn't sleep so I made this! I'm actually like really proud of this, I've never made a cover with this many people in it before, will I do it again? Likely but only if I'm bored as hell. If I end up making more covers for fun I'll add them here, I'm also attempting keyword (attempting!) to make ghostface posters of all the characters. Although those I'll likely add in the new book. Also I remember why I had doing covers the most. 1. The filters are always so hard to pick from! 2. Fonts are my worst enemy like no matter what I did I hated the words and fonts on this cover but overall it turned out decent. First cover I've made in months, I still got it!

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